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The structural assimilative capacity (ability to maintain biological integrity under stress) of protozoan communities from nine lakes in the area of the University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan, and six stations at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, were studied (1) to determine if communities from lakes of differing trophic state differ in their ability to assimilate various amounts of copper sulfate, and (2) to explore the possible influence of average density of individuals and/or qualitative differences in the types of species present on any observed differences in assimilative capacity.In both the northern Michigan and Smith Mountain Lake studies, a trend in response was demonstrated along the eutrophic-oligotrophic gradient; eutrophic communities had a greater structural assimilative capacity than did oligotrophic communities. Both mean species density and community composition appear to be important factors in the ability to maintain structural integrity.  相似文献   

南京近郊自然湿地维管植物群落特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择南京近郊2处自然湿地为研究对象,采用GPS定位、野外标本采集、Braun-Blanquet多盖度等级法和Shannon-Wiener物种多样性、Simpson生态优势度和群落均匀度指数研究南京湿地植物群落的种类组成、群落类型及其数量特征。结果表明南京湿地有维管植物104种,隶属于93属45科,其中有国家Ⅱ级保护植物4种,包括水蕨、野大豆、野菱和莲;属和种的地理成分分析表明,该区维管植物区系以温带成分为主,同时热带成分也占一定的比例;该区湿地植被分为3个植被型,3个植被亚型,16个群系;湿地植物群落的物种多样性指数偏低,其中七里河湿地的物种多样性高于滁河入江口。根据南京湿地维管植物群落的特征,并结合当前存在的问题,提出南京近郊自然湿地的保护对策。  相似文献   

安徽湿地维管植物多样性及植被分类系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外实地调查并结合相关文献资料,对安徽湿地维管植物多样性进行了研究,系统地分析了安徽主要的湿地植被类型及分类系统。结果表明:(1)安徽省湿地维管植物共有95科303属682种(含种下分类单位),其中蕨类植物10科11属16种,种子植物85科292属666种;种子植物中裸子植物2科5属7种,被子植物83科287属659种(其中双子叶植物62科208属451种,单子叶植物21科79属208种);湿地维管植物主要是由草本植物组成,科、属的优势现象明显,以莎草科(Cyperaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)和蓼科(Polygonaceae)为优势科;以蓼属(Polygonum)、苔草属(Carex)、眼子菜属(Potamogeton)、飘拂草属(Fimbristylis)、莎草属(Cyperus)等为优势属,属的组成相对较为分散,寡种属和单种属占总属数的93.4%;(2)从分布区类型看,在科级水平上有7个类型,在属级水平上有13个类型,表明该区系地理成分复杂,分布区类型多样;总体上温带成分略多于热带成分,说明了安徽湿地维管植物的分布与本地所处的气候带相适应,反映出从热带向温带过渡的区系特点;(3)依据中国湿地植被的分类原则和分类系统,结合安徽湿地植被的生境特征和群落学特征,可将安徽湿地植被划分为3个植被型组、7个植被型、7个植被亚型和141个群系。  相似文献   

马康  史璇  尤晓光  刘静玲 《生态学报》2021,41(5):2001-2010
河流岸带湿地栖息地完整性对河流水环境、水生态和水文的安全与健康具有重要意义,为探究河流岸带湿地表层沉积物重金属分布特征及其对植被和底栖动物的影响,对滦河干流上中下游河段表层沉积物、植物群落和底栖动物调查分析,采用生物毒性效应系数法和综合潜在生态风险指数法评价沉积物重金属污染特征,采用植被物种多样性指数和底栖动物完整性指数评价滦河植物和底栖动物群落特征,探究岸带湿地沉积物重金属空间分布与植被及底栖动物群落特征之间关系。结果表明,滦河表层沉积物总体呈清洁水平,但不同河段重金属空间分布差异较大,下游重金属生态危害系数和潜在生态风险指数高于上中游。湿地物种调查共识别维管束植物219种,大型无脊椎底栖动物105种,综合评价结果表明下游植物群落物种多样性和底栖动物群落完整性低于上中游。滦河下游岸带湿地沉积物重金属对生物群落具有生物毒性和潜在的生态风险,降低了植被物种多样性和底栖动物群落完整性。大型底栖动物完整性指数能够综合反映底栖动物群落结构特征变化,对河岸带湿地生态健康评价和监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

应用原生动物群落评价枯水期白洋淀的水质现状   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
应用PFU微型生物群落监测方法,对长期处于低水位状态下的白洋淀水质进行了综合评价。结果表明,白洋淀水域受府河污水的影响,淀内的内源性污染,对原生动物群落造成了极大的影响。与20世纪90年代的资料相比,淀内中心区4个采样点原生动物的群集种类数(1d)急剧下降,而丰度上升了1.28倍,表明内源性污染对白洋淀水质的影响加剧。  相似文献   

A comparison of created and natural wetlands in Pennsylvania,USA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent research suggests that created wetlands do not look, or function, like the natural systems they are intended to replace. Proper planning, construction, and the introduction of appropriate biotic material should initiate natural processes which continue indefinitely in a successful wetland creation project, with minimal human input. To determine if differences existed between created and natural wetlands, we compared soil matrix chroma, organic matter content, rock fragment content, bulk density, particle size distribution, vegetation species richness, total plant cover, and average wetland indicator status in created (n = 12) and natural (n = 14)wetlands in Pennsylvania (USA). Created wetlands ranged in age from two to 18 years. Soils in created wetlands had less organic matter content, greater bulk densities, higher matrix chroma, and more rock fragments than reference wetlands. Soils in reference wetlands had clay loam textures with high silt content, while sandy clay loam textures predominated in the created sites. Vegetation species richness and total cover were both greater in natural reference wetlands. Vegetation in created wetlands included a greater proportion of upland species than found in the reference wetlands. There were significant differences in soils and vegetation characteristics between younger and older created wetlands, though we could not say older created sites were trending towards the reference wetland condition. Updated site selection practices, more careful consideration of monitoring period lengths, and, especially, a stronger effort to recreate wetland types native to the region should result in increased similarity between created and natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Linking hydroperiod and vegetation response in Carolina bay wetlands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrology filters propagule bank expression in herbaceous Carolina bays, but the strength of this filter’s effects on community composition at different points along the hydrologic gradient of these southeastern U.S. depressional wetlands is unknown. We used an experimental approach to determine the pattern of vegetation expression from propagule banks of Carolina bays exposed to different hydrologic conditions and gradients. Propagule banks of sediment cores collected from six Carolina bays were placed in bins, each of which was allocated to one of three hydrologic treatments: moist soil (MS), mid-summer drawdown (DD), or flooded (FL). After one season of vegetation development (1995) in the hydrologic treatments, half of the bins were left flat and the remaining were sloped to produce a finer moisture gradient within each bin. We compared taxa richness, community composition based on cover, and cover patterns of eight abundant species that developed in bins over the season (1996) after sloping. Species richness was significantly higher in the moist soil treatment and in sloped bins. Community composition, however, was affected by the hydrologic treatment only and not the finer-scale flooding gradient produced by sloping. Under flooded conditions, floating-leaved and submerged aquatics had higher cover; vegetation converged on simpler, less variable communities dominated by obligate wetland species, with species exhibiting different patterns of abundance over small changes in water depth. Emergent species typically had higher cover in moist soil and drawdown treatments. These results confirm a tight mechanistic link between hydrology and vegetation patterns within Carolina bays, but suggest that the strength of this link is not uniform across the gradient. The linkage weakens with drier conditions as both facultative wetland and upland species recruit into the standing vegetation.  相似文献   

Restoration and creation of freshwater wetlands using seed banks   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The minimum information about a seed bank needed for a wetland restoration or creation project is a species list. There are two basic techniques for determining the composition of seed banks: (1) mechanical separation of seeds from a volume of soil and (2) germination of seeds from a volume of soil under appropriate environmental conditions. The latter method always gives biased results. It is best to collect as many random samples as possible when sampling a wetland seed bank. These can be combined as needed for processing. Field studies in India have demonstrated that vestigial seed banks can be used to re-establish a former vegetation type in a monsoonal wet-land that had become overgrown by a species of grass. In less than a year, 9 of 1 I species in the vestigial seed bank were found growing in areas cleared of the grass. Vestigial seed banks of drained prairie wetlands in the northcentral United States contained a few wetland species after 70 years, although species diversity and seed density declined significantly after 20 to 30 years of drainage and cultivation. In Florida, U.S.A., wetlands have been established in strip-mined areas using donor soils from existing wetlands. Newly established wetlands quickly developed a dense cover of vegetation, although this vegetation often lacked many desirable wetland species. Experimental studies of soil moisture conditions using a seed bank from the Delta Marsh, Canada, demonstrated that soil moisture affected both the total number of seeds, and the relative proportion of seeds of each species that germinated from a seed bank. The density of seedlings of emergent wetland species in the treatments was directly proportional to soil moisture, while that of terrestrial annuals was inversely proportional. Emergent species made up nearly 90% of the seedlings in the wettest treatment and 0% in the driest.From a paper presented at the Third International Wetlands Conference, 19–23 September, 1988, University of Rennes, France.  相似文献   

Darwin's northern suburbs border an extensive coastal reed and upper mangrove wetland recognized as an important larval habitat for Aedes vigilax (Skuse), the northern salt marsh mosquito, an established vector for Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses and an appreciable pest species. We sought to identify the most important vegetation categories associated with Ae. vigilax breeding to maximize the efficiency of mosquito control efforts. Using a generalized linear model with negative binominal distribution and log link, this study compares larval densities, determined by focused dipping, between 13 discernable vegetation categories. The incidence rate ratios (RR) generated can be used to compare the magnitude of larval densities for each vegetation category, compared with the reference category. Aedes vigilax larval densities were almost ten times greater in artificial drainage areas (RR=9.82), followed by tide‐affected reticulate (Sporobolus/Xerochloa) areas (RR=8.15), then Schoenoplectus/mangroves (RR=2.29), compared with the reference vegetation category “lower mangroves.” Furthermore, larval densities were highest in May, due to tidal inundation, for drainage areas and tide‐affected reticulates (RR=12.2, 11.7, respectively) compared with March, the reference month. Thus, to maximize the efficiency of aerial salt marsh mosquito control operations in this wetland, larval control is best accomplished by concentrating on drains, Schoenoplectus/mangroves, and tide‐affected reticulate areas, commencing early after the wet season. These results should apply to other areas of salt marsh mosquito breeding across northern Australia.  相似文献   

Surface mining for coal has dramatically altered millions of hectares throughout the Appalachian region of eastern North America. Flat benches and vertical high walls have replaced well-drained slopes, and wetlands have developed accidentally on abandoned benches. Surface mining is continuing in this region, but new regulations do not include specifications for wetland construction in the reclamation process. Recent research has suggested that many ecosystem services appropriate for the Appalachian landscape could be performed by constructed wetlands. Inclusion of wetland construction in a reclamation plan could lead to a net increase in wetland acreage locally, as well as offset the loss of natural and/or accidental wetlands. By studying accidentally-formed wetlands, we hope to determine what species can be established in wetlands that are constructed to enhance nontreatment goals in reclamation. Study sites included 14 emergent wetlands in Wise County, Virginia. Sampling in June and August detected a total of 94 species in 36 vascular plant families. Obligate wetlands species, species that occur in wetlands over 99 percent of the time, were found in all 14 sites and included 26 species. The presence of so many wetland species without intentional management efforts suggests that wetland establishment could become a common component of mine reclamation.  相似文献   

土壤原生动物对川滇高山栎恢复时间的响应及生长季动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原东缘生态环境脆弱, 森林频繁遭到砍伐, 生物多样性受到严重威胁, 森林砍伐后的生态恢复成为研究热点。原生动物在生态恢复中作为指示生物起着重要作用。本文就未砍伐、砍伐后不同恢复时期(20年、10年和1年)生的川滇高山栎(Quercus aquifolioides)林的土壤理化性质和原生动物在生长季的变化进行比较研究, 以探讨生长季不同月份、不同恢复期的原生动物数量变化规律, 分析土壤理化性质与其相关性。结果表明: (1)恢复10年和1年的林地的鞭毛虫数量(193个/g干土, 164个/g干土)显著高于原始林地(22个/g干土), 肉足虫在恢复1年的林地中数量最多(600个/g干土), 纤毛虫数量则随次生演替进程逐渐增多。(2)在生长季不同月份原生动物的数量呈先增加后减少的趋势。鞭毛虫和肉足虫的峰值分别出现在7月和8月, 而纤毛虫的数量在7、8、9月明显高于6月。(3)原生动物数量与土壤理化性质密切相关。鞭毛虫数量与pH值呈显著正相关(P = 0.019), 纤毛虫数量与铵态氮(P = 0.002)和碳氮比呈显著正相关(P = 0.022), 肉足虫数量与硝态氮(P = 0.008)和碳氮比(P = 0.016)呈显著负相关。结果显示, 三种原生动物数量在生长季不同月份表现出较大的波动性, 其数量变化受土壤理化性质等多种因素调控。纤毛虫数量对川滇高山栎林砍伐恢复有正响应, 而鞭毛虫、肉足虫数量有负响应。  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of gymnamoebae in three subsoils varying in compaction and water retention along a 1.2 m transect were documented as the local climatic conditions changed from late summer 1999 through mid-summer 2000. The mean density of gymnamoebae for the loose soil (1,655/g) was greater than either the most compact (1,468/g) or moderately compact soil (851/g). Minimum densities occurred in middle and late summer for all soils while significant (F = 38.803, < or = 0.0002) density peaks at 3.212/g occurred in early summer in the most compact soil, 2.928/g in the least compact, and 2,209/g in the moderately compact soil. Limax non-eruptive gymnamoebae (mt 2) correlated (r = 0.49, p < or = 0.016) with moisture while eruptive limax gymnamoebae ( 3) correlated with temperature (r = 0.07, p < or = 0.024), moisture (r = 0.58, p < or = 0.001) and precipitation (r = 0.46, p < or = 0.029). Flattened or discoid amoebae (mt 4) dominated throughout most of the survey, and the two limax groups showed inverse relationships. Chi-square analyses showed significant differences in the numbers of limax eruptive gymnamoebae compared to all other morphotypes on all but one sampling period.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of freshwater wetland restoration and enhancement projects ( i.e . non-estuarine wetlands subject to seasonal drying) by fish populations. To quantify fish use of freshwater emergent wetlands and assess the effect of wetland enhancement ( i.e . addition of water control structures), two enhanced and two unenhanced emergent wetlands were compared, as well as two oxbow habitats within the Chehalis River floodplain. Eighteen fish species were captured using fyke nets and emigrant traps from January to the beginning of June, with the most abundant being three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus and Olympic mudminnow Novumbra hubbsi . Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch was the dominant salmonid at all sites. Enhanced wetlands, with their extended hydroperiods, had significantly higher abundances of yearling coho salmon than unenhanced wetlands. Both enhanced and unenhanced emergent wetlands yielded higher abundances of non-game native fishes than oxbow habitats. Oxbow habitats, however, were dominated by coho salmon. Fish survival in the wetland habitats was dependent on emigration to the river before dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased and wetlands became isolated and stranding occurred. This study suggests that wetland enhancement projects with an outlet to the river channel appear to provide fishes with important temporary habitats if they have the opportunity to leave the wetland as dissolved oxygen levels deteriorate.  相似文献   

滨河湿地不同植被对农业非点源氮污染的控制效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
滨河湿地作为连接河流水体和陆地的一个功能过渡界面区,是河流生态系统与陆地生态系统进行物质、能量、信息交换的一个重要过渡带,也是保护河流水体的最后一道屏障,对水质净化和农业非点源污染控制起着非常重要的作用。以黄河湿地国家自然保护区孟津扣马段为研究对象,采取野外定位观测试验和稳定同位素示踪(人工富集15N源的同位素稀释法)相结合的方法,研究了滨河湿地土壤对农业非点源氮的持留作用、渗漏到地下水中的农业非点源氮和湿地不同植被对滞留在土壤中的农业非点源氮的吸收作用。结果显示:通过地表径流进入滨河湿地的农业非点源氮在3个实验样方的垂向和侧向都发生了渗漏。滨河湿地土壤对农业非点源氮的滞留作用主要发生在0—10cm,相当于一个过滤器的功能。3种受试植被土壤表层的滞留量为芦苇(0.045mg/g)藨草(0.036mg/g)水烛(0.032mg/g),分别占到土壤滞留氮的59.2%、56.3%和56.1%。滞留在土壤中的农业非点源氮污染存在一个相对较长的效应。滨河湿地特殊的氧化还原条件导致强烈的土壤微生物反硝化作用以及滨河湿地植被对氮素的吸收作用,使得0-10cm土层土壤外源氮变化速度最快,1个月后,滞留芦苇、水烛、藨草样方中15N下降了77.8%、68.8%和8.3%;3个月后,芦苇、藨草、水烛样方中的15N下降了93.3%、72.2%和37.5%。滨河湿地复杂的水文过程,使得滞留在土壤表层的农业非点源氮迁移转化更为复杂多变。监测数据显示,在实验设计的浓度和强度范围内农业非点源氮没有对地下水造成影响。不同植被和同一植物的不同生长时期对滞留在土壤中氮的吸收能力差别较大,吸收量依次为芦苇嫩芽(9.731mg/g)老芦苇(4.939mg/g)藨草(0.620mg/g)水烛(0.186mg/g)。通过对生物量计算得出滨河湿地芦苇、水烛和藨草对农业非点源氮的吸收能力分别为氮吸收量96.11、3.76、0.32kg/hm2。可见,滨河湿地作为连接河流与陆地的缓冲带,通过截留、过滤、植物吸收等过程能有效的削减农业非点源氮对临近地表水体污染,对农业非点源氮污染控制起着非常重要的作用。合理的滨河湿地保护与利用模式对河流水环境保护具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) commenced the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative (MBHI) in summer 2010 after the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The MBHI enrolled in the program 193,000 ha of private wet‐ and cropland inland from potential oil‐impaired wetlands. We evaluated waterfowl and other waterbird use and potential seed/tuber food resources in NRCS Wetland Reserve Program easement wetlands managed via MBHI funding and associated reference wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri. In Louisiana and Mississippi, nearly three times more dabbling ducks and all ducks combined were observed on managed than reference wetlands. Shorebirds and waterbirds other than waterfowl were nearly twice as abundant on managed than referenced wetlands. In Arkansas and Missouri, managed wetlands had over twice more dabbling ducks and nearly twice as many duck species than reference wetlands. Wetlands managed via MBHI in Mississippi and Louisiana contained ≥1.3 times more seed and tuber biomass known to be consumed by waterfowl than reference wetlands. Seed and tuber resources did not differ between wetlands in Arkansas and Missouri. While other studies have documented greater waterbird densities on actively than nonmanaged wetlands, our results highlighted the potential for initiatives focused on managing conservation easements to increase waterbird use and energetic carrying capacity of restored wetlands for waterbirds.  相似文献   

内陆湿地与水体甲烷厌氧氧化功能微生物研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈李东  金靖昊  刘心 《生态学报》2022,42(9):3842-3855
内陆湿地与水体(如湖泊、河流、水库等)是温室气体甲烷的重要排放源。微生物介导的甲烷厌氧氧化(anaerobic oxidation of methane,AOM)反应在控制内陆湿地与水体甲烷排放中起着不可忽视的作用,对缓解全球温室效应具有重要意义。内陆湿地与水体易形成缺氧环境,且电子受体的种类和数量繁多,是发生AOM反应的理想生境。近年来,不断有研究表明,内陆湿地与水体中存在多种电子受体(NO2-、NO3-、SO42-、Fe (III)等)驱动的AOM途径。NC10门细菌和甲烷厌氧氧化古菌(anaerobic methanotrophic archaea,ANME)的一新分支ANME-2d主导了湿地和水体环境中的AOM反应,其中ANME-2d具有根据环境条件选择不同电子受体的潜力。研究系统综述了内陆湿地与水体中不同电子受体驱动的AOM途径及其参与的主要功能微生物类群;分析了AOM反应在控制温室气体甲烷排放中的作用及其环境影响因素;总结了相关功能微生物的分子生物学检测方法及甲烷厌氧氧化活性测定的同位素示踪技术。最后,对未来相关研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

胶州湾海岸湿地维管束植物的区系特征与保护   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
胶州湾海岸湿地植被分4个主要植被型、15个主要植物群落,作为湿地植被建群种、优势种和主要伴生种的维管束植物共有35科61属75种,分盐生植物、水生植物、湿生植物和沙生植物4大生态类群。其中禾本科、黎科、蓼科等7个较大科的种子植物构成了胶州湾海岸湿地维管束植物区系的主体。从分布区类型构成看,胶州湾海岸湿地植物区系成分中世界分布属最多,达24属,占总属数的39.3%,这反映了湿地植被的隐域性特征。温带分布区成分和热带分布区成分作为区系成分的主体占总属数的52.4%。针对胶州湾海岸湿地发生的退化现象,提出了保护胶州湾海岸湿地维管束植物的初步措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Controversy over bobcat (Lynx rufus) management in the northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan (NLP), USA, stimulated a need for information on the distribution of Michigan bobcats. From March 2003 to October 2004, we conducted a radiotelemetry and scentstation survey study of bobcats in the NLP. We developed a spatial model to predict bobcat distribution throughout the NLP based on bobcat area requirements, habitat and landscape variables derived from remotely sensed land-cover data, and a multivariate distance statistic. Bobcat 50% minimum convex polygon core areas were comprised of more lowland forest (51%), nonforested wetlands (9%), and streams (3%) than the surrounding NLP. The NLP was comprised primarily of upland forest (44%) and field (32%). Habitat in the northeast and central regions of the NLP was most similar to the habitat composition of bobcat core areas. This model will be useful in aiding Michigan wildlife management agencies with assessing the status and distribution of the NLP bobcat population by identifying areas important to bobcats and supporting the development of regional strategies for carnivore conservation.  相似文献   

土壤微生物是生态系统维持正常结构与功能的重要组成部分,为探究盐城滩涂典型湿地土壤微生物群落结构特征,以江苏盐城滩涂互花米草、藨草、盐地碱蓬、芦苇及淤泥质光滩5种典型群落为对象,采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术分析0—10 cm(表层)、10—30 cm(中层)、30—60 cm(深层)土壤微生物多样性及群落结构。结果表明:(1)几种植物群落间,土壤微生物群落结构差异较大,主要体现在细菌群落结构的差异性,古菌群落结构差异相对较小。光滩与植物群落间,在土壤细菌种类及相对丰度上差异相对较大,互花米草群落与本土植物群落间,在微生物群落的细菌种类组成上存在较大差异;藨草群落土壤表层微生物群落结构与互花米草群落相似,深层与盐地碱蓬、芦苇群落相似。(2)同一群落不同层次土壤微生物群落结构相似,差异小于不同群落间土壤微生物群落的结构差异性;不同群落对应层次间,表深层土壤中五种群落土壤微生物多样性存在显著差异,中层土壤中五种群落微生物多样性差异不显著。总体上,植物群落类型对土壤微生物群落结构的影响大于土壤深度;与本土植物群落相比,互花米草群落土壤主要优势门微生物种类差异较小,但部分优势门微生物相对丰度...  相似文献   

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