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Three volatile alkyl-thio-trifluoro propanones inhibiting the esterase in olfactory sensilla of the silkmoths Antheraea polyphemus and A. pernyi were used to test the hypothesis that enzymatic pheromone degradation is responsible for the decline of the receptor potential after pheromone stimulation. Test stimuli were the pheromone components (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienyl acetate, a substrate for the sensillar esterase, and (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal, not degraded by the esterase. Each compound acts on a separate type of receptor cell. In both receptor cell types the trifluoro propanones caused a partially reversible reduction of sensitivity as indicated by smaller receptor potential amplitudes and lower nerve impulse frequencies. Since application of the esterase inhibitors did not prolong the decline of the receptor potential of the acetate cell, the esterase is not responsible for the rapid pheromone deactivation. When the trifluoro propanones were applied after the pheromone at high concentrations, they rapidly inhibited (repolarized) both receptor cell types. Experiments with local application of trifluoro propanones revealed that the inhibitory effect spreads within seconds along the length of the sensillum. The inhibition of the electrophysiological responses might be due to an antagonistic action of the trifluoro propanones at the pheromone-binding sites, either at the receptor molecules or at the pheromone-binding protein. Accepted: 4 February 1998  相似文献   

Octopamine modulates the sensitivity of silkmoth pheromone receptor neurons   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Effects of octopamine and its antagonist epinastine on electrophysiological responses of receptor neurons of Antheraea polyphemus specialised to the pheromone components (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienyl acetate and (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal were investigated. Injections of octopamine and epinastine into the moths had no effect on the transepithelial potential of the antennal-branch preparation nor on the spontaneous nerve impulse frequency in either type of receptor neuron. However, in the presence of continuous low-intensity pheromone stimulation, octopamine significantly increased the nerve impulse frequency in the acetate receptor neuron, but not in the aldehyde receptor neuron. Octopamine and epinastine had no significant effect on the receptor potential amplitudes elicited in both receptor neuron types by pheromone stimulation. However, the peak nerve impulse frequency in the response of both receptor neuron types to pheromone was significantly affected: decreased by epinastine and increased by octopamine over a broad range of pheromone concentrations. In control experiments, injection of physiological saline did not significantly alter the peak nerve impulse frequency. The effect of octopamine was established within 1 h after injection and persisted for about 4 h. The possibility of a direct action of octopamine on the nerve impulse generation by the receptor neurons is discussed. Accepted: 8 January 2000  相似文献   

Although multiple pathways are involved in the olfactory transduction mechanism, cAMP-dependent pathway has been considered to contribute mainly to the transduction. We examined the degree of contribution of cAMP-independent pathway to the turtle olfactory response by recording inward currents from isolated cells, nerve impulses from cilia and olfactory bulbar responses. The results obtained by the three recordings were essentially consistent with each other, but detail studies were carried out by recording the bulbar response to obtain quantitative data. Application of an odorant cocktail to the isolated olfactory neuron after injection of 1 mM cAMP from the patch pipette elicited a large inward current. Mean amplitude of inward currents evoked by the cocktail with 1 mM cAMP in the patch pipette was similar to that without cAMP in the pipette. Application of the cocktail after the response to 50 microM forskolin was adapted also induced a large inward current. Application of the odorant cocktail to the olfactory epithelium, after the response to 50 microM forskolin was adapted, brought about an appreciable increase in the impulse frequency. The bulbar response to forskolin alone reached a saturation level around 10 microM. After the response to 50 microM forskolin was adapted, 11 species of odorants were applied to the olfactory epithelium. The magnitudes of responses to the odorants after forskolin were 45-80% of those of the control responses. There was no essential difference in the degree of the suppression by forskolin between cAMP- and IP3- producing odorants classified in the rat, suggesting that certain part of the forskolin-suppressive component was brought about by nonspecific action of forskolin. Application of a membrane permeant cAMP analogue, cpt-cAMP elicited a large response, and 0.1 mM citralva after 3 mM cpt- cAMP elicited 51% of the control response which was close to the response to citralva after 50 microM forskolin. A membrane permeant cGMP analogue, db-cGMP elicited a small response and the response to 0.1 mM citralva was unaffected by db-cGMP. It was concluded that cAMP- independent (probably IP3-independent) pathway greatly contributes to the turtle olfactory transduction.  相似文献   

Significant anatomical differences characterizing mitral cells and ruffed cells were published by Kosaka and Hama in three teleost species. Physiological responses from both types of relay neurons have now been recorded extracellularly and simultaneously in the plexiform layer using a single tungsten microelectrode. During interstimulus intervals mitral cells responded with higher, frequently burst-like impulse rates triggered by the activity of epithelial receptor neurons. Ruffed cell impulse rates were low, and each action potential triggered a long-lasting, continuously variable, integrated granule cell potential. During olfactory stimulation with important biological stimuli such as preovulatory and ovulatory pheromones, a probable alarm pheromone and amino acids contrasting interactions between mitral cells and ruffed cells resulting in a drastic intensification of centrally transmitted information were frequently recorded. Individual neurons excellently discriminated stimuli. Irrespective of the physiological relevance of stimuli, however, similarities were recorded in the distribution of excitatory, inhibitory and indifferent responses.  相似文献   

Summary Temporal response characteristics of three cell types of maleA. polyphemus, each responding to a different pheromone component, have been measured using series of short (20 ms) pheromone pulses. The stimuli were delivered through capillaries 20 m in diameter and applied to single olfactory sensilla trichodea. Two of three cell types sensitive to (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal and (E,Z)-4,9-tetradecadienyl acetate are able to resolve at least 5 stimuli/s whereas the third, responding to the major pheromone component (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienyl acetate, is slower, resolving only about 2 stimuli/s. These results suggest that receptor cells are able to respond to pulses of pheromone concentration as they occur downwind from a point source. The time-averaged number of nerve impulses does not seem to be a reliable measure of the amount of pheromone reaching the sensillum. Responses of the cells thus reflect the non-uniform distribution of pheromone in a plume rather than the average concentration.  相似文献   

Anatomical differences characterizing mitral cells and ruffed cells have been published by T. Kosaka and K. Hama in three teleost species. Physiological responses from both types of relay neurons were recorded extracellularly and simultaneously in the plexiform layer, using a single tungsten microelectrode. During interstimulus intervals mitral cells responded with higher, frequently burst-like impulse rates triggered by the activity of epithelial receptor neurons. Mitral cell activity could be totally suppressed by local anaesthesia of the olfactory epithelium. Ruffed cell impulse rates were low, and each action potential triggered a long-lasting (3-5 ms), continuously varying, summed granule cell potential. During olfactory stimulation with non-familiar stimuli and important biological stimuli such as amino acids, preovulatory and ovulatory pheromones, and a probable alarm pheromone, contrasting interactions between mitral cells and ruffed cells were recorded frequently, which resulted in a drastic intensification of centrally transmitted information. An excitation of mitral cells' activity via granule cells laterally inhibited the ruffed cells' activity, and an inhibition of mitral cells' activity simultaneously 'released' an excitation of ruffed cells.  相似文献   

A subset of olfactory projection neurons in the brain of male Manduca sexta is described, and their role in sex pheromone information processing is examined. These neurons have extensive arborizations in the macroglomerular complex (MGC), a distinctive and sexually dimorphic area of neuropil in the antennal lobe (AL), to which the axons of two known classes of antennal pheromone receptors project. Each projection neuron sends an axon from the AL into the protocerebrum. Forty-one projection neurons were characterized according to their responses to electrical stimulation of the antennal nerve as well as olfactory stimulation of antennal receptors. All neurons exhibited strong selectivity for female sex pheromones. Other behaviorally relevant odors, such as plant volatiles, had no obvious effect on the activity of these neurons. Two broad physiological categories were found: cells that were excited by stimulation of the ipsilateral antenna with pheromones (29 out of 41), and cells that received a mixed input (inhibition and excitation) from pheromone pathways (12 out of 41). Of the cells in the first category, 13 out of 29 were equally excited in response to stimulation of the antenna with either the principal natural pheromone (bombykal) or a mimic of a second unidentified pheromone ('C-15') and were similarly excited by the natural pheromone blend. The remaining 16 out of 29 cells responded selectively, and in some cases, in a dose-dependent manner, to stimulation of the antenna with bombykal or C-15, but not both. Some of these neurons had dendritic arborizations restricted to only a portion of the MGC neuropil, whereas most had arborizations throughout the MGC. Of the cells in the second category, 9 out of 12 were excited by bombykal, inhibited by C-15, and showed a mixed response to the natural pheromone blend. For the other 3 out of 12 cells, the response polarity was reversed for the two chemically-identified odors. Two additional neurons, which were not tested with olfactory stimuli, were tonically inhibited in response to electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral antennal nerve. These observations suggest that some of the male-specific projection neurons may signal general pheromone-triggered arousal, whereas a smaller number can actively integrate inputs from the two know receptor classes (Bal- and C-15-selective) and may operate as 'mixture detectors' at this level of the olfactory subsystem that processes information about sex pheromones.  相似文献   

A preparation has been developed in the pigeon which allows recording of the electrical activity from an olfactory nerve twig containing the nonmyelinated axons of a small group of olfactory receptor cells. The pigeon's response to n-amylacetate is vigorous and stable, like that of other air-breathing animals. Responses in the olfactory receptor cells in the pigeon increased in magnitude with increase in the odor concentration. An olfactory nerve twig produced a different magnitude of responses to the various odor stimuli. When an odor stimulation was applied to the olfactory mucosa, the two different olfactory nerve twigs which were separated from the same olfactory nerve bundle produced a different magnitude of responses. The differences may be dependent on several factors.  相似文献   

Effects of octopamine on responses of olfactory receptor neurons of Bombyx mori males and females, specialized to the reception of pheromone components and general odorants, respectively, were compared. Injections of octopamine had no effect on the transepithelial potential of antennal sensilla trichodea in both sexes. In males, octopamine increased significantly the amplitude of receptor potentials and nerve impulse responses elicited by the pheromone components bombykol and bombykal. However, the responses of homologous female general odorant-sensitive neurons to linalool and benzoic acid were not affected. In control experiments, injection of physiological saline did not increase the responses in any neuron type.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological responses of olfactory receptor neurons in both male and female silkmoths (Bombyx mori) were investigated. In both sexes, the G-protein activator sodium fluoride and 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol, a membrane-permeable analog of the protein kinase C activator diacylglycerol, elicited nerve impulse responses similar to those elicited by weak continuous stimulation with odorants. Therefore, G(q)-proteins and diacylglycerol-activated ion channels seem to be involved in the transduction process in both pheromone-sensitive neurons in males and general odorant-sensitive neurons in females. Decyl-thio-trifluoro-propanone is known to inhibit electrophysiological responses of male moths to pheromones, but has no effect in females. Application of this inhibitor reduced the frequency, but not the amplitude of elementary receptor potentials. It had no inhibitory effect on nerve impulse responses elicited by sodium fluoride or 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol. This supports the idea that decyl-thio-trifluoro-propanone acts on a prior step of the transduction cascade, e.g. on the pheromone receptor molecules. General odorants, such as (+/-)-linalool and 1-heptanol, excite olfactory receptor neurons in females, but inhibit the pheromone-sensitive neurons in males. Both (+/-)-linalool and 1-heptanol inhibited the responses of male neurons elicited by sodium fluoride or 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol. (+/-)-Linalool reduced the amplitude of elementary receptor potentials. In contrast to decyl-thio-trifluoro-propanone, (+/-)-linalool and 1-heptanol seem to interfere with later processes of the transduction cascade, possibly the opening of ion channels.  相似文献   

Localized adaptation processes in olfactory sensilla of Saturniid moths   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Receptor potentials and nerve impulses were recorded extracellularlyfrom the two olfactory cells innervating most sensilla trichodeaon the antenna of male Antheraea polyphemus and Antheraea pemyimoths that respond to two key compounds, the sex pheromone components(E)-6, (Z)-11-hexadecadienyl acetate and (E)-6, (Z)-11-hexadecadienal.Stimulation with the key compound of one receptor cell auto-adaptsthis cell and also cross-adapts the other cell in the same sensillumbut cross-adaptation is weaker than auto-adaptation. Local stimulationexperiments demonstrate that sections of the olfactory receptorcell can be selectively adapted as monitored by the receptorpotential response. The mechanism of impulse generation canadapt separately from the mechanism generating the receptorpotential as indicated by an altered relationship between impulseresponse and receptor potential. These results demonstrate multipleand distributed adaptation processes in an olfactory bipolarneuron as studied in a time domain of seconds. Cross-adaptationmay indicate extracellular alterations caused by excitationof one cell but could also be caused by direct inhibitory actionof the stimulus compound.  相似文献   

电生理学记录表明,雄性白杨透翅蛾触角的一个毛形感器中,存在两类性信息素感受细胞。A型感受细胞对性信息素的主要组分E_3,Z_(13)-18:OH发放大振幅的神经脉冲;B型感受细胞对次要组分的侯选化合物Z_3,Z_(13)-18:Ac发放小振幅的神经脉冲,尚需作野外试验和行为反应试验证明其为性信息素的次要组分;选择性适应试验证明A型和B型感受细胞互不适应:Z_3,Z_(13)-18:Ac和E_3,E_(13)-18:Ac是兴奋同种类型的感受细胞,E_3,Z_(13)-18:Ac是一种性信息素组分类似物。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the changes that occur with aging at the dendrite level of the olfactory receptor neuron in the male silkmoth Antheraea pernyi. Using calcein AM/ethidium homodimer-1 solutions, we found increased numbers of dendrites with damaged membrane with aging. Correspondingly there was an overall decrease in the electrophysiological activity as evidenced by the decreased number of cells discharging nerve impulse in response to female pheromone. It was also seen that the number of membrane swellings increased with age. In young animals aged 1-4 days, swellings showed intact membrane, and in older animals aged 5-15 days, they showed damaged membranes. With TUNEL assay that detects fragmented DNA in dying cells, an increased number of dendrites showing cytoplasmic labelling with age was found. The presence of fragmented DNA within aged dendrites was also confirmed in polyacrylamide gels after DNA extraction and PCR amplification. When tested for reversal of phosphatidylserine from the inner leaflet to the outer leaflet of plasma membrane no reactivity was seen. It appears that changes that occur during aging of dendrites may reflect some of the recognized symptoms of both apoptosis and necrosis.  相似文献   

Abstract Electrophysiological recording showed two types of pheromone receptor cell in one sensillum trichodeum of the male Paranthrene tabani formis . Type A receptor cell fired larger nerve impulse to the major pheromone component E3, Z13,-18:OH; type B receptor cell fired smaller nerve impulse to the candidate compound of minor pheromone component Z3, Z13-18:Ac. Pheromonal effect should be tested still in field and behavior response. The selective adaptation demonstrated that Z3, Z13,-18:Ac and E3, Z13-18: Ac excited the same receptor cell. E3, Z13-18:Ac was an analog of pheromone.  相似文献   

Experimental data together with modeling of pheromone perireceptor and receptor events in moths (Bombyx mori, Antheraea polyphemus) suggest that the kinetics of olfactory receptor potentials largely depend on the association of the odorant with the neuronal receptor molecules and the deactivation of the odorant accumulated around the receptor neuron. The first process could be responsible for the reaction times (mean about 400 ms) of the nerve impulses at threshold. The second process has been postulated for flux detectors such as olfactory sensilla of moths. The odorant deactivation could involve a modification of the pheromone-binding protein (PBP) that “locks” the pheromone inside the inner binding cavity of the protein. The model combines seemingly contradictory functions of the PBP such as pheromone transport, protection of the pheromone from enzymatic degradation, pheromone deactivation, and pheromone–receptor interaction. Model calculations reveal a density of at least 6,000 receptor molecules per µm2 of neuronal membrane. The volatile decanoyl-thio-1,1,1-trifluoropropanone specifically blocks pheromone receptor neurons, probably when bound to the PBP and by competitive binding to the receptor molecules. The shallow dose–response curve of the receptor potential and altered response properties observed with pheromone derivatives or after adaptation may indicate shortened opening of ion channels.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定雄性棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera成虫触角性信息素感器嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态及中枢投射路径。【方法】利用单感器记录技术记录棉铃虫嗅觉受体神经元对性信息素的反应,同时采用荧光染料作为示踪剂染色标记嗅觉受体神经元;使用免疫组织化学方法处理相应的脑组织,标记脑内触角叶的神经纤维球结构;用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜获取图像数据,使用图形软件ZEN和Amira 4.1.1进行三维结构重建。【结果】记录到雄性棉铃虫成虫触角上长毛形感器对主要性信息素成分Z11-16∶Ald产生明显的电生理反应,并成功染色标记了该感器内的嗅觉受体神经元。染色标记显示该感器内具有两个嗅觉受体神经元,其轴突通过触角神经分别投射触角叶内的云状体神经纤维球和普通神经纤维球。【结论】单感器记录与神经元示踪两技术结合能够用于鉴定昆虫触角嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态和投射至神经纤维球的路径。与赖氨酸钴方法比较,使用荧光染料法进行神经元示踪,操作更简便,且易于进行三维空间分析,为调查棉铃虫其他嗅觉神经元的投射路径以明确外周气味受体感受与中枢系统的联系提供了有力技术支持。  相似文献   

Responsiveness of the olfactory receptor cells in dog to some odors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preparation has been developed in the dog which allows recording the electrical activity from an olfactory nerve twig containing the axons of a small group of olfactory receptor cells. The dog's response to n-pentyl acetate is vigorous and stable, like that of other air-breathing animals. The dog's response magnitude dependence on the nasal flow rate was noticeable for n-pentyl acetates, but not so great as for n-butyric acid. The response to n-butyric acid strongly depends on the nasal flow. The start of the nasal air flow caused an increase of neural activity, which is called flow response. The results show that the nasal flow rate is a very important factor which determines the response to odors. Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate is known as a dog's pheromone, however, this odor caused the feeble response in the electrical activity of the dog's olfactory receptor cells. The differences may be dependent on several factors.  相似文献   

An open question in olfactory coding is the extent of interglomerular connectivity: do olfactory glomeruli and their neurons regulate the odorant responses of neurons innervating other glomeruli? In the olfactory system of the moth Manduca sexta, the response properties of different types of antennal olfactory receptor cells are known. Likewise, a subset of antennal lobe glomeruli has been functionally characterized and the olfactory tuning of their innervating neurons identified. This provides a unique opportunity to determine functional interactions between glomeruli of known input, specifically, (1) glomeruli processing plant odors and (2) glomeruli activated by antennal stimulation with pheromone components of conspecific females. Several studies describe reciprocal inhibitory effects between different types of pheromone-responsive projection neurons suggesting lateral inhibitory interactions between pheromone component-selective glomerular neural circuits. Furthermore, antennal lobe projection neurons that respond to host plant volatiles and innervate single, ordinary glomeruli are inhibited during antennal stimulation with the female’s sex pheromone. The studies demonstrate the existence of lateral inhibitory effects in response to behaviorally significant odorant stimuli and irrespective of glomerular location in the antennal lobe. Inhibitory interactions are present within and between olfactory subsystems (pheromonal and non-pheromonal subsystems), potentially to enhance contrast and strengthen odorant discrimination.  相似文献   

Moths depend on olfactory cues such as sex pheromones to find and recognize mating partners. Pheromone receptors (PRs) and Pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) are thought to be associated with olfactory signal transduction of pheromonal compounds in peripheral olfactory reception. Here six candidate pheromone receptor genes in the diamondback moth, Plutella xyllostella were identified and cloned. All of the six candidate PR genes display male-biased expression, which is a typical characteristic of pheromone receptors. In the Xenopus-based functional study and in situ hybridization, PxylOR4 is defined as another pheromone receptor in addition to the previously characterized PxylOR1. In the study of interaction between PRs and PBPs, PxylPBPs could increase the sensitivity of the complex expressing oocyte cells to the ligand pheromone component while decreasing the sensitivity to pheromone analogs. We deduce that activating pheromone receptors in olfactory receptor neurons requires some role of PBPs to pheromone/PBP complex. If the chemical signal is not the pheromone component, but instead, a pheromone analog with a similar structure, the complex would have a decreased ability to activate downstream pheromone receptors.  相似文献   

Both the frequency and the temporal pattern of action potentialproduction in an insect olfactory receptor neuron are stronglyaffected by odorant composition and the time course over whichstimulus concentration varies. To investigate the temporal characteristicsof the neurophysiological responses of these neurons, we deviseda stimulus delivery system that allows us to repeatedly presentwell-mixed, constant concentration odor pulses with relativelysharp onsets and offsets. Here we compare neurophysiologicalresponses to several different stimulation regimens, includingpulses of different durations and repetition rates. During stimulationwith high concentrations of pheromone, the temporal patternof neural activity from olfactory receptor neurons on the antennaof Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) is characterized by an initialphasic period (100–200 ms), followed by a tonic periodwhich is typically maintained for the remaining duration ofthe stimulus. Different olfactory receptor neurons appear tovary among themselves in the relative distribution between thephasic and tonic portions of the overall discharge. During stimulationregimens involving rapid repeated pulses of odorants, a portionof the phasic response levels is preserved during each pulse.Consequently, T. ni males probably detect much of the fluctuationin concentration of pheromone that may normally occur downwindfrom the site of pheromone release.  相似文献   

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