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On Barro Colorado Island, Panama, howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were observed copulating on numerous occasions. In one case, however, the copulation was interrupted by a female member of the same troop. This newly reported behavior may be a social mechanism related to high population densities. Supported by the Environmental Sciences Program, Smithsonian Institution; and the National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

On Barro Colorado Island, Panama, a solitary male howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) was observed copulating with a female member of a troop. A unique tree-rubbing behavior was then performed by the male. Within two weeks he was the dominant male in that troop.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1848-1858
Primate species in which the breeding group contains more than one adult female may typically live in ‘harems’, with one male, or multi-male troops. This paper shows, in a review of the published evidence for 33 species, that that variable is associated with the duration of the breeding season: harems are commoner when the breeding season is long, multi-male troops when it is short. The sex ratio of adults in a troop is likewise correlated with the length of the breeding season.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior and general activity patterns of a howler monkey troop living in a 3.6 ha forest fragment were studied at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, for an annual cycle. Monthly samples of their feeding behavior indicated that they used 52 species of 24 plant families as sources of food. Of these, 67% were trees, which accounted for 96% of total feeding time recorded. Ten species of Moraceae, Cecropiaceae, Anacrdiaceae. and Sapotaceae contributed to 70% of the trees used and to almost 90% of feeding time. The number of plant species used per monthly record varied from 7 to 31 with an average of 19.9 species. Young leaves and ripe fruit were the principal items in the monthly diet of howlers and average percent of time spent consuming these plant parts was 46.7% and 34.8%, respectively. The use of tree species was found to be associated to their importance value and to their pattern of spatial dispersal in the study site. Availability of young leaves was fairly constant from month to month, but it presented a seasonal pattern, and there was a significantly lower number of tree species bearing ripe fruit through the year with brief pulses of production. The monthly activity pattern was found to be related to variations in the availability of young leaves and ripe fruit as well as to the values of the intermonthly overlap in plant species used. Resting and feeding presented a bimodal pattern of occurrence throughout the day that seemed to be related to variations in maximum ambient temperatures. Results are discussed in light of the small size and shape of the forest fragment inhabited by the howler troop. Am. J. Primatol. 48:167–183, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis asserts that testosterone levels and aggression in male adult animals are closely associated with one another in the context of intense reproductive competition, particularly when males challenge one another for the access to females. For mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), the presence of a solitary male in the vicinity of a social group can be considered a threat for the reproductive success of the resident males, as group takeovers by solitary males are followed by a reestablishment of the access to females among group males and sometimes by infanticide. Therefore, these episodes should be accompanied by an increase in testosterone secretion according to the challenge hypothesis. In order to test our prediction, we relate different group and subpopulation variables to the testosterone levels measured in feces collected from 10 groups living in 6 forest fragments, at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Our results suggest that resident A. palliata males regard solitary individuals as potential contesters for their reproductive success and that they respond to interactions with them with an increase in testosterone levels, that is increasing their aggressiveness. Our results also suggest that in the studied groups all males have at least certain access to mates and that the entrance of a new male would affect their reproductive success negatively. Finally, the negative effects of chronically high testosterone levels may be negatively affecting the fitness of our study groups living in high population densities and small fragments.  相似文献   

Data on spatial relationships between eight mothers with young infants and other troop members collected during a study of free-ranging red howlers are used to examine two predictions: (a) that among immature and adult females, individuals showing the greatest interest in young infants are those who would incur the greatest benefit and lowest costs in doing so, and, (b) that since red howler infants may be killed by males, the male who spends most time near an infant is its likely father. Results indicate that females with infants spent less time near the new mother than did immature females and adult females without infants. Those dominant males who were the infant's likely father spent significantly more time near the new mother than did the subordinate males.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1987,14(2):217-223
The temporal pattern of exploratory behavior of a troop of Japanese monkeys to a novel apparatus introduced into their habitat was examined during four successive 24-hour periods. An “exploratory behavior” was defined as a press to a transilluminated panel within the apparatus. These presses had no scheduled consequences. The results showed that: (1) there was no responding from 1900 to 0600 hours; and (2) that day-time responding was bimodal, with activity peaking between 1000 and 1100, and 1600 and 1700 hours. These findings were discussed in terms of field studies and operant-based research which have studied diurnal processes in monkeys.  相似文献   

An assessment of the daily activity rhythm of wild Japanese monkeys was tried both from the calculation of the proportion that each activity occupied in the total activities and the “nomadograph,” representing temporary change in the pace of the daily movement. Seasonal and day-to-day changes are recognized in the daily activity rhythm of the troop of wild Japanese monkeys. It seems that seasonal change in the daily activity rhythm corresponds to the seasonal fluctuation of food supply and atmospheric temperature. From autumn to early winter, when much food is available, a clear-cut pattern of activity emerges; namely, three intensive feeding periods are recognized in a day. Moreover, day-to-day variation in the activity rhythm is fairly small and the activity pattern thus becomes standardized. In winter, when least food is available, activity of monkeys drops to the lowest level of the year. Day-to-day variation in the activity rhythm is great. Two to four intensive feeding periods in a day are recognized. In early spring and summer, when food supply is rather scarce, there exist two to three intensive feeding periods in a day. During the heat of the day in summer, activity of monkeys is conspicuously low.  相似文献   

Seven female Black howler monkeys, Alouatta caraya, from both wild- and captive-born origins have reproduced at Riverbanks Zoological Park. Three of the five wild-born females arrived as juveniles and grew to maturity; the other two were already mature upon arrival and reproduced shortly therafter. Two females which were born within the park's collection have since reached maturity and also reproduced. The interval between the first and second young of wild-born howlers is longer than between subsequent birth intervals. Subsequent young are also more precocious than their preceding siblings. In at least one case, a socially inferior female did not reproduce until placed within a different troop situation which elevated her social status. Females born in captivity conceived when 42 and 35 months old, the former situation being linked to low social status. Young born to females housed under both seasonal and regulated conditions of photoperiod demonstrated no difference in breeding intervals and seasonality of birth does not appear to be a factor in howler monkey reproduction.  相似文献   

A large set of birth data from a population of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in two habitats found a consistent birth “dip,” with births occurring less frequently in early wet season (May–July) than during the remaining months. In one of two habitats, births were negatively correlated with rainfall, and viable conceptions were positively correlated with rainfall. The observed degree of within-troop birth synchrony appeared to reflect populational synchrony with environmental factors. Correlations between births and the phenology of plant foods were not striking, but there was weak support for the hypothesis that births are timed to maximize the availability of weaning foods. Reduced births in early wet season also minimize the number of Infants who would experience the transition to independent locomotion and feeding during the peak of the dry season when probable low moisture content of foods and high daytime temperatures might be disadvantageous. However, there was no relationship between season of birth and infant mortality.  相似文献   

Venezuelan red howler monkeys in a semideciduous habitat typically survive injuries and disabilities. Intraspecific physical aggression was the most frequently observed and inferred cause of injury. Thirty-eight percent of 119 howlers of all ages examined during capture had scars or other evidence of “damage.” Overall, the sexes did not differ significantly in total number of injuries or number of individuals classified as “damaged.” The incidence of injury was not independent of age-sex class. The subadult male class had the highest percentage of “damaged” individuals. However, when total injuries per age class were examined for each sex separately, only females showed a pattern that was significantly different than expected based on age (i.e., exposure to injury factors). Subadult females experienced more injuries than expected, whereas adult females had fewer injuries. Troop status (resident troop, natal troop, or extratroop) was not significantly related to the number of injuries in adult and subadult males. Thin finding was not surprising, because adult and subadult males of all status classes are involved in aggression related to breeding competition. Extratroop females had more injuries than expected, and natal females had the fewest injuries. The higher incidence of injuries on subadult females and extratroop females is consistent with aggression-mediated emigration of some females and observed resistance to female immigration by resident females. Overall, 74% of injuries were located on anterior-ventral portions of the body, consistent with the face-to-face fighting observed in howlers. Sociobiological costs of aggression in red howlers are difficult to assess because many howlers, despite frequent and severe injury, subsequently survive and reproduce. We recommend caution in inferring mortality from injuries, especially when social mobility and emigration out of the study area are common.  相似文献   

Some dyads of Japanese monkey adult males and females show remarkable spatial proximity and frequent exchanges of social behaviors. It is suggested that some kind of “affinity” exists between them. Females obtain much unilateral benefit from “proximity effects”; even lowranking females can dominate high-ranking females as long as they stay nearby their “affinitive” males. Males acquire female followers in return. Mating relations and female mother-daughter relations play important roles in forming new “affinitive relations.” Once monkeys have formed “affinitive relations,” however, they seldom mate with each other, as if they were kin-related. Therefore, the acquisition of female followers appears inconsistent with a male's strategy for reproducing many genes in the next generation. This study was financed partly by the Cooperative Research Fund of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University. The outline of this paper has already been published inTakahata (1980b).  相似文献   

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