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C. Y. Wu  J. Mote-Jr.    M. D. Brennan 《Genetics》1990,125(3):599-610
Interspecific differences in the tissue-specific patterns of expression displayed by the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes within the Hawaiian picture-winged Drosophila represent a rich source of evolutionary variation in gene regulation. Study of the cis-acting elements responsible for regulatory differences between Adh genes from various species is greatly facilitated by analyzing the behavior of the different Adh genes in a homogeneous background. Accordingly, the Adh gene from Drosophila grimshawi was introduced into the germ line of Drosophila melanogaster by means of P element-mediated transformation, and transformants carrying this gene were compared to transformants carrying the Adh genes from Drosophila affinidisjuncta and Drosophila hawaiiensis. The results indicate that the D. affinidisjuncta and D. grimshawi genes have relatively higher levels of expression and broader tissue distribution of expression than the D. hawaiiensis gene in larvae. All three genes are expressed at similar overall levels in adults, with differences in tissue distribution of enzyme activity corresponding to the pattern in the donor species. However, certain systematic differences between Adh gene expression in transformants and in the Hawaiian Drosophila are noted along with tissue-specific position effects in some cases. The implications of these findings for the understanding of evolved regulatory variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Gene Expression in Adult Metafemales of Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The expression of selected X-linked and autosomal genes was examined in metafemales (3X:2A) compared to diploid sisters. Three enzyme activities (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, beta-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase) encoded by X-linked genes are not significantly different in the two classes of flies. In contrast, three autosomally encoded enzyme activities (alcohol dehydrogenase, alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase) are reduced in metafemales. Protein and DNA comparisons between metafemales and diploid sisters show a lowered level of total protein whereas the total DNA measurements are similar. Thus, the total cell number in metafemales is basically unchanged but gene expression is reduced. Phenotypic analysis of three autosomal loci, glass (gl), purple (pr) and pink-peach (pp), show that all three have lowered expression in metafemales while the X-linked loci, white-apricot (wa) and Bar (B), are dosage compensated. Quantitative dot blot analysis of messenger RNA levels of the second chromosomal locus, alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh), and the X chromosomal locus, rudimentary (r), show that Adh has reduced expression and r is partially compensated per total RNA in metafemales. It is proposed that the increased dosage of the X chromosome inversely affects both the X and autosomal gene expression but the simultaneous increased dosage of the structural genes on the X results in dosage compensation. The reduced levels of expression of autosomal genes could contribute to the great inviability of metafemales.  相似文献   

The Gld gene of Drosophila melanogaster is transiently expressed during every stage of development. The temporal pattern of Gld expression is highly correlated with that of ecdysteroids. Exogeneous treatment of third instar larvae with 20-hydroxyecdysone induces the accumulation of Gld mRNA in the hypoderm and anterior spiracular gland cells. During metamorphosis Gld is expressed in a variety of tissues derived from the ectoderm. In the developing reproductive tract, Gld mRNA accumulates in the female spermathecae and oviduct and in the male ejaculatory duct and ejaculatory bulb. These four organs are derived from closely related cell lineages in the genital imaginal disc. Since the expression of Gld is not required for the development of these reproductive structures, this spatial pattern of expression is most likely a fortuitous consequence of a shared regulatory factor in this cell lineage. At the adult stage a high level of the Gld mRNA is only observed in the male ejaculatory duct.  相似文献   

B. A. Chase  B. S. Baker 《Genetics》1995,139(4):1649-1661
Sex-type in Drosophila melanogaster is controlled by a hierarchically acting set of regulatory genes. At the terminus of this hierarchy lie those regulatory genes responsible for implementing sexual differentiation: genes that control the activity of target loci whose products give rise to sexually dimorphic phenotypes. The genetic analysis of the intersex (ix) gene presented here demonstrates that ix is such a terminally positioned regulatory locus. The ix locus has been localized to the cytogenetic interval between 47E3-6 and 47F11-18. A comparison of the morphological and behavioral phenotypes of homozygotes and hemizygotes for three point mutations at ix indicates that the null phenotype of ix is to transform diplo-X animals into intersexes while leaving haplo-X animals unaffected. Analysis of X-ray induced, mitotic recombination clones lacking ix(+) function in the abdomen of diplo-X individuals indicates that the ix(+) product functions in a cell-autonomous manner and that it is required at least until the termination of cell division in this tissue. Taken together with previous analyses, our results indicate that the ix(+) product is required to function with the female-specific product of doublesex to implement appropriate female sexual differentiation in diplo-X animals.  相似文献   

The peptidase system in Drosophila melanogaster, consisting of dipeptidase-A, dipeptidase-B, dipeptidase-C and the leucine aminopeptidases, was used as a model to study the adaptive significance of enzyme activity variation. The involvement of the peptidases in osmoregulation has been suggested from the ubiquitous distribution of peptidase activities in nearly all tissues and the high concentration of amino acids and oligopeptides in the hemolymph. Under this hypothesis, larvae counteract increases in environmental osmotic stress by hydrolyzing peptides into amino acids both intra- and extracellularly to increase physiological osmotic concentration. The expression of the peptidases was studied by assaying for peptidase activities in third instar larvae of isogenic lines, which were reared under increasing levels of environmental osmotic stress using either D-mannitol or NaCl. Second and third chromosome substitution isogenic lines were used to assess the relative contribution of regulatory and structural genes in enzyme activity variation. Results indicate that: (1) genetic variation exists for peptidase activities, (2) the effect of osmotic stress is highly variable among peptidases, (3) changes in peptidase activities in response to osmotic stress depend on both genetic background and osmotic effector and (4) peptidase activities are correlated with each other, but these phenotypic correlations depend on genetic background, osmotic effector, and level of osmotic stress. Osmotic concentration in the larval hemolymph is correlated with leucine aminopeptidase activity, but changes in hemolymph osmotic concentration in response to environmental osmotic stress depend on the osmotic effector in the environment. Although these findings suggest that genetic and environmental factors contribute significantly toward the expression of enzymes with similar functions, a relative larval viability study of genotypes that differed significantly in dipeptidase-B (DIP-B) activity revealed that low DIP-B activity did not confer any measurable reduction in larval viability under increasing levels of environmental osmotic stress. These negative results suggest that, either DIP-B does not play a major role in osmoregulation or differential osmoregulation is not related to egg to adult viability in these tests.  相似文献   

Chaser (Csr) was uncovered in a gamma mutagenesis screen to identify genes that modify the larval foraging behavior of sitters to rovers. Rover larvae have significantly longer path lenghts than sitters while foraging on a yeast and water paste. This difference is influenced by one major gene, foraging (for), which has two naturally occurring alleles, for(R) (rover) and for(s) (sitter). In a mutagenesis screen for modifiers of for, we identified three lines with viable mutations on chromosome 3 that alter foraging behavior. Each of these mutations increased larval path lengths in for(s)/for(s) larvae in a dominant fashion, and were not separable by recombination. These mutations are therefore probably allelic and define a new gene that we have called Csr. Csr was genetically localized using the lethal-tagging technique. This technique resulted in seven lines with a significant decrease in larval path-length and recessive lethal mutations on chromosome 3. We refer to these as reverted Csr (Csr(rv)) lines. Deficiencies that uncovered cytologically visible chromosome rearrangements in three of the seven reverted lines were used in a complementation analysis. In this way we mapped the lethal mutations in the Csr(rv) lines to cytological region 95F7-96A1 on the right arm of chromosome 3.  相似文献   

The Shaker complex (ShC) spans over 350 kb in the 16F region of the X chromosome. It can be dissected by means of aneuploids into three main sections: the maternal effect (ME), the viable (V) and the haplolethal (HL) regions. The mutational analysis of ShC shows a high density of antimorphic mutations among 12 lethal complementation groups in addition to 14 viable alleles. The complex is the structural locus of a family of potassium channels as well as a number of functions relevant to the biology of the nervous system. The constituents of ShC seem to be linked by functional relationships in view of the similarity of the phenotypes, antimorphic nature of their mutations and the behavior in transheterozygotes. We discuss the relationship between the genetic organization of ShC and the functional coupling of potassium currents with the other functions encoded in the complex.  相似文献   

D. R. Schott  P. D. East    K. Paigen 《Genetics》1988,119(3):631-637
We describe the characterization of a previously reported control mutation, AdhSL, in the alcohol dehydrogenase gene of Drosophila melanogaster, which results in decreased production of ADH molecules and subsequently lower ADH activity in adults. We find that the regulatory element modifies ADH mRNA levels and acts cis on both ADH protein and mRNA. It is not promoter specific but is developmentally specific to the adult stage. The AdhSL allele carries a 4.5-kb insert approximately 3 kb 5' to the distal promoter. This new insertion may be responsible for the regulatory phenotype of AdhSL.  相似文献   

The time course of gene expression in the adult fruit fly has been partially characterized by using enhancer trap and reporter gene constructs that mark 49 different genes. The relative intensity of the reporter protein in individual cells of the antennae was measured as a function of adult age. Most genes showed a graduated expression, and the intensity of expression had a reproducible and characteristic time course. Different genes displayed different temporal patterns of expression and more often than not the pattern of expression was complex. We found a number of genes having patterns that scaled with life span. In these cases the intensity of gene expression was found to be invariant with respect to biological time, when expressed as a fraction of the life span of the line. The scaling was observed even when life span was varied as much as threefold. Such scaling serves to (1) further demonstrate that deterministic mechanisms such as gene regulation act to generate the temporal patterns of expression seen during adult life, (2) indicate that control of these regulatory mechanisms is linked to life span, and (3) suggest mechanisms by which this control is accomplished. We have concluded that gene expression in the adult fly is often regulated in a fashion that allows for graduated expression over time, and that the regulation itself is changing throughout adult life according to some prescribed program or algorithm.  相似文献   

Localizing genes for quantitative traits by conventional recombination mapping is a formidable challenge because environmental variation, minor genes, and genetic markers have modifying effects on continuously varying phenotypes. We describe "lethal tagging," a method used in conjunction with deficiency mapping for localizing major genes associated with quantitative traits. Rover/sitter is a naturally occurring larval foraging polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster which has a polygenic pattern of inheritance comprised of a single major gene (foraging) and minor modifier genes. We have successfully localized the lethal tagged foraging (for, 2-10) gene by deficiency mapping to 24A3-C5 on the polytene chromosome map.  相似文献   

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