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Abstract— DNA's were isolated from brains of rats at different stages of growth and were fractionated on hydroxyapatite columns on the basis of their denaturation and reassociation properties. The results indicate that rat brain DNA had a heterogeneous population of base sequences. Approximately 10 per cent of the total DNA exhibited rates of reassociation characteristic of repetitive DNA. Differences were also observed in the pattern of denaturation of brain and liver DNA's of newborn and adult rats.  相似文献   

Abstract— The rat brain was dissected into cerebral cortex, cerebellum and the remaining regions. From the nuclei, isolated from these three brain sections, were extracted two fractions of nuclear sap proteins (proteins soluble in 014 M NaCl and proteins soluble in 01 M Tris-HCl buffer pH 7-6) and two fractions of nonhistone chromosomal proteins (one soluble in 0-35 M NaCl and one which is not soluble at this salt concentration). Each of these four fractions of the nonhistone nuclear proteins was further separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic patterns of the studied fractions of nuclear proteins are qualitatively identical regardless of the brain section from which the analysed protein fraction was isolated. In addition, there arc no qualitative differences in the electrophoretic patterns of nonhistone chromosomal proteins which are and which are not soluble in 0-35 M NaCl. In contrast to the qualitative similarity of the electrophoretic patterns of proteins from different sections of the brain, the amount of the nonhistone nuclear proteins is characteristic for each studied brain section. The ratio of the total nonhistone nuclear proteins to DNA is highest in the brain cortex and lowest in the cerebellum. The most expressed difference between the nuclei is in the ratio of the nonhistone chromosomal proteins soluble in 0-35 M NaCl to DNA. This ratio is 0-52 in the cortex. 0-38 in the mixture of noncortical and noncerebel-lar regions and only 0-18 in the cerebellum. The amount of the three fractions of nonhistone nuclear proteins in the nuclei of individual brain sections is proportional to the activity of the genome in these nuclei. The only exception are the nonhistone chromosomal proteins which are not soluble in 0-35 M NaCl. These proteins and the histones are present in the same amounts in nuclei isolated from all three studied sections of the brain. The results support a proposal that the nonhistone nuclear proteins are involved in the expression of the genetic activity of the cell, without the majority of the proteins in any of the four fractions being the specific regulatory molecules.  相似文献   


Abstract— A fluorimetric assay has been used to examine some kinetic properties of AChE from synaptosomal plasma membranes prepared from rat brain. The AChE bound to the plasma membranes was compared to that solubilized with Triton X-100 and found to be essentially the same with respect to Michaelis constant and inhibitor constants for several AChE inhibitors. The two forms of the enzyme had slightly different pH optima. The kinetic studies revealed no evidence that synaptosomal plasma membrane AChE has allosteric properties. The solubilized enzyme was further purified by affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Abstract— The ethanolaminephosphotransferase (EC of rat brain is found largely in the microsomal fraction and is active towards both diacyl glycerol and alkenyl acyl glycerol. Manganese ions were found to be more effective activators of the enzyme than magnesium ions at low concentrations. The Km for CDP-ethanolamine was found to be about 2.5 × 10−4 M in the presence of either lipid acceptor and the K m for the two lipid acceptors about 1.6 × 10−3 M. Under the most favourable conditions rates of 270 nmol phosphatidylethanolamine and 70 nmol ethanolamine plasmalogen/mg microsomal protein/h at 39°C were obtained. The effect of temperature on the reaction rate depended on whether diacyl glycerol or alkenyl acyl glycerol was the lipid acceptor. Although diacyl glycerol inhibited the formation of ethanolamine plasmalogen the inhibition was not a simple competitive one. In terms of microsomal protein the activity was maximal during the period of active myelination but at3 days and 150 days of ageitwasat least 50 percent of this maximal activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Abnormalities involving haem biosynthesis have been postulated as underlying mechanisms in the aetiology of the neural manifestations of acute porphyria and of lead poisoning. This paper reports a study of the enzymes of the haem biosynthetic pathway and their control in mammalian brain. The activity of rat brain 6-aminolaevulinate synthetase (ALA synthetase), 6-aminolaevulinate dehydratase (ALA dehydratase), uroporphyrinogen I synthetase, uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase and ferrochelatase were found to be between 12.5 and 0.002% of the corresponding values for liver. This accords with the lower concentrations of total haem and cytochrome P450 found in brain and with the slower rate of incorporation of [4-14C]ALA into brain haem in vivo . The subcellular distribution of radioactivity following intraventricular injection of [4-14C]ALA confirmed that the bulk of brain haemoproteins are intramitochondrial in contrast to liver where the major portion is microsomal. Brain haem biosynthesis was apparently unaffected by factors known to influence this pathway in liver, including starvation and treatment with allylisopropylacetamide or phenobarbitone. These findings suggest that brain haem requirements are considerably less than those of liver and are not subject to significant fluctuations under normal circumstances. Apparent non-inducibility of ALA synthetase suggests that deficient haem and consequently haemoprotein production could result where other enzymes in the pathway become rate-limiting due to genetic defects or inhibition by exogenous agents such as lead.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ribosomal aggregates were isolated from rat brain stem and characterized as polysomes by sedimentation analysis and by their sensitivity to RNase and EDTA treatment.
Three weeks following hypophysectomy there was a significant decrease in the content of large polysomes in the rat brain stem. The incorporation of radioactive uridine into RNA was studied using a double-labelling technique with [3H]- and [14C]uridine and labelling periods of 70 and 180 min. It was found that after hypophysectomy the incorporation of radioactive uridine into total, nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA and in polysomes was decreased after 70 and 180 min. Information on the nature of the rapidly-labelled RNA in the various subcellular fractions was obtained by sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis.
After 70 min of labelling the nucleus contained heterogeneous RNA with a considerable fraction of RNA sedimenting faster than 28 S. In the cytoplasmic fraction heterogeneous 4 to 30 S RNA was found, presumably associated with RNP particles, whereas after 180 min the polyribosomal aggregates were also labelled.
The present results indicate a profound effect of hypophysectomy on the metabolism of all species of brain RNA investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activities of alkaline and acidic RNAses were determined in soluble and insoluble fractions from nuclei of brain hemispheres of rats, aged from 1 day to adult. The activities increased rapidly and reached a maximum, at 30 days, of about 10 times (alkaline RNAsel or 5 times (acidic RNAse) that seen at day 1.  相似文献   

Rats were given a portocaval anastomosis and 3 weeks later, when the only ultrastructural change in the CNS is watery swelling of astrocytes, several aspects of brain metabolism were studied. The uptake of leucine by the brain, its incorporation into protein and its oxidation were followed after the simultaneous injection of a mixture of L-[114C]leucine and L-[4,5-3H]leucine. The concentration of leucine in blood was lowered in the operated animals whereas in brain it was increased. The specific radioactivity of leucine in the brain was comparable to values in control animals and there was no evidence of a decrease in incorporation of [1-14C]leucine into brain proteins over the short experimental time period studied. The only difference from the controls in the oxidation of [4,5-3H]leucine was a greater accumulation in glutamine. The amount of glutamine in the brains of the operated animals had increased 4-fold at the time of the metabolic studies. From dual-labelled experiments in which a mixture containing [1-14C]butyrate and L-[4,5-3H]leucine was injected intravenously, it was shown that, in both control and operated animals, the pools of brain glutamate and glutamine labelled from butyrate were metabolically distinct from those labelled from leucine. The total radioactivity appearing in brain from [1-14C]butyrate was markedly reduced in operated animals, but the radioactivity from L-[4,5-3H]leucine was not. The metabolism of [1-14C]octanoate was compared with that of [1-14C]butyrate. In control animals the labelling of metabolites was almost identical with either precursor. In operated animals there was no reduction in the uptake of [1-14C]octanoate into the brain. There was evidence that the size of the glutamine pool labelled, relative to glutamate, was increased but that it had a slower fractional turnover coefficient. A link between astroglial changes and an impairment to the carrier mechanism for transport of short chain monocarboxylic acids across the blood-brain barrier is suggested.  相似文献   


Abstract— The incorporation in vivo of [3H]uridine into the RNA isolated from the free polyribosomes of rat cerebral cortex was studied. Sedimentation in sucrose gradients showed that initially (at times less than 60 min after injection of precursor) the label was associated with a heterodisperse species, while at longer times there was an increased coincidence of label with stable rRNA. Further fractionation was accomplished by means of differential extraction with phenol and analysis on polyacrylamide-agarose gels. Most of the rapidly labelled RNA was concentrated in a fraction obtained at pH 8-3 and 40°C. The base composition of this fraction differed greatly from that of rRNA, preribosomal RNA and DNA. Analysis by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide-agarose gels showed it to be composed of several distinct species in addition to residual 18 and 28S rRNA. Most of the latter was concentrated in a fraction extracted at pH 60 at 0°C.  相似文献   

Abstract— The soluble proteins released from the synaptic vesicles of rat cerebral cortex were studied. One fraction (D4) of these proteins was released in parallel with release of acetylcholine when synaptic vesicles were incubated at 37°C for 10 min in isotonic medium. Another fraction (Dj) was liberated from synaptic vesicles when their membranes were ruptured by mild treatment under hyposmotic conditions and freeze-thawing after release of D1 fraction. Fractions D1 and D2 contained 12 and 9 per cent, respectively, of the total protein in the synaptic vesicles. Some properties of these fractions were investigated by zone electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation, and by measuring their binding capacities for [14C]acetylcholine and various enzyme activities related to acetylcholine metabolism.  相似文献   

A fraction enriched in synaptic complexes has been isolated from rat brain. The major structural elements of synaptic complexes after isolation are a sector of pre- and postsynaptic plasma membranes joined together by a synaptic cleft and a postsynaptic density (PSD) located on the inner surface of the postsynaptic membrane. On its outer surface, the postsynaptic membrane has a series of projections which extend about halfway into the cleft and which occur along the entire length of the PSD. Proteolytic enzymes at high concentrations remove the PSD and open the synaptic cleft; at low concentrations the PSD is selectively destroyed. By contrast, the structural integrity of the PSD is resistant to treatment with NaCl, EGTA, and low concentrations of urea. Pre- and postsynaptic membranes also remain joined by the synaptic cleft after NaCl, EGTA, or mild urea treatment. High concentrations of urea cause the partial dissociation of the PSD. We conclude that polypeptides are probably one of the major components of the PSD and that the structural integrity of the PSD depends on polypeptides because disruption of the covalent or hydrophobic bonding of these polypeptides leads to a progressive loss of PSD structure.  相似文献   

本实验采用三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)核受体单抗和半乳糖脑苷酯(GC)多抗的双抗体免疾细胞化学法,观察了体外次生培养的大鼠脑少突胶质细胞成熟过程中核T3受体的表达。结果发现核T3受体主要存在于未成熟的少突胶质细胞中(阳性率约80%),而在成熟的少突胶质细胞中仅占44%。这一现象可能是甲状腺激素在脑成熟过程中具有一段关键作用时期的分子机理之一。  相似文献   

—Incorporation of [8-14C]adenine into a rapidly-labelled fraction of RNA derived from the nucleus, and into a cytoplasmic RNA of high molecular weight was studied in brain slices from new born rats. The kinetic behaviour of the two fractions of RNA was compatible with a precursor-product relationship between them. The change in the specific activity of adenine and the reduction of radioactivity in prelabelled RNA of brain slices in the presence of actinomycin D, suggest that the observed degradation of nuclear RNA is not due to random changes, but is limited to a relatively small fraction, presumably messenger RNA.  相似文献   

A portion of rat brain RNA contains poly(A) sequences and binds to oligo(dT)-cellulose. Young rats have a greater amount of brain RNA which contains poly(A) than do adult animals. The length of the poly(A) sequence from the brain RNA of young animals was shown to be somewhat longer than that from the RNA of adults. The RNA which bound to the oligo(dT)-cellulose was found to be large and heterogeneous, and to be almost free of ribosomal or of small mol. wt. RNAs. When the polysomal RNA which bound to the oligo(dT)-cellulose columns and that which did not were used to prime a cell-free protein synthesizing system there was a noticeable difference in their‘messenger’activity; the RNA which bound to the oligo(dT)-cellulose was much more active than the unbound material. However, in the case of the nuclear RNA there was not as great a difference between the material which was bound and that which was not bound.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Studies were undertaken to correlate the changes in the synthesis of brain nuclear RNA during olfactory stimulation in saltwater catfish ( Galeichthys felis ). Catfish allowed to swim for 1 hr in sea water containing morpholine (10−4 M) showed an increase in brain nuclear RNA and a change in base ratios in contrast to controls in plain sea water. These changes in brain nuclear RNA were reversed within 24 hr to the levels of unstimulated controls when morpholine stimulated fish were transferred to fresh sea water.
In a split-brain preparation in an isolated catfish head, one naris was washed with morpholine in sea water (10−6 M), while the other naris was washed with plain sea water. The stimulated half of the brain, compared to the unstimulated half, showed the same changes in nuclear RNA as those noted in free swimming catfish. Brain cytoplasmic fractions did not exhibit any changes in RNA following olfactory stimulation. Amyl acetate, shrimp extract, and extracts from red fish skin as odorants also elicited changes in brain nuclear RNA. With each odorant there was an increase in amount of RNA and also a change in base ratio, where the base ratio changes were different for each odorant tested. With camphor as an odorant, there was an increase in brain nuclear RNA, while with menthol as an odorant, there was a decrease in brain nuclear RNA. In both instances the base ratio of the RNA did not change in contrast to the controls. These studies suggest that olfactory stimulants affect a change in content and character of the RNA in brain nuclei, whereas irritants to the olfactory epithelium change the content of brain nuclear RNA but do not alter the base ratio.  相似文献   

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