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李静  戴曦  孙颖  舒婷婷  刘正文  陈非洲  卢文轩 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4672-4681
用定量蛋白银染色法,对太湖浮游纤毛虫进行定性和定量研究,同时用多元统计方法分析生物和非生物因子对其影响。在全湖设置32个点位进行季度采样,共检出117种纤毛虫,隶属于3纲、15目、78属,其中95种鉴定到种的水平。纤毛虫平均丰度27 170个/L(1 500—139 150个/L),平均生物量600.6μg/L(16.7—8736.0μg/L),以寡毛目、前口目、盾纤目、缘毛目和钩刺目为主。优势种包括:浮游藤壶虫、趣尾毛虫、顶口睥睨虫、银灰膜袋虫、水生钟虫复合种、钟形钟虫、杯铃壳虫、双叉弹跳虫、大弹跳虫、短列裂隙虫、小裂隙虫、圆筒状似铃壳虫。纤毛虫群落结构空间异质性较高,丰度上呈现从南向北、从敞水区向沿岸河口区逐渐增加的趋势;北部湖区以小个体的寡毛目、盾纤目、前口目为主,而南部主要以大个体的寡毛目为主;从功能摄食类群上看,北部各点以食菌种类为主,而南部以食藻种类居多。该类群季节变化明显,于夏季出现丰度峰值,生物量是冬、夏季显著高于春、秋季。通过CCA多元分析发现,太湖纤毛虫群落结构差异主要与水体营养水平、桡足类数量和pH值等有关,且在不同季节由不同的环境因子调控。  相似文献   

作为微型浮游动物的重要组成部分,海洋浮游纤毛虫是连接微食物环和经典食物链的重要中介。有些浮游纤毛虫在生活周期中会形成包囊,条件适宜时包囊会萌发,这对纤毛虫种群动态有重要的意义。目前国际上对于浮游纤毛虫生态学的研究主要集中在其营养期细胞,浮游纤毛虫包囊的研究尚少,中国还没有这方面的研究。本文对浮游纤毛虫包囊研究进展进行概述,包括包囊的形态、沉积物中包囊的丰度、包囊形成的环境因素、包囊萌发过程及环境因素对包囊萌发的影响等方面,希望对国内开展浮游纤毛虫包囊的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

The relationship of total body length to formalin dry weight for individuals of Thermo-cyclops hyalinus and Mesocyclops leuckarti, from the tropical Lake George, Uganda, is given and shows that previous estimates of individual biomass and, therefore, of zooplankton standing crop and production based on them, were too high. The annual mean standing crop of total Crustacea, in 1969–70 was 828 mg (dw) m?2 and for T. hyalinus, the dominant species, 559 mg (dw) m?2 Biomass tended to be higher in the mid-lake area than inshore. The annual mean production of T. hyalinus is now estimated to be 44 mg (dw) m?2 day.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, adults and nauplii of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana feed on planktonic ciliates and rotifers. Adults have a higher clearing rate for planktonic ciliates and rotifers than for phytoplankton. Adult copepods have a maximum clearing rate of ≈200 ml copepod−1 · d−1 for large ciliates, with lower clearing rates for small ciliates. Nauplii have higher clearance for small than for large ciliates. Addition of ciliates or rotifers to the diet of A. tonsa enhances egg production; this effect is due to improved food quality. Microzooplankton may be an important component of the diet of A. tonsa even when phytoplankton are plentiful. Selective predation by copepods probably influences the population dynamics of planktonic ciliates and rotifers in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Autofluorescence of marine planktonic Oligotrichina and other ciliates   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Planktonic ciliates, principally from the suborders Oligotrichina and Tintinnina, were examined by epifluorescence microscopy. This allowed (1) to check if isolated symbiotic plastids demonstrated by TEM in some species could keep and show an important autofluorescence, (2) to count and identify the species presenting this characteristic, and (3) to determine their proportion compared with the other strictly heterotrophic planktonic ciliates. An average of 40.6% of the Oligotrichina species, collected during the fall and winter, diplayed a strong autofluorescence. This indicated chlorophyll contents, in a good state of activity, which most often masked the digestive vacuoles shown by TEM. It seems that the maintenance of plastids, or of symbiotic algae, is common in this sub-order. These autofluorescent ciliates are probably all mixotrophic. We suggest to call them ‘plastidic ciliates’, and to consider their role in marine primary production. Discussion deals with the origin and the role of autofluorescent pigments in the Oligotrichina, compared with the other planktonic ciliates. The interest and the limits of the methods employed up to now, or to be used in this field, are analysed. Finally the evolutionary and ecological significance of such a development of symbiosis among planktonic ciliates is discussed.  相似文献   

THE FOLLOWING EFFICIENT AND QUANTITATIVELY VALID METHOD TO FILTER CONCENTRATE AND COUNT LIVE PLANKTONIC CILIATES WAS DEVELOPED AND COMPARED WITH OTHER TREATMENTS: unconcentrated (raw) samples and centrifuged samples were counted live, and the effects of five different fixatives (HgCl(2), Lugol's iodine, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and Champy-DaFano) on the counts were monitored. Samples originated from a eutrophic mountain lake (Lake Aydat, near Clermont-Ferrand, France). Overall, live filtered counts were similar to counts of raw samples, but they were significantly higher (2 to 2.3 fold, P < 0.05) by analysis of variance than counts from centrifuged samples. Nevertheless, some taxa, i.e., Halteria and Loxodes spp., were sensitive to filtration. The live filtered counts were also comparable to counts of raw HgCl(2)-fixed and settled samples. HgCl(2) and Lugol fixation consistently gave the highest total counts, while significantly lower counts were always obtained with Champy-DaFano-fixed samples. Losses due to fixation were insignificant for raw samples but were substantial and statistically significant in concentrated samples (15% after filtration and 71% after centrifugation, compared with counts from the corresponding live samples). Live counting of passively filter-concentrated ciliates has many advantages over other methods. It is two to four times quicker and more efficient. Ciliates are recognized with certainty, more species are identified, and enumeration of dead organisms (e.g., tintinnid loricas) is avoided. It should be recommended as a quantitatively valid alternative to classical methods for assessing planktonic ciliate populations.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine taxa of periphyton were collected on Plexiglas plates at seven stations in the three streams between March, 1975, and February, 1976. More taxa and lower densities were generally observed at the upstream stations in the creeks than at the downstream stations resulting in greater species diversity values at the upstream stations. Species diversity was generally lower in the river than in the creeks, reflecting the lower numbers of taxa and the presence of several abundant species. Species diversity did not reflect extremes in physiochemical conditions. Although several different species were abundant in the streams during the present study, the most commonly occurring dominants were Gomphonema olivaceum and species belonging to the genera Navicula and Nitzschia. No consistent trend was observed in ash-free weight; however, the concentration of chlorophyll a was generally greater at the downstream stations in the creeks than at the upstream stations.  相似文献   

Between 1981–83 the gut contents ofDaphnia galeata, D. cucullata, Eudiaptomus gracilis, andCyclops vicinus were examined with light and scanning electron microscope to obtain information on the feeding of these species in Lake Balaton. The twoDaphnia species feed mainly on abioseston, and it is assumed that their primary nutrient source was organic matter adsorbed onto the surfaces of the abioseston granules plus bacteria and detritus.E. gracilis feeds on algae, showing a preference for green algae and diatoms.C. vicinus is also a prodigious consumer of algae in Lake Balaton, utilizing the whole size spectrum of phytoplankton. Concerning the trophic relationships between phytoplankton and zooplankton in Lake Balaton, that between diatoms and bothE. gracilis andC. vicinus is the most conspicouos. Convincing evidence for an extensive utilization of blue-green algae was not found. Though there is no firm evidence yet, it is likely that theDaphnia are dependent on organic matter adsorbed on the abioseston.  相似文献   

Zingel  Priit  Ott  Ingmar 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):19-26
The vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates in eight strongly stratified temperate lakes was studied in summer 1998. Ciliate abundance and biomass were highest (mean 39.9 cells ml–1 and 181.9 g C l–1) in the epi-, and lowest (mean 8.2 cells ml–1 and 97.6 g C l–1) in the hypolimnion. The community of ciliates was dominated by five orders: Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Prostomatida, Scuticociliatida and Peritrichida. The community composition varied greatly with depth. In the epilimnion, the ciliate numbers were dominated by oligotrichs but small algivorous prostomatids, peritrichs and haptorids were also numerous. In the metalimnion, these groups were replaced by scuticociliates and mixotrophic prostomatids. In the hypolimnion species known as benthic migrants appeared. We found a positive significant correlation (p < 0.05) between ciliate numbers and Chl a and bacterial densities. Only in the hypolimnion, the correlation between ciliates numbers and Chl a was not significant.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Zooplankton production in a eutrophic reservoir was estimated by three common methods.
2. Estimates of daily production from the growth increment method and the birth and death rate versions of the biomass turnover method were poorly correlated ( r =0.58–0.60). Estimates of daily production rates from the above two versions of the biomass turnover method were strongly correlated ( r =0.90).
3. The mortality rate version of the biomass turnover method is illogical and yields anomalous results.
4. The growth increment method assumes steady state conditions and zero deaths within each stage and hence calculates potential production for each stage.
5. Estimates from a new computer simulation (PROD) were strongly correlated with ( r =0.92) but lower than those from the growth increment method. Estimates from PROD were more poorly correlated ( r =0.78) with those from the biomass turnover method.
6. There is a strong need for improved methods for estimating secondary production; computer based methods would seem to be the most promising.  相似文献   

The ciliate community structure and seasonal dynamics in a solar saltern of the Yellow Sea were studied based on 4 sampling dates and 8 stations with salinities from 27.7‰ to 311.0‰. The effects of the type and concentration of the fixative used (Lugol's and Bouin's) were tested at the first sampling date. Fixative type and fixative concentration had significant effects on ciliate abundance and biovolume, with 1% Lugol's giving the best results. A detailed investigation using live observations and protargol staining techniques revealed a total of 98 morphospecies from 8 sampling stations. There was obvious seasonal variation in species composition at most of the stations, but this tended to be less distinct with increasing salinity, as the dominant ciliate group shifted from oligotrichs to heterotrichs. Ciliate abundance varied from 4.40×101 to 2.11×105 cells l?1 and biomass ranged between 2.39 and 9.87×103 μg C l?1 (at a salinity of 147.6‰). Both abundance and biomass decreased abruptly when salinity exceeded 100–150‰. Statistical analyses suggested that the dynamics of ciliate abundance and biomass were regulated by both salinity and by season, but those of diversity and species richness were mainly controlled by salinity and both significantly decreased with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

The plankton of nine Ontario lakes spanning several physiographicregions was sampled every two weeks during the ice-free periodof 1981, and one lake was studied in the three previous years.Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and ciliated protozoa were sampled,counted and sized. The size data were converted to biomass estimatesto yield quantitative comparisons of the relative allocationof biomass among different functional compartments. This isthe first study to look simultaneously and quantitatively atthe total plankton system of lakes (including ciliates, pbytoplanktonand net zooplankton) over a broad physiographic region. Ciliatesconstitute –10% of the non-algal biomass and 5% of thetotal planktonic biomass of these lakes. Ciliate standing cropsamong lakes are significantly corrrelated with total organicand total inorganic carbon concentrations in the water column,while the dynamics of ciliate biomass fluctuations are significantlycorrelated with variations in total phosphorus concentration,in conductivity, in Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration, and ininorganic carbon content. There appears to be a significantdynamical relationship between ciliates as a proportion of thetotal planktonic biomass, exclusive of filamentous and large(>30 µm) spherical algae, and the relative biomassof small algae (2–5 µm) as a fraction of total algalbiomass, again exclusive of filaments and large (>30 µm)algae. The hypothesis is advanced that ciliates primarily functionas bacterial grazers in planktonic ecosystems and that theirprimary competitors in this role are rotifers.  相似文献   

作为微型浮游动物的重要组成部分,海洋浮游纤毛虫是连接微食物环和经典食物链的重要中介,在海洋浮游生态系统物质循环和能量流动中发挥重要的作用.从20世纪60年代至今,关于纤毛虫丰度和生物量的分布已经积累了大量的资料,目前纤毛虫丰度和生物量分布的研究大部分集中在温带海区,热带和极地海区的研究尚少.本文概述了世界海区纤毛虫丰度和生物量的水平分布、垂直分布特点及周年变化规律.纤毛虫丰度和生物量一般在饵料丰富、生产力较高的海区较高;纤毛虫倾向分布在水体的中上层;纤毛虫的丰度和生物量一年之内呈现双峰型或单峰型,纤毛虫群落的粒级组成一般春季较大,夏季较小,砂壳纤毛虫丰度占纤毛虫丰度的比例一般在夏季或秋季较高.  相似文献   

A reddish-brown discoloration of the surface water in FlødevigenBay, southern Norway on May 15, 1985 was due to planktonic oligotrichousciliates occurring in densities of 2079 cells ml–1. Strombidiumreticulatum (Leegaard, 1915) Bush, 1921 and Tintinnopsis beroideaStein, 1867 accounted by numbers for 59.7 and 35.1% respectively.Both the build-up and decline were probably mainly due to wind-inducedhydrographical conditions. No fish mortalities were reported.  相似文献   

Ciliates are commonly and successfully used as bioindicators in marine ecosystems, even at low levels of taxonomic resolution. However, the use of these organisms in biomonitoring programs of freshwater ecosystems is less common. Evidence showing the reliability of the taxonomic sufficiency approach for freshwater ciliates is also limited. Demonstrating taxonomic sufficiency would be important to foster the use of ciliates in freshwater biomonitoring programs in a cost-effective way. Here we tested whether richness and multivariate patterns generated by ciliate community data, at species level, were retrieved by analyses carried out with data at lower taxonomic resolutions. Community and environmental datasets were gathered at 36 sites in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Brazil), during high and low water levels periods of the years 2010 and 2011. We found that, in comparison with species-level data, genus-level identification was sufficient to detect the effects of the environmental changes caused by floods, to retrieve the ordination patterns generated during each hydrological period and to detect relationships with environmental and spatial gradients. We also showed that the use of coarser taxonomic resolutions was not advisable because high relationships with species-level data were found only with genus-level data. We encourage the use of ciliates in biomonitoring programs of freshwater ecosystems and, according to our results, the use of genus-level identification is a reliable strategy, not only to increase cost-efficiency, but also to guarantee temporal comparability of data.  相似文献   

1. Mycosporine‐like amino acids (MAAs) are a family of secondary metabolites known to protect organisms exposed to solar UV radiation. We tested their distribution among several planktonic ciliates bearing Chlorella isolated from an oligo‐mesotrophic lake in Tyrol, Austria. In order to test the origin of these compounds, the MAAs were assessed by high performance liquid chromatography in both the ciliates and their symbiotic algae. 2. Considering all Chlorella‐bearing ciliates, we found: (i) seven different MAAs (mycosporine‐glycine, palythine, asterina‐330, shinorine, porphyra‐334, usujirene, palythene); (ii) one to several MAAs per species and (iii) qualitative and quantitative seasonal changes in the MAAs (e.g. in Pelagodileptus trachelioides). In all species tested, concentrations of MAAs were always <1% of ciliate dry weight. 3. Several MAAs were also identified in the Chlorella isolated from the ciliates, thus providing initial evidence for their symbiotic origin. In Uroleptus sp., however, we found evidence for a dietary source of MAAs. 4. Our results suggest that accumulation of MAAs in Chlorella‐bearing ciliates represents an additional benefit of this symbiosis and an adaptation for survival in sunlit, UV‐exposed waters.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of ciliates, rotifers, cladocerans and copepods were studied in Lake Peipsi and Lake Võrtsjärv, both of which are shallow, turbid and large. Our hypothesis was that in a large shallow eutrophic lake, the ciliates could be the most important zooplankton group. The mean metazooplankton biomass was higher in Peipsi than in Võrtsjärv (mean values and SD, 1.8 ± 0.7 and 1.3 ± 0.6 mg WM l?1). In Peipsi, the metazooplankton biomass was dominated by filtrators that feed on large-sized phytoplankton and are characteristic of oligo-mesotrophic waters. In Võrtsjärv, the metazooplankton was dominated by species characteristic of eutrophic waters. The planktonic ciliates in both lakes were dominated by oligotrichs. The biomass of ciliates was much greater in Võrtsjärv (mean 2.3 ± 1.4 mg WM l?1) than in Peipsi (0.1 ± 0.08 mg WM l?1). Ciliates formed about 60% of the total zooplankton biomass in Võrtsjärv but only 6% in Peipsi. Thus, the food chains in the two lakes differ: a grazing food chain in Peipsi and a detrital food-chain in Võrtsjärv. Consequently, top-down control of phytoplankton can be assumed to be much more important in Peipsi than in Võrtsjärv. When the detrital food chain prevails, the planktonic ciliates become the most important zooplankton group in shallow, eutrophic and large lake. Neglecting protozooplankton can result in serious underestimates of total zooplankton biomass since two-thirds of the zooplankton biomass in Võrtsjärv comprises ciliates.  相似文献   

Using 470 data from the literature the dry weight-specific respiration rates of gelatinous zooplankton (cnidarians, ctenophores and salps) and non-gelatinous zooplankton (mainly crustacea) were converted to carbon-specific values. The resulting carbon-specific respiration rates showed no significant differences between the two groups of zooplankton, indicating similar oxygen requirements per gram of carbon biomass. From this finding, it can be suggested that the differences in the rates of oxygen consumption measured in the two types of zooplankton in the sea can be explained by the carbon biomass ratio between gelatinous and non-gelatinous zooplankton. Furthermore, the low rate of metabolism of gelatinous species compared with that of non-gelatinous animals of the same volume can be attributed predominantly to the relatively low organic matter content in the former. It is recommended that all weight-specific metabolism rates be expressed using carbon as body mass unit (e.g. mg O2 gC−1 d−1) which enables more accurate comparisons between individuals exhibiting different dry weight/carbon ratios.  相似文献   

[methyl-3H]thymidine-labeled DNA from natural populations of aquatic bacteria was completely separated from RNA and protein by hydroxylapatite chromatography. The procedure was validated by monitoring increases in Escherichia coli cell count, A550, DNA concentration, and thymidine incorporation into DNA isolated by the proposed technique. The procedure can be used in the field and does not rely on the use of acid-base hydrolysis or volatile organic solvents.  相似文献   

1. Oligotrophic lakes are generally dominated by calanoid copepods because of their competitive advantage over cladocerans at low prey densities. Planktivory also can alter zooplankton community structure. We sought to understand the role of planktivory in driving recent changes to the zooplankton community of Lake Huron, a large oligotrophic lake on the border of Canada and the United States. We tested the hypothesis that excessive predation by fish (rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax, bloater Coregonus hoyi) and invertebrates (Mysis relicta, Bythotrephes longimanus) had driven observed declines in cladoceran and cyclopoid copepod biomass between 2002 and 2007. 2. We used a field sampling and bioenergetics modelling approach to generate estimates of daily consumption by planktivores at two 91‐m depth sites in northern Lake Huron, U.S.A., for each month, May–October 2007. Daily consumption was compared to daily zooplankton production. 3. Bythotrephes was the dominant planktivore and estimated to have eaten 78% of all zooplankton consumed. Bythotrephes consumption exceeded total zooplankton production between July and October. Mysis consumed 19% of all the zooplankton consumed and exceeded zooplankton production in October. Consumption by fish was relatively unimportant – eating only 3% of all zooplankton consumed. 4. Because Bythotrephes was so important, we explored other consumption estimation methods that predict lower Bythotrephes consumption. Under this scenario, Mysis was the most important planktivore, and Bythotrephes consumption exceeded zooplankton production only in August. 5. Our results provide no support for the hypothesis that excessive fish consumption directly contributed to the decline of cladocerans and cyclopoid copepods in Lake Huron. Rather, they highlight the importance of invertebrate planktivores in structuring zooplankton communities, especially for those foods webs that have both Bythotrephes and Mysis. Together, these species occupy the epi‐, meta‐ and hypolimnion, leaving limited refuge for zooplankton prey.  相似文献   

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