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棘球绦虫寄生于犬科动物的小肠内,其幼虫棘球蚴寄生在动物和人的肝脏,该病严重危害人类和动物健康,对公共卫生造成了严重威胁。本文对包虫病的类型、危害、流行情况以及防治进行综述,希望有助于社会对该病正确的认识、深入的研究和对疾病的防治工作。  相似文献   

Cystic echinococcosis (CE) caused by Echinococcus granulosus is a major public health problem worldwide, including Turkey. The aim of the current study was to identify the strains and to estimate the potential risk factors of E. granulosus in operated pediatric cases in eastern Turkey. Ten pediatric patients (7 boys and 3 girls) living in rural areas, with ages ranging from 3 to 15 years old and various clinical histories, were included in this study. Eight patients had only liver hydatid cyst, while 1 patient had liver and lung hydatid cyst and the other liver, lung, and spleen, together. There were 2 ruptured liver cysts. After surgery, during follow-up, no increase was observed in hemagglutination levels, there were no mortalities, and there was no evidence of recurrence at 2 years post operation in all patients. Molecular analysis was performed on hydatid cyst samples obtained from the 10 pediatric cases. According to mt-12S rRNA PCR results, all cases were found to be G1/G3 cluster of E. granulosus sensu stricto.  相似文献   

The parasitic filarioid Onchocerca lupi causes ocular disease characterized by conjunctivitis and nodular lesions. This nematode was first described in 1967 in a wolf from Georgia, and since then cases of infection from dogs and cats with ocular onchocercosis and sporadically from humans also with subcutaneous and cervical lesions caused by O. lupi have been reported from the Middle East, Europe, and North America. Due to its zoonotic potential, this parasitic infection has gained attention in the past 20 years. Phylogenetic studies have highlighted the recent divergence of O. lupi from other Onchocerca spp. and the importance of domestication in the evolutionary history of this worm. Moreover, the finding of an O. lupi genotype associated with subclinical and mild infection in the Iberian Peninsula, raises important questions about the pathogenicity of this presently enigmatic parasite.  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠合并不同种类心脏病患者的母儿预后.方法:对我院2002年3月至2012年5月间收治的812例妊娠合并心脏病患者的有关临床资料进行回顾分析.结果:1).研究的470例妊娠合并先心病患者平均年龄为30.0±4.7岁,101例妊娠合并风心病患者平均年龄为30.1+ 4.8岁,241例妊娠合并其它心脏病患者平均年龄为29.1+ 4.5岁.470例妊娠合并先心病患者初产妇为425例,101例妊娠合并风心病患者初产妇为74例,241例妊娠合并其它心脏病患者初产妇为200例.三组患者的心脏病史相比较,差异有统计学意义;三组并发症相比较,差异无统计学意义.2).妊娠合并先心病和风心病从2002年到2012年每年的发病均呈递增的趋势;妊娠合并其它心脏病的发病高峰在2007年至2010年.3).妊娠合并先心病组同妊娠合并风心痛组及妊娠合并其它心脏病组的新生儿不良结局的比较结果中,新生儿死亡及早产比较,差异有统计学意义.窒息、低体重儿、脐绕颈、胎儿窘迫的比较,差异无统计学意义.4).在母亲妊娠结局方面,三组的剖宫产、胎盘残留、产褥病率及脐带异常相比较,差异均无统计学意义.心律失常及其它并发症比较,P<0.001,差异有统计学意义.结论:对于妊娠合并不同心脏病患者的母儿预后的影响有待更多研究,加强孕前心脏病史的管理可以显著改善母儿预后,临床上应重视合并心脏病孕妇的孕前咨询、产前检查和孕期保健,强调对其妊娠期、分娩期、产褥期进行多学科、规范化管理,割宫产是较为安全的分娩方式.  相似文献   

Background: Behçet’s disease (BD) is a rare chronic multisystemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. It is usually diagnosed between the 2nd and 4th decades of life, so its association with pregnancy is not unusual. This study aims to characterize the evolution of pregnancy in a group of pregnant women with BD and the impact of this pathology in embryo-fetal morbidity. Methods: A retrospective case-control study included 49 pregnancies in women suffering from BD, followed in our institution. Pregnancy outcomes were compared with a control group of healthy pregnant women. Two controls per case were randomly selected. Statistical analysis used SPSS 25.0, and a p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Forty-nine pregnancies were included in 27 patients with BD. BD exacerbation occurred in 32.6% of the pregnancies. There were no significant statistical differences between the two groups regarding the rate of preterm delivery, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia (p>0.05). In the BD group, we found a higher rate of miscarriage (24.5%) and fetal growth restriction (FGR, 13.3%, p<0.05). In the study group, 13 (32.5%) of the pregnant patients did not need treatment. The cesarean rate was significantly higher in the BD group (43.2% vs 20.4% in the control group, p<0.05), and there were no significant differences in median gestational age at the time of delivery (p>0.05). The birth weight of newborns did not differ significantly between the groups. There was no association of BD with maternal morbidity and neonatal complications. Conclusion: In this study, the majority of pregnant with BD did not present clinical exacerbation of their pathology. However, BD may have an adverse influence on pregnancy outcomes. FGR and miscarriage rates were significantly higher in the study group.  相似文献   

When cultured in vitro in the presence of serum from a number of sheep infected with Echinococcus granulosus cysts, varying proportions of oncospheres died within 24 h. Of the survivors, some died during reorganization into cysts; others were able to develop normally but showed evidence of precipitates in the outer layers of the cyst. The lethal effects were removed by heating the serum to 56°C for 30 min and could be restored by the addition of freshly-collected normal sheep serum. In the presence of serum from sheep immunized against E. granulosus, most oncospheres were dead within 24 h, and few or none of the survivors were able to reorganize into cysts.  相似文献   

The naming of pathogens and their associated syndromes is a thorny process which unfolds in a complex geopolitical environment. This brief piece offers perspective on the multitude of forces that shape the name of a pathogen and summarizes the story of Sin Nombre Virus, with some reference to the ongoing saga of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). A monopoly on names and circulating monikers rarely exists, and certain communities become disproportionately impacted by misunderstandings or stigmatization. By acknowledging these processes, we can better serve as allies to affected communities dealing with both pandemic and prejudice.  相似文献   

Bacterial zoonotic diseases such as leptospirosis, Q fever, melioidosis, spotted fever group rickettsioses, and brucellosis are increasingly recognized causes of non-malaria acute fevers. However, though readily treatable with antibiotics, these diseases are commonly misdiagnosed resulting in poor outcomes in patients. There is a considerable deficit in the understanding of basic aspects of the epidemiology of these neglected diseases and diagnostic tests for these zoonotic bacterial pathogens are not always available in resource-poor settings. Raising awareness about these emerging bacterial zoonoses is directly beneficial to the patients by allowing a test-and-treat approach and is essential to control these life-threatening diseases.  相似文献   

Dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) play a major economic role in many countries in Africa and Asia. Although they are resistant to harsh environmental conditions, they are susceptible to a wide range of zoonotic agents. This study aimed to provide an overview on the prevalence of selected zoonotic pathogens in blood and tissues of camels in central Iran. Blood, liver, portal lymph node, and brain were collected from 100 apparently healthy camels at a slaughterhouse in Qom city to assess the presence of DNA of Brucella spp., Trypanosoma spp., Coxiella burnetii, and Bartonella spp. PCR products were sequenced bidirectionally and phylogenetic analyses were performed. Eleven percent of camels tested positive for Brucella abortus (3%) and Trypanosoma evansi (8%). Coxiella burnetii and Bartonella spp. DNA was not detected. Our data demonstrate that camels from Iran contribute to the epidemiology of some zoonotic pathogens. Performing proper control strategies, such as vaccination of camels and humans in contact with them, test-and-slaughter policy, and education of the general population is necessary for minimizing the risk of zoonotic infection.  相似文献   

Echinococcosis (CE) is an infection which is caused by the larval stage of a tapeworm and is endemic in stockbreeding regions of developing countries. The kidney is the most commonly affected organ in the urinary tract. However, reports on renal hydatid disease are limited in the literature, and usually there are no specific clinical characteristics and promising operative methods. The purpose of this study is to assess the most appropriate surgical technique for the patient with urinary tract CE. We retrospectively analyzed thirty patients with renal hydatid cysts who received different surgical treatments in the urology department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from February 1985 to April 2010. Twenty patients were males and ten were females. The diagnostic accuracy was 74%, 87.5%, and 66.6% respectively by using of ultrasound, CT, and laboratory tests. Thirty patients were followed up for 1–15 years after surgery. One patient experienced a recurrence of renal CE. The ultrasound, CT, and immunological tests are an important means of diagnosis. The surgical treatment principle of renal hydatid should be based on residual renal function, hydatid cyst size, number, location, and surgical techniques to determine the surgical plan to retain the renal function.  相似文献   

Malaria is a major mosquito-borne public health problem especially in tropical countries. The authors report a malaria infection in a 31-year-old man who had returned from East Africa with developed fever and rigor. Because of his thrombocytopenia, decreased hemoglobin, elevated liver enzymes, and splenomegaly, and because of failure to question about recent travel history, he was initially referred to the hematological hospital and medical staff suspected a hematological problem, so he was investigated for bone marrow aspirate and biopsy. As he progressively deteriorated, and after retaking history, his relatives eventually came to mention their travel to Africa. Blood samples were sent to detect malarial parasites, but the results were negative. When an internist was consulted, the patient was drowsy with low oxygen saturation (SpO2), so he was intubated and put on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). The internist suggested empirical anti-malarial treatment, which improved the clinical and hematological conditions of the patient. However, the repeated thin blood film showed falciparum malaria ring-shaped trophozoites. The patient persisted with the same treatment for 1 week until his condition improved gradually and completely stabilized, and then he was discharged. Presentation of this case of malaria is crucial to outpatient clinics’ proper referral of cases, as is encouraging the physician to think of malaria as a cause of fever and rigor even in countries with eradicated malaria and to insist on mentioning travel history. It is also imperative, in the case of sustaining fever with further deterioration of the patient after proper antibiotic use, to start empirical anti-malarial treatment immediately.  相似文献   

In this perspectives paper, we discuss fertilization strategies for Taenia saginata and Taenia saginata asiatica as well as heterogeneity in Taenia solium, the causative agent of human cysticercosis. Two different genotypes of T. solium (Asian and Afro/American) were confirmed by mitochondrial DNA analysis approximately two decades ago. Since then, outcrossings of the two genotypes have been identified in Madagascar where the two genotypes are distributed sympatrically. Outcrossings were confirmed by the presence of discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Since multiple tapeworm infections are common in endemic areas, outcrossing events likely occur quite frequently. Therefore, mitochondrial DNA from T. solium specimens collected from humans and pigs in endemic areas should be analyzed. If variations are found between specimens, nuclear DNA analysis should be performed to confirm the presence of discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Additional outcrossings likely add complexity to understanding the existing genetic diversity. Serological surveys are also recommended since serodiagnostic glycoprotein can also differentiate between the two genotypes. Viable eggs from different genotypes or from hybrids of two different genotypes should be used for experimental infection of pigs or dogs in order to observe any pathological heterogeneity in cysticercosis development. Although genetic diversity of T. solium is expected to result in clinical heterogeneity of cysticercosis in humans and pigs, there is currently no evidence showing that this occurs. There are also no comparative experimental studies on this topic. Therefore, studies evaluating the link between parasite heterogeneity and clinical outcome are warranted.  相似文献   

Background: Livestock-wildlife interfaces create unique hotspots of many infectious diseases including brucellosis. Methods: A combination of epidemiological field studies utilizing Participatory Epidemiology tools and cross-sectional studies investigating Abortion Associated Syndrome (AAS) was conducted in livestock wildlife interface areas in Kasulu district, Tanzania from 23 to 28 July 2019. A total of 285 cattle from 27 herds were examined and sampled. Individual animal and herd-level data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Serum samples were screened for anti-Brucella antibodies using the Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT). Results: Ranking and proportional piling showed cattle to be the most important animal species kept but also significantly contribute to the livelihood of the livestock keepers. Matrix scoring results showed weak to moderate agreement between informant groups perception on the AAS and risk factors. The overall seroprevalence of anti-Brucella antibodies in individual animal was 30.8% (95% Confidence intervals (CI) = 25.5 – 36.2) and the corresponding herd prevalence was 77.7% (95% CI = 59.2 – 89.4). Fifty-one (37.0%) out of the 138 cows that had history of abortion over the previous 2 years (2018-2019) prior to the study was seropositive on RBPT. Univariate logistic regression analysis showed sex and age of the animals as a potential predictor for individual animal seroprevalence. Conclusions: The results showed that farmer knowledge and perception about diseases including AAS to be moderate and further confirm brucellosis to be prevalent and widely distributed locally. Heightened routine surveillance, further studies, and institution of preventive and control measures particularly among young female stock should be implemented. Creating disease awareness especially amongst livestock keepers and general public who are at high risk of contracting brucellosis is desirable.  相似文献   

The close phylogenetic relationship between humans and other primates creates exceptionally high potential for pathogen exchange. The surveillance of pathogens in primates plays an important role in anticipating possible outbreaks. In this study, we conducted a molecular investigation of pathogenic bacteria in feces from African nonhuman primates (NHPs). We also investigated the pathogens shared by the human population and gorillas living in the same territory in the Republic of Congo. In total, 93% of NHPs (n=176) and 95% (n=38) of humans were found to carry at least one bacterium. Non-pallidum Treponema spp. (including T. succinifaciens, T. berlinense, and several potential new species) were recovered from stools of 70% of great apes, 88% of monkeys, and 79% of humans. Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium spp. were also common in almost all NHP species as well as in humans. In addition, Acinetobacter spp., members of the primate gut microbiota, were mainly prevalent in human and gorilla. Pathogenic Leptospira spp. were highly present in humans (82%) and gorillas (66%) stool samples in Congo, but were absent in the other NHPs, therefore suggesting a possible gorillas-humans exchange. Particular attention will be necessary for enteropathogenic bacteria detected in humans such as Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella spp. (including S. typhi/paratyphi), Staphyloccocus aureus, and Tropheryma whipplei, some of which were also present in gorillas in the same territory (S. aureus and T. whipplei). This study enhances our knowledge of pathogenic bacteria that threaten African NHPs and humans by using a non-invasive sampling technique. Contact between humans and NHPs results in an exchange of pathogens. Ongoing surveillance, prevention, and treatment strategies alone will limit the spread of these infectious agents.  相似文献   

The Trypanosoma spp. cause animal and human trypanosomiasis characterized with appreciable health and economic burden mostly in developing nations. There is currently no effective therapy for this parasitic disease, due to poor drug efficacy, drug resistance, and unwanted toxicity, etc. Therefore, new anti-Trypanosoma agents are urgently needed. This study explored new series of imidazoles for anti-Trypanosoma properties in vitro and in vivo. The imidazoles showed moderate to strong and specific action against growth of T. congolense. For example, the efficacy of the imidazole compounds to restrict Trypanosoma growth in vitro was ≥ 12-fold specific towards T. congolense relative to the mammalian cells. Additionally, the in vivo study revealed that the imidazoles exhibited promising anti-Trypanosoma efficacy corroborating the in vitro anti-parasite capacity. In particular, three imidazole compounds (C1, C6, and C8) not only cleared the systemic parasite burden but cured infected rats after no death was recorded. On the other hand, the remaining five imidazole compounds (C2, C3, C4, C5, and C7) drastically reduced the systemic parasite load while extending survival time of the infected rats by 14 days as compared with control. Untreated control died 3 days post-infection, while the rats treated with diminazene aceturate were cured comparable to the results obtained for C1, C6, and C8. In conclusion, this is the first study demonstrating the potential of these new series of imidazoles to clear the systemic parasite burden in infected rats. Furthermore, a high selectivity index of imidazoles towards T. congolense in vitro and the oral LD50 in rats support anti-parasite specific action. Together, findings support the anti-parasitic prospects of the new series of imidazole derivatives.  相似文献   

The threats, both real and perceived, surrounding the development of new and emerging infectious diseases of humans are of critical concern to public health and well-being. Among these risks is the potential for zoonotic transmission to humans of species of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium, that have been considered historically to infect exclusively non-human hosts. Recently observed shifts in the mode, transmission, and presentation of malaria among several species studied are evidenced by shared vectors, atypical symptoms, and novel host-seeking behavior. Collectively, these changes indicate the presence of environmental and ecological pressures that are likely to influence the dynamics of these parasite life cycles and physiological make-up. These may be further affected and amplified by such factors as increased urban development and accelerated rate of climate change. In particular, the extended host-seeking behavior of what were once considered non-human malaria species indicates the specialist niche of human malaria parasites is not a limiting factor that drives the success of blood-borne parasites. While zoonotic transmission of non-human malaria parasites is generally considered to not be possible for the vast majority of Plasmodium species, failure to consider the feasibility of its occurrence may lead to the emergence of a potentially life-threatening blood-borne disease of humans. Here, we argue that recent trends in behavior among what were hitherto considered to be non-human malaria parasites to infect humans call for a cross-disciplinary, ecologically-focused approach to understanding the complexities of the vertebrate host/mosquito vector/malaria parasite triangular relationship. This highlights a pressing need to conduct a multi-species investigation for which we recommend the construction of a database to determine ecological differences among all known Plasmodium species, vectors, and hosts. Closing this knowledge gap may help to inform alternative means of malaria prevention and control.  相似文献   

Non-tuberculous mycobacterial lung disease (NTM-LD) is most commonly due to species within the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and Mycobacterium abscessus complex (MAbC). Surgical lung resection, typically a lobectomy or segmentectomy, is occasionally undertaken for individuals with recalcitrant but localized NTM-LD. Since the growth characteristics of MAC (slow growers) and MAbC (rapid growers) as well as their drug susceptibility patterns are significantly different, the objective of this study is to characterize and compare the histopathologic features of the resected lungs due to these two major NTM groups. From 1996 to 2017, 356 patients with NTM-LD due to MAC (n=270), MAbC (n=54), or both (n=32) underwent a total of 404 lobar resections (with the lingula counted as a separate lobe) at the University of Colorado Hospital. We analyzed by microscopy the existing surgical lung tissue sections for bronchiolitis, bronchiolectasis, bronchiectasis, non-necrotizing granuloma (airway, parenchymal, and total), necrotizing granuloma (airway, parenchymal, and total), peri-airway fibrosis, fibrous pleuritis, and lymphoid follicles. There were no significant differences in the presence or absence of most of the histopathologic features of surgically removed lungs due to MAC, MAbC, or both MAC + MAbC. However, there were significantly more necrotizing granulomas (airway, parenchymal, and total) and fibrous pleuritis in MAC compared to MAbC lung diseases. Since necrotizing granulomas may be a sign of inadequate control of the infection, we posit that their presence may be an indication of increased chronicity, increased virulence of MAC compared to MAbC, and/or impaired host immunity against the NTM. Futures studies to determine the root cause of such differences in histopathologic findings in MAC versus MAbC lung disease may spawn new leads on differential pathogenic mechanisms with different NTM, with the goal of aiming for more targeted therapy against both the NTM and the lung damage induced by them.  相似文献   

Background: Pregnancy-related risk factors for necrotizing fasciitis are poorly understood. We investigated pregnancy-related characteristics associated with the long-term risk of developing necrotizing fasciitis, a rare life-threatening infectious disease. Methods: We analyzed a longitudinal cohort of 1,344,996 parous women in Quebec, Canada between 1989 and 2020. The main exposure measures included complications of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, preterm delivery, metabolic disorder, and other maternal characteristics. We followed the women over time to identify future hospitalizations for necrotizing fasciitis up to three decades after delivery. We estimated adjusted hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association of pregnancy characteristics with risk of necrotizing fasciitis in time-varying Cox proportional hazards regression models. Results: A total of 420 women were hospitalized for necrotizing fasciitis during follow-up, including 83 (19.8%) with diabetes-related necrotizing fasciitis. The incidence of necrotizing fasciitis was elevated for women with gestational diabetes (2.9 per 100,000 person-years), preterm delivery (3.2 per 100,000 person-years), and metabolic disorders (5.4 per 100,000 person-years), compared with no pregnancy complication (1.1 per 100,000 person-years). Compared with no pregnancy complication, gestational diabetes was associated with 1.87 times the risk (95% CI 1.38-2.53), preterm delivery with 2.10 times the risk (95% CI 1.65-2.66), and metabolic disorder with 3.72 times the risk (95% CI 2.92-4.74) of developing necrotizing fasciitis over time. Pregnancy complications were more strongly associated with the risk of necrotizing fasciitis 5 years or more after delivery. Conclusions: Complications of pregnancy may be associated with the long-term risk of necrotizing fasciitis in women.  相似文献   

To establish a definite diagnosis for pulmonary hydatid disease, combination of radiology and serology is useful. In this study, 19 preoperative sera from patients with surgically confirmed pulmonary hydatidosis, 40 sera from patients with other parasitosis and pulmonary diseases, and 20 sera from healthy donors were evaluated using 4 different serological tests, i.e., the commercial ELISA (ELISA-kit) test, the ELISA (ELISA-lab) test prepared in our laboratory, the commercial indirect hemagglutination assay kit (IHA-kit) test, and the IHA test using sensitized sheep red blood cells with tannic acid (IHA-TA). The ELISA-kit was the most sensitive (84.2%) and the most specific test (100.0%). The ELISA-kit also demonstrated the highest positive (100.0%) and negative (95.2%) predictive values. The sensitivity of the ELISA-lab test, that we prepared, was found to be 73.6%, whereas the IHA-kit test and the IHA-TA test were found to be 73.6% and 68.4%, respectively. The specificity of these tests was 96.6%, 98.3%, and 83.3%, respectively. When all 4 tests were assessed together, it was found that the sensitivity had risen to 94.7%. When the ELISA-kit was assessed with the IHA-kit and IHA-TA together, it was found that the sensitivity was 89.5% and 84.2%, respectively. Likewise, the combination of the ELISA-lab and IHA-kit or IHA-TA allowed us to achieve a sensitivity of 84.2% in cases of pulmonary echinococcosis. In conclusion, the diagnosis would be imminent if least 2 tests were applied together.  相似文献   

Fish-borne parasites have been part of the global landscape of food-borne zoonotic diseases for many decades and are often endemic in certain regions of the world. The past 20 years or so have seen the expansion of the range of fish-borne parasitic zoonoses to new geographic regions leading to a substantial public health burden. In this article, we summarize current knowledge about the biology, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and control of selected fish-borne helminthic diseases caused by parasitic roundworm (Anisakis), tapeworm (Dibothriocephalus), and fluke (Metagonimus). Humans acquire infection via consumption of raw or improperly cooked fish or fish products. The burden from these diseases is caused by morbidity rather than mortality. Infected patients may present with mild to severe gastrointestinal (eg, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and indigestion) or allergic manifestations. Patients are often admitted to the hospital or clinic with acute symptoms and no prior health problems and no travel history. Diagnosis is often established based on the detection of the diagnostic parasite stages (eg, eggs or tapeworm segments) in the patient’s feces. Sometimes imaging is required to exclude other causes and avoid unnecessary surgery. Dibothriocephalus and Metagonimus are mainly treated with praziquantel. Extraction of adult Dibothriocephalus or Anisakis larvae from the bowel ensures complete elimination of the parasites and prevents a relapse of infection. The development and implementation of more efficient food safety and public health strategies to reduce the burden of zoonotic diseases attributable to fish-borne parasites is highly desirable.  相似文献   

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