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Non-reducing and reducing sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of laminin synthesized in parietal endoderm-like F9 cells demonstrated that only AB1B2 complex goes through intracellular traffic for oligosaccharide side-chain processing and secretion. Glycosylation was not necessary for subunit assembly. Assembly was suggested to proceed through B1B2 to AB1B2. Among the pools of monomer subunits, the B2 pool was smallest.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of monensin on post-translational modification and intracellular transport of precursors of laminin subunits in parietal endoderm-like F9 cells. At concentrations higher than 0.1 microM, monensin inhibited the processing of high-mannose type precursors for all three subunits and caused their cytoplasmic accumulation. Furthermore, the secretion of mature subunits of laminin was inhibited. Instead, polypeptides with similar molecular weights to those of intracellular precursors were secreted. These polypeptides were immunologically related to laminin subunits and were sensitive to digestion with beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (Endo H). This indicated that Golgi complexes of the cells can transport the precursors of laminin subunits even with their terminal glycosylation inactivated by monensin. Tunicamycin induced the accumulation of unglycosylated precursors and strongly reduced their secretion into the medium.  相似文献   

The differentiation of F9 cells, as monitored by the secretion of basement membrane proteins, was biphasic depending on the dose of retinoic acid (RA) used. Secretion of laminin A reached a plateau at about 10 nM and increased again at more than 100 mM RA. A similar biphasic response was observed in the secretion of tissue-type plasminogen activator as well. In the presence of RA alone, this biphasic pattern of differentiation was stable for a long period of time, but the addition of 1 mM dibutyryl cAMP changed it to monophasic after 12 days of exposure.  相似文献   

F9 embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into endoderm-like cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The mouse teratocarcinoma cell line, F9, has been used in many laboratories as the epitome of the “nullipotent” embryonal carcinoma cell line. However, careful inspection of F9 cultures reveals the presence of small numbers of cells which possess several properties of endoderm, particularly parietal endoderm, and which can be shown to derive from the embryonal carcinoma component. Furthermore, tumors of F9 cells include isolated patches of endoderm-like cells surrounded by a thick secretion resembling Reichert's membrane. The proportion of endoderm-like cells in F9 cultures can be increased to varying degrees by causing the cells to form aggregates and/or maintaining them at high density for several days, although the endoderm-like cells produced in these ways contribute very little to the formation of subcutaneous tumors from the resultant mixed cultures. Differentiated cell types other than endoderm are rarely observed in F9 monolayer or aggregate cultures, even after several weeks. Cloning studies support the view that most, if not all, F9 cells can differentiate, albeit at very low incidence.  相似文献   

The visceral endoderm of the mouse embryo is a polarized epithelium which has recently been shown to express villin, a major actin binding component of absorptive epitheliums. We report here that villin is induced during differentiation of aggregates of the mouse embryonal carcinoma F9, an in vitro system widely used to study extraembryonic endoderm differentiation. Identical results were obtained with a variant of F9 which carries an immortalizing vector. Villin is coexpressed with F-actin and with alpha-foetoprotein, in most of the visceral endoderm-like cells lining the aggregates. This system is potentially useful to study (i) the induction of villin expression and (ii) the establishment of polarity in the visceral endoderm epithelium.  相似文献   

Cell migration is regulated by the action of many signaling pathways that are activated in specific regions of migrating cells. Extracellular regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK) signaling can modulate the migration of cells by controlling the turnover of focal adhesions and the dynamics of actin polymerization. Focal adhesion turnover is necessary for cell migration, and the formation of strong actin stress fibers and mature focal adhesions puts the brakes on cell migration. We used F9 wild-type and vinculin null (vin-/-) parietal endoderm (PE) outgrowth to study the role of the ERK signaling pathway in cell migration. Upon plating of F9 embryoid bodies (EBs) onto laminin-coated dishes, PE cells migrate away from the EBs, providing an in vitro model for studying directed migration of this embryonic cell type. Our results suggest that the ERK pathway regulates PE cell migration by affecting the formation of focal adhesions and lamellipodia through the action of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK).  相似文献   

The expression of the cellular proto-oncogene, c-fos, in extra-embryonic tissues of the mouse was investigated using a v-fos DNA probe and an affinity-purified antiserum raised against a C-terminal synthetic peptide. At 13.5 days of development, parietal endoderm--a tissue not previously studied using these methods--was found to express c-fos RNA at a higher level than the amnion or placenta. The previously reported dramatic increase in c-fos RNA levels in extra-embryonic membranes during gestation was found to be confined to the amnion. The antipeptide serum specifically recovered proteins with Mr values of 46,000 and 39,000 from extracts of parietal endoderm and amnion cells labelled for 15 min with 35S-methionine. On sodium-dodecyl-sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis these proteins co-migrated with proteins immunoprecipitated using serum from rats inoculated with FBJ-MuSV-transformed cells (tumour-bearing rat serum). Pulse-chasing and 32P-labelling experiments showed that the protein with an Mr of 46,000 was rapidly converted into higher-molecular-weight phosphorylated derivatives. F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells differentiated into parietal-endoderm-like cells in response to treatment with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. However, this differentiation was not accompanied by any large transient increase in c-fos RNA expression.  相似文献   

Murine F9 embryonal carcinoma cells exposed to retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP gradually arborize and acquire a neuron-like morphology in monolayer culture. Whether F9 cells can be induced to differentiate into cells with features specific to neural cells is controversial. We analyzed the intermediate filament content and pericellular matrix proteins of F9 cells after exposing them to retinoic acid, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and nerve growth factor. In long-term cultures, a great majority of the cells appeared neuron-like, but showed intra- and pericellular laminin and type IV collagen, and frequently cytokeratin filaments as well. Several monoclonal antibodies to neurofilaments did not react with these cells in immunofluorescence or immunoblotting, though they recognize either all or individual mouse neurofilament triplet proteins. Polyclonal antibodies to neurofilament proteins gave a diffuse, nonfibrillar, vinblastine-resistant fluorescence in the morphologically neuron-like cells, but in immunoblotting failed to reveal polypeptides compatible with neurofilament triplet proteins. In long-term cultures, most of the cells appeared to have partially or totally lost the intermediate filaments. This was confirmed with anti-IFA antibodies which normally react with all intermediate filament proteins. The F9-derived cells did not respond to nerve growth factor in any detectable way. We conclude that the morphologically neuron-like derivatives of F9 cells display characteristics of modified parietal endoderm-like cells and do not show unequivocal features of neural cells.  相似文献   

Fetomodulin is a surface marker protein of differentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. Gene cloning has recently identified it as thrombomodulin which binds thrombin and proteolytically activates protein C. Activity assays and RNA blotting were adopted to analyze F9 cell differentiation with specific reference to another well-characterized marker, tissue plasminogen activator. Retinoic acid induced primitive endoderm differentiation of F9 cells and simultaneously activated tissue plasminogen activator synthesis. This differentiation, however, did not result in fetomodulin expression. When primitive endoderm cells were exposed to 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP, the tissue plasminogen activator level rose further within 6 hr. In contrast, the cofactor activity of fetomodulin stayed below a detectable level for as long as 15 hr and then increased with time. Expression of the two marker proteins appeared to be regulated differently.  相似文献   

The mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cell line is a model that can be manipulated to imitate one of the earliest epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in mouse development. When cells are treated with Retinoic Acid they differentiate into primitive endoderm and into parietal endoderm with the addition of dibutyryl cAMP. Parietal endoderm also develops when undifferentiated cells express a constitutively active (CA) form of Galpha13(Q226L). Differentiation is accompanied by a translocation of beta-catenin to the nucleus and considerable changes to the cytoskeleton and cell morphology. ERM proteins facilitate rearrangements to the F-actin cytoskeleton, and at least one, moesin, is essential for cell survival. In this study we found that moesin translocated to the nucleus during RA-induced differentiation, and sequence analysis identified putative nuclear localization signals in the protein. In the absence of RA, transient over-expression of rat moesin or the distantly related zebrafish homologue in F9 cells induced primitive endoderm. Furthermore, no apparent beta-catenin was seen in the nucleus of cells over-expressing zebrafish moesin. Our previous results have shown that depleting F9 cells of moesin using an antisense morpholino strategy caused them to detach from the substrate unless they expressed CA-Galpha13(Q226L). This CA-Galpha13 signalling maintained cell survival, but at the expense of differentiation. We now report that over-expressing zebrafish moesin in mouse moesin-depleted F9 cells not only ensured cell survival, but also induced differentiation to primitive endoderm. Together, the results suggest a new role for moesin, acting in a signalling pathway facilitating the differentiation of extraembryonic endoderm.  相似文献   

It is well-established that fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) participate in mesoderm formation and patterning in the developing embryo. To identify cells in mammalian embryos that produce and/or respond to FGFs, we utilized the F9 teratocarcinoma cell system. Undifferentiated F9 cells resemble inner cell mass (ICM) cells of the mouse blastocyst by several criteria including having a characteristic high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and by their expression of stage-specific embryonic antigens. F9 stem cells differ from ICM cells by their low spontaneous rate of differentiation and their differentiation potential. ICM cells are heterogeneous with a proportion of the cells maintaining totipotency. In contrast, F9 stem cells appear capable of forming only endodermal derivatives. Retinoic acid (RA) treatment of F9 stem cells is required for them to differentiate, and under different culturing conditions the F9 cells will form either extraembryonic parietal or visceral endoderm. We have previously shown that FGF is synthesized by F9 parietal endoderm, but not by F9 stem cells. Our present study demonstrates that F9 aggregate cultures that contain visceral endoderm cells produce cell-associated-heparin-binding mitogens for 3T3 and endothelial cells, factors with characteristics of FGFs. Furthermore, our studies detect endothelial cell-mitogens within the extracellular matrix (ECM) of F9 parietal endoderm cells, not detected within F9 stem cell 'matrices'. Parietal endoderm cell matrix mitogens could be removed by prior treatment of the ECM with buffers containing heparin or 2 M NaCl, and could be neutralized by basic FGF antibodies.  相似文献   

Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) play key roles in the normal development of an organism as well as its demise following the metastasis of a malignant tumour. An EMT during early mouse development results in the differentiation of primitive endoderm into the parietal endoderm that forms part of the parietal yolk sac. In the embryo, primitive endoderm develops from cells in the inner cell mass, but the signals that instruct these cells to become specified and adopt an epithelial fate are poorly understood. The mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cell line, a model that can recapitulate the in vivo primitive to parietal endoderm EMT, has been used extensively to elucidate the signalling cascades involved in extraembryonic endoderm differentiation. Here, we identified Wnt6 as a gene up-regulated in F9 cells in response to RA and show that Wnt6 expressing cells or cells exposed to Wnt6 conditioned media form primitive endoderm. Wnt6 induction of primitive endoderm is accompanied by beta-catenin and Snail1 translocation to the nucleus and the appearance of cytokeratin intermediate filaments. Attenuating glycogen synthase kinase 3 activity using LiCl gave similar results, but the fact that cells de-differentiate when LiCl is removed reveals that other signalling pathways are required to maintain cells as primitive endoderm. Finally, Wnt6-induced primitive endodermal cells were tested to determine their competency to complete the EMT and differentiate into parietal endoderm. Towards that end, results show that up-regulating protein kinase A activity is sufficient to induce markers of parietal endoderm. Together, these findings indicate that undifferentiated F9 cells are responsive to canonical Wnt signalling, which negatively regulates glycogen synthase kinase 3 activity leading to the epithelialization and specification of primitive endoderm competent to receive additional signals required for EMT. Considering the ability of F9 cells to mimic an in vivo EMT, the identification of this Wnt6-beta-catenin-Snail signalling cascade has broad implications for understanding EMT mechanisms in embryogenesis and metastasis.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a ligand for S1P family receptors (S1P(1)-S1P(5)). Of these receptors, S1P(1), S1P(2), and S1P(3) are ubiquitously expressed in adult mice, while S1P(4) and S1P(5) are tissue specific. However, little is known of their expression during embryonal development. We performed Northern blot analyses in mouse embryonal tissue and found that such expression is developmentally regulated. We also examined the expression of these receptors during primitive endoderm (PrE) differentiation of mouse F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, a well-known in vitro endoderm differentiation system. S1P(2) mRNA was abundantly expressed in F9 EC cells, but little S1P(1) and no S1P(3), S1P(4), or S1P(5) mRNA was detectable. However, S1P(1) mRNA expression was induced during EC-to-PrE differentiation. Studies using small interference RNA of S1P(1) indicated that increased S1P(1) expression is required for PrE differentiation. Thus, S1P(1) may play an important function in PrE differentiation that is not substituted for by S1P(2).  相似文献   

We have studied effects of sodium butyrate on embryonal carcinoma F9 cell differentiation. In the presence of sodium butyrate, F9 cells underwent rapid and drastic morphological changes and expressed marked increases in mRNA levels of various differentiation markers. When sodium butyrate was removed from the cultures, all the examined phenotypes of F9 cell differentiation rapidly reverted to the characteristics of undifferentiated stem cells. However, under the same conditions, when cycloheximide or actinomycin D was added to the cultures, such phenotypic reversion was not observed, but high mRNA levels of the differentiation markers as well as altered cell morphology were retained. These results indicated that the effects of sodium butyrate on induction of teratocarcinoma cell differentiation were reversible and that de novo syntheses of some mRNA(s) and protein(s) were necessary for the reversion of differentiated cells to stem cells.  相似文献   

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