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This review focuses on the role of sensori-motor function in the healthy as well as the functionally unstable ankle. The concept functional ankle instability--a widely used term, which has no universally agreed upon definition-as well as the sources of peripheral afferent information measured with different sensori-motor tests are discussed. The protective mechanisms against sudden ankle inversion are reviewed, and models that directly connect deficits in kinaesthesia and peroneal reflex reaction to an increased risk of sustaining unprovoked ankle inversion injuries are presented.  相似文献   

A technique for investigating the three-dimensional kinematics of knee motion during dynamic functional tasks has been developed. It involves the combined usage of a six degree of freedom goniometer and helical motion analysis. A detailed procedure for coordinate system alignment and calibration must be followed. Once established this entire procedure is routinely implementable. Ensemble averages from multiple walking strides reveal that this technique is sensitive enough to differentiate between the kinematics of an uninjured and injured knee.  相似文献   

Translational motion of the head and trunk during normal walking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

For an arbitrary locomotory system three ways of gait classification are considered and compared. A general classification is represented as an "abstract scheme" of phase-space separation of the locomotory system. The "configurational scheme" is the result of methachronal coordination postulate, and the "footprint scheme" is the result of the postulating of special properties of the footprint track.  相似文献   

The concept of a kinematic space for a locomotor system is introduced and regime of locomotion is defined as a continued one-dimensional manifold of this space. The problem of describing of locomotion is set (settled) by kinematic invariants. It is shown that metachrony of such millipedes as Scolopendra and Julus can be considered as a special case of some "relativity principle", on the basis of which the expression of metachrony invariant has come out. The attempt is made to use this principle for the determination of step's invariants of each individual leg too.  相似文献   

?The notion of configuration of legs' spatial distribution is presented. The relationships between the legs' spatial distribution and the features of meachronal activity in the ipsilateral legs row of some less than abstract greater than animal's locomatory system were investigated on the basis of theoretical analysis of different configurations. Some hypotheses about the control of legs' metachronal activity are proposed.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses that in patients with a successful anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, the internal–external rotation, varus–valgus, and knee flexion position of reconstructed knees would be different from uninjured contralateral knees during walking. Twenty-six subjects with unilateral ACL reconstructions (avg 31 years, 1.7 m, 68 kg, 15 female, 24 months past reconstruction) and no other history of serious lower limb injury walked at a self-selected speed in the gait laboratory, with the uninjured contralateral knee as a matched control. Kinematic measurements of tibiofemoral motion were made using a previously-described point-cluster technique. Repeated-measures ANOVA (α=0.017) was used to compare ACL-reconstructed knees to their contralateral knees at four distinct points during the stance phase of walking. An offset towards external tibial rotation in ACL-reconstructed knees was maintained over all time points (95%CI 2.3±1.3°). Twenty-two out of twenty-six individuals experienced an average external tibial rotation offset throughout stance phase. Varus–valgus rotation and knee flexion were not significantly different between reconstructed and contralateral knees. These findings show that differences in tibial rotation during walking exist in ACL reconstructed knees compared to healthy contralateral knees, providing a potential explanation why these patients are at higher risk of knee osteoarthritis in the long-term.  相似文献   

Knee instability following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture compromises function and increases risk of injury to the cartilage and menisci. To understand the biomechanical function of the ACL, previous studies have primarily reported the net change in tibial position in response to multiplanar torques, which generate knee instability. In contrast, we retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 13 consecutively tested cadaveric knees and found distinct motion patterns, defined as the motion of the tibia as it translates and rotates from its unloaded, initial position to its loaded, final position. Specifically, ACL-sectioned knees either subluxated anteriorly under valgus torque (VL-subluxating) (5 knees) or under a combination of valgus and internal rotational torques (VL/IR-subluxating) (8 knees), which were applied at 15 and 30° flexion using a robotic manipulator. The purpose of this study was to identify differences between these knees that could be driving the two distinct motion patterns. Therefore, we asked whether parameters of bony geometry and tibiofemoral laxity (known risk factors of non-contact ACL injury) as well as in situ ACL force, when it was intact, differentiate knees in these two groups. VL-subluxating knees exhibited greater sagittal slope of the lateral tibia by 3.6 ± 2.4° (p = 0.003); less change in anterior laxity after ACL-sectioning during a simulated Lachman test by 3.2 ± 3.2 mm (p = 0.006); and, at the peak applied valgus torque (no internal rotation torque), higher posteriorly directed, in situ ACL force by 13.4 ± 11.3 N and 12.0 ± 11.6 N at 15° and 30° of flexion, respectively (both p ≤ 0.03). These results may suggest that subgroups of knees depend more on their ACL to control lateral tibial subluxation in response to uniplanar valgus and multiplanar valgus and internal rotation torques as mediated by anterior laxity and bony morphology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the axis of rotation of the knee that occur during the stance phase of running. Using intracortical pins, the three-dimensional skeletal kinematics of three subjects were measured during the stance phase of five running trials. The stance phase was divided into equal motion increments for which the position and orientation of the finite helical axes (FHA) were calculated relative to a tibial reference frame. Results were consistent within and between subjects. At the beginning of stance, the FHA was located at the midepicondylar point and during the flexion phase moved 20mm posteriorly and 10mm distally. At the time of peak flexion, the FHA shifted rapidly by about 10-20mm in proximal and posterior direction. The angle between the FHA and the tibial transverse plane increased gradually during flexion, to about 15 degrees of medial inclination, and then returned to zero at the start of the extension phase. These changes in position and orientation of FHA in the knee should be considered in analyses of muscle function during human movement, which require moment arms to be defined relative to a functional rotation axis. The finding that substantial changes in axis of rotation occurred independent of flexion angle suggests that musculoskeletal models must have more than one kinematic degree-of-freedom at the knee. The same applies to the design of knee prostheses, if the goal is to restore normal muscle function.  相似文献   

Kinematics of cytoplasmic deformation in neutrophils during active motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A procedure is proposed to measure the cytoplasmic deformation in active motile neutrophils in the form of cytoplasmic strains and strain rates. Three neighboring microspheres in a local region of the cytoplasm serve as markers for local motion. Their positions are tracked by means of a high resolution light microscope and serve to compute nonlinear measures of strains and strain rates together with the principal strains and principal directions. Active neutrophils exhibit large cytoplasmic strains both during periodic pseudopod projections and during continuous locomotion in a polarized shape. The cytoplasmic motion is often synchronized with the whole cell deformation. The local cytoplasmic strains exceed the strains estimated for the whole cell and are not reversible except in some cases of single pseudopod projections. Large strains are observed both in attached and freely suspended cells. Strain rates are relatively constant but show an increase during the pseudopod retraction phase. Local cytoplasmic strains in neutrophils are inhomogeneous and reach large values during passage of the contraction rings. Neutrophils rendered passive by treatment with cytochalasin or EDTA show a random motion of microspheres with much smaller displacements. These observations suggest that the cytoplasm of active neutrophil exhibits large cytoplasmic strains and strain rates in the absence of an external stress resulting in a high degree of intracellular mixing. The proposed technique may be applied to a wide range of problems in cell biology.  相似文献   

There are evidences to suggest that wearing footwear constrains the natural barefoot motion during locomotion. Unlike prior studies that deduced foot motions from shoe sole displacement parameters, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of footwear motion on forefoot to rearfoot relative motion during walking and running. The use of a multi-segment foot model allowed accurate both shoe sole and foot motions (barefoot and shod) to be quantified. Two pairs of identical sandals with different midsole hardness were used. Ten healthy male subjects walked and ran in each of the shod condition.The results showed that for barefoot locomotion there was more eversion of the forefoot and it occurred faster than for shod locomotion. In this later condition, the range of eversion was reduced by 20% and the rate of eversion in late stance by 60% in comparison to the barefoot condition. The sole constrained both the torsional (eversion/inversion) and adduction range of motion of the foot. Interestingly, during the push-off phase of barefoot locomotion the rate and direction of forefoot torsion varied between individuals. However, most subjects displayed a forefoot inversion direction of motion while shod. Therefore, this experiment showed that the shoes not only restricted the natural motion of the barefoot but also appeared to impose a specific foot motion pattern on individuals during the push-off phase. These findings have implications for the matching of footwear design characteristics to individual natural foot function.  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient patients have an increased rate of patellofemoral joint (PFJ) osteoarthritis (OA) as compared to the general population. Although the cause of post-injury OA is multi-factorial, alterations in joint biomechanics may predispose patients to cartilage degeneration. This study aimed to compare in vivo PFJ morphology and mechanics between ACL deficient and intact knees in subjects with unilateral ACL ruptures. Eight male subjects underwent baseline MRI scans of both knees. They then performed a series of 60 single-legged hops, followed by a post-exercise MRI scan. This process was repeated for the contralateral knee. The MR images were converted into three-dimensional surface models of cartilage and bone in order to assess cartilage thickness distributions and strain following exercise. Prior to exercise, patellar cartilage was significantly thicker in intact knees as compared to ACL deficient knees by 1.8%. In response to exercise, we observed average patellar cartilage strains of 5.4 ± 1.1% and 2.5 ± 1.4% in the ACL deficient and intact knees, respectively. Importantly, the magnitude of patellar cartilage strain in the ACL deficient knees was significantly higher than in the intact knees. However, while trochlear cartilage experienced a mean strain of 2.4 ± 1.6%, there was no difference in trochlear cartilage strain between the ACL deficient and uninjured knees. In summary, we found that ACL deficiency was associated with decreased patellar cartilage thickness and increased exercise-induced patellar cartilage strain when compared to the uninjured contralateral knees.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the center of mass (CoM) during walking and running at various gait conditions are well described by the mechanics of a simple passive spring loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP). Due to its simplicity, however, the current form of the SLIP model is limited at providing any further information about multi-segmental lower limbs that generate oscillatory CoM behaviors and their corresponding ground reaction forces. Considering that the dynamics of the CoM are simply achieved by mass-spring mechanics, we wondered whether any of the multi-joint motions could be demonstrated by simple mechanics. In this study, we expand a SLIP model of human locomotion with an off-centered curvy foot connected to the leg by a springy segment that emulates the asymmetric kinematics and kinetics of the ankle joint. The passive dynamics of the proposed expansion of the SLIP model demonstrated the empirical data of ground reaction forces, center of mass trajectories, ankle joint kinematics and corresponding ankle joint torque at various gait speeds. From the mechanically simulated trajectories of the ankle joint and CoM, the motion of lower-limb segments, such as thigh and shank angles, could be estimated from inverse kinematics. The estimation of lower limb kinematics showed a qualitative match with empirical data of walking at various speeds. The representability of passive compliant mechanics for the kinetics of the CoM and ankle joint and lower limb joint kinematics implies that the coordination of multi-joint lower limbs during gait can be understood with a mechanical framework.  相似文献   

Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans that have adapted to life in gastropod shells. Among their adaptations are modifications to their thoracic appendages or pereopods. The 4th and 5th pairs are adapted for shell support; walking is performed with the 2nd and 3rd pereopods, with an alternation of diagonal pairs. During stance, the walking legs are rotated backwards in the pitch plane. Two patterns of walking were studied to compare them with walking patterns described for other decapods, a lateral gait, similar to that in many brachyurans, and a forward gait resembling macruran walking.Video sequences of free walking and restrained animals were used to obtain leg segment positions from which joint angles were calculated. Leading legs in a lateral walk generated a power stroke by flexion of MC and PD joints; CB angles often did not change during slow walks. Trailing legs exhibited extension of MC and PD with a slight levation of CB. The two joints, B/IM and CP, are aligned at 90° angles to CB, MC and PD, moving dorso-anteriorly during swing and ventro-posteriorly during stance. A forward step was more complex; during swing the leg was rotated forward (yaw) and vertically (pitch), due to the action of TC. At the beginning of stance, TC started to rotate posteriorly and laterally, CB was depressed, and MC flexed. As stance progressed and the leg was directed laterally, PD and MC extended, so that at the end of stance the dactyl tip was quite posterior. During walks of the animal out of its shell, the legs were extended more anterior-laterally and the animal often toppled over, indicating that during walking in a shell its weight stabilized the animal.An open chain kinematic model in which each segment was approximated as a rectangular solid, the dimensions of which were derived from measurements on animals, was developed to estimate the CM of the animal under different load conditions. CM was normally quite anterior; removal of the chelipeds shifted it caudally. Application of forces simulating the weight of the shell on the 5th pereopods moved CM just anterior to the thoracic-abdominal junction. However, lateral and vertical coordinates were not altered under these different load conditions. The interaction of the shell aperture with proximal leg joints and with the CM indicates that the oblique angles of the legs, due primarily to the rotation of the TC joints, is an adaptation that confers stability during walking.  相似文献   

The kinematics of helical motion are described for an organism with four degrees of freedom, relative to the organism's frame of reference. It can rotate about any of three orthogonal axes, but can translate only in the direction of one axis. In particular, equations are developed for calculating the pitch, radius, and angular frequency of the helical path from the translational and rotational velocities of the microorganism, correcting, and expanding the analysis of Gray J. (1955. J. Exp. Biol. 32:775-801).  相似文献   

AIMS: A rapid and simple method for enumerating uninjured and sublethally injured bacterial cells, the twofold dilution method (2FD), was developed and evaluated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Following twofold serial dilution of samples in a 96 well microtiter plate, double strength selective broth or nonselective broth was added to each well. For resuscitation of heat-injured (55 degrees C for 10 min) coliforms, the selective broth was added to the wells after 3 h preresuscitation time in buffered peptone water. The results of the 2FD were compared to plating methods for total and coliform plate counts from mixed cultures and beef carcass surface tissue samples. CONCLUSION: The 2FD method results were not significantly different for uninjured cells (P > 0.05) from those obtained using Petrifilm and standard plating. Correlation of the scatterplot of spread plating and 2FD indicated a high level of agreement between these two methods (R(2)=0.98 for total counts and R(2)=0.96 for coliforms from mixed cultures; R(2)=0.98 for total cell counts and R(2)=0.94 for coliforms from faeces inoculated beef carcasses). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The twofold dilution method recovered significantly higher numbers of heat-injured coliforms compared to conventional plating methods (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

In the present paper, the study of the ventricular motion during systole was addressed by means of a computational model of ventricular ejection. In particular, the implications of ventricular motion on blood acceleration and velocity measurements at the valvular plane (VP) were evaluated. An algorithm was developed to assess the force exchange between the ventricle and the surrounding tissue, i.e., the inflow and outflow vessels of the heart. The algorithm, based on the momentum equation for a transitory flowing system, was used in a fluid-structure model of the ventricle that includes the contractile behavior of the fibers and the viscous and inertial forces of the intraventricular fluid. The model calculates the ventricular center of mass motion, the VP motion, and intraventricular pressure gradients. Results indicate that the motion of the ventricle affects the noninvasive estimation of the transvalvular pressure gradient using Doppler ultrasound. The VP motion can lead to an underestimation equal to 12.4 +/- 6.6%.  相似文献   

Measurements of tibial acceleration during walking and running were obtained by means of a triaxial accelerometer. The accelerometer was fixed to the free end of a Steinmann pin inserted into the right tibia of one volunteer subject. The patterns of tibial acceleration showed little step-to-step variation within each experimental condition. Following foot strike and depending upon footwear, the resultant tibial acceleration reached between 2.7 and 3.7 g during walking. The tibia experienced maximal accelerations of 10.6 g during running. The high values of tibial acceleration recorded in the antero-posterior (AP) and medio-lateral (ML) directions clearly revealed the importance of measuring all three components of acceleration to quantify the magnitude of the shock experienced by the lower limbs during locomotor activities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate the MarkWiiR (MW) captured by the Nintendo Wii-Remote (100-Hz) to assess active marker displacement by comparison with 2D video analysis. Ten participants were tested on a treadmill at different walking (1<6 km · h−1) and running (10<13 km · h−1) speeds. During the test, the active marker for MW and a passive marker for video analysis were recorded simultaneously with the two devices. The displacement of the marker on the two axes (x-y) was computed using two different programs, Kinovea 0.8.15 and CoreMeter, for the camera and MW, respectively. Pearson correlation was acceptable (x-axis r≥0.734 and y-axis r≥0.684), and Bland–Altman plots of the walking speeds showed an average error of 0.24±0.52% and 1.5±0.91% for the x- and y-axis, respectively. The difference of running speeds showed average errors of 0.67±0.33% and 1.26±0.33% for the x- and y-axes, respectively. These results demonstrate that the two measures are similar from both the x- and the y-axis perspective. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the MarkWiiR is a valid and reliable tool to assess the kinematics of an active marker during walking and running gaits.  相似文献   

A multi-segment kinematic model of the foot was developed for use in a gait analysis laboratory. The foot was divided into hindfoot, talus, midfoot and medial and lateral forefoot segments. Six functional joints were defined: ankle and subtalar joints, frontal and transverse plane motions of the hindfoot relative to midfoot, supination/pronation twist of the forefoot relative to midfoot and medial longitudinal arch height-to-length ratio. Twelve asymptomatic subjects were tested during barefoot walking with a six-camera optical stereometric system and auto-reflective markers organized in triads. Repeatability of the joint motions was tested using coefficients of multiple correlation. Ankle and subtalar joint motions and twisting of the forefoot were most repeatable. Hindfoot motions were least repeatable both within-subjects and between-subjects. Hindfoot and forefoot pronation in the frontal plane was found to coincide with dropping of the medial longitudinal arch between early to mid-stance, followed by supination and rising of the arch in late stance and swing phase. This multi-segment foot model addresses an unfortunate shortcoming in current gait analysis practice-the inability to measure motion within the foot. Such measurements are crucial if gait analysis is to remain relevant in the orthopaedic and rehabilitative treatment of the foot and ankle.  相似文献   

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