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Two compartmental model structures are said to be indistinguishable if they have the same input-output properties. In cases in which available a priori information is not sufficient to specify a unique compartmental model structure, indistinguishable model structures may have to be generated and their attributes examined for relevance. An algorithm is developed that, for a given compartmental model, investigates the complete set of models with the same number of compartments and the same input-output structure as the original model, applies geometrical rules necessary for indistinguishable models, and test models meeting the geometrical criteria for equality of transfer functions. Identifiability is also checked in the algorithm. The software consists of three programs. Program 1 determines the number of locally identifiable parameters. Program 2 applies several geometrical rules that eliminate many (generally most) of the candidate models. Program 3 checks the equality between system transfer functions of the original model and models being tested. Ranks of Jacobian matrices and submatrices and other criteria are used to check patterns of moment invariants and local identifiability. Structural controllability and structural observability are checked throughout the programs. The approach was successfully used to corroborate results from examples investigated by others.  相似文献   

Through use of the local state isomorphism theorem instead of the algebraic equivalence theorem of linear systems theory, the similarity transformation approach is extended to nonlinear models, resulting in finitely verifiable sufficient and necessary conditions for global and local identifiability. The approach requires testing of certain controllability and observability conditions, but in many practical examples these conditions prove very easy to verify. In principle the method also involves nonlinear state variable transformations, but in all of the examples presented in the paper the transformations turn out to be linear. The method is applied to an unidentifiable nonlinear model and a locally identifiable nonlinear model, and these are the first nonlinear models other than bilinear models where the reason for lack of global identifiability is nontrivial. The method is also applied to two models with Michaelis-Menten elimination kinetics, both of considerable importance in pharmacokinetics, and for both of which the complicated nature of the algebraic equations arising from the Taylor series approach has hitherto defeated attempts to establish identifiability results for specific input functions.  相似文献   

《Mathematical biosciences》1986,81(2):165-176
The problem of determining the size of a compartmental model from the impulse response is studied. A number of examples are presented to show that the size cannot always be so determined. Sufficient conditions for this determination are given and then shown to hold almost surely for irreducible matrices.  相似文献   

Holzmann H  Munk A  Zucchini W 《Biometrics》2006,62(3):934-6; discussion 936-9
We study the issue of identifiability of mixture models in the context of capture-recapture abundance estimation for closed populations. Such models are used to take account of individual heterogeneity in capture probabilities, but their validity was recently questioned by Link (2003, Biometrics 59, 1123-1130) on the basis of their nonidentifiability. We give a general criterion for identifiability of the mixing distribution, and apply it to establish identifiability within families of mixing distributions that are commonly used in this context, including finite and beta mixtures. Our analysis covers binomial and geometrically distributed outcomes. In an example we highlight the difference between the identifiability issue considered here and that in classical binomial mixture models.  相似文献   

A major problem for the identification of metabolic network models is parameter identifiability, that is, the possibility to unambiguously infer the parameter values from the data. Identifiability problems may be due to the structure of the model, in particular implicit dependencies between the parameters, or to limitations in the quantity and quality of the available data. We address the detection and resolution of identifiability problems for a class of pseudo-linear models of metabolism, so-called linlog models. Linlog models have the advantage that parameter estimation reduces to linear or orthogonal regression, which facilitates the analysis of identifiability. We develop precise definitions of structural and practical identifiability, and clarify the fundamental relations between these concepts. In addition, we use singular value decomposition to detect identifiability problems and reduce the model to an identifiable approximation by a principal component analysis approach. The criterion is adapted to real data, which are frequently scarce, incomplete, and noisy. The test of the criterion on a model with simulated data shows that it is capable of correctly identifying the principal components of the data vector. The application to a state-of-the-art dataset on central carbon metabolism in Escherichia coli yields the surprising result that only $4$ out of $31$ reactions, and $37$ out of $100$ parameters, are identifiable. This underlines the practical importance of identifiability analysis and model reduction in the modeling of large-scale metabolic networks. Although our approach has been developed in the context of linlog models, it carries over to other pseudo-linear models, such as generalized mass-action (power-law) models. Moreover, it provides useful hints for the identifiability analysis of more general classes of nonlinear models of metabolism.  相似文献   

Under certain controllability and observability restrictions, two different parameterisations for a non-linear compartmental model can only have the same input-output behaviour if they differ by a locally diffeomorphic change of basis for the state space. With further restrictions, it is possible to gain valuable information with respect to identifiability via a linear analysis. Examples are presented where non-linear identifiability analyses are substantially simplified by means of an initial linear analysis. For complex models, with four or more compartments, this linear analysis can prove lengthy to perform by hand and so symbolic computation has been employed to aid this procedure.  相似文献   

Practical identifiability of growth and substrate consumption models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The estimation of parameters in several dynamic models, which describe growth and substrate consumption, has been carried out using a modified Gauss-Newton-type method. The four models considered are Monod, Contois, linear specific growth rate, and an enzyme kinetic model. The initial values of the differential equations are included in the parameter vector which will be estimated. The efficiency of the method and the confidence limits of the parameters were studied using simulated measurement noise. The experimental results describe Trichoderma viride growing on glucose as the main carbon source.  相似文献   

In this paper we identify biologically relevant families of models whose structural identifiability analysis could not be performed with available techniques directly. The models considered come from both the immunological and epidemiological literature.  相似文献   

In systems biology, experimentally measured parameters are not always available, necessitating the use of computationally based parameter estimation. In order to rely on estimated parameters, it is critical to first determine which parameters can be estimated for a given model and measurement set. This is done with parameter identifiability analysis. A kinetic model of the sucrose accumulation in the sugar cane culm tissue developed by Rohwer et al. was taken as a test case model. What differentiates this approach is the integration of an orthogonal-based local identifiability method into the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), rather than using the more common observability-based method which has inherent limitations. It also introduces a variable step size based on the system uncertainty of the UKF during the sensitivity calculation. This method identified 10 out of 12 parameters as identifiable. These ten parameters were estimated using the UKF, which was run 97 times. Throughout the repetitions the UKF proved to be more consistent than the estimation algorithms used for comparison.  相似文献   

The parameters describing the kinetics of excited-state processes can possibly be recovered by analysis of the fluorescence decay surface measured as a function of the experimental variables. The identifiability analysis of a photophysical model assuming errorless time-resolved fluorescence data can verify whether the model parameters can be determined. In this work, we have used the methods of similarity transformation and Taylor series to investigate the identifiability of two models utilized to describe the time-resolved fluorescence quenching of stationary probes in micelles. The first model assumes that exchange of the quencher between micelles is much slower than the fluorescence decay of the unquenched probe (the 'immobile' quencher model). The second model assumes that quenchers exchange between the aqueous and micellar phases (the 'mobile' quencher model). For the 'immobile' quencher model, the rate constants for deactivation (k(0)) and quenching (k(q)) of the excited probe are uniquely identified together with the average number of quencher molecules per micelle. For the 'mobile' quencher model, the rate constants k(0) and k(q) are uniquely identified, as are the rate constants for entry (k(+)) and exit (k(-)) of one quencher molecule into and from a micelle, and the micellar aggregation number. The concomitant rate equations describing the time-resolved fluorescence are solved using z-transforms.  相似文献   

For a model of molecular evolution to be useful for phylogenetic inference, the topology of evolutionary trees must be identifiable. That is, from a joint distribution the model predicts, it must be possible to recover the tree parameter. We establish tree identifiability for a number of phylogenetic models, including a covarion model and a variety of mixture models with a limited number of classes. The proof is based on the introduction of a more general model, allowing more states at internal nodes of the tree than at leaves, and the study of the algebraic variety formed by the joint distributions to which it gives rise. Tree identifiability is first established for this general model through the use of certain phylogenetic invariants.  相似文献   

Chis OT  Banga JR  Balsa-Canto E 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27755
Analysing the properties of a biological system through in silico experimentation requires a satisfactory mathematical representation of the system including accurate values of the model parameters. Fortunately, modern experimental techniques allow obtaining time-series data of appropriate quality which may then be used to estimate unknown parameters. However, in many cases, a subset of those parameters may not be uniquely estimated, independently of the experimental data available or the numerical techniques used for estimation. This lack of identifiability is related to the structure of the model, i.e. the system dynamics plus the observation function. Despite the interest in knowing a priori whether there is any chance of uniquely estimating all model unknown parameters, the structural identifiability analysis for general non-linear dynamic models is still an open question. There is no method amenable to every model, thus at some point we have to face the selection of one of the possibilities. This work presents a critical comparison of the currently available techniques. To this end, we perform the structural identifiability analysis of a collection of biological models. The results reveal that the generating series approach, in combination with identifiability tableaus, offers the most advantageous compromise among range of applicability, computational complexity and information provided.  相似文献   

Bistable dynamical switches are frequently encountered in mathematical modeling of biological systems because binary decisions are at the core of many cellular processes. Bistable switches present two stable steady-states, each of them corresponding to a distinct decision. In response to a transient signal, the system can flip back and forth between these two stable steady-states, switching between both decisions. Understanding which parameters and states affect this switch between stable states may shed light on the mechanisms underlying the decision-making process. Yet, answering such a question involves analyzing the global dynamical (i.e., transient) behavior of a nonlinear, possibly high dimensional model. In this paper, we show how a local analysis at a particular equilibrium point of bistable systems is highly relevant to understand the global properties of the switching system. The local analysis is performed at the saddle point, an often disregarded equilibrium point of bistable models but which is shown to be a key ruler of the decision-making process. Results are illustrated on three previously published models of biological switches: two models of apoptosis, the programmed cell death and one model of long-term potentiation, a phenomenon underlying synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

A major goal of biophysics is to understand the physical mechanisms of biological molecules and systems. Mechanistic models are evaluated based on their ability to explain carefully controlled experiments. By fitting models to data, biophysical parameters that cannot be measured directly can be estimated from experimentation. However, it might be the case that many different combinations of model parameters can explain the observations equally well. In these cases, the model parameters are not identifiable: the experimentation has not provided sufficient constraining power to enable unique estimation of their true values. We demonstrate that this pitfall is present even in simple biophysical models. We investigate the underlying causes of parameter non-identifiability and discuss straightforward methods for determining when parameters of simple models can be inferred accurately. However, for models of even modest complexity, more general tools are required to diagnose parameter non-identifiability. We present a method based in Bayesian inference that can be used to establish the reliability of parameter estimates, as well as yield accurate quantification of parameter confidence.  相似文献   

The reason for difficulties in obtaining unique estimates of the parameters μm and Ks of the Michaelis-Menten equation are analysed for a microbial batch growth process. With the aid of simulation studies in which the influences of different types of noise on the parameter estimates are compared, it is shown that, although theoretically identifiable in the deterministic case with ideal measurements, the parameters cannot in general be correctly determined from noisy measurements. The difficulties are further illuminated by estimation examples using real data. It certain situations, in which the value of the ratio Ks/so is high or in which only few and noisy measurements are available, the linear approximation of the Michaelis-Menten equation gives a better fit. The practical difficulties in obtaining correct values of the model parameters do not limit the applicability of the Michaelis-Menten model, which in most cases explains the bacterial growth behavior excellently. Rather, they underline the fact that care must be taken when utilizing parameter estimates for biological interpretations.  相似文献   


Background and scope

Differential equation systems modeling biochemical reaction networks can only give quantitative predictions, when they are in accordance with experimental data. However, even if a model can well recapitulate given data, it is often the case that some of its kinetic parameters can be arbitrarily chosen without significantly affecting the simulation results. This indicates a lack of appropriate data to determine those parameters. In this case, the parameter is called to be practically non-identifiable. Well-identified parameters are paramount for reliable quantitative predictions and, therefore, identifiability analysis is an important topic in modeling of biochemical reaction networks. Here, we describe a hidden feature of the free modeling software COPASI, which can be exploited to easily and quickly conduct a parameter identifiability analysis of differential equation systems by calculating likelihood profiles. The proposed combination of an established method for parameter identifiability analysis with the user-friendly features of COPASI offers an easy and rapid access to parameter identifiability analysis even for non-experts.


COPASI is freely available for academic use at http://www.copasi.org.  相似文献   

Two primary purposes for mathematical modeling in cell biology are (1) simulation for making predictions of experimental outcomes and (2) parameter estimation for drawing inferences from experimental data about unobserved aspects of biological systems. While the former purpose has become common in the biological sciences, the latter is less common, particularly when studying cellular and subcellular phenomena such as signaling—the focus of the current study. Data are difficult to obtain at this level. Therefore, even models of only modest complexity can contain parameters for which the available data are insufficient for estimation. In the present study, we use a set of published cellular signaling models to address issues related to global parameter identifiability. That is, we address the following question: assuming known time courses for some model variables, which parameters is it theoretically impossible to estimate, even with continuous, noise-free data? Following an introduction to this problem and its relevance, we perform a full identifiability analysis on a set of cellular signaling models using DAISY (Differential Algebra for the Identifiability of SYstems). We use our analysis to bring to light important issues related to parameter identifiability in ordinary differential equation (ODE) models. We contend that this is, as of yet, an under-appreciated issue in biological modeling and, more particularly, cell biology.  相似文献   

Data-generated models find numerous applications in areas where the speed of collection and logging of data surpasses the ability to analyze it. This work is meant to addresses some of the challenges and difficulties encountered in the practical application of these methods in an industrial setting and, more specifically, in the bioprocess industry. Neural network and principal component models are the two topics that are covered in detail in this paper. A review of these modeling technologies as applied to bioprocessing is provided, and four original case studies using industrial fermentation data are presented that utilize these models in the context of prediction and monitoring of bioprocess performance.  相似文献   

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