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The characteristics of levan formation by different preparations of levansucrase (free and immobilized enzyme and toluene-permeabilized whole cells), derived from recombinant levansucrase from Zymomonas mobilis expressed in Escherichia coli, were investigated. The maximal yield of levan by the three preparations were similar and were about 70–80% on a fructose-released basis with sucrose as nutrient at 100 g l–1. Immobilized enzyme and toluene-permeabilized whole cells produced low molecular weight levan (2–3 × 106), as determined by HPLC while high molecular weight levan (>6 × 106) was the major product with the free levansucrase. The size of levan can thus be controlled by immobilized levansucrase and toluene-permeabilized whole cells in high yield.  相似文献   

Levan fructotransferase (LFTase) from Arthrobacter ureafaciens K2032 was immobilized on various carriers of which Chitopearl BCW2501 beads showed the higher activity of 320 U g–1 for the formation of di-fructose anhydride compounds. The immobilized enzyme retained about 60% of its initial activity after being used for 20 cycles.  相似文献   

Interaction between Erwinia herbicola and Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum was studied in liquid culture. The results show that the bacteria directly inhibited spore germination of both fungi, especially during the first hours of the paired cultivation. The distinct taxis of bacteria to spores and germ tubes was frequently followed by their lysis. It is likely that bacteria act also by competition for nutrients. The rate of antagonistic activity of the bacteria against both fungi depended on their concentration in the mixture. Formation of chlamydospore-like structures at the apical end of B. cinerea germ tube suggests induction of a defence mechanism of this fungus while in unfavourable conditions.  相似文献   

Levan是一类果聚糖,由大量的果糖单元以β-(2,6)果糖苷键连接构成聚糖主链并含有少量β-(2,1)果糖苷键连接的支链组成。部分微生物来源的Levan具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、降血糖、降血脂、免疫增强等重要的生物活性,在医药和功能性食品方面具有巨大的应用潜能。微生物发酵液提取和酶法合成是目前大量获得Levan果聚糖的两种方法,其中微生物发酵液提取的Levan果聚糖产量和蔗糖转化率一般较低,且发酵液中同时存在的其他高聚物不利于Levan的规模化纯化;而利用Levan蔗糖酶以蔗糖为底物转果糖基合成的Levan果聚糖产量已经高达200g/L、蔗糖转化率高达50%,并且Levan蔗糖酶合成Levan过程中酶的活性受到pH值、温度、螯合剂、金属离子等多种因素的影响,可以通过控制反应条件促进多糖合成反应的进行。因此,酶法合成将是工业化获得Levan果聚糖的主要方式。  相似文献   

Abstract Genomic DNA fragments encoding β-glucosidase activity from the wild-type strain WD4 of Erwinia herbicola were cloned into Escherichia coli . Two clones containing a common fragment encoded a polypeptide of 58000 Da. Cloned β-glucosidase, expressed in E. coli , showed activity against natural β-glucoside sugars except for cellobiose. An open reading frame of 1442 bp termed bglA was identified by nucleotide sequencing and it coded for a protein of 480 amino acids ( M r 53896) which showed significant homology with β-glucosidases from glycosyl hydrolase family 1.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial efficiency of chitosan at different molecular weights (5, 37, 57 and 290 kDa) against Botrytis cinerea and Erwinia carotovora on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was investigated. In vitro study showed that chitosan of 37 kDa was the most active against E. carotovora (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 950 mg/L), whereas 5 kDa chitosan was the most active against B.cinerea. Coating of potato tubers with 100, 250 and 500 mg/L significantly decreased the rate of weight loss and chitosan of 37 kDa showed the best effect. The in vivo antibacterial effect indicated that all treatments (500, 1000 and 2000 mg/L) significantly inhibited the growth of E. carotovora compared with the control. The lowest decay incidence was observed with 37 kDa chitosan. However, the antifungal activity against B. cinerea inoculated of leaves showed no decay incidence at 500 and 1000 mg/L with 57 kDa chitosan after 48 h.  相似文献   

The yellow pigments of Erwinia herbicola Eho 10 and of a transformed Escherichia coli LE392 pPL376 have been identified as carotenoids. HPLC separation, spectra and in some cases mass spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of phytoene (15-cis isomer), beta-carotene (all-trans, 9-cis and 15-cis), beta-cryptoxanthin ( = 3-hydroxy beta-carotene), zeaxanthin (3,3'-dihydroxy beta-carotene) and corresponding carotene glycosides. In addition, lycopene and gamma-carotene accumulated in the presence of the inhibitor 2-(4-chlorophenylthio)-triethylamine.HCl. Carotenoid content in the transformed E. coli was two-fold higher than in E. herbicola. The pattern of the carotenoids was similar in the two organisms. Inactivation of the katF gene in E. coli resulted in an 85% lowering of carotenoid formation, as did the addition of 0.5% glucose to the medium. Suppression of carotenoid formation by inactivation of the katF gene lowered, but did not abolish, the protection offered by carotenoids against inactivation by alpha-terthienyl plus near-ultraviolet light (320-400 nm).  相似文献   

Several levan hyperproducing mutants of Zymomonas mobilis strains were selected by mutagenesis with N-methyl-N-nitro-nitrosoguanidine and caffeine. Highest levan production (41 g l–1) was obtained with a mutant strain HL 29 in a culture medium containing 200 g sucrose l–1 and 0.5 g (NH4)2SO4 l–1 stored at 7 °C for 29 days. This is the first report describing the levan synthesis by Z. mobilis at 7 °C.  相似文献   

AIMS: Disruption of the extracellular Zymomonas mobilis sucrase gene (sacC) to improve levan production. METHODS AND RESULTS: A PCR-amplified tetracycline resistance cassette was inserted within the cloned sacC gene in pZS2811. The recombinant construct was transferred to Z. mobilis by electroporation. The Z. mobilis sacC gene, encoding an efficient extracellular sucrase, was inactivated. A sacC defective mutant of Z. mobilis, which resulted from homologous recombination, was selected and the sacC gene disruption was confirmed by PCR. Fermentation trials with this mutant were conducted, and levansucrase activity and levan production were measured. In sucrose medium, the sacC mutant strain produced threefold higher levansucrase (SacB) than the parent strain. This resulted in higher levels of levan production, whilst ethanol production was considerably decreased. CONCLUSIONS: Zymomonas mobilis sacC gene encoding an extracellular sucrase was inactivated by gene disruption. This sacC mutant strain produced higher level of levan in sucrose medium because of the improved levansucrase (SacB) than the parent strain. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The Z. mobilis CT2, sacC mutant produces high level of levansucrase (SacB) and can be used for the production of levan.  相似文献   

Summary Continuous culture is an attractive research tool in physiologic and growth and production kinetics research. However, fulfillment of the basic assumptions of continuous culture in the experimental set-up may cause problems. The homogeneity of plant cell cultures and effluent, particularly, may cause problems. This paper presents an experimental set-up which solves these problems and describes the use of this equipment in a study of the growth kinetics of plant cells. Industrial application of the continuous culture of plant cells in the production of secondary metabolites seems to be profitable when compared with batch or fed-batch cultures. However, various problems such as uncoupled product formation and strain instability make fed-batch culture a better choice. Presented in the Session-in-Depth Batch Production and Fermentation at the 1991 World Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture, Anaheim, California, June 16–20, 1991.  相似文献   

Acid proteinase production by the fungus Humicola lutea 120-5 in continuous culture was studied. The maximum activity of the culture broth reached 2200 U/ml at a dilution rate (D) of 0.05/h. The continuous process was carried out for 1 month without any bacterial contamination, due to low pH (3.0–3.5) during the cultivation.  相似文献   

A new continuous column culture system for adherent cells was developed using beads. The beads were packed in a column and an appropriate medium was continuously passed through. The whole system was kept under closed conditions. L cells and C6 cells were cultured by this new system. The number of cells increased linearly up to 16 days and reached a maximum at around 18 days. As the heat production remained constant for 16 days, it can be concluded that cells grown in this system had identical characteristics. The final concentration of cells reached was 1.0 × 108ml?1. The cells could grow both in the upward and the downward direction. Advantages of this system are: (1) Cells can be recovered in their adherent form on the beads; (2) cells can easily be collected from the column by trypsinization, and (3) cells remaining in the column after trypsinization can grow again.  相似文献   

The production of levansucrase (LS) by thermophilic Geobacillus stearothermophilus was investigated. LS production was more effective in the presence of sucrose (1%, w/v) than fructose, glucose, glycerol or raffinose. The results (Top 57°C; stable for 6 h at 47°C) indicate the high stability of the transfructosylation activity of G. stearothermophilus LS as compared with LSs from other microbial sources. Contrary to temperature, the pH had a significant effect on the selectivity of G. stearothermophilus LS‐catalyzed reaction, favoring the transfructosylation reaction in the pH range of 6.0–6.5. The kinetic parameter study revealed that the catalytic efficiency of transfructosylation activity was higher as compared with the hydrolytic one. In addition to levan, G. stearothermophilus LS synthesized fructooligosaccharides in the presence of sucrose as the sole substrate. The results also demonstrated the wide acceptor specificity of G. stearothermophilus LS with maltose being the best fructosyl acceptor. This study is the first on the catalytic properties and the acceptor specificity of LS from G. stearothermophilus. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1405–1415, 2013  相似文献   

Cryogel matrices composed of different polymeric blends were synthesized, yielding a unique combination of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity with the presence or absence of charged surface. Four such cryogel matrices composed of polyacrylamide–chitosan (PAAC), poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)–chitosan, polyacrylonitrile (PAN), and poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) were tested for growth of different hybridoma cell lines and production of antibody in static culture. All the matrices were capable for the adherence of hybridoma cell lines 6A4D7, B7B10, and H9E10 to the polymeric surfaces as well as for the efficient monoclonal antibody (mAb) production. PAAC proved to be relatively better in terms of both mAb production and cell growth. Further, PAAC cryogel was designed into three different formats, monolith, disks, and beads, and used as packing material for packed‐bed bioreactor. Long‐term cultivation of 6A4D7 cell line on PAAC cryogel scaffold in all the three formats could be successfully done for a period of 6 weeks under static conditions. Continuous packed‐bed bioreactor was setup using 6A4D7 hybridoma cell line in the three reactor formats. The reactors ran continuously for a period of 60 days during which mAb production and metabolism of cells in the bioreactors were monitored periodically. The monolith bioreactor performed most efficiently over a period of 60 days and produced a total of 57.5 mg of antibody in the first 30 days (in 500 mL) with a highest concentration of 115 μg mL?1, which is fourfold higher than t‐flask culture. The results demonstrate that appropriate chemistry and geometry of the bioreactor matrix for cell growth and immobilization can enhance the reactor productivity. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   

Summary Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) haploids and doubled haploids have been used in breeding programs and genetic studies. Wheat haploids and doubled haploids via anther culture are usually produced by a multiple step culture procedure. We improved a wheat haploid and doubled haploid production system via anther culture in which plants are produced from microspore-derived embryos using one medium and one culture environment. In the improved protocol, tillers of donor plants were pretreated at 4°C for 1–2 wk before anthers were plated on a modified 85D12 basal medium with phenylacetic acid (PAA) and zeatin and cultured at 30°C with a 12-h daylength (43 μEs−1m−2) in an incubator. Microspore-derived embryos developed in 2–3 wk and the plants were produced 3–4 wk after anther plating. In the improved system, as much as 53% of the anthers of Pavon 76 were responsive with multiple embryos. For plant regeneration, as many as 22 green and 25 albino plants were produced from 100 anthers. Sixty-five green plants were grown to maturity and 32 (49%) plants were fertile and produced seeds (indicating spontaneous chromosome doubling) while 33 plants did not produce seed. Of five Nebraska breeding lines tested using the protocol, NE96675 was very responsive and the other lines less so, indicating that the protocol is genotype-dependent.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cell growth and monoclonal antibody production in dialyzed continuous suspension culture were investigated using a 1.5-L Celligen bioreactor. Medium supplemented with 1.5% fetal bovine serum was fed directly into the reactor at a dilution rate of 0.45 d(-1). Dailysis tubing with a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 1000 was coiled inside the bioreactor. Fresh medium containing no serum or serum substitues passed through the dialysis tubing at flow rates of 2 to 5 L/d. The objective was to remove low molecular weight inhibitors, such as lactic acid and ammonia, by diffusion through the tubing, while continuoulsy replenishing essential nutrients by the same mechanism. Due to the low MWCO of the dialysis tubing high molecular weight components such as growth factors and antibody were not removed by the dialyzing stream. In the batch start-up phase, the monoclonal antibody (MAb) titer was almost 3 times that achieved in typical batch cultures (i.e., 170 to 180 mg/L). During dialyzed continuous operation, a substantial increase (up to 40%) in cell density, monoclonal antibody (MAb) titer, and reactor MAb productivity was observed, as compared with a conventional continuous suspension culture. The cell viability and the specific MAb productivity remained practically constant at different dialysis rates. This finding suggests that the steady state growth and death rate in continuous suspension hybridoma cultures are not direct functions of the nutrient or inhibitor concentrations.  相似文献   

The performance of a protein-free medium was compared in culture flasks with a serum-supplemented medium and with a serum free medium in terms of cell growth and monoclonal antibody production by a murine hybridoma. We present results of continuous production in hollow fiber culture systems using serum-free medium and protein-free medium. In protein-free medium, it has been possible to produce large quantities of monoclonal antibody with a productivity similar to that obtained in serum-free medium. After a two steps purification process, monoclonal antibodies were characterized by SDS-PAGE, High Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography and Free Solution Capillary Electrophoresis. SDS-PAGE and high performance chromatography analysis have showed that purified monoclonal antibodies produced in serum-free medium or protein-free medium were similar. Furthermore, Capillary Electrophoresis characterization revealed that both MAbs were constituted by three isoforms with equivalent electrophoretic mobilities.Abbreviations CHES 2-(N-Cyclohexylamino)ethane-sulfonic acid - ECS Extracapillary Space - FSCE Free Solution Capillary Electrophoresis - HPSEC High Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography - ICS Intracapillary Space - MAb Monoclonal Antibody - PFM Protein-Free Medium - SFM Serum-Free Medium - SSM Serum-Supplemented Medium  相似文献   

The production of Bacillus thuringiensis spores was investigated in a bioreactor incorporating a ceramic membrane filter to improve spore concentration and volumetric productivity. Two cultivation methods were used in this study: a total cell retention culture (TCRC), and a two-stage continuous culture with partial cell bleeding. In the TCRC, fed by 50 g/L of glucose, a spore concentration of 1.6 x 10(10) CFU/mL was obtained with a spore percentage of greater than 95% and a maximum cell mass of 82.2 g/L. The volumetric productivity was four times higher than that obtained from batch cultivation. In the two-stage continuous culture with partial cell bleeding spore concentration was strongly dependent on the bleed ratio. The spore concentration of 1.8 x 10(9) CFU/mL and the spore percentage of 70% were obtained at the second stage when a bleed ratio of 0.33 and a dilution rate of 0.23 h(-1) were used. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A clonal derivative of a transfectant of the SP2/O myeloma cell line producing a chimeric monoclonal antibody was maintained in steady-state, continuous culture at dilution rates ranging from 0.21 to 1.04 day(-1). The steady-state values for nonviable and total cell concentrations increased as the dilution rate decreased, while the viable cell concentration was roughly independent of the dilution rate. At steady state, the specific growth rate increased and the specific death rate decreased as the dilution rate increased. The maximum specific growth rate was 1.15 day(-1). Antibody production was growth associated and the specific rate of antibody production increased linearly as the specific growth rate increased.  相似文献   

Supercritical emulsion extraction (SEE) was recently proposed for the production of biopolymer microparticles starting from oil‐in‐water emulsions. This technology can improve the product quality because of the fast and selective extraction of the dispersed oily phase by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC‐CO2). However, until now, SEE was proposed in batch configuration, sharing with the traditional processes an intrinsically discontinuous operation and problems of batches reproducibility and process yield. In this study, by using a countercurrent packed column, the SEE process was proposed in a continuous operating mode (SEE‐CM) for the production of poly‐lactic‐co‐glycolic acid (PLGA) microparticles. The new process design takes advantage of the large contact area between the SC‐CO2 and emulsion allowing the production of PLGA microparticles with controlled and narrow size distributions in only few minutes. SEE‐CM operating parameters such as pressure, temperature, and flow rate ratios were analyzed and the process efficiency in terms of recovered material and its size distribution compared with SEE (batch mode operation) and conventional evaporation technology. PLGA microparticles showed a mean particle size between 1–3 µm (depending on the droplet sizes) with a SD that was always smaller than that associated with particles produced by discontinuous processes. Single and double emulsions were successfully treated and the microparticles physico‐chemical properties showed no morphological and structural differences between the SEE‐CM‐produced microparticles and the ones obtained by conventional evaporation technology. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:676–686. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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