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In order to determine the degree of correspondence between sets of multivariate observations based on different kinds of traits, two new methods, derived from fundamentally different notions of “correspondence,” are adopted here and compared. Using networks or trees to represent contemporary relationships, the first method tests the similarity of the cluster or hierarchic structures implicit in two sets of data. The second approach tests the departure from perfect geometric congruence or superimposability. Computer simulation was used to generate the distributions needed for significance tests under the null hypothesis. By the first technique, we find significant correspondence among the cluster structures for geographic, allele frequency, and anthropometric data on 19 Yanomama Indian villages. The results are similar and more precise for a subset consisting of seven villages. Some of these results differ from the conclusions which would be reached with the conventional correlations based upon entries in distance tables. The direct test of congruence, used only for the data on the subset of seven villages, gives results which differ substantially from those based on cluster-structure. There are, however, similarities between the measure of congruence and the simple correlations based on entries in the distance tables. The significant correspondences observed call for some explanation. Cultural and demographic features determine the particular non-random allocation of individuals to village fragments when a village splits. These social phenomena are invoked in tentative explanation of the agreement among historical, biological, and geographic relationships of villages.  相似文献   

The Yanomama Indians of Southern Vanezuela and Northern Brazil are one of the largest, relatively unacculturated tribes of the tropical rain forest. Over a period of eight years data have been collected from a considerable portion of their territory on estimated age, sex ratio, fertility rates (as determined by physical examination and urine tests), and infant death rates. Although it has been impossible to collect direct data on infanticide, this subject can be approached indirectly through distortions of the sex ratio and anecdotal information. Some historical data are also available as a basis for estimating tribal expansion in the past 100 years. With this material it has been possible to construct Life Tables for the Yanomama, and to explore the results of various perturbations of the input parameters. Data are also presented on patterns of mating and reproduction: number of spouses, mean and variance in number of surviving children, frequency of “extra-marital conceptions” based on the results of extensive blood group typings, and consanguinity rates as determined by observation and computer simulation. Although we do not present the Yanomama as typical, these data are seen as providing a basis for more realistic population models than have existed in the past. In addition, the data provide a basis for relatively precise estimates of such demographic measures as Fisher's Reproductive Value, Crow's Index of Total Selection, and Weiss' Index of Growth Regulation.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the frequency of the following eight dental traits in 635 Yanomama and 65 Makiritare Indians: upper central incisor rotation or winging, shoveling of maxillary incisors, maxillary molar hypocone reduction, Carabelli's trait, mandibular molar cusp number, mandibular molar cusp pattern rotation of second lower premolar, and pattern of second lower premolar cusps. Yanomama dentition is unusual in the high frequency of six cusps on the mandibular molars. There is marked dental microdifferentiation between villages; significant agreement was observed between a matrix of pairwise "dental distances" based on six morphological traits and corresponding matrices based on 11 genetic systems and on geographic location.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of blood group typings for a total of 33 villages distributed among five South American Indian tribes--Yanomama (21 villages), Makiritare (eight villages), Macushi (two villages), Piaroa (one village), and Wapishana (one village). These new results for the Yanomama and Makiritare tribes have been combined with those previously reported to allow a better appreciation of the distribution of allelic frequencies in the tribes. The relationship of the Yanomama to other South American Indian tribes is investigated using data on six polymorphic loci (Rh, MNS, Fy, Jk, Di, Hp). By use of four genetic measures (two of genetic relationship and two of genetic diversity), we demonstrate that the Yanomama are genetically unique among a sample of 20 South American tribes. In addition, the Yanomama show somewhat less genetic diversity for the six loci analyzed than the average South American tribe. Taken together, these results indicate a rather long period of isolation for the population antecedent to the Yanomama--perhaps since the time of entry of man into the South American continent. The pattern of genetic relationships and genetic diversity for the 20 tribes is consistent with the hypothesis that evolution in South America proceeded by a process of fission-fusion leading to isolation of subpopulations with subsequent genetic differentiation as a consequence of population isolation. The uniqueness of the Yanomama appears to stem entirely from such a process, there being no evidence of any selective differential for the loci analyzed.  相似文献   

Extent of breeding isolation was estimated by two different sources among the Yanadi tribe, who inhabit different geographical regions and show wide cultural differences. The estimate based on marriage frequency shows the formation of more or less well defined regional breeding populations, whereas the estimate based on surname frequency indicates past migration, gene flow and common affinity between regional populations. Both the sources consistantly show the process of fission, but the surnames are more useful and advantageous in defining the breeding isolation among the Yanadis.  相似文献   

Both landscape structure and population size fluctuations influence population genetics. While independent effects of these factors on genetic patterns and processes are well studied, a key challenge is to understand their interaction, as populations are simultaneously exposed to habitat fragmentation and climatic changes that increase variability in population size. In a population network of an alpine butterfly, abundance declined 60–100% in 2003 because of low over-winter survival. Across the network, mean microsatellite genetic diversity did not change. However, patch connectivity and local severity of the collapse interacted to determine allelic richness change within populations, indicating that patch connectivity can mediate genetic response to a demographic collapse. The collapse strongly affected spatial genetic structure, leading to a breakdown of isolation-by-distance and loss of landscape genetic pattern. Our study reveals important interactions between landscape structure and temporal demographic variability on the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of populations. Projected future changes to both landscape and climate may lead to loss of genetic variability from the studied populations, and selection acting on adaptive variation will likely occur within the context of an increasing influence of genetic drift.  相似文献   

Five select Reddi populations based on 750 males in the age range of 20 to 50 years have been studied for 15 anthropometric measurements and 10 indices. The Pokanati show higher mean value for a majority of the measurements. F-values are significant for all measurements except for bicristal breadth. All indices but nasal index show negligible variation. Mesocephalic heads predominate among Pokanati and dolicocephalic heads among the rest. the cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis, as diagrammatically represented, show the extent of variation among the five Reddi populations.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the common European pipistrelle bat ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) comprises two cryptic species, P. pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus , which differ in echolocation call frequency and mitochondrial DNA sequence. However, levels of divergence based on nuclear markers have not been examined, and hence the potential for male-mediated gene flow between the species cannot be discounted. Moreover, little is known about population structure and migration patterns in either species. Here, we describe the use of microsatellites to investigate nuclear DNA differentiation between, and the pattern of population genetic structure within, the two cryptic pipistrelle species. In total, 1300 individuals from 82 maternity colonies were sampled across the British Isles and Continental Europe. We show, using multivariate analyses, that colonies of the same species are generally genetically more similar to each other than to those from the other species regardless of geographical location. Our findings support the hypothesis that the species are reproductively isolated. Significant patterns of genetic isolation by distance were identified in both species, indicating that mating may occur before any long-distance autumnal migration. The presence of a sea channel does not confer higher levels of genetic differentiation among colonies over and above distance alone in either species. Differences in genetic population structure were identified between the species, with P. pipistrellus showing a wider range of levels of genetic differentiation among colonies and a stronger relationship between genetic and geographical distance than P. pygmaeus . Differences in dispersal, mating behaviour, colony size and/or postglacial colonization patterns could contribute to the differences observed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 539–550.  相似文献   

A population genetic study was undertaken to investigate the origin of Koreans. Thirteen polymorphic and 7 monomorphic blood genetic markers (serum proteins and red cell enzymes) were studied in a group of 437 Koreans. Genetic distance analyses by both cluster and principal components models were performed between Koreans and eight other populations (Koreans in China, Japanese, Han Chinese, Mongolians, Zhuangs, Malays, Javanese, and Soviet Asians) on the basis of 47 alleles controlled by 15 polymorphic loci. A more detailed analysis using 65 alleles at 19 polymorphic loci was performed on six populations. Both analyses demonstrated genetic evidence of the origin of Koreans from the central Asian Mongolians. Further, the Koreans are more closely related to the Japanese and quite distant from the Chinese. The above evidence of the origin of Koreans fits well with the ethnohistoric account of the origin of Koreans and the Korean language. The minority Koreans in China also maintained their genetic identity.  相似文献   

Fumana thymifolia (Cistaceae) is an insect-pollinated, gravity-dispersed evergreen shrub, which is a common component of fire-prone Mediterranean shrubland ecosystems. Despite the availability of basic knowledge on its ecology, little is known of its breeding system and no information is available on its population genetic structure. We explored the within-population genetic structure of this species using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular markers and related this to predictions based on its breeding system, pollen and seed dispersal. Existing information on the reproductive ecology of F. thymifolia was supplemented by artificial pollination experiments. We determined that self-fertilisation can occur in F. thymifolia but results in reduced fruit set. Significant genetic structuring was detected within the population, a likely consequence of localised seed dispersal in combination with a mixed mating system. In a study site covering approximately 0.5 ha, amova revealed that approximately 9% of genetic variability was distributed among population subsamples. Significant spatial genetic structure was detected, with kinship coefficients being significantly elevated above the null expectation in the first six distance classes (maximum 5 m), and a value of Sp of up to 0.0342, comparable with species having similar ecological characteristics. Weak isolation by distance at the plot scale was detected, suggesting that insect-mediated pollen flow is non-random, despite being more extensive than seed dispersal. Fumana thymifolia provides a promising model for the investigation of both short- and long-term population dynamics in relation to fire frequency within this plant community.  相似文献   

Summary Frequency estimates were determined on seventeen blood group, serum protein, and red-cell enzyme markers on random samples of 193 individuals from two Bedouin tribes in addition to the general population in Kuwait. Genetic heterogeneity between the three communities is evident from the significant differences in allelic distribution of the polymorphic markers.Genetic distance measurements were used to compare the results with the oral history of descent of the two tribal communities. Results were in agreement with tribal history.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity have previously been shown to mirror geography on a global scale and within continents and individual countries. Using genome-wide SNP data on 5174 Swedes with extensive geographical coverage, we analyzed the genetic structure of the Swedish population. We observed strong differences between the far northern counties and the remaining counties. The population of Dalarna county, in north middle Sweden, which borders southern Norway, also appears to differ markedly from other counties, possibly due to this county having more individuals with remote Finnish or Norwegian ancestry than other counties. An analysis of genetic differentiation (based on pairwise F(st)) indicated that the population of Sweden's southernmost counties are genetically closer to the HapMap CEU samples of Northern European ancestry than to the populations of Sweden's northernmost counties. In a comparison of extended homozygous segments, we detected a clear divide between southern and northern Sweden with small differences between the southern counties and considerably more segments in northern Sweden. Both the increased degree of homozygosity in the north and the large genetic differences between the south and the north may have arisen due to a small population in the north and the vast geographical distances between towns and villages in the north, in contrast to the more densely settled southern parts of Sweden. Our findings have implications for future genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with respect to the matching of cases and controls and the need for within-county matching. We have shown that genetic differences within a single country may be substantial, even when viewed on a European scale. Thus, population stratification needs to be accounted for, even within a country like Sweden, which is often perceived to be relatively homogenous and a favourable resource for genetic mapping, otherwise inferences based on genetic data may lead to false conclusions.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and the temporal and spatial genetic population structure of the butterfly Aglais urticae, a highly mobile species, were studied by allozyme electrophoresis. High levels of allozyme diversity were found. Most of the total genetic diversity occurred at the within-population scale rather than at the between-population scale. This variation could not be accounted for by Wright's model of 'isolation by distance'. No significant temporal variation was observed for those populations that were sampled in different years. A process combining high movement rate between neighbouring patches, long-distance migration and rare extinction/recolonization is suggested to explain the observed genetic structure. This hypothesis is favoured over an island model of population structure because migration in A. urticae is uniform neither with distance nor with time.  相似文献   

The relatively recent fields of terrestrial landscape and marine seascape genetics seek to identify the influence of biophysical habitat features on the spatial genetic structure of populations or individuals. Over the last few years, there has been accumulating evidence for the effect of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of gene flow and connectivity in marine systems. Here, we investigate the population genetic patterns of an anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. We collected nearly one thousand samples from 19 locations, spanning approximately 1500 km, and genotyped them at 38 microsatellite loci. Patterns of gene flow appeared to follow a stepping‐stone model along the northern and central Red Sea, which was disrupted by a distinct genetic break at a latitude of approximately 19°N. The Red Sea is characterized by pronounced environmental gradients along its axis, roughly separating the northern and central from the southern basin. Using mean chlorophyll‐a concentrations as a proxy for this gradient, we ran tests of isolation by distance (IBD, R2 = 0.52) and isolation by environment (IBE, R2 = 0.64), as well as combined models using partial Mantel tests and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR). We found that genetic structure across our sampling sites may be best explained by a combined model of IBD and IBE (Mantel: R2 = 0.71, MMRR: R2 = 0.86). Our results highlight the potential key role of environmental patchiness in shaping patterns of gene flow in species with pelagic larval dispersal. We support growing calls for the integration of biophysical habitat characteristics into future studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, we assessed the phylogeographic structure of Prosimulium neomacropyga, a black fly (Simuliidae) whose distribution in the US Southern Rockies ecoregion is limited to alpine tundra streams. Given high habitat specificity, lack of hydrological connection between streams, and a terrestrial environment restrictive to insect flight, we hypothesized limited gene flow. A spatially nested sampling design showed that grouping populations according to high-elevation 'islands' of alpine tundra (which typically include headwater streams of > 1 watershed) explained a significant proportion of genetic variation while grouping streams according to major watershed (across islands) did not. Nested clade analysis and isolation-by-distance (IBD) relationships further implicated limited ongoing gene flow within but not among the isolated alpine islands. IBD was strong among five streams within an individual island using each of four alternative models of pairwise landscape connectivity for flying insects. Results of all landscape models were positively correlated, suggesting that straight-line distance is an acceptable surrogate for presumably more biologically meaningful connectivity measures in this system. IBD was significantly weaker across the entire study area, comprised of three separate islands. Overall, population structure was significant with F(ST) = 0.38, suggesting limited dispersal across a small spatial extent.  相似文献   

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