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A crude microsomal fraction isolated from red hake (Urophycis chuss) muscle demethylated trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). Two cofactor systems were capable of stimulating activity; the system of NADH and FMN required anaerobic conditions while the other system, composed of iron and cysteine and/or ascorbate functioned in the presence or absence of oxygen. The components of each cofactor system functioned synergistically and kinetic parameters were established for each. Of several amine compounds common to fish muscle, TMAO was the only substrate demethylated by the microsomes. Activity was inhibited by iodoacetamide, potassium cyanide, and sodium azide under certain conditions, but not by carbon monoxide. An enzymic nature of the reaction was demonstrated by the properties of heat lability, sensitivity to protease treatment, the requirement of microsomes for TMAO demethylation and by the exhibition of typical hyperbolic kinetics with respect to substrate (TMAO). Moreover, TMAO demethylation by the microsomes was 3 to 4 orders of magnitude faster than the non-enzymic reaction and the reaction was specific for dimethylamine (DMA) as product. It appears the two cofactor systems may share a common catalytic unit in the process of TMAO demethylation.  相似文献   

The effect of two physiological cosolutes (urea and trimethylamine-N-oxide) and of KCl on the intermolecular interactions in concentrated lysozyme solutions were studied by synchrotron radiation small angle x-ray scattering. The evolution of the structure factors as a function of cosolute and/or salt concentration was modeled using pair potentials following an approach recently described in the literature. It was found that the structure factors for salt and/or cosolute concentration series at a fixed protein concentration can best be described using a variable depth attractive potential and a constant effective charge rather than a constant attractive potential and a variable effective charge as done in previous work.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of dietary polyphenols in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dietary polyphenols are widely considered to contribute to health benefits in humans. However, little is yet known concerning their bioactive forms in vivo and the mechanisms by which they may contribute toward disease prevention. Although many studies are focusing on the bioavailability of polyphenols through studying their uptake and the excretion of their conjugated forms, few are emphasizing the occurrence of metabolites in vivo formed via degradation by the enzymes of colonic bacteria and subsequent absorption. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between biomarkers of the colonic biotransformation of ingested dietary polyphenols and the absorbed conjugated polyphenols. The results show that the majority of the in vivo forms derive from cleavage products of the action of colonic bacterial enzymes and subsequent metabolism in the liver. Those include the glucuronides of 3-hydroxyphenylacetic, homovanillic, vanillic and isoferulic acid as well as 3-(3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic, 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid, and 3-hydroxyhippuric acid. In contrast, intact conjugated polyphenols themselves, such as the glucuronides of quercetin, naringenin and ferulic, p-coumaric, and sinapic acid were detected at much lower levels. The results suggest that consideration should be given to the cleavage products as having a putative role as physiologically relevant bioactive components in vivo.  相似文献   

冠心病 (Coronary artery disease,CAD) 是全球发病率和死亡率最高的一种心血管疾病,冠心病和肠道菌群失调密切相关,肠道菌群可能是未来冠心病的重要诊断标志物,改善肠道菌群微环境有望成为治疗冠心病的新途径。作为肠道菌群参与合成的活性代谢产物,氧化三甲胺 (Trimethylamine-N-oxide,TMAO) 水平的升高与心血管疾病患病风险、全因死亡率的增加有关;基础研究表明TMAO可能具有促动脉粥样硬化特性;这些研究提示TMAO可作为预防和治疗冠心病的潜在靶点。文中分析了当前调控肠道菌群及其代谢产物TMAO治疗冠心病的临床及基础性研究,以期为冠心病的治疗提供帮助。  相似文献   

Detergent treatments were examined for their efficacy in purifying trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) demethylase activity from fish muscle microsomes. Tritons X-100 and X-45, deoxycholate, Brijs, Tweens 20, 65, and 80, and SDS were generally ineffective in solubilizing demethylase activity from this membrane fraction, at concentrations up to 10 mg detergent per mg protein. In all of these cases, specific activity became enriched in the particulate fraction obtained post-treatment. Highest fold-purification was achieved by using 10 mg SDS per mg protein in 5 mM histidine, pH 7.0 at 10-14 degrees C. Activity was relatively stable to the presence of SDS at this level, and with this treatment, TMAO demethylase activity became purified in the resultant particulate fraction 28- and 58-fold for activity stimulated by ascorbate-iron-cysteine and FMN-NADH, respectively. The presence of urea or 2-mercaptoethanol, or sonication of the SDS-microsome suspension during purification resulted in significant losses of recovered activity. This partially purified fraction represented about 1% of the original microsomal protein and SDS-PAGE revealed the presence of several protein components. The partially purified demethylase could utilize the same two cofactor systems as the native microsomes. It displayed a curvilinear dependence on iron for activity and a sigmoidal response for cysteine. Utilization of NADH, FMN, and ascorbate differed for the purified fraction as compared to the microsomes. Substrate inhibition by TMAO was observed for the partially purified preparation, whereas saturation kinetics were previously noted for microsomal activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The bioavailability of carotenoids from kale was investigated by labeling nutrients in kale with 13C, feeding the kale to seven adult volunteers, and analyzing serial plasma samples for labeled lutein, beta-carotene, and retinol. Ingested doses of labeled carotenoids were 34 micromol for beta-carotene and 33 micromol for lutein. Peak plasma concentrations, areas under the plasma concentration-time curves (AUCs), and percentages of dose recovered at peak plasma concentrations were calculated. Average peak plasma concentrations were 0.38, 0.068, and 0.079 microM for [13C]lutein, [13C]beta-carotene, and [13C]retinol, respectively. Average AUC values (over 28 days) were 42.8, 13.6, 13.2 microM h for [13C]lutein, [13C]beta-carotene, and [13C]retinol, respectively. Percentages of dose recovered at peak plasma concentrations were 3.6, 0.7, and 0.7% for [13C]lutein, [13C]beta-carotene, and [13C]retinol, respectively. A positive relationship was observed between baseline plasma retinol levels and [13C]retinol plasma response. It is possible that this relationship was mediated either through some aspect of beta-carotene absorption or via the common pathways of metabolism for postdose and endogenous retinoid.  相似文献   

Aim: To quantify the influence of trimethylamine‐N‐oxide (TMAO) on the heat resistance of Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 cells at static temperatures. Methods and Results: Stationary‐phase E. coli cells were inactivated at 52, 54 and 58°C. The heat resistance is described as reduction in the inactivation rate, kmax, and/or an increase in the time for one decimal reduction, D, and/or an increase in the time for the fourth decimal reduction, t4D. Conclusions: Resistance of E. coli changed – increased – at all temperatures under study. Generally, the addition of TMAO to the growth medium protected E. coli cells, leading to an increase in their heat resistance, i.e. reduced kmax and increased D and t4D values are obtained. Significance and Impact of the Study: Additional knowledge on the reaction of E. coli to heat in the presence of the organic osmolyte TMAO at lethal temperatures is provided. This work contributes to an improved understanding of the level of the resistance of bacteria to heat in the presence of osmolytes.  相似文献   

The high yield chemical conversion of acetate to Δ2-isopentenylpyrophosphate is described. This procedure, plus the availability of high specific activity isotopic labels in acetate, allows the efficient synthesis of large quantities of highly labeled Δ2-isopentenylpyrophosphate.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman studies of isotopically labeled chloroperoxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chloroperoxidase (CPO) and cytochrome P450cam have been shown by several techniques to have similar active site properties. Recent resonance Raman investigations using isotopically enriched 34S-labeled samples have demonstrated thiolate ligation in the P450cam system. We report here on a number of parallel studies involving CPO. On the basis of isotopic labeling (34S, 13CO), we assign the Fe-S and Fe-CO stretching frequencies of CPO at 347 (-vFe-S) and 488 cm-1 (-vFe-CO). The differences of the -vFe-S and -vFe-CO in CPO and P450cam may suggest subtle differences in the thiolate binding in the two systems.  相似文献   

Over 10 g of individual 2H, 15N-labeled amino acids was resolved and recovered on a laboratory-scale ion-exchange system from a crude bacterial protein hydrolyzate derived from 20 g of lyophilized cells. The 17 amino acids (cystine was not isolated) were recovered containing less than 1.0% of other contaminating amino acids except for proline (4.0%). The aromatic and basic amino acids were isolated on a dual-column carrier displacement system (390-ml resin bed volume) while most of the neutral and acidic amino acids were separated on a pyrazolium chloride elution system (560-ml resin bed volume). The two remaining overlapping pairs were resolved on small carrier displacement columns. In addition, the overlapping fractions from adjacent peaks of the pyrazolium chloride elution system represent only 3.5% (0.37 g) of the total sample.  相似文献   

Protein glycation is often a cause of diabetes-associated complications. The isotopically labeled peptide-derived Amadori products may serve as standards for quantitative determination of the glycated proteins. In this paper, we discussed various approaches to the synthesis of Amadori products labeled selectively with stable isotopes 2H, 13C and 18O.  相似文献   

Microalgae have the ability to convert inorganic compounds into organic compounds. When they are cultured in the presence of stable (non-radioactive) isotopes (i.e.13CO2,15NO 3 ,2H2O) their biomass becomes labeled with the stable isotopes, and a variety of stable isotopically-labeled compounds can be extracted and purified from that biomass.Two applications for stable isotopically-labeled compounds are as cell culture nutrients and as breath test diagnostics. Bacteria that are cultured with labeled nutrients will produce bacterial products that are labeled with stable isotopes. The presence of these isotopes in the bacterial products, along with recent developments in NMR technology, greatly reduces the time and effort required to determine the three-dimensional structure of macromolecules and the interaction of proteins with ligands. As breath test diagnostics, compounds labeled with13C are used to measure the metabolism of particular organs and thus diagnose various disease conditions. These tests are based on the principle that a particular compound is metabolized primarily by a single organ, and when that compound is labeled with13C, the appearance of13CO2 in exhaled breath provides information about the metabolic activity of the target organ. Tests of this type are simple to perform, non-invasive, and less expensive than many conventional diagnostic procedures.The commercialization of stable isotopically labeled compounds requires that these compounds be produced in a cost-effective manner. Our approach is to identify microalgal overproducers of the desired compounds, maximize the product content of those organisms, and purify the resulting products.  相似文献   

Villi arachnoidales undergoes in the course of life changes in relation to the skull bones and sinuses. Our aim was to determine the relations of the villi arachnoidales to the skull bone and/or sinuses from the neonatal period to adults. The investigations were performed on collection of 50 disarticulated macerated skull bones from the new-born to 30 years of age and on 20 skulls from individuals in the life period from 30 to 80 years of age. Villi arachnoidales produced imprints on the skull bones in the shape of holes and/or furrows corresponding to different shape of the villi arachnoidales. These imprints appeared very early in the period when the bony sprouts of the large skull bones received a thin covering of compact bone, the future lamina vitrea. At that time villi arachnoidales had no connection with the dural sinuses but with the diploe and with the diploic veins. By agglomeration of the villi in larger and large formations, granula meningea, Pacchionian granulations, the contact to sinuses was realized by means of short channels. The structural changes of villi arachnoidales may produce thrombophlebitis and hydrocephalus externus, especially in children. The fate and the relations of the villi arachnoidales are therefore of great importance for neurologist, neurosurgeon and otorhinolaryngologist.  相似文献   

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