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Light Distribution and Photosynthesis in Field Crops   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
In a new model of light distribution in field crops a parameters is the fraction of light passing through unit leaf layer withoutinterception. Radiation profiles measured with solarimetersand photocells give values of s from 0.7 for grasses to 0.4for species with prostrate leaves. Knowing s, leaf transmissionT and leaf-area index L the light distribution in a field cropmay be described by a binomial expansion of the form {s+(I-s)T)L.To calculate crop photosynthesis at given light intensity thisexpansion is combined with two parameters describing the shapeof the light-response curve of single leaves. Finally, the assumptionthat solar radiation varies sinusoidally allows daily totalphotosynthesis to be estimated from daylength and insolation. The theory predicts about the same potential photosynthesisin a cloudy temperte climate with long days as in a more sunnyequatorial climate with short days. When L < 3 photosynthesisincreases as s decreases, i.e. as leaves become more prostrate;but when L > 5, photosynthesis increases as s increases,i. e. as leaves become more erect. Assuming that respirationis proportional to leaf area, estimated dry-matter productionagrees well with field measurements on sugar-beet, sugar-cane,kale, and subterranean clover. Estimates of maximum gross photosynthesis(for sugar-cane and maize) range from 60 to 9 g m–2 day–1depending on insolation.  相似文献   

Microswards of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownin controlled environments at 10/7, 18/13 and 26/21 °C day/nighttemperatures. The vertical distribution of leaves of differentages and their rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ were studied. Extending petioles carried the laminae of young leaves throughthe existing foliage. A final position was reached within 1/4to 1/3 of the time between unfolding and death. Newly unfoldedleaves had higher rates of 14CO2-uptake per leaf area than olderones at the same height in the canopy. At higher temperatures,the decrease with age was faster. However, the light-photosynthesisresponse of leaves which were removed from different heightsin the canopy varied much less with leaf age than did the ratesof 14CO2-uptake in situ. The comparison of the rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ with thelight-photosynthesis response curves suggests that young leavesreceive more light than older ones at the same height in thecanopy. This would imply that young white clover leaves havethe ability to reach canopy positions having a favourable lightenvironment. This ability may improve the chances of survivalof white clover in competition with other species. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, canopy, leaf age, 14CO2-uptake, ecotypes, temperature  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) and Perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.) plants were grown, in Perlite, in simulated swardsas either monocultures or mixtures of equal plant numbers. Theywere supplied with a nutrient solution either high (220 µgg–1) or low (40 µg g–1) in 15N-labelled nitrateand grown to ceiling yield at either high (20°C day/15°Cnight) or low (10°C day/8°C night) temperature. Temperature had little effect on the maximum rates of grosscanopy photosynthesis which were similar in High-N grass andHigh-N and Low-N clover monocultures. However these maxima werereached more slowly in clover than grass, and more slowly atlow rather than high temperature. Nitrogen supply increasedphotosynthesis in grass but not in clover. Clover had higherN contents than grass in all four treatments, although in anygiven treatment its N content was lower, and contribution ofN2-fixation relative to nitrate uptake higher, in mixture thanin monoculture. Conversely, grass had higher N contents in mixturethan monoculture, because more nitrate was available per plantand not because of transfer of biologically fixed N from clover. Under Low-N, clover outyielded grass in mixture, particularlyat high temperature. The grass plants in the Low-N mixtureshad higher N contents and higher SLA, LAR and shoot: root ratiosthan those in monoculture. It is proposed that competition forlight is the cause of the low relative yield and negative aggressivityof grass in these swards. Under High-N, grass outyielded cloverin monoculture and mixture, at both temperatures but particularlyat low temperature when grass had a high aggressivity. Nitrogenand yield component analyses shed no light on clover's apparentlylow competitive ability and evidence is drawn from the previouspaper to demonstrate that grass grew faster than clover onlyas spaced individuals during non-com petitive growth. The relativemerits of measures of competitive ability based on final harvestdata and physiological data taken over a growth period are discussed. Trifolium repens L., white clover, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, competition, temperature, nitrogen  相似文献   

Wheat, red clover and ryegrass were grown in flowing solutionculture with sufficient (+ Cu) and deficient (–Cu) suppliesof copper. The rates of Cu absorption (µg g–1 dryroot day–1) did not differ greatly between species ineither treatment. Wheat plants, when transferred from the –Cu to the +Cu treatment, absorbed Cu at a much slower rate thanthose which had remained throughout in the + Cu treatment. Inall plants considerable proportions of the absorbed Cu wereretained in the roots, even when the plants were Cu-deficient,and the concentration in roots usually exceeded that in anypart of the shoots in both treatments. Transferring wheat plantsfrom the +Cu to the –Cu treatment decreased the concentrationin all plant parts except old leaves; similarly, transferringfrom the –Cu to +Cu treatment increased the concentrationin all parts of the shoots, execept old leaves, and in the roots. Lolium perenne, Trifolium pratense, Triticum aestivum, ryegrass, red clover, wheat, absorption, copper, flowing solution culture  相似文献   

Faeces containing Trichostrongylus colubriformis and/or Ostertagia circumcincta eggs were used to provide four contaminations in each of 2 years on plots of browntop, Yorkshire fog, ryegrass, tall fescue, lucerne, chicory, cocksfoot, white clover, and prairie grass and in the second year a mixed sward of ryegrass/white clover. Third stage larvae were recovered from faeces and from four strata of herbage, 0–2.5, 2.5–5, 5–7.5 and >7.5 cm above the soil surface at 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 14 weeks after faeces were deposited on the swards. Herbage species had a significant (P &lt; 0.0001) effect on the number of larvae recovered. Greatest numbers of larvae, as indicated by ranking analysis, were recovered from Yorkshire fog, ryegrass, and cocksfoot and lowest numbers from white clover and lucerne. The difference between herbages in numbers of larvae recovered was due to the ‘‘development success’’, the ability of larvae to develop to the infective stage and migrate on to herbage, rather than ‘‘survival’’, the rate of population decline once on the herbage. Faecal degradation was most rapid from white clover and browntop, intermediate from tall fescue, lucerne, prairie grass, cocksfoot, and ryegrass, and slowest from Yorkshire fog swards. The numbers of larvae recovered from herbages were related (r2 = 0.59, P &lt; 0.05) with the faecal mass remaining. A greater proportion of the total larvae recovered from the herbage was recovered from the bottom stratum of Yorkshire fog and prairie grass than from white clover, with the other herbages intermediate, indicating that larvae had greater difficulty migrating up Yorkshire fog and prairie grass than the other herbage species. In most herbage species, despite more larvae being recovered from the lowest stratum, larval density (L3/kg herbage DM) was highest in the top stratum. This study has demonstrated that herbage species can have a significant impact on the population dynamics and vertical migration of T. colubriformis and O. circumcincta larvae.  相似文献   

JARVIS  S. C. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(2):199-206
The absorption and distribution of sodium were examined in threegrasses grown in flowing solution culture with different suppliesof potassium. There were marked differences between the speciesin the rate of absorption by their roots, timothy absorbingat a much slower rate than either ryegrass or cocksfoot. Inall species, the rate of Na absorption was greatest when therewas a maintained supply of K and/or when the K contents of theplants were high. Transport of Na from roots to shoots of timothywas restricted; it was less restricted in the other speciesand large proportions of the Na moved from roots to shoots whenK was not supplied to the plants. Sodium transported from theroots accumulated in old leaves and not in the younger leaves.When K was no longer supplied, the growth of ryegrass was maintainedin the plants previously grown with Na plus K; Na supplied insteadof K, however, did not maintain growth. Cocksfoot grown withNa grew less well than when grown without Na when plants wereno longer supplied with K; the growth of timothy was unaffectedby Na. Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Phleum pratense L., cocksfoot, ryegrass, timothy, absorption of ions, distribution of ions, potassium, sodium  相似文献   

Rates of net photosynthesis of the flag leaves of 15 genotypesof wheat and related species were measured throughout theirlife, using intact leaves on plants grown in the field. At thestage when rates were maximal, they were in general highestfor the diploid species, intermediate for the tetraploidspeciesand lowest for Triticum aestivum (means of 38, 32 and 28 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1 respectively). Rates were stronglynegatively correlated with leaf area, leaf width and the meanplan area per mesophyll cell and positvely correlated with stomatalfrequency and number of veins per mm of leaf width. The differencesamong species in these attributes were mainly related to ploidylevel. It was not possible to determine the relative importanceof each anatomical feature, though the changes in stomatal frequencyhad only slight effects on stomatal conductance and the observeddifferences in rates of photosynthesis were much greater thanwould be expected from those in stomatal conductance alone. There was genetic variation in rates of light dependent oxygenevolution of isolated protoplasts and intact chloroplasts butno difference attributable to ploidy. The mean rate, 91 µmolO2 mg–1 chlorophyll h–1, equivalent to 3.9 mg CO2mg-1chlorophyll h-1 was considerably less than the rate of photosynthesisin comparable intact leaves, which was 7.2 mg CO2 mg–1chlorophyll h–1. The total above-ground dry matter yields were least for thewild diploids T. urartu and T. thauodar and the wild tetraploidT. dicoccoides, but the other wild diploids produced as muchdry matter as the hexaploids. The prospects of exploiting differences in photosynthetic ratein the breeding of higher yielding varieties are discussed. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, Aegilops spp, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, stomatal frequency, polyploidy  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the 14C-labelled assimilate suppliedby the expanded leaves on the primary shoot to growing leaves,stem, lateral shoots (branches or stolons) and roots in redand white clover was conducted during vegetative growth. Stem growth of the primary shoot was inhibited in both cloversand utilized no energy resources. The growing leaves at theprimary shoot apex of white clover imported 4 per cent of theshoot's assimilate compared with 10 per cent in red clover.At the basal end of the primary shoot, the tap root of whiteclover imported 16 per cent of the shoot's assimilate comparedwith 22 per cent in red clover. Branches in red clover and stolonsin white clover were by far the largest sinks for primary shootassimilate, importing 39 per cent and 63 per cent of the labelledassimilate, respectively. Analyses of the translocation of assimilate from individualprimary shoot leaves demonstrated that in both clovers olderleaves exported more of their assimilate to branches or stolons,whereas younger leaves exported more of their assimilate toroots, and possibly in white clover, to growing leaves at thetip of the shoot. Of the labelled assimilate exported to branchesor stolons, each primary shoot leaf exported preferentiallyto the branch or stolon in its own axil, but in addition exportedsubstantial quantities of assimilate to all other axillary shoots,particularly those arising from basal axils where the subtendingleaf had died. Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense, red clover, white clover, assimilate partitioning, perennation  相似文献   

The effects of different applied NO3 concentrations onextension growth and final length and area of leaves 1–4of five cereals and six pasture grasses of temperate originwere examined. Increased applied NO3 in the range 0.1–0.5.0mol m–3 caused decreased duration of growth but increasedgrowth rate and final length of leaves 2–4 of the cerealsAvena saliva, Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale, x Triticosecaleand Triticum aestivum. For all cereals, increased NO3resulted in increased area of leaves 1–4. Pasture grasseswere supplied either 0.5 or 50 mol m–3 NO3. Increasedapplied NO3 (0.5–5.0 mol m–3) resulted indecreased duration of growth and increased growth rate and finalarea of leaves 1–4 of Bromus wiltdenowii, leaves 2–4ofFestuca arundinaceae and leaves 3 and 4 of Lolium muitiflorum.In addition, length of leaves 3 and 4 of B. witidenowii increasedwith increased NO3. Increased NO3 resulted inincreased area of leaves 2–4 of Dactylis gtomerata andLolium perenne and leaves 3 and 4 of Phalaris aquaiica but hadno effect on extension growth of all three species. Avena sativa L, oat, Hordeum vulgare L, barley, Secale cereale L, rye, x Triticosecale Wittm, triticale, Triticum aestivum L, wheat, Bromus willdenowii Kunth, prairie grass, Dactylis gtomerata L, cocksfoot, Festuca arundinaceae Shreb, tall fescue, Lolium multijlorum Lam, Italian ryegrass, Lolium perenne L, perennial ryegrass, Phalaris aquatica L, nitrate, leaf extension, leaf expansion  相似文献   

Large turves from a ryegrass/white clover based pasture wereexposed to 350 or 700 µl l-1 CO2 for a period of 217 din controlled environment rooms. The temperature was increasedduring the experiment from 10/4 °C day/night to 16/10 °Cand finally to 22/16 °C. The turves were cut to a heightof 2 cm at intervals and growth rates calculated from the regrowth. Growth rates over the duration of the experiment were 8% higherat elevated CO2; the difference between CO2 treatments beingstatistically significant only at the highest temperature. Speciescomposition of the turves at 350 µl l-1 CO2 showed seasonalchanges similar to those measured in the field. The effect ofCO2 was to exaggerate the normal decline of ryegrass at warmertemperatures and increase the proportion of white clover. About30% of the total growth rate was from other species (notablyBromus hordeaceus L. and Poa trivialis L.) and this fractionwas similar between CO2 levels. Root mass was measured at theend of the experiment and was 50% higher at elevated CO2. The modest above-ground response to CO2 was a result of CO2stimulation occurring only at the higher temperature. Becauseof the CO2 x temperature interaction, the effect of CO2 in temperateregions will be seasonal. When this is matched with seasonalgrowth patterns of herbage species, a complex response of pasturecommunities to CO2 is possible. In our case, white clover wasgrowing most strongly during the period of greatest CO2 stimulationand consequently its growth was enhanced more than that of ryegrass;however, the cooler season growth of ryegrass gives it a temporalniche which is little affected by CO2 and this may be importantfor ryegrass stability if it is an inherently poor responderto CO2. The results indicate that for temperate species theeffects of competition at elevated CO2 cannot be easily determinedfrom experiments conducted at a single temperature.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press CO2 enrichment, seasonal growth, species composition, turves, Trifolium repens L., Lolium perenne L., climate change  相似文献   

Simulated mixed swards of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.) cv. S23 and White clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. S100were grown from seed under a constant 20 °C day/15 °Cnight temperature regime and their growth and carbon economyexamined. The swards received a nutrient solution daily, whichcontained either High (220 mg l1) or Low (10 mg l–1)nitrate N. Rates of canopy photosynthesis and respiration, and final drymatter yields were similar in the two treatments although theproportions of grass and clover differed greatly. The Low-Nswards were made up largely of clover. The grass plants in theseswards had high root: shoot ratios and low relative photosyntheticrates – both signs of N deficiency – and were clearlyunable to compete with the vigorously growing Low-N clover plants.These had higher relative growth rates and dry matter yieldsthan their High-N counterparts. In the High-N swards clovercontributed around 50 per cent to the sward dry weight throughoutthe measurement period despite having a smaller proportion ofits dry weight in photosynthetic tissue (laminae) than grassover much of it. The latter was compensated for, initially bya higher specific leaf area than grass, and later by a higherphotosynthetic rate per unit leaf weight. The results are discussedin relation to observed declines in the clover content of swardsafter the addition of nitrogen fertilizer in the field. Trifolium repens, white clover, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, nitrogen, photosynthesis, carbon balance  相似文献   

Photosynthesis by White Clover Leaves in Mixed Clover/Ryegrass Swards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of rates of net photosynthesis were made on singleBlanca white clover leaves on plants taken from a field-grown,mixed clover/perennial ryegrass sward during two regrowth periods. Net photosynthesis fell by 20 per cent in the first measurementperiod as leaf area index increased and the grass componentof the crop flowered, but did not change significantly in thesecond measurement period during which the grass remained vegetative. Leaves which had been artificially protected from shading inthe sward did not have significantly different photosyntheticcapacities from leaves in the undisturbed sward, even in thefirst measurement period. As leaf area index and sward height increased, successive cloverpetioles were longer, keeping the newly expanded leaves nearthe top of the sward where they received full light. It is suggestedthat it is this which allows successive clover leaves, unlikethose of vegetative grasses, to attain a high photosyntheticcapacity throughout a growth period. Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne, Photosynthetic capacity, shading, growth  相似文献   

In three experiments measurements of photosynthesis were madeon single leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on threecultivars grown in a controlled environment. Plants which had grown under an irradiance of 30 J m–2s–1, or in shade within a simulated mixed sward, producedleaves with photosynthetic capacities some 30 per cent lowerthan did plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1 without shade.There were no differences between treatments either in photosynthesismeasured at 30 J m–2 s–1, or in respiration ratesper unit leaf dry weight. Respiration per unit leaf area washigher in the plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1, reflectingthe lower specific leaf area of these leaves. There were nodifferences between the three cultivars examined. Leaves which were removed from the shade of a simulated swardshortly after becoming half expanded achieved photosyntheticcapacities as high as those which were in full light throughouttheir development. It is suggested that it is this characteristicwhich enables clover plants growing in an increasingly densemixed sward to produce a succession of leaves of high photosyntheticcapacity, even though each lamina only reaches the top of thesward at a relatively late stage in its development. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, leaf expansion, shade, specific leaf area, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

The effects of different applied NO3 concentrations onextension growth and final length and area of leaves 1–4of five cereals and six pasture grasses of temperate originwere examined. Increased applied NO3 in the range 0.1–50mol m–3; caused decreased duration of growth but increasedgrowth rate and final length of leaves 2–4 of the cerealsAvena saliva, Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale x Triticosecaleand Triticum aestivum. For all cereals, increased NO3resulted in increased area of leaves 1-4. Pasture grasses weresupplied either 0.5 or 50 mol m–3; NO3. Increasedapplied NO3 (0.5–50 mol m–3) resulted indecreased duration of growth and increased growth rate and finalarea of leaves 1–4 of Bromus willdenowii leaves 2–4of Festuca arundinaceae and leaves 3 and 4 of Lolium multiflorum.In addition, length of leaves 3 and 4 of B. willdenowii increasedwith increased NO3. Increased NO3 resulted in increased areaof leaves 2–4 of Daciylis glomerata and Lolium perenneand leaves 3 and 4 of Phalaris aquatica but had no effect onextension growth of all three species. Avena saliva L., oat, Hordeum vulgare L., barley, Secale cereaie L., rye, x Triticosecale Wittm, triticale, Triticum aestivum L., wheat, Bromus willdenowii Kunth, prairie grass, Dactylis glomerata L., cocksfoot, Festuca arundinaceae Shreb, tall fescue, Lolium multiflorum Lam, Italian ryegrass, Lolium perenne L, perennial ryegrass, Phalaris aquatica L, nitrate,, leaf extension, leaf expansion  相似文献   

Radiation Interception, Partitioning and Use in Grass -Clover Mixtures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mixed swards of perennial ryegrass /white clover were grownin competition under controlled environmental conditions, attwo temperatures and with different inorganic nitrogen supplies.The swards were studied after canopy closure, from 800 to 1200°C d cumulative temperatures. Clover contents did not varysignificantly during the period. A simulation model of lightinterception was used to calculate light partitioning coefficientsand radiation use efficiencies for both components of the mixturein this controlled environment experiment. Additionally, thissame radiative transfer model was applied to the field datafrom Woledge (1988) (Annals of Applied Biology112: 175 –186)and from Woledge, Davidson and Dennis (1992) (Grass and ForageScience47: 230 –238). The measured and simulated valuesof light transmission, at different depths in the mixed canopy,were highly correlated (P<0.001) with more than 80% of thetotal variance explained. The daily average of photosyntheticallyactive radiation (PAR) interception in a natural environmentwas estimated from simulations, for the field and controlledenvironment data. Under these conditions, white clover capturedsignificantly more light per unit leaf area than perennial ryegrassat low, but not at high, nitrogen supply. In the controlled environment experiment, the radiation useefficiency of the legume was lower than that of its companiongrass. For both species, radiation use efficiency was negativelycorrelated with the mean irradiance of the leaf. The role ofa compensation between light interception and light use forstabilizing the botanical composition of dense grass –cloverswards is discussed. Light interception; radiation transfer model; growth analysis; radiation use efficiency; white clover; perennial ryegrass; Trifolium repensL.; Lolium perenneL.; grassland  相似文献   

Changes in anatomical and physiological features, includingchanges in amount per unit area of anthocyanin and chlorophyll,in leaves of seedling mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Irwin)trees were determined to understand what controls the rate ofphotosynthesis (Pn) at various stages of development. The youngleaves of seedling trees contained high concentrations of anthocyanin.During enlargement of leaves, the disappearance of anthocyaninand the accumulation of chlorophyll occurred concomitantly;the anthocyanin content began to decrease markedly once theleaf area had reached a maximum. During the early period ofleaf development, the thickness of mesophyll tissue decreasedtemporarily, but when the length of the leaf reached half thatof a mature leaf, the mesophyll began to thicken again. Smallstarch grains appeared in the chloroplasts of the young leavesand chloroplast nucleoids (ct-nuclei) were distributed throughoutthe chloroplasts. When leaves matured, ct-nuclei were displacedto the periphery of chloroplasts because of the accumulationof large starch grains. Compared with young leaves, green andmature leaves contained greater concentrations of ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) protein. The results of immunocytochemicalexamination of RuBisCO under the light microscope reflectedthe results of electrophoresis measurements of RuBisCO. Pn waslow during the chocolate-coloured stage of early leaf development.In green and mature leaves Pn was higher; the average Pn was7·6 mg CO2 dm-2 h-1 under light at intensities above500 µmol m-2 s-1.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Mangifera indica L., mango leaf, chloroplast nucleoids, chloroplast ultrastructure, starch accumulation, anthocyanin, chlorophyll, DAPI staining, SDS-PAGE, immunocytochemical technique  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis of leaves of perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.) and white clover (Trifollum pratense L.) grown atdifferent temperatures was measured at a range of temperatures.There was a small effect of the temperature at which a leafhad grown on its photosynthetic rate, but a large effect ofmeasurement temperature, especially in bright light, where photosyntheticrates at 15°C were about twice those at 5°C. It appearsthat temperature could affect sward photosynthesis in the field.Ryegrass and clover had similar photosynthetic rates which respondedsimilarly to temperature. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, Trifolium pratense L., white clover, photosynthesis, temperature, irradiance  相似文献   

Simulated mixed swards of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenneL. cv. S23) and white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. S100)were grown from seed under a constant 10°C day/8°C nighttemperature regime and their growth, and carbon and nitrogeneconomies examined. The swards received a nutrient solution,every second day, which contained either high (220 µgg–1) or low (40 µg g–1) nitrate N. The High-N swards had rates of canopy photosynthesis and drymatter production (over the linear phase of growth) similarto those previously shown by mixed swards at high temperature.The Low-N swards grew more slowly; canopy photosynthesis, ata given LAI, was similar to that at High-N but lower LAI's weresustained. Clover increased its contribution to total carbonuptake and total dry weight throughout the period in the Low-Ntreatment and, despite the fact that grass took up most of theavailable nitrate, clover maintained a consistently higher Ncontent by virtue of N2-fixation. At High-N, grass dominated throughout the measurement period.Earlier, when plants grew as spaced individuals, clover grewless well than grass, but once the canopy was closed it hada similar relative growth rate and thus maintained a steadyproportion of total sward dry weight. It is proposed that earlyin the development of the crop, leaf area production is thelimiting factor for growth, and that in this respect cloveris adversely affected by low temperature relative to grass.Later, as the LAI of the crop builds up, and the canopy becomesfully light intercepting, net canopy photosynthesis plays amore dominant role and here the higher photosynthetic rate perunit leaf area of the clover is crucial. Trifolium repens, white clover, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, low temperature, nitrogen, photosynthesis  相似文献   

KAMALUDDIN  M.; GRACE  J. 《Annals of botany》1992,69(6):557-562
Acclimation of fully developed leaves of Bischofia javanicaBlume to shadelight was examined. Seedlings were grown undersimulated daylight (1000 µmol m–2 s–1), thentransferred to a simulated shadelight (40 µmol m–2s–1). When a high-light leaf was transferred to low light, large negativenet photosynthetic rates (Pm) were recorded. This decrease wasrapid, but within 7 d the rate increased and became equal tothe low-light control leaf. These changes in photosynthesisdid not follow the pattern of changes in stomatal conductance(gs). Transfer to the low light resulted in a dramatic decreasein leaf weight per unit area (Lw), and most of the decreasesin Lw occurred within 3 d of transfer when the Pm of the transferredleaf was well below that of the low-light control leaf. There was a significant decrease in chlorophyll a in the transferredleaf without an appreciable change in chlorophyll b resultingin a large decrease in the chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b ratio.Leaf chlorophylls per unit area were higher in the transferredleaf than the low-light control leaf. Maximum photosyntheticrate in the transferred leaf was decreased by 40% compared tothat for the high-control leaf, but was almost at the same extenthigher than the low-light control leaf The results are discussedin the context of carbon gain capacity of its seedlings underlight-limiting forest understorey habitats. Bischofia, chlorophylls, light, photosynthesis, shade acclimation, tree seedlings, tropical tree  相似文献   

When young tomato plants grown in high light (400 µmolquanta m–2s–1 PAR) were transferred to low light(100 µmol quanta m–2s–1 PAR), non-cyclic electrontransport capacity was decreased and the rate of dark re-oxidationof Q, the first quinone electron acceptor of photosystemII, was decreased within 1–2 d. In contrast, the amountof coupling factor CF1, assayed by its ATPase activity, decreasedmore gradually over several days. The total chlorophyll contentper unit leaf area remained relatively constant, although thechlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio declined. When young tomato plants grown in low light were transferredto high light, the ATPase activity of isolated thylakoids increasedmarkedly within 1 d of transfer. This increase occurred morerapidly than changes in chlorophyll content per leaf area. Inaddition, in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence induction curvesindicate that forward electron transfer from Q occurredmore readily. The functional implications of these changes arediscussed. Key words: Tomato, leaves, light intensity, thylakoid membrane  相似文献   

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