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应用型本科院校生物工程专业产学研人才培养模式探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着产学研紧密结合的提出,高校人才培养模式必须与之适应。作为我国高等教育的新生力量―应用型本科院校,生物工程专业在人才培养模式设置过程中,应以产学研基地建设为契机,以培养学生实际应用能力和专业分析能力为核心,不断进行改革和创新。本文以徐州工程学院生物工程专业为例,总结以往产学研合作教育经验,分析了人才培养模式相关问题,指出了应用型本科院校生物工程专业实施产学研合作教育的实践过程。  相似文献   

针对发酵行业发展要求,以培养具备发酵过程优化控制和工艺创新能力的发酵工程卓越工程师后备人才为目标,通过改革生物工程专业课程教学方法、实践环节实验内容以及开展课外专业竞赛等措施培养学生的实践能力和创新能力。经过实践取得了较好的效果,学生对专业的学习兴趣、对发酵工艺过程进行设计和优化,以及创新的能力得到了提高。  相似文献   

华东理工大学生物工程学院从高水平专业比赛出发,以学生的兴趣为切入点,依托强大的科研和教学基地,构建具有“生物创客”精神的人才培养体系和创新实践能力培养体系。充分发挥学生主观能动性,提升了生物工程类相关专业本科生的科研素养和综合能力。对传统的高校教育模式进行了有效探索,满足了生命科学飞速发展时期对创新型人才的迫切需求。  相似文献   

微生物学实验是生物工程专业的核心课程之一,优质的课程教学对培养学生的创新能力和实践能力至关重要。文章对微生物实验课程教学改革的背景进行了分析,并阐述了在课程目标、实验项目、教学方法和考核评价等方面进行具体改革的措施,以期培养学生的创新能力和实践能力,实现生物工程专业实践类课程的长效改革,同时为相关专业课程的教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

“生物分离工程”是生物工程专业本科生的一门重要的专业必修课,是生物工程专业建立“新工科”课程体系的重要组成部分。本教学团队坚持“以学生发展为中心,以创新思维为核心”的教育理念,以“学习成果”为导向的创新理念,针对课程长期存在的“理论教学与实验课脱节,学生不能及时地将理论知识内化为实践能力”、“课程内容陈旧,与行业需求脱节”、“授课和考核方式相对单一,学生的专业能力和素质未能有效培养”等痛点问题开展教学改革,重构课程内容。打通理论课和实验课的界限,开展“线上+线下”混合教学,通过科研反哺教学,使课程内容紧跟行业发展前沿,充分利用现代信息技术手段开展更丰富的课堂教学活动,并对学生进行全程化、动态化和多样化的考核,全面提升学生的能力。  相似文献   

李璐  肖南  解新安  李雁 《生物工程学报》2020,36(9):1939-1946
新工科建设要求探索符合时代特征和工程教育规律的培养模式。针对“化工原理”课程特点和传统教学方法的局限性,将问题导向教学法与翻转课堂教学模式融合,用于生物工程等专业该课程的教学改革与实践。通过对课前知识学习、课中知识内化、课后巩固拓展3个阶段的系统教学设计,有效激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,培养学生的自主学习能力和工程思维,取得了较好的教学效果,可为农业院校化工原理及食品工程原理课程建设和工程人才培养提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

生物经济的快速发展迫切需要新型生物工程人才支撑,建立以创新型工程教育为理念的新工科人才培养模式,能够为区域经济发展与产业升级提供支撑作用。大连理工大学生物工程学院紧密围绕“服务国家战略”“对接产业行业”“引领未来发展”“以学生为中心”等新工科建设的教育教学理念,从“面向新经济”的培养体系构建、“多学科交叉”的课程体系重构和“项目式”教学方式改革、“多元化”评价体系实施等方面进行生物工程专业建设改革和探索,提出了“价值引领、深厚的基础理论、强烈的创新意识、技术和非技术核心能力素养”四位一体的生物工程新工科人才培养标准。满足了产业对人才多样化、个性化和动态变化的需求,保障了产业与教育的深入融合发展,为生物工程一流本科专业建设提供了思路。  相似文献   

生物工程专业具有较强的综合性、实践性。通过建立生物工程专业社会化实践教学模式,利用校外企业产品化生产过程的实践方法,使学生建立专业的产品化思维模式,在学习与实践中解决问题。该教学模式的建立,可在实践教学过程中充分体现学生主体地位,唤醒学生主体意识,提高学生自身参与度,培养学生实践能力和创新能力,实现生物工程专业学生综合素质的全面提高。  相似文献   

文中对照成果导向教育 (Outcome-based education,OBE) 的教学理念,详细阐述笔者教学团队经过5个轮次的教学实践和持续改进,逐步形成的“生物工程项目实践创新课程”教学逻辑与教学方法,重点阐述了课程教学项目的遴选、教学过程的实施方式、课程过程性考核办法以及“监控-评价与反馈-改进”的课程质量保障体系等内容。通过分析3届生物工程专业学生的课程成绩分布与课程目标达成情况,发现笔者教学团队所形成的“生物工程项目实践创新课程”教学逻辑与方法可以大幅提升学生学习的主观能动性及学生成绩,也可以保证学生课程目标的达成。因此,文中所述教学逻辑与教学方法有望为当今工程教育专业认证背景下本科院校工科专业项目实训的教学改革提供基础,为培养适应新时代需求的理论知识扎实、创新思维好、团结协作能力佳和解决复杂工程问题能力强的新型综合人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

针对生物工程专业的培养方案和就业方向,提出了以课程群建设推动专业发展的教学改革思路。以"生物工艺学"和"生物反应工程"为主干课,还包括"生物工程设备"、"代谢控制与发酵"、"生物过程检测与控制"等相关课程,同时结合"发酵工艺实验"、"生产实习"和"毕业设计"等实践教学环节,构建了发酵课程群。介绍了发酵课程群对教学内容的整合,分析了课堂教学与实践环节有机结合的教学模式。实践证实,发酵课程群的建设对学生的就业以及后续工作能力的提升起到了显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

A study of 1 year was performed on nine elite endurance-trained athletes (swimmers) and on eight elite strength-trained athletes (weightlifters) in order to examine the effects of training on the endocrine responses and on physical performance capacity. The measurements for the determination of serum hormone concentrations were performed at about 4-month intervals during the course of the year. The primary findings demonstrated that during the first and most intensive training period of the year in preparing for the primary competitions similar but statistically insignificant changes were observed in the concentrations of serum testosterone, free testosterone and cortisol in both the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups. After that period the changes in hormonal response over the year were infrequent and minor. A significant (p less than 0.01) decrease occurred in the strength-trained group in serum-free testosterone during the second period, which was characterized by the highest overall amount of training. Over the entire year the concentrations of serum hormones remained statistically unaltered in both groups. Slight but statistically insignificant increases of 1.2% +/- 0.8% and 2.1% +/- 5.1% were observed in the competitive performances over the year in the endurance-trained and strength-trained groups, respectively. The present findings in the two groups of elite athletes, who differed greatly with regard to the type of physiological loading, demonstrated that the overall hormonal responses both during the most intensive and during prolonged training periods were rather similar and the infrequent small changes remained well within the normal physiological range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Molecular biophysics is a broad, diverse, and dynamic field that has presented a variety of unique challenges and opportunities for training future generations of investigators. Having been or currently being intimately associated with the Molecular Biophysics Training Program at Northwestern, we present our perspectives on various issues that we have encountered over the years. We propose no cookie-cutter solutions, as there is no consensus on what constitutes the "ideal" program. However, there is uniformity in opinion on some key issues that might be useful to those interested in establishing a biophysics training program.  相似文献   

Implementing user-driven treadmill control in gait training programs for rehabilitation may be an effective means of enhancing motor learning and improving functional performance. This study aimed to determine the effect of a user-driven treadmill control scheme on walking speeds, anterior ground reaction forces (AGRF), and trailing limb angles (TLA) of healthy adults. Twenty-three participants completed a 10-m overground walking task to measure their overground self-selected (SS) walking speeds. Then, they walked at their SS and fastest comfortable walking speeds on an instrumented split-belt treadmill in its fixed speed and user-driven control modes. The user-driven treadmill controller combined inertial-force, gait parameter, and position based control to adjust the treadmill belt speed in real time. Walking speeds, peak AGRF, and TLA were compared among test conditions using paired t-tests (α = 0.05). Participants chose significantly faster SS and fast walking speeds in the user-driven mode than the fixed speed mode (p > 0.05). There was no significant difference between the overground SS walking speed and the SS speed from the user-driven trials (p < 0.05). Changes in AGRF and TLA were caused primarily by changes in walking speed, not the treadmill controller. Our findings show the user-driven treadmill controller allowed participants to select walking speeds faster than their chosen speeds on the fixed speed treadmill and similar to their overground speeds. Since user-driven treadmill walking increases cognitive activity and natural mobility, these results suggest user-driven treadmill control would be a beneficial addition to current gait training programs for rehabilitation.  相似文献   

目的 旨在通过对我院岗前培训8年经验的总结,摸索出一套在医院文化背景下的岗前培训体系。方法 采用问卷方法对2007—2009年新员工岗前培训效果进行匿名调查,并使用Excel进行数据录入和统计。结果 调查对象中76.63%的员工对师资配置情况及课程设置情况表示满意,54.08%的员工对培训时间与进度表示很合适,69.47%的员工对培训保障措施表示满意,69.42%和80.08%的员工分别对授课形式和培训受益情况表示满意。结论 医院文化及人文医学培训是医院人力资源处岗前培训的核心内容,这对每个从医人员树立正确的职业价值观具有指导作用和现实意义。岗前培训中培训师的授课技巧、专业知识及能力有待进一步提高,今后应不断完善内部培训师的培养途径与方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨短期整体身心调节法练习者的全身皮肤电导反应特点。方法:采用单因素完全随机实验设计,将68名在校大学生分为整体身心调节组和放松组,分别进行为期10天的整体身心调节训练和经典的肌肉放松训练,并于训练前和训练结束后,测试两组学生身体7个分支的皮肤电导反应。结果:训练前,大学生前3支皮肤电导反应大于后4支;训练10天后,与训练前相比,整体身心调节训练组第1、2支皮肤电导反应显著减小,7个分支的皮肤电导反应出现均衡的规律;放松训练组学生身体7个分支皮肤电导反应变化不显著。结论:短期整体身心调节法形成了全身皮肤电导反应的均衡,可能反映短期整体身心调节法的整体身心相互作用原理。  相似文献   

目的:探讨短期整体身心调节法练习者的全身皮肤电导反应特点。方法:采用单因素完全随机实验设计,将68名在校大学生分为整体身心调节组和放松组,分别进行为期10天的整体身心调节训练和经典的肌肉放松训练,并于训练前和训练结束后,测试两组学生身体7个分支的皮肤电导反应。结果:训练前,大学生前3支皮肤电导反应大于后4支;训练10天后,与训练前相比,整体身心调节动I练组第1、2支皮肤电导反应显著减小,7个分支的皮肤电导反应出现均衡的规律;放松训练组学生身体7个分支皮肤电导反应变化不显著。结论:短期整体身心调节法形成了全身皮肤电导反应的均衡,可能反映短期整体身心调节法的整体身心相互作用原理。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 通过调查住院医师如何选择培训基地,进一步明确培训基地建设方向。方法 选取北京地区3家具有一定代表性的大型综合医院,对116名住院医师进行问卷调查。结果 所培训学科的知名度、医院规模与级别、对个人职业发展的帮助以及口碑推荐等是影响住院医师选择培训机构的重要因素。不同学历的住院医师对部分影响因素评价存在分歧。结论 各培训基地应不断加强学科建设、强化对住院医师职业素养的培训,在具体培训过程中要帮助住院医师做好自身职业发展规划。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of training of one side of the body on the muscle torques and power output on the trained and untrained side. Seventeen female and twenty-two male students were subject to a four-week knee joint power training regimen on a specially designed stand. The subjects were divided into two groups: a training group (female – N = 11 and male – N = 16) and a control group (female – N = 6 and male – N = 6). Effectiveness of power training on the stand described previously was estimated based on bilateral knee torque and power under static and isokinetic conditions. The experiment lasted for 39 days and was preceded by preliminary studies (pre-training). Control measurements in training groups were made after four weeks of training (post-training) and after the next two weeks (de-training). Power training caused an insignificant increase in force and power in both groups for the untrained leg and a significant increase in RMS EMG. Therefore, the study confirmed the hypothesis that resistance training performed in dynamic conditions can affect the contralateral limb and may also trigger delayed adaptations to training conditions during the detraining phase. Sex differences in adaptation to power training are not clear; however, the differences in gains in contralateral effects between men and women were not confirmed.  相似文献   

The present study compared neuromuscular adaptations to 12 weeks of plyometric (PLY) or pneumatic (PNE) power training and their effects on dynamic balance control. Twenty-two older adults aged 60–70 (PLY n = 9, PNE n = 11) participated in the study. Measurements were conducted at Pre, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Dynamic balance was assessed as anterior–posterior center of pressure (COP) displacement in response to sudden perturbations. Explosive isometric knee extension and plantar flexion maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) were performed. Maximal drop jump performance from optimal dropping height was measured in a sledge ergometer. Increases in knee extensor and ankle plantar flexor torque and muscle activity were higher and occurred sooner in PNE, whereas in drop jumping, PLY showed a clearer increase in optimal drop height (24%, p < 0.01) after 8 weeks of training and soleus muscle activity after 12 weeks of training. In spite of these training mode specific adaptations, both groups showed similar improvements in dynamic balance control after 4 weeks of training (PLY 38%, p < 0.001; PNE 31%, p < 0.001) and no change thereafter. These results show that although power and plyometric training may involve different neural adaptation mechanisms, both training modes can produce similar improvements in dynamic balance control in older individuals. As COP displacement was negatively correlated with rapid knee extension torque in both groups (PLY r = −0.775, p < 0.05; PNE r = −0.734, p < 0.05) after training, the results also highlight the importance of targeting rapid force production when training older adults to improve dynamic balance.  相似文献   

This study evaluates and compares the effects of strength and endurance training on motor unit discharge rate variability and force steadiness of knee extensor muscles. Thirty sedentary healthy men (age, 26.0 ± 3.8 yrs) were randomly assigned to strength training, endurance training or a control group. Conventional endurance and strength training was performed 3 days per week, over a period of 6 weeks. Maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), time to task failure (at 30% MVC), coefficient of variation (CoV) of force and of the discharges rates of motor units from the vastus medialis obliquus and vastus lateralis were determined as subjects performed 20% and 30% MVC knee extension contractions before and after training. CoV of motor unit discharges rates was significantly reduced for both muscles following strength training (P < 0.001), but did not change in the endurance (P = 0.875) or control group (P = 0.995). CoV of force was reduced after the strength training intervention only (P < 0.01). Strength training, but not endurance training, reduces motor unit discharge rate variability and enhances force steadiness of the knee extensors. These results provide new insights into the neuromuscular adaptations that occur with different training methods.  相似文献   

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