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Previous studies have shown that substance P (SP), an undecapeptide widely distributed in the gastrointestinal tract and in the peripheral and central nervous system, is a putative regulatory peptide involved in the control of reproductive function. Specifically, SP inhibited, at the anterior pituitary (AP) level, the stimulatory action of a physiological concentration (10(-8) M) of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on the release of the luteinizing hormone (LH). In the present work, we have demonstrated the presence of specific SP binding sites in the AP and related changes in the number of these sites to GnRH receptor number, hypothalamic SP and GnRH content and LH secretion during the rat estrous cycle. High affinity saturable SP binding sites (Kd, 1.5 approximately equal to 10 nM) were demonstrated in AP membranes using [3H]-SP or a novel analog, [125I]-(D-Tyr0, NorLeu11)SP. The binding affinity of SP fragments decreased with progressive removal of amino acid residues from N or C termini of the molecule. Other neuropeptides had low affinity for the SP binding sites. During the rat estrous cycle, SP and GnRH binding capacity of the anterior pituitary were inversely related. At the time of the proestrous LH surge, the AP binding capacity was low for GnRH but high for SP. The highest content of SP in the hypothalamus were recorded during the afternoon of proestrus when hypothalamic GnRH levels were lowest and the preovulatory surge occurred. These studies have established the presence of high affinity specific binding sites for SP in the AP which alter during the estrous cycle in a manner appropriate for mediating the direct inhibitory effects of SP on LH release in vitro.  相似文献   

We have used light microscopic autoradiography to look for the distribution of [3H] substance P receptors in the thoracic spinal cord of the rat. High densities of autoradiographic grains were localized to the intermedialateral cell column, the central canal and the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn.  相似文献   

The distribution of binding sites in rat brain for iodinated neurokinin A and iodinated substance P were compared using autoradiography. Distinct patterns of binding for the two iodinated tachykinins were noted. Binding sites for iodinated neurokinin A were noted in the olfactory bulb, cortex, supraoptic n., paraventricular n., certain amygdaloid n., hippocampus, medial habenula, interpeduncular n., n. of the tractus solitarius, and dorsal horn of the spinal cord. This pattern was in contrast to low levels of binding of iodinated substance P to the cortex, supraoptic n., paraventricular n., and the interpeduncular n., but substantial density of binding sites in numerous other regions.  相似文献   

Although the existence of the receptor for secretin in the brain was suggested, the localization of secretin receptor and the neuronal function of secretin have not been clarified yet. In the present study, the localization of secretin receptor was investigated in the rat brain by using an in vitro autoradiography technique. Frozen section autoradiography with (125)I-secretin showed intense binding in the nucleus of solitary tract, laterodorsal thalamic nucleus, and accumbens nucleus; moderate binding in the hippocampus, caudate/putamen, cerebellum, cingulate and orbital cortices. Scatchard plot analysis gave the Kd value of 125 pM with Bmax of 134 fmol/mg tissue in the hippocampus. The binding specificity was confirmed with secretin and its analogs, VIP, PACAP, and glucagon. These results indicate the secretin receptor system might have some neural functions in the brain, which could give the basis for therapeutic use of secretin in autistic children.  相似文献   

1. Meptazinol is an interesting opioid-producing naloxone-reversible analgesia with few cardiovascular and respiratory effects. Recent studies indicate that mu 1 opioid receptors mediate meptazinol analgesia. Using a computerized autoradiographic subtraction technique, we have examined the regional distribution of meptazinol-sensitive [3H][D-Ala2,MePhe4,Gly(ol)5]enkephalin (DAGO) binding and compared this with the distribution of mu 1 binding determined by competition with low [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADL) concentrations. 2. Meptazinol and DADL lowered [3H]DAGO to similar extents in most brain regions studied. The greatest levels of inhibition were observed in the periaqueductal gray, interpeduncular nucleus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and hippocampus. Low levels of inhibition were found in the temporal and frontal cortex. The correlation between the inhibition of [3H]DAGO binding by meptazinol and that by DADL was high (r = 0.83), consistent with the binding of meptazinol to mu 1 sites.  相似文献   

Quantitative receptor autoradiography using Bolton-Hunter iodinated substance P (SP) was used to localize specific sites in the rat hypothalamus. The amount of SP and neurokinin A (NkA) in extracts from discrete areas of the hypothalamus was measured using specific radioimmunoassays. A high density of SP binding sites was observed in the perimeter of the magnocellular paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, while the magnocellular nuclei themselves possessed a low receptor density. In control animals, the number of SP binding sites was also low in the arcuate nucleus and the median eminence. Substance P and NkA peptide concentrations were highest in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), decreasing in the following order: arcuate nucleus (Arc) greater than median eminence (ME) greater than supraoptic nucleus (SON) greater than subfornical organ (SFO). In animals given 340 mmol/l NaCl instead of tap water to drink for 12 days, significant increases in the number of SP binding sites occurred in the medial parvocellular subdivision of the PVN, periamygdaloid cortex, medial preoptic nucleus, Arc, and ME, but other hypothalamic areas were unaffected. In saline-treated animals, significant increases in SP and NkA peptide concentrations were observed in the ME, while in the SFO only the concentration of NkA increased significantly. In the SON, substance P and neurokinin A levels were doubled, whereas in the PVN and Arc no changes in peptide levels were observed. Chronic osmotic stimulation is associated with lowered circulating levels of adrenocorticotropin releasing hormone (ACTH), and the present data further substantiate the hypothesis that hypothalamic tachykinin-containing neuronal terminals are centrally involved in the inhibition of anterior pituitary ACTH release observed during chronic osmotic stimulation.  相似文献   

A single class of high-affinity binding sites for [125I]angiotensin III and [125I]angiotensin II were found in rat adrenal medulla and zona glomerulosa by quantitative autoradiography. In the medulla, Kd were 1.46 and 1.16 nM, and Bmax 1700 and 1700 fmol/mg protein, for [125I]angiotensin II and [125I]angiotensin III, respectively. In the zona glomerulosa, Kd were 0.86 and 0.90 nM, and Bmax 790 and 560 fmol/mg protein, for [125I]angiotensin II and [125I]angiotensin III, respectively. Unlabeled angiotensin III and angiotensin II displaced [125I]angiotensin III with similar potency in both adrenal zona glomerulosa and medulla. Our findings suggest that angiotensin III and angiotensin II might share the same binding sites in adrenal gland and support the hypothesis of a role for angiotensin III in the adrenal medulla and zona glomerulosa.  相似文献   

This paper describes the autoradiographic distribution of VIP binding sites in the rat central nervous system using monoiodinated 123I-labeled VIP. High densities of VIP binding sites are observed in the granular layer of the dorsal dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, the dorsolateral and median geniculate nuclei of the thalamus as well as in the ventral part of the hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus.  相似文献   

Dergham P  Anctil M 《Tissue & cell》1998,30(2):205-215
Using [(3)H]-serotonin ([(3)H]-5-HT) as radiolabel and autoradiography, we have mapped the distribution of 5-HT uptake and binding sites in the sea pansy Renilla koellikeri in order to identify potential cellular pathways of 5-HT inactivation and to identify cellular substrates for the previously characterized 5-HT receptor involved in the modulation of peristaltic behavior. Uptake measured in fresh polyp tissues occurred via two processes: a high affinity (uptake(1)), clomipramine-sensitive process with a K(m) of 0.45 muM, and another of lower affinity (uptake(2)) with a Km of 11.6 muM. Autoradiograms of high affinity uptake sites revealed a diffuse distribution of label with higher density in the ectoderm and endoderm, and lower density in the mesoglea. No subsets of cells, including serotonergic neurons, appeared to retain label preferentially, thus suggesting that removal of 5-HT and its chemical conversion is a general property of sea pansy tissues. Under incubation conditions identical to those used in a previous radiobinding analysis, autoradiograms of binding sites were generated on sections from lightly fixed and cryosectioned polyps. In contrast to uptake sites, binding sites appeared as aggregations of label around neurons of the subectodermal, mesogleal and endodermal nerve nets. In the endoderm where the myoepithelia subtend peristalsis, myoepithelial cells appeared unlabeled, suggesting that 5-HT exerts its modulatory effect on peristalsis principally via neurons. Taken together, these results indicate that 5-HT is released as a neurohormone in the sea pansy and that it may act as a broad-range neuromodulator.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene-related peptide is found extensively in the innervation of the intestine and has potent pharmacological effects on secretion, blood flow, and motility. Although essential for assessing the physiological significance of CGRP, detailed information concerning the distribution of its receptor(s) within the intestine is lacking. By using autoradiographic methods, we identified specific binding sites for 125I-tyr0-CGRP-alpha in all regions of the rat small and large intestine. Particularly dense saturatable binding is observed within the lamina propria. There is moderate saturatible binding in the myenteric plexuses. These findings clearly support the notion that CGRP has a neuroeffector role in intestinal functions.  相似文献   

Binding sites for atrial natriuretic peptide, ANP-(99-126) were studied in lymphoid organs of the rat with quantitative autoradiography. Tissue sections were incubated in the presence of 0.13 nM 125I-ANP-(99-126) followed by autoradiography using [3H]-Ultrofilm, and the results were analyzed by computerized densitometry and comparison to 125I-standards. Specific ANP binding sites were localized in the medulla and the cortex of the rat thymus and in the white pulp of the rat spleen, with apparent binding sites concentrations of 93, 65, and 126 fmol/mg protein, respectively. The presence of ANP binding sites in areas related to the maturation and function of lymphocytes, and to the production of thymic hormones, suggests the possibility of a role of circulating ANP in the modulation of the immune response.  相似文献   

Quantitative receptor autoradiography was used to localize and quantify the distribution of binding sites for 125I-radiolabeled substance P (SP), substance K (SK) and neuromedin K (NK) in the human GI tract using histologically normal tissue obtained from uninvolved margins of resections for carcinoma. The distribution of SP and SK binding sites is different for each gastrointestinal (GI) segment examined. Specific SP binding sites are expressed by arterioles and venules, myenteric plexus, external circular muscle, external longitudinal muscle, muscularis mucosa, epithelial cells of the mucosa, and the germinal centers of lymph nodules. SK binding sites are distributed in a pattern distinct from SP binding sites and are localized to the external circular muscle, external longitudinal muscle, and the muscularis mucosa. Binding sites for NK were not detected in any part of the human GI tract. These results demonstrate that: 1) surgical specimens from the human GI tract can be effectively processed for quantitative receptor autoradiography; 2) of the three mammalian tachykinins tested, SP and SK, but not NK binding sites are expressed in detectable levels in the human GI tract; 3) whereas SK receptor binding sites are expressed almost exclusively by smooth muscle, SP binding sites are expressed by smooth muscle cells, arterioles, venules, epithelial cells of the mucosa and cells associated with lymph nodules; and 4) both SP and SK binding sites expressed by smooth muscle are more stable than SP binding sites expressed by blood vessels, lymph nodules, and mucosal cells.  相似文献   

Binding sites for thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) were labelled with [3H](2-Me-His3)TRH ([3H]MeTRH) on membranes from rat brain regions at 0°C for 5 h. Amygdaloid membranes bound [3H]MeTRH with high-affinity (K d=3.1±0.5 nM (n=4)). Five TRH analogs competed for this binding with the same rank order and with affinities that matched the pharmacological specificity of pituitary TRH receptors. Substance P (SP) and its C-terminal fragments reduced amygdaloid TRH receptor binding in a concentration dependent manner (IC50 for SP=65 M). The rank order of potency of SP analogs at inhibiting TRH receptor binding was: SP>nonapeptide (3–11)>hexapeptide (6–11)>heptapeptide (5–11)>pentapeptide (7–11). However, other tachykinins were inactive in this system. SP was a potent inhibitor of [3H]MeTRH binding in hippocampus> spinal cord>retina>n. accumbens>hypothalamus>amygdaloid>olfactory bulb pituitary>pons/medulla in parallel assays. In amygdaloid membranes SP (50 M) reduced the apparent maximum receptor density by 39% (p<0.01) without altering the binding affinity, and 100 M SP induced a biphasic dissociation of [3H]MeTRH with kinetics faster than those induced by both TRH (10 M) and serotonin (100 M). In contrast, other neuropeptides such as neurotensin, proctolin, angiotensin II, bombesin and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone did not significantly inhibit [3H]MeTRH binding to amydaloid membranes. Thus, the SP site with low affinity in the rat brain is not like any of the previously described tachykinin/neurokinin binding sites but resembles the site found on neuroblastoma cells (108CC15) and on adrenal chromaffin cells that modulate cation permeability and nicotinic receptors respectively. The physiological role of these atypical SP sites in the rat brain remains to be determined.A preliminary account of these studies has been presented to the British Pharmacological Society (9).  相似文献   

Quantitative autoradiography analysis of neurotensin (NT) and somatostatin (SS) binding sites was performed on coronal sections of the medulla oblongata from 2 fetuses, 6 controls and 7 victims of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Throughout the first postnatal year, mean SS binding site density was similar in controls and SIDS in all structures of the medulla oblongata. The density of neurotensin binding sites was significantly higher in the nucleus of tractus solitarius (NTS) of SIDS than in controls, but there was no significant differences in the other areas of the medulla oblongata. Our findings suggest an immature developmental pattern of increased NT binding sites the NTS of SIDS. This alteration may be related to an abnormal central cardiorespiratory and arousal control which is thought to be present in SIDS.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine changes the shape of rat blood platelets by combination with a cinanserin-sensitive receptor which is not associated with the active uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine. Binding of 5-hydroxy[3H]tryptamine to platelets at 4 degrees C demonstrates the presence of three saturable sites, and the highest-affinity site is apparently this 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of lymphocytes from the thymus and spleen of August and Wistar rats as well as capacity of lymphocytes with different surface hemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) were studied by the method of free flow electrophoresis. Lymphocytes of the rat spleen were shown, depending on the surface charge, to divide into two groups during cultivation: cells with high and low electrophoretic mobility. At separation the lymphocytes consisted of 8--10 fractions with different EPM. There was a relationship between the surface charge of the lymphocytes and their stimulation rate by mitogens. Increased thymidine-3H uptake was recorded at mitogenic exposure of lymphocytes from the spleen with high EPM. Low mobile lymphoid elements of the spleen did not respond to mitogenic stimulation. A subpopulation of thymocytes with low EPM was resistant to Con A stimulation. The thymocytes of rats did not virtually respond to PHA irrespective of EPM.  相似文献   

The presence of binding sites for leukotriene C4 (LTC4) is demonstrated in the mouse forebrain, by using autoradiography of sections incubated with tritiated LTC4. The binding of LTC4 is inhibited by an excess of cold LTC4, but unaffected by the presence of a large excess of LTD4, which differs from LTC4 by the absence of a glutamic acid residue. The density of binding sites is minimal on fiber bundles and on choroid plexuses, maximal at the level of granule cell-rich structures such as the dentate gyrus and entorhinal area, and high in the cerebral cortex, thalamic relay nuclei and the caudoputamen. These data suggest that leukotrienes and their receptors might play a role as regulators of central neural activity, a hypothesis which was recently proposed by Lindgren et al.  相似文献   

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