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Structure of the leucine zipper.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In the basic-region leucine-zipper domain, flexible DNA-binding arms are juxtaposed by a two-stranded, parallel coiled-coil motif called the leucine zipper. Genetic, physical and structural studies of the leucine zipper identify interactions that help determine the stability and specificity of dimerization and DNA binding.  相似文献   

Morii T  Sato S  Hagihara M  Mori Y  Imoto K  Makino K 《Biochemistry》2002,41(7):2177-2183
We have employed a structure-based design to construct a small folding domain from the F-actin bundling protein villin that contains the amino acids necessary for the DNA binding of the basic leucine zipper protein GCN4 and have compared its DNA binding with GCN4. The monomeric motif folds into a stable domain and binds DNA in a rigid-body mechanism, while its affinity is not higher than that of the basic region peptide. The addition of the leucine zipper region to the folded domain restored its sequence-specific DNA binding comparable to that of GCN4. Unlike the monomeric folded domain, its leucine zipper derivative undergoes a conformational change upon DNA binding. CD spectral and thermodynamic studies indicate that the DNA-contacting region is folded in the presence or absence of DNA and suggest that the junction between the DNA-contacting and the leucine zipper regions transits to a helix in the presence of DNA. These results demonstrate that the structural transition outside the direct-contacting region, which adjusts the precise location of the DNA-contacting region, plays a critical role in the specific complex formation of basic leucine zipper proteins.  相似文献   

Structural properties of the complex formed between genomic DNA and the intercalating drug ethidium bromide (EtBr) have been determined by use of a Raman microscope equipped with near-infrared laser excitation. The polarized spectra, which were obtained from oriented fibers of the EtBr:DNA complex, are interpreted in terms of the relative orientations of the phenanthridinium ring of EtBr and bases of DNA. Quantification of structure parameters of EtBr and DNA in the complex were assessed using Raman tensors obtained from polarized Raman analyses of oriented specimens of EtBr (single crystal) and DNA (hydrated fiber). We find that the phenanthridinium plane is tilted by 35+/-5 degrees from the plane perpendicular to the fiber (DNA helix) axis. Assuming coplanarity of the phenanthridinium ring and its immediate base neighbors at the intercalation site, such bases would have a tilt angle closer to that of A-DNA (20 degrees) than to that of B-DNA (6 degrees). The average base tilt in stretches of DNA between intercalation sites remains that of B-DNA.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the retrovirus integration protein (IN) was predicted from seven inferred retrovirus IN sequences. The IN sequences were aligned by computer and the phylogenetic relationships between them were determined. The secondary structure of the aligned IN sequences was predicted by two consensus prediction methods. The predicted secondary structural patterns from the two consensus prediction schemes were compared with and superimposed on a composite structural profile of hydropathic/chain flexibility/amphipathic indexes with each index profile being calculated independently for the aligned IN sequences. The use of this composite structural profile not only enhanced the prediction accuracy but also helped in defining the surface loop regions which would be otherwise unpredictable by the use of consensus prediction methods alone. An amphipathic helix was identified by these united structural prediction-chain property profiles. Helical wheel analysis gave the amphipathic helix a coiled-coil like pattern which was similar to the leucine zipper discovered for some eukaryotic gene regulatory proteins. The proposed amphipathic helix may play an essential role in defining the biological properties of IN.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of the leucine zipper GCN4 built from its amino acid sequence had been reported previously by us. When the two alternative x-ray structures of the GCN4 dimer became available, the root mean square (r.m.s.) shifts between our model and the structures were determined as approximately 2.7 A on all atoms. These values are similar to the r.m.s. shift of 2.8 A between the two GCN4 structures in the different crystal forms (C2 and P2(1)2(1)2(1)). CONGEN conformational searches were run to better understand the conditions that may determine the preference of different conformers in different environments and to test the sensitivity of our current modeling techniques. With a judicious choice of CONGEN search parameters, the backbone r.m.s. deviation improved to 0.8 A and 2.5 A on all atoms. The side-chain conformations of Val and Leu at the helical interface were well reproduced (1.2 A r.m.s.), and the large side-chain misplacements occurred with only a small number of charged amino acids and a tyrosine. Inclusion of the crystal environment (C2 symmetry), as a passive background, into the side-chain conformational search further improved the accuracy of the model to an r.m.s. deviation of 2.1 A. Conformational searches carried out in the two different crystal environments and employing the AMBER protein/DNA forcefield, as implemented in CONGEN, gave the r.m.s. values of 2.2 A (for the C2 symmetry) and 2.5 A (for the P2(1)2(1)2(1) symmetry). In the C2 symmetry crystal, as much as 40% of the surface of each dimer was involved in crystal contacts with other dimers, and the charged residues on the surface often interacted with immobilized water molecules. Thus, occasional large r.m.s. deviations between the model and the x-ray side chains were due to specific conditions that did not occur in solution.  相似文献   

Ion pairs are ubiquitous in X-ray structures of coiled coils, and mutagenesis of charged residues can result in large stability losses. By contrast, pKa values determined by NMR in solution often predict only small contributions to stability from charge interactions. To help reconcile these results we used triple-resonance NMR to determine pKa values for all groups that ionize between pH 1 and 13 in the 33 residue leucine zipper fragment, GCN4p. In addition to the native state we also determined comprehensive pKa values for two models of the GCN4p denatured state: the protein in 6 M urea, and unfolded peptide fragments of the protein in water. Only residues that form ion pairs in multiple X-ray structures of GCN4p gave large pKa differences between the native and denatured states. Moreover, electrostatic contributions to stability were not equivalent for oppositely charged partners in ion pairs, suggesting that the interactions between a charge and its environment are as important as those within the ion pair. The pH dependence of protein stability calculated from NMR-derived pKa values agreed with the stability profile measured from equilibrium urea-unfolding experiments as a function of pH. The stability profile was also reproduced with structure-based continuum electrostatic calculations, although contributions to stability were overestimated at the extremes of pH. We consider potential sources of errors in the calculations, and how pKa predictions could be improved. Our results show that although hydrophobic packing and hydrogen bonding have dominant roles, electrostatic interactions also make significant contributions to the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

Interferons induce a number of different proteins that mediate the antiproliferative, antiviral, and immunomodulatory functions of interferons. At least three different proteins mediate the antiviral response, and one of them, Mx protein, specifically inhibits the replication of influenza virus and (vesicular stomatitis virus). Mouse and rat Mx1 proteins are nuclear, whereas other presently known Mx proteins are cytoplasmic. The cellular functions of Mx proteins are unknown, but all of them contain a consensus GTP binding site. Very little information is available on the structure and characteristics of the mouse Mx1 protein itself. For biochemical characterization, we expressed mouse Mx1 protein in a baculovirus system and purified it to homogeneity. The purified protein as well as the authentic murine cellular Mx1 protein exists in dimers and trimers in the presence of dissociating solvents, whereas in physiological buffers they form aggregates. Cross-linking experiments done on Mx-expressing cells from various species revealed that mouse, rat, and human Mx proteins exist predominantly in trimers. Amino acid sequence analysis shows that all known Mx proteins have conserved leucine repeats typical for a leucine zipper at their COOH-terminal end. In vitro translation of chimeric catechol O-methyltransferase-Mx1 gene constructs revealed that the leucine zipper domain of Mx1 protein is responsible for the oligomerization. The COOH terminus also functions as a nuclear localization signal. Microinjection of purified oligomers into the cell cytoplasm resulted in a fast accumulation of the protein in the resulted in a fast accumulation of the protein in the nucleus. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that nuclear murine Mx1 protein exists in distinct, electron-dense structures separate from nuclear membrane, and chromatin, or nucleolus. These observations reveal that a COOH-terminal leucine zipper domain is an important structural element of all Mx proteins. Its relevance to the biology and functions of Mx proteins is presently not known.  相似文献   

The solution structures of 1:1 complexes of a quinacrine-netropsin hybrid molecule with the self-complementary DNA duplexes, d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 and d(CGAATTCG)2, have been studied by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy. The NOE data indicate that the acridine ring of the hybrid intercalates into the 5'-GpA step and its netropsin moiety spans the minor groove of the central AATT region.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent structure of calf thymus DNA is analyzed using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra in the acidic region demonstrate that denaturation occurs in several steps. The binding of H+ to adenine and cytosine residues is accompanied by a decrease in the percentage of DNA in the B-conformation and a concurrent increase in a conformation most probably related to the C-form. The denaturation of DNA is observed at pH 3.3 and parallels the protonation of guanine bases. The Raman spectra of calf thymus DNA in the basic region (above pH 10) show that guanine residues are deprotonated at a lower pH value than are thymine residues. In addition, Raman spectra in the basic region detect conformational changes of the phosphate backbone different from those found in the acidic region.  相似文献   

Capping interactions associated with specific sequences at or near the ends of alpha-helices are important determinants of the stability of protein secondary and tertiary structure. We investigate here the role of the helix-capping motif Ser-X-X-Glu, a sequence that occurs frequently at the N termini of alpha helices in proteins, on the conformation and stability of the GCN4 leucine zipper. The 1.8 A resolution crystal structure of the capped molecule reveals distinct conformations, packing geometries and hydrogen-bonding networks at the amino terminus of the two helices in the leucine zipper dimer. The free energy of helix stabilization associated with the hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions in this capping structure is -1.2 kcal/mol, evaluated from thermal unfolding experiments. A single cap thus contributes appreciably to stabilizing the terminated helix and thereby the native state. These results suggest that helix capping plays a further role in protein folding, providing a sensitive connector linking alpha-helix formation to the developing tertiary structure of a protein.  相似文献   

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