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It has been shown in the experiments carried out on a fraction of inverted vesicles of myometrium sarcolemma that ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport system prevents dissipation of the calcium gradient directed from the intervesicular space outward with subsequent establishment of the stationary level of cation content inside the membrane vesicles (a blocker of electro-controlled calcium channels diltiasems was present in the incubation medium). Ortovanadatean inhibitor of the sarcolemma calcium pump suppressed Ca2+ stationary exchange in the vesicles fraction. The value of calcium stationary content in the vesicle membrane was regulated both by a change of the calcium pump activity (by varying Mg2+ concentration in the ATP-containing incubation medium), and by modification of calcium permeability of the vesicles (by varying concentration of ionophore A-23187 in this medium). In the presence of diltiasem and ortovanadate the Ca2+ basal current entering the myocytes from hyperpotassium washing solution activated the smooth muscle tonic contraction. In the absence of ortovanadate no contractile response was observed. On the basis of the evidence obtained a mechanism of calcium control of myometrium tonic contraction is proposed. According to this mechanism the Ca2+ current entering the unexcited myocytes under physiological conditions is efficiently compensated by the calcium pump of the sarcolemma. The inhibition of the latter (or an increase of the sarcolemma basal calcium permeability) provides further slow transition of the stationary value of Ca2+ concentration in the myoplasm to a new higher level and activation of the smooth muscle contraction accordingly.  相似文献   

Cross-bridges and the mechanism of muscle contraction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

It is 50 years since the sliding of actin and myosin filaments was proposed as the basis of force generation and shortening in striated muscle. Although this is now generally accepted, the detailed molecular mechanism of how myosin uses adenosine triphosphate to generate force during its cyclic interaction with actin is only now being unravelled. New insights have come from the unconventional myosins, especially myosin V. Myosin V is kinetically tuned to allow movement on actin filaments as a single molecule, which has led to new kinetic, mechanical and structural data that have filled in missing pieces of the actomyosin-chemo-mechanical transduction puzzle.  相似文献   

阐述了滑行学说解释肌肉收缩过程的基本要点,并就一块肌肉中许多肌小节如何实现同时收缩的问题,进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

A new model based on the theory of dynamical systems is proposed for the intrinsic random or pscudo-random mechanism underlying certain types of muscular tremor. The active length-tension curve of the individual sarcomere, in conjunction with the passive length-tension relation is a map from length to tension with an observed time delay between length change and resulting tension change. The passive length tension relation is assumed to instantaneously relate this tension change back to a change in length. The stability properties of this iterated interval map are investigated by means of computer simulation and computation of the Lyapunov exponent and the bifurcation tree. The resulting analysis is related to experimental tremor data in the literature in terms of period doubling, bifurcation points, and chaotic behavior. The model appears to have its most fruitful application in understanding the insect type and isometric mammalian types of tremor.  相似文献   

The efficiency of muscle contraction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a muscle contracts and shortens against a load, it performs work. The performance of work is fuelled by the expenditure of metabolic energy, more properly quantified as enthalpy (i.e., heat plus work). The ratio of work performed to enthalpy produced provides one measure of efficiency. However, if the primary interest is in the efficiency of the actomyosin cross-bridges, then the metabolic overheads associated with basal metabolism and excitation-contraction coupling, together with those of subsequent metabolic recovery process, must be subtracted from the total heat and work observed. By comparing the cross-bridge work component of the remainder to the Gibbs free energy of hydrolysis of ATP, a measure of thermodynamic efficiency is achieved. We describe and quantify this partitioning process, providing estimates of the efficiencies of selected steps, while discussing the errors that can arise in the process of quantification. The dependence of efficiency on animal species, fibre-type, temperature, and contractile velocity is considered. The effect of contractile velocity on energetics is further examined using a two-state, Huxley-style, mathematical model of cross-bridge cycling that incorporates filament compliance. Simulations suggest only a modest effect of filament compliance on peak efficiency, but progressively larger gains (vis-à-vis the rigid filament case) as contractile velocity approaches Vmax. This effect is attributed primarily to a reduction in the component of energy loss arising from detachment of cross-bridge heads at non-zero strain.  相似文献   

A new model is presented on the basis of our experimental data and the “tropomyosin-blocking theory” of muscle relaxation to explain the regulation of certain characteristics of muscle contraction, namely that the relation of contraction to pCa is co-operative while calcium-binding is essentially non-cooperative. Our experiments show that end-to-end interactions between adjacent tropomyosin molecules in the groove of the actin helix are essential for the co-operative regulation. The blocking theory says that the tropomyosin molecule in relaxed muscle sterically blocks the myosin attachment site on actin, whereas in contracting muscle it moves to a position away from the attachment site. In this model a concerted movement of tropomyosin molecules, brought about by their end-to-end interactions, is considered to be the essential mechanism of co-operative regulation, and it is assumed that the positional changes of tropomyosin occur primarily when the four calcium binding sites of troponin on the tropomyosin are saturated with calcium. Theoretical analysis of the model, based upon the two-state allosteric model, leads to a Michaelis-Menten equation for the Ca-binding function together with a co-operative equation for the state function, proportional to the contraction or ATPase activity. These two functions fit well the experimental data. With cardiac muscle the slope of the contraction versus pCa curve is slightly less steep than that obtained with skeletal muscle. This difference can be explained by the difference in the number of Ca-binding sites of troponins.  相似文献   

The myosin cross-bridge exists in two conformations, which differ in the orientation of a long lever arm. Since the lever arm undergoes a 60 degree rotation between the two conformations, which would lead to a displacement of the myosin filament of about 11 nm, the transition between these two states has been associated with the elementary 'power stroke' of muscle. Moreover, this rotation is coupled with changes in the active site (CLOSED to OPEN), which probably enable phosphate release. The transition CLOSED to OPEN appears to be brought about by actin binding. However, kinetics shows that the binding of myosin to actin is a two-step process which affects both ATP and ADP affinity and vice versa. The structural basis of these effects is only partially explained by the presently known conformers of myosin. Therefore, additional states of the myosin cross-bridge should exist. Indeed, cryoelectron microscopy has revealed other angles of the lever arm induced by ADP binding to a smooth muscle actin-myosin complex.  相似文献   

The mechanism of muscle contraction is considered. The hydrolysis of an ATP molecule is assumed to produce the excitation of hydrogen bonds A--H...B between electronegative atoms A and B, which are contained in the myosin head and actin filament. This excitation energy epsilon f depends on the interatomic distance AB = R and generates the tractive force f = -delta epsilon f/delta R, that makes atoms AB approach each other. The swing of the myosin head results in macroscopic mutual displacement of actin and myosin polymers. The motion of the actin filament under the action of this force is studied. The conditions under which a considerable portion of the excitation energy converts into the potential tension energy of the actin filament are analysed, and the probability of higher muscle efficiency existence is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to striated muscle, both normalized force and shortening velocities are regulated functions of cross-bridge phosphorylation in smooth muscle. Physiologically this is manifested as relatively fast rates of contraction associated with transiently high levels of cross-bridge phosphorylation. In sustained contractions, Ca2+, cross-bridge phosphorylation, and ATP consumption rates fall, a phenomenon termed "latch". This review focuses on the Hai and Murphy (1988a) model that predicted the highly non-linear dependence of force on phosphorylation and a directly proportional dependence of shortening velocity on phosphorylation. This model hypothesized that (i) cross-bridge phosphorylation was obligatory for cross-bridge attachment, but also that (ii) dephosphorylation of an attached cross-bridge reduced its detachment rate. The resulting variety of cross-bridge cycles as predicted by the model could explain the observed dependencies of force and velocity on cross-bridge phosphorylation. New evidence supports modifications for more general applicability. First, myosin light chain phosphatase activity is regulated. Activation of myosin phosphatase is best demonstrated with inhibitory regulatory mechanisms acting via nitric oxide. The second modification of the model incorporates cooperativity in cross-bridge attachment to predict improved data on the dependence of force on phosphorylation. The molecular basis for cooperativity is unknown, but may involve thin filament proteins absent in striated muscle.  相似文献   

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