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Hypotheses for the causes of regular cycles in populations of forest Lepidoptera have invoked pathogen-insect or foliage-insect interactions. However, the available data suggest that forest caterpillar cycles are more likely to be the result of interactions with insect parasitoids, an old argument that seems to have been neglected in recent years.  相似文献   

What causes extended lows in microtine cycles?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Synchronous declines of sympatric shrew and microtine populations in boreal regions of Fennoscandia have been claimed as evidence that predation deepens and extends the low phase of the microtine population cycles. Assuming that shrews and microtines have the same maximum intrinsic rate of increase, and that the predators kill the shrews and microtines that they encounter unselectively, this hypothesis predicts that sympatric shrew and microtine populations will decline and increase simultaneously. In this study conducted at 60°56N in southeast Norway, as well as in 13 of 15 other studies at sites in Fennoscandia, the shrew populations declined simultaneously with the sympatric microtine populations, but recovered sooner. The shrew-microtine ratio among animals trapped peaked about 2 years after the peak in the microtine population. The same pattern was found in the diet of raptors in Fennoscandia. Since the maximum intrinsic rate of increase does not seem to be higher in shrews than in microtines, the pattern suggests that either predation is not causing the extended lows in the microtine populations, or that the proportion of predators that selectively kill microtines fluctuates during the microtine cycle. The most likely candidates for selective killers are weasels.  相似文献   

Filarial nematodes persist in the parasitized host by modulating immune responsiveness. A feature of this that has been observed in a multitude of studies dating back several decades is an inability of lymphocytes to respond appropriately to filarial nematode antigens and, in some cases, to other stimuli. The consistency of this observation, allied to the ease of measurement of lymphocyte hyporesponsiveness, has resulted in many attempts to understand its cause.  相似文献   

In most animals, males are the competitive sex whereas females are typically non-competitive and choosy of mates. In a variety of taxa, certain species (or populations within species) show a reversal in these typical courtship roles. Recent research with these organisms supports a central tenet of sexual selection theory: that it is the relative investment of the sexes in offspring that controls the number of males and females available for mating, and thus is the main determinant of the degree of sexual competition in each sex.  相似文献   

What causes non-monotonic tuning of fMRI response to noisy images?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dakin SC  Hess RF  Ledgeway T  Achtman RL 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(14):R476-7; author reply R478

Patellar-tendinopathy (PT) is a common overuse injury in long distance runners, especially in women. Until today, no definite combinations of clinical, biomechanical, or training variables, or causative factors in the development of PT have been found. This study focused on assessing the differences in biomechanical characteristics between healthy runners (CO) and runners with PT only. We examined a total of 42 women. 21 CO and 21 PT. 3D kinematics of barefoot running was used in the biomechanical setup. Both groups were matched with respect to height and weight. After determining dropouts due to forefoot running, poor quality of data and lack of matching subjects in CO in terms of body height and weight, the final population comprised 24 subjects (CO=12, PT=12). Biomechanical evaluations indicate eccentric overloading of the quadriceps muscle group (knee extensors), increased pronation velocity as well as a lack of joint coordination as major etiological factors in the development of PT. We assume that eccentric strengthening of the knee extensors, as well as reduction of pronation velocity through orthotics, proper running shoes, and balance training will help treat and possibly prevent PT.  相似文献   

Psychosis is a heterogeneous psychiatric condition for which a multitude of risk and protective factors have been suggested. This umbrella review aimed to classify the strength of evidence for the associations between each factor and psychotic disorders whilst controlling for several biases. The Web of Knowledge database was searched to identify systematic reviews and meta‐analyses of observational studies which examined associations between socio‐demographic, parental, perinatal, later factors or antecedents and psychotic disorders, and which included a comparison group of healthy controls, published from 1965 to January 31, 2017. The literature search and data extraction followed PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines. The association between each factor and ICD or DSM diagnoses of non‐organic psychotic disorders was graded into convincing, highly suggestive, suggestive, weak, or non‐significant according to a standardized classification based on: number of psychotic cases, random‐effects p value, largest study 95% confidence interval, heterogeneity between studies, 95% prediction interval, small study effect, and excess significance bias. In order to assess evidence for temporality of association, we also conducted sensitivity analyses restricted to data from prospective studies. Fifty‐five meta‐analyses or systematic reviews were included in the umbrella review, corresponding to 683 individual studies and 170 putative risk or protective factors for psychotic disorders. Only the ultra‐high‐risk state for psychosis (odds ratio, OR=9.32, 95% CI: 4.91‐17.72) and Black‐Caribbean ethnicity in England (OR=4.87, 95% CI: 3.96‐6.00) showed convincing evidence of association. Six factors were highly suggestive (ethnic minority in low ethnic density area, second generation immigrants, trait anhedonia, premorbid IQ, minor physical anomalies, and olfactory identification ability), and nine were suggestive (urbanicity, ethnic minority in high ethnic density area, first generation immigrants, North‐African immigrants in Europe, winter/spring season of birth in Northern hemisphere, childhood social withdrawal, childhood trauma, Toxoplasma gondii IgG, and non‐right handedness). When only prospective studies were considered, the evidence was convincing for ultra‐high‐risk state and suggestive for urbanicity only. In summary, this umbrella review found several factors to be associated with psychotic disorders with different levels of evidence. These risk or protective factors represent a starting point for further etiopathological research and for the improvement of the prediction of psychosis.  相似文献   

Hyperfluorescent intensity maxima during protein unfolding titrations are often taken as a sign for a thermodynamic folding intermediate. Here we explore another possibility: that hyperfluorescence could be the signature of a "pretransition" conformationally loosened native state. To model such native states, we study mutants of a fluorescent ubiquitin variant, placing cavities at various distances from the tryptophan fluorophore. We examine the correlation between protein flexibility and enhanced fluorescence intensity by using circular dichroism, fluorescence intensity unfolding titrations, fluorescence anisotropy measurements, and molecular dynamics. Based on experiment and simulation, we propose a simple model for hyperfluorescence in terms of static and dynamic conformational properties of the native state during unfolding. Apomyoglobin denaturant unfolding and phosphoglycerate kinase cold denaturation are discussed as examples. Our results do not preclude the existence of thermodynamic intermediates but do raise caution that by itself, hyperfluorescence during unfolding titrations is not conclusive proof of thermodynamic folding intermediates.  相似文献   

What causes male‐biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Several hypotheses to account for biased sex ratios in mature insect populations were tested by monitoring two field populations of the damselfly Lestes sponsa and by performing experiments in field cages. The population sex ratios are heavily male biased in this species. 2. The observed sex ratio at emergence was even and both sexes emerged synchronously. Females had longer maturation times but these were insufficient to explain the observed sex ratio shift. 3. Mass increases during maturation were consistently larger in females. In agreement with this, immature females made more flights per unit of time, which should make them more vulnerable to predation, however maturation probabilities were lower in females only in one field cage experiment. This inconsistency may be due to long bad weather conditions. Interestingly, predators reduced mass increase and this reduction was larger in females than in males. 4. Calculations based on the sex specific maturation times show that only slightly lower daily survival probabilities during maturation in females are enough to generate the observed sex ratio shift. 5. Mature survival was higher in males than in females in one field population but not in another, indicating that this cannot be a general mechanism causing the sex ratio. A higher maturation probability in males is therefore the most plausible mechanism causing the sex ratio shift in damselfly populations.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that somatic mutations make major contributions to aging. The first paper, based on a gene knock-in mouse, supports a contributory role for mutation in mtDNA in aging, but does not support a damaged-mtDNA-producing-more-damaged-mtDNA hypothesis. The second paper indicates some GC-rich sequences in the nuclear DNA are more sensitive to oxidative damage than mtDNA. As a result, key genes involved in brain function and mitochondrial function are progressively inactivated with age. Failure in these nucleus-encoded mitochondrial genes may be a primary reason for mitochondrial failure in old age.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe muscle wasting disease caused by a mutation in the gene for dystrophin--a cytoskeletal protein connecting the contractile machinery to a group of proteins in the cell membrane. At the end stage of the disease there is profound muscle weakness and atrophy. However, the early stage of the disease is characterised by increased membrane permeability which allows soluble enzymes such as creatine kinase to leak out of the cell and ions such as calcium to enter the cell. The most widely accepted theory to explain the increased membrane permeability is that the absence of dystrophin makes the membrane more fragile so that the stress of contraction causes membrane tears which provide the increase in membrane permeability. However other possibilities are that increases in intracellular calcium caused by altered regulation of channels activate enzymes, such as phospholipase A(2), which cause increased membrane permeability. Increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) are also present in the early stages of the disease and may contribute both to membrane damage by peroxidation and to the channel opening. Understanding the earliest phases of the pathology are critical to therapies directed at minimizing the muscle damage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the role of occupational and domestic exposure to dust in the aetiology of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. DESIGN--Matched case-control study. SUBJECTS--40 Patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and 106 community controls matched for age and sex who responded to a questionnaire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Responses to self administered questionnaire asking about lifetime exposure to dust, animals, and smoke at home and at work. RESULTS--The patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis were more likely to report occupational exposure to metal dust (matched odds ratio 10.97 (95% confidence interval 2.30 to 52.4), p less than 0.001) or wood dust (2.94 (0.87 to 9.90), p = 0.08), to have worked with cattle (10.89 (1.24 to 96.0), p = 0.01), and to have lived in a house heated by a wood fire (12.55 (1.04 to 114), p = 0.009). A history of smoking and social class based on occupation were not significantly related to disease state. CONCLUSION--Environmental exposure to dust may be an important factor in the aetiology of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis.  相似文献   

Individual differences in the energy cost of self-maintenance (resting metabolic rate, RMR) are substantial and the focus of an emerging research area. These differences may influence fitness because self-maintenance is considered as a life-history component along with growth and reproduction. In this review, we ask why do some individuals have two to three times the ‘maintenance costs’ of conspecifics, and what are the fitness consequences? Using evidence from a range of species, we demonstrate that diverse factors, such as genotypes, maternal effects, early developmental conditions and personality differences contribute to variation in individual RMR. We review evidence that RMR is linked with fitness, showing correlations with traits such as growth and survival. However, these relationships are modulated by environmental conditions (e.g. food supply), suggesting that the fitness consequences of a given RMR may be context-dependent. Then, using empirical examples, we discuss broad-scale reasons why variation in RMR might persist in natural populations, including the role of both spatial and temporal variation in selection pressures and trans-generational effects. To conclude, we discuss experimental approaches that will enable more rigorous examination of the causes and consequences of individual variation in this key physiological trait.  相似文献   



This paper aims to verify whether life cycle assessment (LCA) research can be mainly treated as a kind of pro-environmental behavior due to public environment concerns, or academic and research activities based on scientific traditions.


This paper uses the international comparisons method for modeling and SPSS 16.0 for data processing. The data in this study were obtained from the Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Programme and the Web of Science by the Institute for Scientific Information.

Results and discussion

Our empirical study shows that the two main factors influencing the outputs per capita of the research articles in LCA in a particular country are the value of Environmental Performance Index, which represents the overall environmental quality, as well as the outputs per capita of the research articles in environmental science and technology. The results of statistical analysis show two J-type curves: with the change of the independent variables, the dependent variable changes in the same direction, but at a rate that is first slow, then fast.


LCA research results from scientific traditions and can only develop based on fundamental research in environmental science and technology. Further, LCA research is a pro-environmental behavior due to actual and objective effects rather than subjective motives as more research on LCA can accompany, even in some degree may lead to better overall environmental qualities. However, although environmental concerns are likely to affect the number of LCA studies as an implicit variable, this has not been empirically confirmed in our optimization model.

The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is one of the most striking ecological patterns on our planet. Determining the evolutionary causes of this pattern remains a challenging task. To address this issue, previous LDG studies have usually relied on correlations between environmental variables and species richness, only considering evolutionary processes indirectly. Instead, we use a phylogenetically integrated approach to investigate the ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for the global LDG observed in swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). We find evidence for the 'diversification rate hypothesis' with different diversification rates between two similarly aged tropical and temperate clades. We conclude that the LDG is caused by (1) climatically driven changes in both clades based on evidence of responses to cooling and warming events, and (2) distinct biogeographical histories constrained by tropical niche conservatism and niche evolution. This multidisciplinary approach provides new findings that allow better understanding of the factors that shape LDGs.  相似文献   

Analysis of protein data bank information about the coordinates of definite atoms of protein macromolecules provides an opportunity to evaluate the efficiency of non-radiative resonance energy transfer within the model of fixed, strictly oriented oscillators. Such evaluations for trypsin and trypsinogen (and also for trypsin complex with a pancreatic inhibitor) show that the efficiency of energy transfer among each pair of tryptophan residues is negligibly small. It is also shown that a fairly effective energy transfer from tyrosine to tryptophan residues is possible. The conclusions have been made that the Tyr-Trp energy transfer is one of the factors determining the shape of the trypsin polarization spectrum, and that upon fluorescence excitation at the long-wavelength edge of the absorption spectrum, the depolarization of trypsin fluorescence in aqueous solution at ambient temperature - compared to model compounds (tryptophan, N-acetyltryptophan, glycyltryptophan, etc.), under the conditions of infinite viscosity - is due to the Brownian rotational motion of the macromolecules as a whole as well as the intramolecular mobility. The differences in the level and character of intramolecular mobility of trypsin and trypsinogen are discussed.  相似文献   

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