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OBJECTIVES--To identify doctors who are vocationally trained but not currently practising as principals in general practice; their reasons for not practising as principals; and whether the prospect of a re-entry course would appear to this group. DESIGN--Postal questionnaire survey based on semistructured interviews. SUBJECTS--Doctors who had been vocationally trained but were not currently practising as principals: 351 possible subjects identified by a process of "networking." SETTING--Trent Regional Health Authority. RESULTS--166 of the doctors who replied fitted the criteria (100 women; 66 men). The out of hours commitment was ranked as the most important factor for not practising as a principal--95 women and 50 men rated it important--followed by difficulty in combining work with family commitments--84 women, 31 men. 82 respondents (49%) said they would be interested in a re-entry course if one were available. CONCLUSIONS--There is a pool of vocationally trained doctors in Trent region who are not practising as principals in general practice. More flexible working patterns and the availability of a re-entry course could make the post of principal in general practice a more attractive proposition to these doctors.  相似文献   

A questionnaire on the management of alcohol problems was sent to 467 general practitioners. Of the 312 who replied, nine tenths thought that they had a legitimate role in working with patients with drinking problems, but less than a half thought that they were adequately equipped to perform this role. Only two fifths felt motivated to work with drinkers, less than a third were satisfied with the way in which they worked with drinkers, and fewer than one in 10 obtained work satisfaction from working with drinkers. Only 29% of doctors regularly gave advice to patients to reduce alcohol consumption, but 56% believed that their advice was effective. Doctors who had positive attitudes to working with drinkers undertook more work related to alcohol problems in their practice. There is a need to provide further education for general practitioners about alcohol related matters, and this education should include advice on intervention with heavy drinkers.  相似文献   

After surveys in 1961 and 1966, further questionnaires were sent in 1969 to those who had responded in 1966. These showed that wastage due to emigration and unemployment of married women doctors was nearly 20%. Compared with 49% of all qualified for three to four years in 1966, 73% had definitely decided on their future career seven to eight years after qualifying in the 1969 survey, the choice tending to be for specialties less popular among more junior doctors. Responsibility for patient care seemed not to be related directly to seniority or to performance in medical school examinations.  相似文献   

Because there has been a substantial increase in the scale of drug misuse general practitioners have become increasingly concerned in responding to this problem. Little is known, however, about how general practitioners manage drug misusers. The findings from a national survey carried out in mid-1985 of a 5% random sample of general practitioners in England and Wales show the extent to which various actions were undertaken by general practitioners who reported on the consultation with the opiate misuser whom they last attended. In more than half of the cases the opiate misuser had been under the care of the general practitioners for this problem for at least six months. The findings indicate that most general practitioners refer these patients to specialist drug dependence clinics or to general psychiatric services but rarely to other agencies. Opiate drugs had been prescribed in nearly a third of cases. The rate of notification to the Home Office conforms with that in other studies and indicates a high degree of undernotification. More detailed study of general practitioners'' activities in managing drug misusers is needed.  相似文献   

A sample of 106 senior house officers who had graduated from Nottingham University in 1987 was surveyed about their experience of and need for careers guidance, performance appraisal, and stress counselling. Of the 80 who replied, a quarter had received no careers guidance and a quarter no feedback about their work performance. Many reported having had difficulties in their post, but few had received help from senior staff or their consultant. The perceived needs for counselling were considerable. Careers counselling was thought to be essential in the preregistration year by all of the doctors and in senior house officer posts by three quarters. Nearly all would have chosen regular appraisal and nearly half wanted counselling for particular difficulties. Doctors in the training grades clearly believed that they needed counselling, but in most cases they did not receive it.  相似文献   

A total of 259 postal questionnaires were sent to all final year vocational trainees and new principals in general practice in the Trent region to find out how much training in paediatrics they had had. Questionnaires were returned by 105 trainees and 139 principals (244; 94%). Overall 72% (175) had taken up a hospital post in paediatrics during training, but among the 138 doctors who were on or had completed a three year vocational training scheme the proportion was slightly higher (82%; 115) (p = 0.01). Among the 175 who had had a post in paediatrics 108 (62%) had been given teaching sessions every week, and for half of these doctors the sessions lasted over one hour a week. Seventy five (54%) of the 139 principals reported that in their training in a general practice they had received no teaching about child health and a fifth said that they had not attended a clinic for children; 47 (34%) had received no training on procedures for dealing with cases of child abuse. The doctors who had held posts as senior house officers in paediatrics were more likely to report that they had adequate skills in paediatrics than those who had not, but overall only 62 (44%) reported that they could run a preschool child health surveillance programme. Extra paediatric posts in hospital are needed, but in the mean time improvements can be made to the teaching content in hospital and in the general practice attachment and postgraduate training in paediatrics provided for all general practitioners.  相似文献   

Five medically qualified women and 36 men who were being treated for alcoholism at a London postgraduate hospital were studied. Most were middle-aged and at an advanced stage of alcoholism. They had usually started drinking heavily in the wake of well-established drug dependence or other psychiatric disorder; as students or housemen; and in the armed forces. Thirty-six doctors were followed up for a mean of 63 months. Five doctors either killed themselves or died of cirrhosis, and nine persisted in almost continuous dependent drinking, while seven completely overcame their alcohol problem and 10 had only occasional relapses. Their prealcoholic careers had ranged from repeated failure to spectacular success, but of 29 doctors alive at follow-up only eight were practising satisfactorily.  相似文献   

The health survey questionnaire was used to collect information about cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, physical exercise, and dieting and weight. Completed questionnaires were received from 25,496 men and 36,657 women registered with 47 group practices in England and Scotland. The proportions of respondents who stated that they had a problem ranged from 1% (women and drinking, n = 406) to 34% (women and weight, n = 12,526). Between 49% (women and drinking, n = 18,048) and 67% (men (n = 17,095) and women (n = 24,550) and weight) thought that their general practitioners should be interested in their lifestyle. The proportions who could recall having received relevant advice ranged from 2% (women and drinking, n = 591) to 24% (women and weight, n = 8946). Advice about smoking had been given to 4055 (40%) of the women and 2941 (39%) of the men who smoked. Only 96 (10%) of the 989 women and 331 (17%) of the 1948 men who drank excessively could recall having received advice about alcohol consumption. These results suggest that patients are concerned about their lifestyle, that most would welcome relevant counselling, and that doctors should become more concerned with prevention of this kind.  相似文献   

A self administered questionnaire, the health survey questionnaire, was designed to detect excessive alcohol consumption and mailed to patients who were registered with two general practices. Replies were received from 2572(75%) of 3452 patients. Excessive consumption was taken as 42 units of alcohol per week or more for men and 21 units per week or more for women: 1 unit = approximately 10 g ethanol and is equivalent to a half pint of beer, one glass of wine, or one standard measure of spirits. One hundred and twenty men (11%) and 68 women (5%) were identified by their responses to the questionnaire as excessive drinkers. According to their responses, roughly half of these expressed some concern about their drinking. In the practice where a disease register was kept 18 patients had been recorded as heavy drinkers before the study, and an additional 74 were detected by the questionnaire. Within 12 months after the questionnaire survey three groups of respondents were reviewed: (a) the excessive drinkers, (b) those who indicated concern about drinking but did not exceed the limits for excessive consumption, and (c) a random sample of those who were in neither of these two categories. Patients in these three groups were interviewed in a standard fashion to determine their alcohol consumption. Breath alcohol measurement was also carried out and a blood sample taken for the estimation of mean cell volume, gamma glutamyltranspeptidase activity, and serum aspartate transaminase activity. There were highly significant correlations between estimates of consumption obtained by the questionnaire and those obtained at interview except among the women who were excessive consumers, whose responses to the questionnaire indicated levels of consumption that were much higher than those to which they admitted at interview. Stated weekly consumption at interview that was above the limits set for the study was used as the standard measure for comparing the questionnaire with the other indicators of excessive drinking. The questionnaire had a considerably greater estimated sensitivity in detecting male excessive consumers than any of the blood tests. Among the women it apparently performed less well, although the numbers stating excessive consumption at interview were small. Breath alcohol measurement was positive in only a few of the excessive drinkers. The use of this simple and inexpensive instrument is likely to prove widely acceptable to patients in general practice and should result in a considerable increase in the recognition by general practitioners of patients with excessive alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Medical examination was offered to a group of “high risk” old people who were not necessarily patients or known to their family doctors, but with the agreement of these family doctors. Two clinics set up for this purpose have been running for several years, and the results of examination and follow-up of 300 consecutive patients are reported.Major conditions were found in two-thirds of patients producing functional impairment in most of these.Recommendations as to therapy and management were carried out in 161 of 194 patients but not in the remainder.Clear evidence of improvement was found in half of the patients who carried out recommendations, and this improvement was attributable to earlier diagnosis than would have been achieved without these clinics in 42% of cases.Including all patients examined, the proportion helped by early diagnosis at 18 to 30 months'' follow-up was 23%.It is concluded that the offer of a routine examination to high risk groups is of benefit to old people and a form of medical practice which should be widely adopted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the hazards associated with long term use of tobacco. DESIGN--Prospective study of mortality in relation to smoking habits assessed in 1951 and again from time to time thereafter, with causes sought of deaths over 40 years (to 1991). Continuation of a study that was last reported after 20 years'' follow up (1951-71). SUBJECTS--34,439 British male doctors who replied to a postal questionnaire in 1951, of whom 10,000 had died during the first 20 years and another 10,000 have died during the second 20 years. RESULTS--Excess mortality associated with smoking was about twice as extreme during the second half of the study as it had been during the first half. The death rate ratios during 1971-91 (comparing continuing cigarette smokers with life-long non-smokers) were approximately threefold at ages 45-64 and twofold at ages 65-84. The excess mortality was chiefly from diseases that can be caused by smoking. Positive associations with smoking were confirmed for death from cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx, lung, pancreas, and bladder; from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory diseases; from vascular diseases; from peptic ulcer; and (perhaps because of confounding by personality and alcohol use) from cirrhosis, suicide, and poisoning. A negative association was confirmed with death from Parkinson''s disease. Those who stopped smoking before middle age subsequently avoided almost all of the excess risk that they would otherwise have suffered, but even those who stopped smoking in middle age were subsequently at substantially less risk than those who continued to smoke. CONCLUSION--Results from the first 20 years of this study, and of other studies at that time, substantially underestimated the hazards of long term use of tobacco. It now seems that about half of all regular cigarette smokers will eventually be killed by their habit.  相似文献   

New principals in general practice who were appointed from 1981 to 1983 by two family practitioner committees, one in an inner city and one in a combination of an inner city and suburban area, were surveyed to find out if they were making improvements to primary medical care in their new practices. Most were not. The highly trained, motivated, young doctors on the whole had joined group practices and practices in health centres, where facilities tended to be good. Older doctors, who may not be as concerned with change, had joined smaller practices, in which it was difficult to make changes owing to, for example, the type of premises and costs.  相似文献   

目的了解基层医生有关手癣、足癣的诊治现状,分析影响因素,制定有针对性的措施。方法通过网络平台对全国19个省市的基层医生进行问卷调查。结果共回收完整问卷729份。结果显示:①约20%的基层医生对手、足癣的发病因素方面存在认识不足,约50%的基层医生对受侵犯皮肤的组织定位存在误区。②基层医生对手、足癣鉴别诊断的重要性重视不够,真菌镜检设备使用率不足一半。③基层医生能正确选用外用抗真菌药,硝酸咪康唑乳膏使用率超过80%。④仍有10.70%的基层医生推荐使用外用糖皮质激素治疗手、足癣。结论基层医生在手、足癣的规范诊疗方面仍有待提高。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine the career destinations, by 1995, of doctors who qualified in the United Kingdom in 1977; the relation between their destinations and early career choice; and their intentions regarding retirement age.DesignPostal questionnaire.SettingUnited Kingdom.SubjectsAll (n=3135) medical qualifiers of 1977.ResultsAfter about 12 years the distribution of respondents by type of employment, and, for women, the percentage of doctors in part time rather than full time medical work, had stabilised. Of all 2997 qualifiers from medical schools in Great Britain, 2399 (80.0% (95% confidence interval 79.5% to 80.6%)) were working in medicine in the NHS in Great Britain 18 years after qualifying. Almost half the women (318/656) worked in the NHS part time. Of 1714 doctors in the NHS, 1125 intended to work in the NHS until normal retirement age, 392 did not, and 197 were undecided. Of the 1548 doctors for whom we had sufficient information, career destinations at 18 years matched the choices made at 1, 3, and 5 years in 58.9% (912), 78.2% (1211), and 86.6% (1341) of cases respectively.ConclusionsPlanning for the medical workforce needs to be supported by information about doctors’ career plans, destinations, and whole time equivalent years of work. Postgraduate training needs to take account of doctors’ eventual choice of specialty (and the timing of this choice).

Key messages

  • A large scale national study in the United Kingdom followed doctors from qualification to mid-career and beyond
  • Most doctors had made their choice of eventual career—at least in terms of broadly defined specialty—within 5 years of qualifying
  • Eighteen years on, 80% of the doctors were working in the NHS and nearly half of women doctors were working part time
  • Almost a quarter of NHS doctors planned to retire early

Hogue MC  Doran E  Henry DA 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34314

Objective, Design, Setting and Participants

The objective was to investigate media influence on consumers'' health related behaviours. A cross-sectional survey of randomly selected adults (18+ years) residing in the Hunter Region of New South Wales Australia was conducted. The sample was selected using a combination of the white pages and random digit dialling.

Main Outcome Measures

The proportions of respondents who recalled seeing or hearing about conditions or treatments in the media over the 12 months prior to interview (August 2009–August 2010) and their subsequent health related behaviour.


Although most survey participants reported seeking health information from their doctors, around two-thirds of survey participants (551, 68.8%) recalled hearing, seeing or reading about one or more medical conditions (total = 1097 instances) in the mainstream media over the past 12 months. Almost 40% of respondents (307, 38.4%) stated that they had looked for more information about a condition as a result of hearing about it in the media, and most used the internet (269, 87.4%). More than a quarter of respondents (215, 26.9%) indicated that they had asked their doctor about a condition they had heard about in the media. Around half of those who asked their doctor (109, 50.6%) reported that their inquiry resulted in them receiving treatment, of whom almost half (53, 48.3%) reported being prescribed a medicine.


The survey results show that consumers become aware of medicines through traditional media and then to learn more often turn to the internet where quality of information may be poor. (252 words)  相似文献   

Five hundred and four patients who had undergone hospital investigations were interviewed to find out how much information they had been given about the tests; their reactions before, during and after the test; and any after effects. In 74% of cases the tests had been satisfactorily explained. Patients were told more about complicated procedures such as cardiac catherisation than about routine ones such as venepuncture or barium meal examinations. The comments doctors made while performing the investigations were generally reassuring and were only rarely worrying or impatient. About half the patients suffered pain or discomfort during the test and rather more complained of after effects. Only 5% of patients said they would refuse the test again, though 36% said they would agree only reluctantly. Communication lies at the heart of the problem. Hospitals should consider issuing handouts on investigations to back up the doctor''s information and to dispel myths. Staff should be more careful in concealing frightening-looking equipment, and if patients have to wait during investigations it may help reduce their anxiety if they are provided with something to occupy their time.  相似文献   

The white paper Working for Patients assumes that patients choose general practitioners on the basis of the service that they provide and that increased competition among doctors will raise standards. To investigate these assumptions a postal questionnaire survey was carried out of 447 people who had recently registered with a new general practitioner. The results disclosed a remarkable lack of consumerist behaviour. Most people registered with their nearest doctor, and many did not register until they were already ill. Many people knew nothing about their new practice but seemed unworried by this and showed little inclination to seek information. These findings suggest that competition among general practitioners is unlikely in itself to raise standards of care.  相似文献   

From 1971 to 1981, 98 babies born with meningomyelocoele at the North Staffordshire Hospital Centre''s district maternity hospital, were thought not suitable for surgery. Sixty three survived for more than one week. Over the period the hospital''s policy changed: initially all such babies were kept in hospital, but later parents were given the choice of taking their baby home for palliative and terminal care. In an attempt to determine parents'' views on the care of their baby the parents of 44 of the babies who survived to one week were traced in 1985-6, five to 14 years later; 80 of them were asked how they felt about the lives and deaths of their babies. Eighteen babies had been taken home, and they had lived longer than the 26 who had been cared for in hospital. Parents whose baby had remained in hospital were sadder than those who had taken their baby home when they looked back at their experiences, and they also considered that their baby''s life had been of poor quality. Most of those who had taken their baby home had a more positive view of their child''s life. The figures suggest that the bereavement process after a baby''s death is longer than has been thought, but despite residual sadness just over half of the parents interviewed thought that something positive had come out of their experience.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out of doctors who used their out-of-hours biochemistry service to find out why requests for investigations were made, how often the results altered patient management, and whether they could define areas where investigations were unproductive. Of 107 questionnaires distributed, 147 (88%) were completed. In 86% the requests were for diagnosis or immediate patient management and in 35% the results actually altered management. Senior clinical staff were more efficient than their juniors in instigating biochemical investigations that proved to be effective. In no instance where the clinical staff predicted that it was unlikely that the results would alter management was management altered. It is suggested that joint reviews of case notes by junior and senior clinical staff would prove to be the most appropriate way to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical investigation.  相似文献   

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