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In this work, we have studied the structural and functional linkage between lamin A/C, nuclear actin, and organization of chromosome territories (CTs) in mammary carcinoma MCF-7 cells. Selective down-regulation of lamin A/C expression led to disruption of the lamin A/C perinuclear layer and disorganization of lamin-bound emerin complexes at the inner nuclear membrane. The silencing of lamin A/C expression resulted in a decrease in the volume and surface area of chromosome territories, especially in chromosomes with high heterochromatin content. Inhibition of actin polymerization led to relaxation of the structure of chromosome territories, and an increase in the volumes and surface areas of the chromosome territories of human chromosomes 1, 2 and 13. The results show an important role of polymeric actin in the organization of the nuclei and the chromosome territories.  相似文献   

Lamin A/C is a structural protein of the nuclear envelope (NE) and cardiac involvement in Lamin A/C mutations was one of the first phenotypes to be reported in humans, suggesting a crucial role of this protein in the cardiomyocytes function. Mutations in LMNA gene cause a class of pathologies generically named ‘Lamanopathies’ mainly involving heart and skeletal muscles. Moreover, the well‐known disease called Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Syndrome due to extensive mutations in LMNA gene, in addition to the systemic phenotype of premature aging, is characterised by the death of patients at around 13 typically for a heart attack or stroke, suggesting again the heart as the main site sensitive to Lamin A/C disfunction. Indeed, the identification of the roles of the Lamin A/C in cardiomyocytes function is a key area of exploration. One of the primary biological roles recently conferred to Lamin A/C is to affect contractile cells lineage determination and senescence. Then, in differentiated adult cardiomyocytes both the ‘structural’ and ‘gene expression hypothesis’ could explain the role of Lamin A in the function of cardiomyocytes. In fact, recent advances in the field propose that the structural weakness/stiffness of the NE, regulated by Lamin A/C amount in NE, can ‘consequently’ alter gene expression.  相似文献   

Gary Rosenberg said of conchologists that they "are often characterized as lumpers or splitters. From one perspective, splitters recognize more species than really exist, and lumpers go around fixing the resulting damage." The recent explosion in the number of identified mutations within the LMNA gene, which encodes two protein products lamins A and C, has allowed the identification of an allelic series of disorders, all caused by mutations within this one gene. Hence, LMNA might be thought of as a "lumper" gene. These results have initiated analysis of the relationship between disease phenotype and gene, and have led to dramatic advances in our knowledge of the dynamic and complex organization of the nuclear architecture.  相似文献   



A-type lamins are type V intermediate filament proteins encoded by the gene LMNA. Mutations in LMNA give rise to diverse degenerative diseases related to premature ageing. A-type lamins also influence the activity of the Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and oncogenes such a β-catenin. Consequently, it has been speculated that expression of A-type lamins may also influence tumour progression.

Methodology/Principal Findings

An archive of colorectal cancer (CRC) and normal colon tissue was screened for expression of A-type lamins. We used the Cox proportional hazard ratio (HR) method to investigate patient survival. Using CRC cell lines we investigated the effects of lamin A expression on other genes by RT-PCR; on cell growth by FACS analysis; and on invasiveness by cell migration assays and siRNA knockdown of targeted genes. We found that lamin A is expressed in colonic stem cells and that patients with A-type lamin-expressing tumours have significantly worse prognosis than patients with A-type lamin negative tumours (HR = 1.85, p = 0.005). To understand this finding, we established a model system based upon expression of GFP-lamin A in CRC cells. We found that expression of GFP-lamin A in these cells did not affect cell proliferation but did promote greatly increased cell motility and invasiveness. The reason for this increased invasiveness was that expression of lamin A promoted up-regulation of the actin bundling protein T-plastin, leading to down regulation of the cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin.


Expression of A-type lamins increases the risk of death from CRC because its presence gives rise to increased invasiveness and potentially a more stem cell-like phenotype. This report directly links A-type lamin expression to tumour progression and raises the profile of LMNA from one implicated in multiple but rare genetic conditions to a gene involved in one of the commonest diseases in the Western World.  相似文献   

Mutations in the lamin A/C gene (LMNA) lead to severe disorders collectively called laminopathies. The mechanisms by which lamin mutations cause the diseases are not clear. Since the mesenchymal lineages, adipose tissue in particular, are mostly affected in laminopathies, the aim of the study was to estimate the effect of LMNA mutations on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, adipose tissue stromal cells (ATSCs), into adipose lineages. ATSCs transduced with lentiviral vectors carrying LMNA gene mutations associated with various syndromes (myodystrophy, cardiomyopathy, lipodystrophy, progeroid syndrome) were induced to adipose differentiate. It was found that introduction of genetic constructions with LMNA gene point mutations G465D, R482L, and R527C promote adipogenic differentiation compared to wild-type lamin gene; mutation R471C reduced the differentiation. Introduction of R471C or R527C lamin mutations profoundly increased the expression of adipogenesis markers PPARG, SREBP1, and adipsin. Mutations in A/C lamin gene strongly and variously affect the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells that probably underlie the pathogenic changes in patients with laminopathies.  相似文献   

Hereditary and sporadic laminopathies are caused by mutations in genes encoding lamins, their partners, or the metalloprotease ZMPSTE24/FACE1. Depending on the clinical phenotype, they are classified as tissue‐specific or systemic diseases. The latter mostly manifest with several accelerated aging features, as in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) and other progeroid syndromes. MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs described as powerful regulators of gene expression, mainly by degrading target mRNAs or by inhibiting their translation. In recent years, the role of these small RNAs has become an object of study in laminopathies using in vitro or in vivo murine models as well as cells/tissues of patients. To date, few miRNAs have been reported to exert protective effects in laminopathies, including miR‐9, which prevents progerin accumulation in HGPS neurons. The recent literature has described the potential implication of several other miRNAs in the pathophysiology of laminopathies, mostly by exerting deleterious effects. This review provides an overview of the current knowledge of the functional relevance and molecular insights of miRNAs in laminopathies. Furthermore, we discuss how these discoveries could help to better understand these diseases at the molecular level and could pave the way toward identifying new potential therapeutic targets and strategies based on miRNA modulation.  相似文献   

Lamin A is a component of the nuclear envelope that is synthesized as a precursor prelamin A molecule and then processed into mature lamin A through sequential steps of posttranslational modifications and proteolytic cleavages. Remarkably, over 400 distinct point mutations have been so far identified throughout the LMNA gene, which result in the development of at least ten distinct human disorders, collectively known as laminopathies, among which is the premature aging disease Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS). The majority of HGPS cases are associated with a single point mutation in the LMNA gene that causes the production of a permanently farnesylated mutant lamin A protein termed progerin. The mechanism by which progerin leads to premature aging and the classical HGPS disease phenotype as well as the relationship between this disorder and the onset of analogous symptoms during the lifespan of a normal individual are not well understood. Yet, recent studies have provided critical insights on the cellular processes that are affected by accumulation of progerin and have suggested that cellular alterations in the lamin A processing pathway leading to the accumulation of farnesylated prelamin A intermediates may play a role in the aging process in the general population. In this review we provide a short background on lamin A and its maturation pathway and discuss the current knowledge of how progerin or alterations in the prelamin A processing pathway are thought to influence cell function and contribute to human aging.  相似文献   

The human LMNA gene encodes the essential nuclear envelope proteins lamin A and C (lamin A/C). Mutations in LMNA result in altered nuclear morphology, but how this impacts the mechanisms that maintain genomic stability is unclear. Here, we report that lamin A/C-deficient cells have a normal response to ionizing radiation but are sensitive to agents that cause interstrand cross-links (ICLs) or replication stress. In response to treatment with ICL agents (cisplatin, camptothecin, and mitomycin), lamin A/C-deficient cells displayed normal γ-H2AX focus formation but a higher frequency of cells with delayed γ-H2AX removal, decreased recruitment of the FANCD2 repair factor, and a higher frequency of chromosome aberrations. Similarly, following hydroxyurea-induced replication stress, lamin A/C-deficient cells had an increased frequency of cells with delayed disappearance of γ-H2AX foci and defective repair factor recruitment (Mre11, CtIP, Rad51, RPA, and FANCD2). Replicative stress also resulted in a higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations as well as defective replication restart. Taken together, the data can be interpreted to suggest that lamin A/C has a role in the restart of stalled replication forks, a prerequisite for initiation of DNA damage repair by the homologous recombination pathway, which is intact in lamin A/C-deficient cells. We propose that lamin A/C is required for maintaining genomic stability following replication fork stalling, induced by either ICL damage or replicative stress, in order to facilitate fork regression prior to DNA damage repair.  相似文献   



Lamins are structural proteins that are the major determinants of nuclear architecture and play important roles in various nuclear functions including gene regulation and cell differentiation. Mutations in the human lamin A gene cause a spectrum of genetic diseases that affect specific tissues. Most available mouse models for laminopathies recapitulate disease symptoms for muscle diseases and progerias. However, loss of human lamin A/C also has highly deleterious effects on fetal development. Hence it is important to understand the impact of lamin A/C expression levels on embryonic differentiation pathways.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We have investigated the differentiation potential of mouse embryonic stem cells containing reduced levels of lamin A/C by detailed lineage analysis of embryoid bodies derived from these cells by in vitro culture. We initially carried out a targeted disruption of one allele of the mouse lamin A/C gene (Lmna). Undifferentiated wild-type and Lmna+/− embryonic stem cells showed similar expression of pluripotency markers and cell cycle profiles. Upon spontaneous differentiation into embryoid bodies, markers for visceral endoderm such as α-fetoprotein were highly upregulated in haploinsufficient cells. However, neuronal markers such as β-III tubulin and nestin were downregulated. Furthermore, we observed a reduction in the commitment of Lmna+/− cells into the myogenic lineage, but no discernible effects on cardiac, adipocyte or osteocyte lineages. In the next series of experiments, we derived embryonic stem cell clones expressing lamin A/C short hairpin RNA and examined their differentiation potential. These cells expressed pluripotency markers and, upon differentiation, the expression of lineage-specific markers was altered as observed with Lmna+/− embryonic stem cells.


We have observed significant effects on embryonic stem cell differentiation to visceral endoderm, neuronal and myogenic lineages upon depletion of lamin A/C. Hence our results implicate lamin A/C level as an important determinant of lineage-specific differentiation during embryonic development.  相似文献   

The premature-ageing disease Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is caused by constitutive production of progerin, a mutant form of the nuclear architectural protein lamin A. Progerin is also expressed sporadically in wild-type cells and has been linked to physiological ageing. Cells from HGPS patients exhibit extensive nuclear defects, including abnormal chromatin structure and increased DNA damage. At the organismal level, HGPS affects several tissues, particularly those of mesenchymal origin. How the cellular defects of HGPS cells lead to the organismal defects has been unclear. Here, we provide evidence that progerin interferes with the function of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). We find that expression of progerin activates major downstream effectors of the Notch signalling pathway. Induction of progerin in hMSCs changes their molecular identity and differentiation potential. Our results support a model in which accelerated ageing in HGPS patients, and possibly also physiological ageing, is the result of adult stem cell dysfunction and progressive deterioration of tissue functions.  相似文献   

Mutations in the lamin A/C gene are involved in multiple human disorders for which the pathophysiological mechanisms are partially understood. Conflicting results prevail regarding the organization of lamin A and C mutants within the nuclear envelope (NE) and on the interactions of each lamin to its counterpart. We over-expressed various lamin A and C mutants both independently and together in COS7 cells. When expressed alone, lamin A with cardiac/muscular disorder mutations forms abnormal aggregates inside the NE and not inside the nucleoplasm. Conversely, the equivalent lamin C organizes as intranucleoplasmic aggregates that never connect to the NE as opposed to wild type lamin C. Interestingly, the lamin C molecules present within these aggregates exhibit an abnormal increased mobility. When co-expressed, the complex formed by lamin A/C aggregates in the NE. Lamin A and C mutants for lipodystrophy behave similarly to the wild type. These findings reveal that lamins A and C may be differentially affected depending on the mutation. This results in multiple possible physiological consequences which likely contribute in the phenotypic variability of laminopathies. The inability of lamin C mutants to join the nuclear rim in the absence of lamin A is a potential pathophysiological mechanism for laminopathies.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) has multiple phosphorylation sites that can be activated by MAPKs, which have been previously shown to be activated in response to cyclic stretch in endothelial cells. It is possible therefore that physiological and/or pathological degree of cyclic stretch may also initiate phosphorylation-induced changes in GR subcellular localization as we previously showed with shear stress. However, little is known about the effects of cyclic stretch on glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activity in endothelial cells. We used control and lamin shRNA BAECs and subjected them to ligand (dexamethasone) treatment, physiological stretch (10% at 1 Hz), or pathological stretch (20% at 1 Hz or 10% at 2 Hz), in order to evaluate GR nuclear translocation in endothelial cells with and without lamin A/C as well as potential upstream protein regulators of GR subcellular movement during cyclic stretch. Upon exposure to pathological degrees of stretching, control shRNA BAECs showed greater nuclear concentration of GR at each time point compared to when they were stretched at physiological parameters. The response of GR in lamin-deficient cells to cyclic stretching was relatively non-existent compared to that observed in control shRNA cells. Our results suggest that in cells with lamin A/C, cyclic stretch activates GR through the JNK pathway, and ERK has some inhibitory role on GR nuclear translocation. DUSP proteins become upregulated in response to stretch as a result of GR activation (DUSP1) or by stretch-induced MAPK signaling. In lamin-deficient cells, only the combination of cyclic stretch and p38 inhibition was able to induce marginal nuclear translocation. Increased MAPK phosphorylation due to lamin A/C absence could drive DUSP expression as a negative feedback mechanism. Upregulation of the cytoplasmic DUSP6 suggests a significant role of ERK in reducing GR sensitivity to mechanical strain.  相似文献   

The cylindrical shape of the fission yeast cell is generated by linear polarized growth from its cell ends. Using immunofluorescence and live imaging microscopy, we have investigated the roles of the cell end marker tea1p in generating linear polarized growth. We found that tea1p is primarily transported on plus ends of microtubules from the vicinity of the nucleus to the cell ends, and that its movement near the nucleus is independent of the kinesin tea2p. Deletion analysis identified a coiled-coil domain in tea1p essential for its retention at cell ends, and demonstrated that tea1p exerts different functions dependent on its location. On the tips of microtubules, tea1p prevents the curling of microtubules around the cell ends, whereas it is required for maintaining linear cell growth and for retention of polarity factors such as the Dyrk kinase pom1p, the CLIP170-like tip1p, and tea2p at the cell ends. We propose that tea1p has roles in organizing the microtubule cytoskeleton on the tips of microtubules, and in the retention of factors at the cell ends necessary for the cell to grow in a straight line.  相似文献   

A-type lamins A and C are nuclear intermediate filament proteins in which mutations have been implicated in multiple disease phenotypes commonly known as laminopathies. A few studies have implicated sumoylation in the regulation of A-type lamins. Sumoylation is a post-translational protein modification that regulates a wide range of cellular processes through the attachment of small ubiquitin-related modifier (sumo) to various substrates. Here we showed that laminopathy mutants result in the mislocalization of sumo1 both in vitro (C2C12 cells overexpressing mutant lamins A and C) and in vivo (primary myoblasts and myopathic muscle tissue from the LmnaH222P /H222P mouse model). In C2C12 cells, we showed that the trapping of sumo1 in p.Asp192Gly, p.Gln353Lys, and p.Arg386Lys aggregates of lamin A/C correlated with an increased steady-state level of sumoylation. However, lamin A and C did not appear to be modified by sumo1. Our results suggest that mutant lamin A/C alters the dynamics of sumo1 and thus misregulation of sumoylation may be contributing to disease progression in laminopathies.  相似文献   

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