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The identification of an association between polymorphisms of the prion protein (PrP) gene and susceptibility to scrapie has enabled the development of breeding programmes to increase natural resistance to scrapie. It is, however, imperative to identify if such selection would affect important reproduction and production traits. The objective of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between polymorphisms at codons 136, 154 and 171 of the PrP gene and ovulation rate or litter size in sheep. Data were collected from a mixed-aged flock of Belclare ewes, over a 9-year period. Ovulation rate was determined annually using laparoscopy by counting the number of corpora lutea at each of two consecutive oestrous cycles, one immediately before and one after mating (2418 records from 366 ewes). Litter size was recorded at parturition (875 records from 353 ewes). The five common PrP alleles were present in the population and 14 PrP genotypes were represented among the animals studied. There was no significant overall effect of PrP genotype on ovulation rate or litter size and pairwise comparisons among genotypes did not reveal any significant differences for either trait. These data suggest that breeding programmes based on selection for specific polymorphisms of the PrP gene will not influence ovulation rate or litter size, at least in the breed studied.  相似文献   

The sodium salt of glutamate (monosodium glutamate; MSG) imparts a savory/meaty taste to foods, and has been used as a flavoring agent for millennia. Past research on MSG/glutamate has evaluated its physiologic, metabolic and behavioral actions, and its safety. Ingested MSG has been found to be safe, and to produce no remarkable effects, except on taste. However, some recent epidemiologic and animal studies have associated MSG use with obesity and aberrations in fat metabolism. Reported effects are usually attributed to direct actions of ingested MSG in brain. As these observations conflict with past MSG research findings, a symposium was convened at the 13th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins to discuss them. The principal conclusions were: (1) the proposed link between MSG intake and weight gain is likely explained by co-varying environmental factors (e.g., diet, physical activity) linked to the “nutrition transition” in developing Asian countries. (2) Controlled intervention studies adding MSG to the diet of animals and humans show no effect on body weight. (3) Hypotheses positing dietary MSG effects on body weight involve results from rodent MSG injection studies that link MSG to actions in brain not applicable to MSG ingestion studies. The fundamental reason is that glutamate is metabolically compartmentalized in the body, and generally does not passively cross biologic membranes. Hence, almost no ingested glutamate/MSG passes from gut into blood, and essentially none transits placenta from maternal to fetal circulation, or crosses the blood–brain barrier. Dietary MSG, therefore, does not gain access to brain. Overall, it appears that normal dietary MSG use is unlikely to influence energy intake, body weight or fat metabolism.  相似文献   

The alpine-boreal plants which have survived in Central European lowlands during glacial periods depend both on the preservation of their refugial habitat, and their capability for vegetative and generative reproduction and dispersion. Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill. is a model species which occurs throughout most of the European alpine system, as well as in isolated populations in the lowlands. At present, the relict lowland localities of this species often have a historic character. In the Polish lowlands, only the population located in Rogowiec is characterized by effective recruitment. It presents a large number of rosettes and a diversified demographic structure, with plants in all stages of development. The study examines the population in Rogowiec from 2002 to 2008 with regard to the number of flowering and fruiting shoots, new seedlings, and loss of juvenile rosettes, and the obtained data are correlated with climatic conditions. Three years were found to demonstrate effective recruitment, with numerous seedlings and little loss of juvenile rosettes. No significant relationship was found between seedling dynamics and the flowering–fruiting process. However, correlations were found between effective renewal and some climatic factors. Temperature, water balance, and solar radiation were found to have a limiting effect on the reproduction and regeneration of the analyzed relict population. Due to the longevity of the rosettes, favorable climatic conditions occurring every few years are sufficient for survival of the species in this location. However, serious threats are posed by the climate change trends expected in Europe over the coming decades, and the fact that due to its small-scale dispersal ability, the analyzed species occupies only a small area in Rogowiec.  相似文献   

The limited availability of resources is predicted to impose trade‐offs between growth, reproduction and self‐maintenance in animals. However, although some studies have shown that early reproduction suppresses growth, reproduction positively correlates with size in others. We use detailed records from a large population of semi‐captive elephants in Myanmar to assess the relationships between size (height and weight), reproduction and survival in female Asian elephants, a species characterized by slow, costly life history. Although female height gain during the growth period overlapped little with reproductive onset in the population, there was large variation in age at first reproduction and only 81% of final weight had been reached by peak age of reproduction at the population level (19 years). Those females beginning reproduction early tended to be taller and lighter later in life, although these trends were not significant. We found that taller females were more likely to have reproduced by a given age, but such effects diminished with age, suggesting there may be a size threshold to reproduction which is especially important in young females. Because size was not linked with female survival during reproductive ages, the diminishing effect of height on reproduction with age is unlikely to be due to biased survival of larger females. We conclude that although reproduction may not always impose significant costs on growth, height may be a limiting factor to reproduction in young female Asian elephants, which could have important implications considering their birth rates are low and peak reproduction is young – 19 years in this population.  相似文献   

Stimulation of human neutrophils with the chemoattractant N-formyl peptide caused rapid polymerization of F-actin as detected by right angle light scatter and 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol (NBD)-phallacidin staining of F-actin. After labeling neutrophils with 32P, exposure to N-formyl peptide induced a fast decrease of phosphatidylinositol 4-bisphosphate (PIP)2, a slow increase of phosphatidic acid, and a rapid rise of phosphatidylinositol 4-trisphosphate (PIP3). Formation of PIP3 as well as actin polymerization was near maximal at 10 s after stimulation. Half-maximal response and PIP3 formation at early time points resulted from stimulation of neutrophils with 0.01 nM N-formyl peptide or occupation of about 200 receptors. Sustained elevation of PIP3, prolonged right angle light scatter response, and F-actin formation required higher concentrations of N-formyl peptide, occupation of thousands of receptors, and high binding rates. When ligand binding was interrupted with an antagonist, F-actin rapidly depolymerized, transient light scatter response recovered immediately, and elevated [32P]PIP3 levels decayed toward initial values. However, recovery of [32P]PIP2 was not influenced by the antagonist. Based on the parallel time courses and dose response of [32P] PIP3, the right angle light scatter response, and F-actin polymerization, PIP3 is more likely than PIP2 to be involved in modulation of actin polymerization and depolymerization in vivo.  相似文献   

In landscape ecology, correlational approaches are typically used to analyse links between local population abundance, and the surrounding habitat amount to estimate biologically-relevant landscape size (extent) for managing endangered or pest populations. The direction, strength, and spatial extent of the correlations are then sometimes interpreted in terms of species population parameters. Here we simulated the population dynamics of generalized species across spatially explicit landscapes that included two distinct habitat types. We investigated how characteristics of a landscape (structure), including the variation in habitat quality and spatial aggregation of the habitat, and the precise population-dynamic properties of the simulated species (dispersal and growth rates) affect the correlation between population abundance and amount of surrounding favourable habitat in the landscape. To evaluate these spatial extents of correlation, proportions of favourable habitat were calculated within several circles of increasing diameter centred on sampling patches of favourable habitat where population abundance was recorded.We found that the value of the correlation coefficients between population abundance and amount of surrounding favourable habitat depended on both population dynamic parameters and landscape characteristics. Coefficients of correlation increased with the variation in habitat quality and the aggregation of favourable habitat in the landscape, but decreased with the dispersal distance. The distance at which the correlation was maximized was sensitive to an interaction between the level of aggregation of the habitat and the dispersal distance; whereas the greatest distance at which a significant correlation occurred was more sensitive to the variation in habitat quality. Our results corroborate the view that correlational analyses do provide information on the local population dynamics of a species in a given habitat type and on its dispersal rate parameters. However, even in simplified, model frameworks, direct relationships are often difficult to disentangle and global landscape characteristics should be reported in any studies intended to derive population-dynamic parameters from correlations. Where possible, replicated landscapes should be examined in order to control for the interaction between population dynamics and landscape structure. Finally, we recommend using species-specific, population-dynamic modelling in order to interpret correctly the observed patterns of correlation in the landscape.  相似文献   

The biological and physico-chemical structure of near bottom habitats located under densely growing submerged vegetation, and their significance in the functioning of whole aquatic ecosystems, are very little known due to difficulties in sampling. Corer-type samplers, believed to be the best in littoral studies, do not work properly in such places, because their tube opening is easily clogged by plant shoots, acting as a stopper. In order to overcome this problem, an alteration to the shape of the tube ending is proposed. This can be done by its trimming at an accurate angle, or by fitting (permanently or interchangeably) a metal collar made of stainless steel to its end, so that the ending would resemble the shape of a needle. The modification can be applied to virtually all corer samplers. It was found to be efficient while sampling sediment cores for the purposes of both hydrobiological and paleolimnological studies on heavily overgrown macrophyte-dominated water ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigated the mutual relations between ioduria in the one hand, and calciuria, magnesiuria, and creatininuria, on the other hand in a randomly selected group of the population of the Czech Republic. The individual parameters were always determined in the sample of monitoring urine after night fasting, concentration according to the WHO/ICCIDD, we observed a parallel increase of calciuria, magnesiuria and creatininuria. The values of calciuria, magnesiuria and creatininuria correlated positively with ioduria both in children and in adults aged 6-93 years without any statistical effect of sex.  相似文献   

The influence of low and high carbohydrate diets on the relationship between blood lactate concentration ([Lac]) and work load (WL) in incremental exercise tests (cycle ergometer) and endurance tests was evaluated in trained subjects. The relationship between relative work load (WLrel) and [Lac] in arterialized blood was compared in untrained subjects (UT) and trained male athletes (TR) after 2 days without training while consuming a high carbohydrate diet (HCD). In both groups [Lac] of 2 mmol.l-1 was reached at about 60% [(mean +/- SD) UT 57.7% +/- 6%, TR 62.7% +/- 3.8%] and 4 mmol.l-1 at about 75% (UT 75.2% +/- 3.6%, TR 77.8 +/- 2.2) of the maximal work load (WLmax). In eight cyclists the relationship between [Lac] and WL was not influenced by a 13-day training camp; however, heart rate was lower after the training camp. During their normal training programme, trained subjects had high relative work loads at their [Lac] thresholds, but after an HCD combined with an interruption of the training of 3 days, the relationship between [Lac] and WLrel was the same as in UT. In six TR a low carbohydrate diet (LCD) combined with training led to high absolute (WLabs) and WLrel at [Lac] at 2 and 4 mmol.l-1; an HCD combined with 3 days without training led to low WLabs and WLrel at the same [Lac] and to higher WLmax. In spite of the apparently lower endurance capacities TR were able to work significantly longer after HCD than after LCD (23 +/- 10.5 min and 49 +/- 16.2 min, respectively) at 65% of their WLmax. The variability of the relationship between [Lac] and WL following the dietary regimes leads to the conclusion that the "typical" [Lac] versus WL curve of endurance TR may result from a permanent glycogen deficiency.  相似文献   

The distribution of many predators may be limited by interactions with larger predator species. The arctic fox in mainland Europe is endangered, while the red fox is increasing its range in the north. It has been suggested that the southern distribution limit of the arctic fox is determined by interspecific competition with the red fox. This has been criticised, on the basis that the species co-exist on a regional scale. However, if the larger red fox is superior and interspecific competition important, the arctic fox should avoid close contact, especially during the breeding season. Consequently, the distribution of breeding dens for the two species would be segregated on a much smaller spatial and temporal scale, in areas where they are sympatric. We tested this hypothesis by analysing den use of reproducing arctic and red foxes over 9 years in Sweden. High quality dens were inhabited by reproducing arctic foxes more often when no red foxes bred in the vicinity. Furthermore, in two out of three cases when arctic foxes did reproduce near red foxes, juveniles were killed by red foxes. We also found that breeding arctic foxes occupied dens at higher altitudes than red foxes did. In a large-scale field experiment, red foxes were removed, but the results were not conclusive. However, we conclude that on the scale of individual territories, arctic foxes avoid areas with red foxes. Through interspecific interference competition, the red fox might thus be excluding the arctic fox from breeding in low altitude habitat, which is most important in years when food abundance is limited and competition is most fierce. With high altitude refuges being less suitable, even small-scale behavioural effects could scale up to significant effects at the population level.  相似文献   

Cai G  He G  Qi C 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(11):9879-9884
Endothelial lipase (EL) is a novel member of the triglyceride (TG) lipase family. A growing body of evidence has indicated that EL gene polymorphism might contribute to the process of cardiovascular diseases. This study was aimed to reveal the potential relationship between EL -384A/C gene polymorphism and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in a Chinese Han population. The subjects were composed of 320 ACS patients and 315 age- and gender- matched controls. We detected the EL -384A/C genotypes and allele frequencies by using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. There was significant difference in AA genotype and AC+CC genotype between ACS and control groups (P?=?0.014). The A allele frequency was significantly higher in ACS group than in control group (87.8 vs 83.8?%, P?=?0.041). The relationship between the variant and ACS remained significant after adjusting for current smoker, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, total cholesterol and TG (OR?=?0.682, 95?% CI?=?0.472-0.986). The levels of HDL and ApoA-I were significantly higher in AC+CC genotype than in AA genotype (HDL: 1.20?±?0.35 vs 1.11?±?0.29?mmol/L, P?=?0.001; ApoA-I: 1.14?±?0.25 vs 1.08?±?0.21?g/L, P?=?0.009). We found that the EL -384A/C gene polymorphism might be associated with ACS in Chinese Han population, suggesting that the variant might be involved in the pathogenesis of ACS.  相似文献   

Even though intra-guild predators frequently prey on the same species, it is unclear whether diet overlap between two predators is a source of interspecific competition or whether predators simply use the same abundant prey resource. We measured the extent to which the diets of barn owls (Tyto alba) and long-eared owls (Asio otus) in Israel overlap and examined whether yearly differences in diet overlap correlate with barn owl breeding success. Pianka’s index of niche overlap was positively related to barn owl population size but not to its breeding success. The number of breeding barn owls was higher when long-eared owls consumed more rodents, suggesting that diet overlap most likely increased when rodents became more abundant. Therefore, in Israel, when these two owl species prey more often on rodents, their diets are more similar and interspecific competition is reduced. Unlike sympatric populations in Europe, in years when rodents are less abundant in Israel long-eared owls switch to hunting alternative prey (e.g., birds), perhaps to avoid competition with barn owls.  相似文献   

Jani Heino 《Ecography》2005,28(3):345-354
A positive relationship between regional distribution and local abundance of species is almost ubiquitous macroecological pattern, yet the mechanisms behind this pattern remain poorly understood. I tested for the relationship between regional distribution and local abundance of stream insect species in a boreal drainage system, with a specific aim to examine if this relationship follows the mechanistic basis of either the niche-based (niche breadth and niche position) or metapopulation models. There was a positive relationship between regional distribution and local abundance of stream insects, and there also were significant relationships between distribution/abundance and niche breadth or niche position. These results thus suggest that widely distributed species tend to be, on average, locally more abundant, have wider niches and lower marginality of niche position with regard to environmental factors than species that have more restricted distributions. However, although significant, there was much unexplained variability around these relationships, suggesting that other mechanisms (e.g. metapopulation dynamics) besides differences in species' niches are likely to affect the distribution and abundance of stream insects, at least within a drainage system. The results thus showed that 1) although niche position was more consistently related to the positive distribution-abundance relationship, ecologists should not abandon niche breadth as a potential mechanism behind this relationship, and 2) that several mechanisms are likely to act in concert in determining the relationship between distribution and abundance of species.  相似文献   

This review explores the relationship between sperm chromosomal constitution and morphology. With the advent of techniques for obtaining information on the chromosome complements of spermatozoa, this relationship has been studied in fertile men and in men with a high frequency of chromosomal abnormalities. Using human sperm karyotype analysis, no relationship between sperm chromosome abnormalities and morphology was found in fertile men, translocation carriers or post-radiotherapy cancer patients. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis has not generally revealed a specific association between morphologically abnormal sperm and sperm chromosome abnormalities, but has indicated that teratozoospermia, like other forms of abnormal semen profiles (aesthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia) is associated with a modest increase in the frequency of sperm chromosome abnormalities. However, FISH studies on some infertile men and mouse strains have suggested that certain types of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa, such as macrocephalic multitailed spermatozoa, are associated with a very significantly increased frequency of aneuploidy. Thus, there may be an association between sperm morphology and aneuploidy in infertile men with specific abnormalities.  相似文献   

The first gene to be linked to Parkinson's disease encodes the neuronal protein alpha-synuclein. Recent mouse and Drosophila models of Parkinson's disease support a central role for the process of alpha-synuclein fibrillization in pathogenesis. However, some evidence indicates that the fibril itself may not be the pathogenic species. Our own biophysical studies suggest that a structured fibrillization intermediate or an alternatively assembled oligomer may be responsible for neuronal death. This speculation can now be experimentally tested in the animal models. Such experiments will have implications for the development of new therapies for Parkinson's disease and related neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

BackgroundDoes chemistry govern biology or it is the other way around - that is a broad connotation of the question that this study attempted to answer.MethodComparison was made between the solubility and osteoclastic resorbability of four fundamentally different monophasic calcium phosphate (CP) powders with monodisperse particle size distributions: alkaline hydroxyapatite (HAP), acidic monetite (DCP), β-calcium pyrophosphate (CPP), and amorphous CP (ACP). Results With the exception of CPP, the difference in solubility between different CP phases became neither mitigated nor reversed, but augmented in the resorptive osteoclastic milieu. Thus, DCP, a phase with the highest solubility, was also resorbed more intensely than any other CP phase, whereas HAP, a phase with the lowest solubility, was resorbed least. CPP becomes retained inside the cells for the longest period of time, indicating hindered digestion of only this particular type of CP. Osteoclastogenesis was mildly hindered in the presence of HAP, ACP and DCP, but not in the presence of CPP. The most viable CP powder with respect to the mitochondrial succinic dehydrogenase activity was the one present in natural biological bone tissues: HAP.ConclusionChemistry in this case does have a direct effect on biology. Biology neither overrides nor reverses the chemical propensities of inorganics with which it interacts, but rather augments and takes a direct advantage of them.SignificanceThese findings set the fundamental basis for designing the chemical makeup of CP and other biosoluble components of tissue engineering constructs for their most optimal resorption and tissue regeneration response.  相似文献   

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