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It is necessary to understand how environmental changes affect plant fitness to predict survival of a species, but this knowledge is scarce for lichens and complicated by their formation of sexual and asexual reproductive structures. Are the presence and number of reproductive structures in Lobaria pulmonaria, a threatened lichen, dependent on thallus size, and is their formation sequential? Does any size-dependence and sequential formation vary along a climate gradient? Generalized linear mixed models were used to explore the effect of environmental predictors on the size and presence/abundance of each reproductive structure and to determine the probability of a given-sized thallus to develop any reproductive structure. The largest individuals are more likely to develop reproductive structures, and the lichen uses a mixed strategy of early asexual reproduction and late sexual. Macro and microclimatic variables also influenced reproductive capacity. Relationships among climate conditions and lichen size and reproductive capacity can compromise the future viability of the species in the most southern populations of Europe.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic variation within a species may be used to infer past events in the evolutionary history of marine species. In the present study we aimed to compare the genetic diversity of the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. For genetic markers we used microsatellites and a mitochondrial gene fragment. Our results revealed a distinct genetic composition and diversity between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. The Mediterranean samples had higher microsatellite heterozygosity, allelic richness and private allelic richness. The hypotheses that can explain these patterns are the isolation of Atlantic populations and/or a founder effect. Additionally, a clear difference was obtained from the mitochondrial locus, since sequences from Atlantic and Mediterranean samples diverged by 1%, which is high for soft corals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. A comparative study was performed on growth, reproduction and mortality of three species of marine littoral Collembola: the grassland species, Isotoma viridis (Bourlet), the littoral Hypogastrura viatica (Tullberg) and the intertidal Anurida maritima (Guérin), at different salinities.
2. I. viridis and H. viatica both occur in salt marshes that are only inundated by seawater at very high tides. The first species lives in the higher less saline area and the second in the lower area, where during summer brackish and even hypersaline conditions may occur. The intertidal A.maritima is mainly found at salinities similar to the local seawater.
3. I.viridis and H.viatica both show maximal growth and reproduction and a very low mortality at low salinities, but the latter species is better adapted to higher salinities. A difference between A.maritima and the other two species is that A.maritima is unable to survive freshwater conditions; rather it has an ecological optimum at salinities similar to seawater.
4. A salt-marsh population of I.viridis showed a better survival and a slightly better growth at saline conditions than an inland population of this species.
5. We suggest that H.viatica , living in a very unstable environment, can be considered as a typical r-strategist, while A.maritima , living in a predictable habitat, is more a K-strategist.  相似文献   

Summary Floral thermogenicity, which is found in several representatives of half a dozen angiosperm families, is most pronounced in the Araceae. It is based on the operation of an alternative, cyanide-resistant electron transport chain which, in contrast to the classic cytochrome oxidase system, produces little ATP; most of the energy originally locked up in the respiratory substrate usually starch — is therefore liberated in the form of heat. The biological function of this (biochemically wasteful) system is to release the heat to serve as a volatilizer for the floral odors (often containing aliphatic amines, indole and skatole) that attract the insect pollinators. This makes the survival value of thermogenesis (for the plant species) immediately clear. Thermogenicity is under tight biological control, as demonstrated by the fact that the same ceiling temperature is always reached, regardless of ambient temperature. In Eastern skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), which flowers very early in spring, that ceiling is about 20° C, in tropical forms such as Xanthosoma robustum and Philodendron selloum, it lies in the 42°–44° C range. In several instances, e.g., in Arum and in Sauromatum, the voodoo lily, thermogenicity manifests itself as a flare-up of only a few hours' duration, a respiratory explosion that can lead to rates of metabolism that compare favorably with those of a hovering hummingbird. The metabolic peak is always reached at a particular time of day, which is different for the different arum lily species, and thus reduces competition for pollinators. The odors that accompany the heat are also very characteristic, appealing to different pollinator classes and further reducing such competition. In the voodoo lily and in Arum, the primary site for the production of both heat and odor is the naked appendix of the inflorescence, which acts as a specialized osmophore or odor carrier. The first explosion may be followed by another one several hours later, which manifests itself in the floral chamber of the inflorescence and is under strict photoperiodic control. In Sauromatum, the first metabolic explosion is triggered by a plant hormone, originally referred to as calorigen, which originates in the primordia of the staminate flowers and moves from there into the appendix where it exerts its action after a lag-time of about a day — an indication that synthesis of new enzymatic protein (through unblocking of certain genes?) may well be involved. In 1987, calorigen was shown to be identical with salicylic acid. This compound was already known to induce flowering in certain duck-weeds, Lemnaceae, which until recently were regarded as belonging to the same family as arum lilies. In certain water lilies (Nymphaeaceae), thermogenicity is combined with a pollination syndrome very similar to that of Arum and Sauromatum but involving temporary trap flowers.Dedicated to the memory of A.W.H. van Herk, pioneer in the study of arum lilies, superb lecturer, and unselfish human being  相似文献   

The basal hypothesis discussed here is the idea that brain architecture could be plastic on a very basal, genetic level due to sexual recombination and reassortment of alleles of genes related to brain development, e.g., neuronal cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) and others.The role of sexual reassortment leads the study of brain development, species behavior and intelligence to a new version of the so-called “Red Queen Hypothesis”: using the mechanism described here, a kind of runaway selection mechanism seems to arise. Even if NCAMs are almost constant within an individual, they seem to act very differently at the population level and so the role of reassorting polymorphic NCAM- (and other) genes gets particularly clear. If several NCAM-NCAM combinations cause extreme behavior and intelligence variability in a population, these combinations also represent a use of sexual selection. This mechanism of NCAM allele assortment seems to be important for the process of speciation by mutual selection of individuals. Therefore NCAM variants and their associated behaviors are thought to be important for the development of intelligence, in that they promote the attraction of individuals with already high intelligence, leading to the speciation of super-intelligent groups.  相似文献   

We include spatial extension into a model for the maintenance of sexual reproduction introduced recently. The model is based on a broad spectrum of resources, which regrow slowly. Other key features of the model are that sexual reproduction sets in when resources become scarce and that only a few genotypes can coexist locally. The extension of the model to several patches in space is done in two different ways. Model A is based on central egg deposition and allows migration of juveniles into all patches. Model B has a one-dimensional array of patches with migration only between neighboring patches. The main findings are that wide dispersal favors asexuals, while for slower migration there is a wide range of parameter values for which sexually reproducing species always win against asexuals. These results are conform with major patterns for the distribution of parthenogenesis in animals and plants, i.e. the prevalence of parthenogenetic reproduction in minute species, which are easily dispersed by physical forces, such as protists and small metazoans including e.g. bdelloid rotifers, tardigrades and nematodes.  相似文献   

菊科12种外来植物的有性繁殖特征和入侵风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菊科植物具有极强的有性繁殖能力,对外来菊科观赏植物的引进存在极高的入侵风险。本研究以武汉常见的菊科12种外来观赏植物为对象,通过有性繁殖特征调查,研究植株的花部特征、花粉活力、传粉系统、种子产量,分析各物种有性繁殖能力的差异,评估其入侵能力。结果显示,多数物种可在隔绝传粉者情况下结实;访花昆虫类型多样,共观察到26种访花昆虫,其中膜翅目蜂类是主要的传粉者;结实情况具有一定差异。综合考虑花粉活力、传粉情况和结实情况,认为黑心金光菊(Rudbeckia hirta L.)、松果菊(Echinacea purpurea(L.)Moench)、大花金鸡菊(Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg.)、蛇目菊(Sanvitalia procumbens Lam.)的有性繁殖竞争力较高,对本地传粉环境可能有较大影响。本研究对近缘物种有性繁殖特征的综合分析结果可为评估外来物种的入侵风险提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Mortality rates often depend on the size of a population. Using ideal free theory to model the optimal timing of reproduction in model populations, I considered how the specific relationship between density-dependent offspring mortality and population size affects the optimal temporal distribution of reproduction. The results suggest that the specific form of the relationship between density-dependent mortality and the number of offspring produced determines the degree to which reproduction within a population is synchronous. Specifically, reproductive synchrony decreases as density-dependent mortality becomes increasingly inversely related to the number of offspring produced and is highest when density-dependent mortality is directly density-dependent. These findings support the suggestion that predation pressure selects for greater reproductive synchrony in species where mortality is directly density-dependent, but does not affect the timing of reproduction in species with density-independent rates of mortality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a trade-off between fitness benefits and costs of delaying age at first reproduction (AFR). In many human populations, maternal AFR has been increasingly delayed beyond sexual maturity over the past decades, raising a question of whether any fitness benefits accrued outweigh costs incurred. To investigate the cost–benefit trade-off concerning AFR in women, we construct a theoretical model and test its predictions using pedigree data from historical Finnish mothers. The model predicts that the probability of reproductive failure (no offspring produced reaching breeding) will increase with AFR if the benefit with delaying in terms of improvement to offspring quality (i.e., breeding probability) cannot offset the cost from decline in offspring quantity. The data show that offspring quantity declined significantly with delayed reproduction, while offspring quality remained initially constant before declining when AFR was delayed beyond 30. Consistent with the theoretical model's predictions, reproductive failure probability increased markedly with delaying AFR after 30, independently of maternal socioeconomic status. Our study is the first to investigate the associations between delay in AFR after sexual maturity and changes in not only offspring quantity but also offspring quality and suggest a significant evolutionary disadvantage of delayed AFR beyond 30 for lineage persistence in a predemographic transition society.  相似文献   

Aims To explore whether the trade-off between seed and vegetative reproductive modes is flexible in environments with different amounts of available resources to maintain optimal behaviors.Methods A transition matrix model was established to determine the optimal trade-off between seed and vegetative reproduction in resources–variable habitats.Important findings The model predicts that plants allocate more resources to seed reproduction when available resources are scarce. With increasing resources, more vegetative propagules are produced. However, if resources keep increasing to a harmful level, plants would switch to seeds again.  相似文献   

Heat stress can have large effects on most aspects of reproductive function in mammals. These include disruptions in spermatogenesis and oocyte development, oocyte maturation, early embryonic development, foetal and placental growth and lactation. These deleterious effects of heat stress are the result of either the hyperthermia associated with heat stress or the physiological adjustments made by the heat-stressed animal to regulate body temperature. Many effects of elevated temperature on gametes and the early embryo involve increased production of reactive oxygen species. Genetic adaptation to heat stress is possible both with respect to regulation of body temperature and cellular resistance to elevated temperature.  相似文献   

性畸变对腹足类生殖和种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有内分泌干扰效应的三丁基锡能引起腹足类产生性畸变现象。在性畸变过程中 ,雌性个体会由于生殖孔口被前列腺取代或被输精管阻塞、贮精囊或卵囊腺开裂、卵囊腺内部被阻塞以及卵巢转化为精巢等多种原因而丧失生殖能力 ,甚至死亡。并由此引起雌、雄性比和幼、成年个体比的降低 ,导致种群衰退。有浮游幼体的种类可以通过外来种群的成功迁入使种群得以维持 ,而无浮游幼体的种类 ,由于幼体迁移能力差而最终导致种群的区域性灭绝。性畸变这种典型的功能效应对其他内分泌干扰物质的生态效应研究有启示作用。  相似文献   

Synopsis Aspects of the reproductive biology are described for the thorny stingray,Dasyatis centroura, caught off the coasts of Tunis, mainly from the Gulfs of Gabes and Tunis. Sexual maturity in males occurs at a disk width (DW) of 800 mm. Female maturation occurs between 660 mm and 1000mm DW All males and females having a DW greater than 800 and 1000mm, respectively, were adults. Females are larger than males, with adult specimens having an average DW of 1040mm in males and 1345mm in females. Gestation lasts for a minimum of about 4 months. The number of reproductive cycles per year is unknown. Vitellogenesis is completed at the end of the gestation. Parturition and ovulation occur in June. Fecundity ranges from 2 to 6 individuals per litter.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a breeding system in plants where populations consist of hermaphrodites and females. The females result from a genetic mutation which impairs pollen production in hermaphrodite plants. Most previous models for the evolution of gynodioecy do not take into account any spatial detail, which might be expected to play an important role in populations with short range interactions caused by poor or no locomotion.In this article we present a generalised mean-field analysis (which ignores any spatial detail), together with stochastic spatial simulations, to investigate the spatial effect on the evolution of gynodioecy. We show that, in a population of hermaphrodites where male sterility is caused by a dominant allele in a nuclear gene, mean-field calculations greatly underestimate the reproductive advantage females require to become viable under spatial constraints. This suggests that gynodioecy is less likely to evolve in plants with more localised pollination and seed setting. This may have implications for the evolution of dioecy, a breeding system in plants where the population consists of males and females, as gynodioecy is thought to be a route to dioecy. Our results also demonstrate that a lower frequency of females should be expected for gynodioecious populations when interactions are local. This is relevant when comparing the results of breeding experiments with observations of female frequency in the wild.  相似文献   

Anemone nemorosa is a perennial rhizomatous plant of European woodlands. The “probability of clonal identity” method estimated the relative proportion of sexual to vegetative reproduction in this species to be 4.4% from allozyme genotype distributions. This result is congruent with investigations on the germination, short-term demography, population genetics, and breeding system of this species, and supports the hypothesis that even low levels of seedling recruitment can maintain considerable intrapopulational genetic diversity. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

Information on reproductive biology of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in different environmental and landscape conditions comprises part of fundamental knowledge regarding species’ adaptive responses as well as many aspects of its biology. Most of the studies conducted on European hare reproduction are confined to midlatitude and northern populations, whereas no data exist on the indigenous southern populations. Here, we present information on reproductive characteristics of European hares inhabiting Mediterranean ecosystems on the island of Crete, Greece for two successive hunting seasons. Although the annual reproductive cycle of the species is well known, with an autumn sexual inactivity, the duration of this period is subjected to fluctuations in different years and for different areas. According to our data, hare populations of Crete present an autumn–early winter reproductive activity with high proportions of pregnant females observed in all the months of the study. Furthermore, the estimated mean litter size (1.54 SE ± 0.07) while signed to the lowest values ever observed for European hares is similar to values obtained in continuous breeding species of the same genus, Lepus granatensis, Lepus corsicanus, Lepus (capensis) mediterraneus, and Lepus capensis also inhabiting warm climates. In conclusion, our results suggest that Cretan European hare populations exhibit a reproductively active period during autumn–early winter where proportions of pregnant females and litter size give a strong indication of a continuous reproduction throughout the year.  相似文献   

根据对星星草单优群落独立株丛的大样本取样和对正常花序随机取样的调查与测定,分析了松嫩平原碱化草甸星星草种群的营养繁殖及有性生殖特征.结果表明,星星草种群诸营养繁殖数量性状之间有明显的规律性,丛植株数、丛地上生物量、丛生殖株数及丛生殖株重分别随丛径呈指数形式增加.星星草种群的圆锥花序大多为9—16个节,花序上各节位上的小穗数量呈γ密度函数分布.随着节位的增高,各节位上的小花数量呈Logistic曲线形式减少.小穗数和小花数均随节位增高呈饱和型指数曲线形式累积增长.  相似文献   

Eggs and larvae of anchovy were obtained from plankton collections made along the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean) from 1983 to 1985 in order to determine spawning seasons and areas and other aspects of its life history. Previous studies have shown the existence of two main spawning areas, to the north and south of the Catalan coast, respectively. The northern one is characterized by a shorter spawning period related with the thermal cycle.
Mortality rates of larvae aged 4.9-15 days were calculated from the peak spawning month (June) of the three years, separately by spawning areas. Data on abundance by length classes were adjusted for escape and net avoidance and for duration of growth through a size class as derived from otolith readings. Mortality rates ranged from 0.17 to 0.58. Mortality was higher in 1983 than in 1984 and 1985, coinciding with a high production of anchovy eggs in that year. Mortality at the northern spawning area was lower than at the southern one.  相似文献   

A three-year (2001-2003) study was carried out on the home range characteristics of seven wild white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) groups focusing on the spatio-temporal distribution of food resources at Khao Yai National Park in northeastern Thailand. These results were combined with 23 years (1980-2003) of reproductive performance data on seven females from the same focal groups. Reproductive performance was equal among females with regard to birth, weaning and maturation ratios, and independent of variation in food availability. Offspring mortality, however, was significantly positively correlated with home-range size. In addition, there was an increase in offspring mortality just after weaning, suggesting that the increase in the daily distance traveled by juveniles contributed to this mortality. Conceptions clustered during the first half of the year when food production was at its peak, which presumably allowed females to accumulate sufficient body reserves to resume ovarian cycling. Our results place Khao Yai gibbons closer to Cercopithecidae than great apes in terms of the temporal pattern of reproductive events, though gestation, lactation, inter-birth interval, and offspring maturation are considerably longer in gibbons, placing them closer to the other apes. Our findings underline the unique phylogenetic position of these small-bodied apes in terms of reproductive patterns in primates.  相似文献   

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