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Tissue-culture-propagated own-rooted cv. Spartan apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) planted in 1979 were treated in 1983 and 1985 via a soil-line trunk drench with the plant growth retardant paclobutrazol [(2RS, 3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4.4-dimethyl-2-(1,2, 4-triazol-1-yl) pentan-3-ol]. Seeds of immature fruits from untreated and treated trees were sampled in 1989 ca 75 days after full bloom. After seeds were freeze-dried, gibberellins (GAs) were extracted, purified and fractionated via C18 reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Gibberellins A1, A3, A4, A7, A8, A9, A15, A17, A19, A20, A24, A34, A35, A44, A51, A53, A54, A61, A62, A63 and A68 were identified by using C18 HPLC, gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring and Kovats retention indices. Eight of the GAs identified were also quantified by using deuterated internal standards. The paclobutrazol applications caused a 55% reduction of vegetative shoot elongation in 1989, but both treated and untreated trees had developed a biennial bearing pattern by that time (heavy bloom or “on year’in 1989). Levels of early 13-hydroxylation pathway GAs, viz. GA53, GA19, GA20, GA1 and also GA3, were not altered by treatment. However, GA4, GA7 and GA9 were increased 13.4, 6.5 and 3.8 times, respectively, in seeds of fruit from treated compared to untreated trees.  相似文献   

The [(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1- yl)-pentan-3-ol] (paclobutrazol, PP333) measured in apple seedlings (`York Imperial' Malus domestica Borkh) was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Data showed that paclobutrazol was taken up through roots and transported primarily in the xylem through the stems and accumulated in leaves. No detectable basipetal movement of paclobutrazol in apple seedlings was found.  相似文献   

The structural rationale, synthesis and evaluation of an inhibitor designed to block glucosamine synthesis by competitively inhibiting the action of glutamine: fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase and subsequently reducing the transformation of any glucosamine-6-phosphate formed to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine are described. The inhibitor 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-6-sulfo-d-glucose (d-glucosamine-6-sulfonate) is an analog of glucosamine-6-phosphate in which the phosphate group in the latter is replaced with a sulfonic acid group. The inhibitor is designed to function by three different modes which together reduce UDP-N-acetylglucosamine synthesis. This reduction was confirmed by evaluating the effect of the inhibitor on bacterial cell-wall synthesis and by demonstrating that it inhibits acetylation of glucosamine-6-phosphate competitively and by acting as a surrogate substrate. Inhibition of glucosamine production or suitably activated glucosamine in bacteria leads to disruption of the peptidoglycan structure, which results in softening, bulging, deformation, fragility and lysis of the cells. These modifications were documented by scanning electron microscopy for bacteria treated with the inhibitor. They were observed for inhibitor concentrations in the 20 mg/mL range for Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis and the 5 mg/mL range for Rhizobium trifolii.  相似文献   

The plant growth retardant paclobutrazol, (PP333) (2RS, 3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol, inhibits specifically the three steps in the oxidation of the gibberellin-precursorent-kaurene toent-kaurenoic acid in a cell-free system fromCucurbita maxima endosperm. The KI50 for this inhibition is 2×10?8 M. The KI50 values for the separated2S, 3S, and2R, 3R enantiomers of paclobutrazol in this system are 2×10?8 M and 7×10?7 M, respectively. A cell-free preparation from immatureMalus pumila embryos convertsent-kaurene to gibberellin A9, whereas no conversion occurs in a similar preparation fromMalus endosperm. The conversion ofent-kaurene by the embryo preparation is inhibited by paclobutrazol with KI50 values for the2S,3S and2R,3R enantiomers of 2×10?8 M and 6×10?8 M, respectively.  相似文献   

The natural mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor (IF1) was modified with a radioactivity labeled heterobifunctional and photosensitive reagent, methyl 4-azido(14C)benzimidate ((14C)MABI). Titration experiments of IF1 by (14C)MABI and tryptic maps of (14C)MABI-IF1 indicated that specific lysine residues in IF1 are preferentially labeled by (14C)MABI. Under appropriate conditions of labeling (1 to 2 lysine residues modified per IF1), MABI-IF1 exhibited the same inhibitory potency as native IF1 on the hydrolytic activity of the coupling factor 1 of mitochondrial ATPase (F1). The same conditions were required for inhibition of F1 by MABI-IF1 and IF1 (slightly acidic pH and presence of ATP and MgCl2). In photolabeling experiments, (14C)MABI-IF1 was used to investigate the localization of IF1 binding sites on F1. Upon photoirradiation, MABI-IF1 bound selectively to the beta subunit of soluble or membrane-bound F1. Adenylyl imidodiphosphate and quercetin, two compounds which partially mimic the inhibitory effect of IF1 on ATPase activity of F1, markedly prevented the binding of (14C)MABI-IF1 to F1; on the other hand, aurovertin, a specific ligand of the beta subunit of F1, did not affect the interaction between (14C)MABI-IF1 and F1. In the absence of light, (14C)MABI-IF1 was used as a reversible radiolabeled ligand with respect to membrane bound F1 to investigate F1-IF1 interactions to inside-out submitochondrial particles as a function of the energy state of the particles. Oxidation of NADH by submitochondrial particles resulted in a decrease of bound (14C)MABI-IF1; the effect was counteracted by antimycin. The data suggested that added (14C)MABI-IF1 is capable of exchanging with IF1 bound to F1 in submitochondrial particles and that the rate and extent of (14C)MABI-IF1 release are triggered by the proton-motive force developed by the particles.  相似文献   

The biological activities of five azido derivatives of the synthetic GA-like bioregulator 94,377 (1-[3-chlorophthalimido]cyclohexanecarboximide) were examined in a range of gibberellin-sensitive assays including: barley half-seed -amylase secretion, Rumex chlorophyll retention, d5 maize leaf-sheath elongation, lettuce hypocotyl elongation and cucumber hypocotyl elongation. The five azido derivatives tested possessed an N-substituted phthalimide structure but differed in the placement of the azido moiety. An acyl-azido derivative was devoid of biological activity in all assays examined. Of the four remaining aryl-azido derivatives, three exhibited significant biological activity. The biological activity was both compound and species-dependent; a given azido derivative being highly active in one assay (species) but inactive in another. None of the aryl-azides promoted hypocotyl growth in light-grown cucumber seedlings when tested at 100 M. However, two of the derivatives that were highly active in other assay systems were capable of displacing [3H]GA4 bound to a soluble binding protein prepared from cucumber seedlings when tested at high concentrations. These results indicate that certain aryl-azido derivatives of 94,377 may be useful in purifying GA binding proteins from responsive tissues and should facilitate the molecular modelling of the actual ligand binding pocket of GA receptors or other GA binding proteins.Mention of trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

GA20-13-0-glucoside (7a) and GA20 glucosyl ester (6a), potential endogenous conjugates in maize, were synthesized chemically. The biological activities of these compounds and of nine more GA glucosyl derivatives were determined using theZea mays dwarf- 5 seedling andOryza sativa cv. “Tan-ginbozu” assays. The relative bioactivities of the conjugates were also calculated.  相似文献   

Urakami E  Yamaguchi I  Asami T  Conrad U  Suzuki Y 《Planta》2008,228(5):863-873
Immunomodulation is a means to modulate an organism's function by antibody production to capture either endogenous or exogenous antigens. We have recently succeeded in obtaining gibberellin (GA)-deficient phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana by using anti-bioactive GA antibodies. In this study, a single-chain antibody (scFv) against GA(24), a precursor GA, was utilized to repress the biosynthesis of bioactive gibberellins. Stable accumulation of the scFv in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) was achieved by being produced as a fusion with GFP as well as KDEL ER-retention signal. The transgenic plants showed GFP fluorescence in the reticulate cortical ER network in epidermal cells. The GFP-scFv fusion produced in plants maintained its binding activity. The transgenic plants showed GA-deficient phenotypes, including reduced rosette leaf development, delayed flower induction and reduced stem elongation of the main culm, especially in the early stage of inflorescence growth. Contrarily, stem elongation of the main culm at a later stage, or that of lateral shoots was much less affected by scFv production. These phenotypes were different from anti-bioactive GA scFv-producing lines, whose stem elongation was continuously repressed throughout the inflorescence development. The GA-deficient phenotypes were recovered by treatment with GA(24) and bioactive GA(4), the latter being more effective. The transgenic lines contained conspicuously higher endogenous GA(24) and clearly less GA(4) than wild-type plants. The expression of GA 20-oxidase and GA 3-oxidase genes, which are feedback-regulated by GA signaling, were up-regulated in those plants. These results demonstrate that the scFv trapped GA(24) in ER and inhibited metabolism of GA(24) to bioactive GA(4).  相似文献   

The synthesis and biological properties of a novel squalene epoxidase inhibitor, FR194738, are described. This compound displayed potent in vitro inhibitory activities against squalene epoxidase and cholesterol synthesis, and lowered plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in dogs.  相似文献   

The water-solubility of the highly potent V-ATPase inhibitors archazolid A and the glucosylated derivative archazolid C was studied in the presence of a wide range of cosolvents, revealing very low solubilites. The first water-soluble analogue was then designed, synthesized, and evaluated for V-ATPase inhibitory activity in vitro.  相似文献   

A new hybrid, retinyl retinoate 1, was synthesized with a condensing reaction between retinol and retinoic acid to improve the photo-stability, and the in vitro biological activity of the hybrid was analyzed. This retinol derivative had enhanced thermal stability and decreased photosensitivity, and exhibited decreased cell toxicity compared to that of retinol. In addition, RAR activity analysis showed that retinyl retinoate 1 had higher inhibitory activity against c-Jun than retinol and showed superior effects on collagen synthesis compared to retinol. Thus, retinyl retinoate 1 may have the potential to be conveniently used as an additive in cosmetics for prevention and improvement of skin aging and medicines for the treatment of skin troubles due to its excellent stability under severe and accelerated conditions.  相似文献   

A novel chemically-modified insulin, epsilon-N(B29)-lipoyl insulin, was selectively prepared by the covalent linkage of alpha-lipoic acid (LA) to the epsilon-amino group of Lys(B29) of insulin without any protecting agent and analyzed by PAGE, HPLC, MALDI-TOF-MS. Monolipoyl- insulin maintained the glucose-lowering effect as well as native insulin and showed a longer duration of action than native insulin and an inhibitory effect towards trypsin degradation.  相似文献   

Summary Gibberellin (GA) production inFusarium moniliforme (Gibberella fujikuroi) is suppresed by adding the plant growth retardant CCC [(2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride] to the culture medium. A concentration of 0.1 mg/l of CCC causes 50% inhibition whereas 10 mg/l and higher concentrations fully suppress GA production. Dry weight of the mycelium is not, or only slightly reduced in the presence of CCC.Thin-layer chromatography of acidic fractions of CCC-free cultures reveals fluorescent spots at 4 differentR f values. No fluorescent spots can be detected on chromatograms of acidic fractions obtained from CCC cultures, thus demonstrating that production of all GA's is inhibited by CCC.If CCC is added to the medium 2 or 3 days after inoculation, further GA production is blocked, but the level of GA present at the time of CCC application is maintained. CCC does not enhance inactivation of GA3 in sterile culture medium, nor in the presence of the fungus. It is therefore concluded that CCC inhibits the biosynthesis of GA in the fungus.Transfer of thoroughly washed mycelium from medium with CCC to fresh medium does not result in GA production because sufficient CCC is carried over in the mycelium to block GA biosynthesis completely.  相似文献   

The plant growth retardant paclobutrazol, (PP333) (2RS, 3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol, inhibits specifically the three steps in the oxidation of the gibberellin-precursorent-kaurene toent-kaurenoic acid in a cell-free system fromCucurbita maxima endosperm. The KI50 for this inhibition is 2×10–8 M. The KI50 values for the separated2S, 3S, and2R, 3R enantiomers of paclobutrazol in this system are 2×10–8 M and 7×10–7 M, respectively. A cell-free preparation from immatureMalus pumila embryos convertsent-kaurene to gibberellin A9, whereas no conversion occurs in a similar preparation fromMalus endosperm. The conversion ofent-kaurene by the embryo preparation is inhibited by paclobutrazol with KI50 values for the2S,3S and2R,3R enantiomers of 2×10–8 M and 6×10–8 M, respectively.  相似文献   

The synthesis of 5 analogues of the effective inhibitor of peptidyl dipeptidase, teprotide, has been carried out. The inhibitory and bradykinin-potentiating activity of these compounds has been assayed. N-Terminal pyroglutamic acid and positive charge of arginine in position 4 were found to be essential for biological activity of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

GA20-13-0-glucoside (7a) and GA20 glucosyl ester (6a), potential endogenous conjugates in maize, were synthesized chemically. The biological activities of these compounds and of nine more GA glucosyl derivatives were determined using theZea mays dwarf- 5 seedling andOryza sativa cv. Tan-ginbozu assays. The relative bioactivities of the conjugates were also calculated.  相似文献   

A novel nucleotide inhibitor (ADP-S-HBES-S-dGTP) of mouse ribonucleotide reductase was designed to span the active site and the allosteric specificity site of the enzyme. The inhibitor contains ADP and dGTP moieties which are linked by 1,6-hexane-(bis-ethylenesulfone), and has a Ki value of 12 microM.  相似文献   

Antibiotic 1063-Z isolated from culture fluids of Streptoverticillium mobaraense was identified as pulvomycin. Pulvomycin was observed to inhibit protein biosynthesis in growing cells of Bacillus brevis. The poly(U)-directed poly(Phe) synthesis in cell-free systems of Bacillus brevis and Escherichia coli was highly susceptible to the antibiotic. Pulvomycin did not affect the transfer of Phe to tRNA. The results suggest that the target of pulvomycin action is the polypeptide chain elongation.  相似文献   

Rubradirin, an inhibitor of ribosomal polypeptide biosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F Reusser 《Biochemistry》1973,12(6):1136-1142

Molecular Biology Reports - Epoxide hydrolases (EHs) are present in all living organisms and catalyze the hydrolysis of epoxides to the corresponding vicinal diols. EH are involved in the...  相似文献   

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