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OBJECTIVE: To compare direct and indirect costs of day and inpatient treatment of acute psychiatric illness. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial with outcome and costs assessed over 12 months after the date of admission. SETTING: Teaching hospital in an inner city area. SUBJECTS: 179 patients with acute psychiatric illness referred for admission who were suitable for random allocation to day hospital or inpatient treatment. 77 (43%) patients had schizophrenia. INTERVENTIONS: Routine inpatient or day hospital treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Direct and indirect costs over 12 months, clinical symptoms, social functioning, and burden on relatives over the follow up period. RESULTS: Clinical and social outcomes were similar at 12 months, except that inpatients improved significantly faster than day patients and burden on relatives was significantly less in the day hospital group at one year. Median direct costs to the hospital were 1923 pounds (95% confidence interval 750 pounds to 3174 pounds) per patient less for day hospital treatment than inpatient treatment. Indirect costs were greater for day patients; when these were included, overall day hospital treatment was 2165 pounds cheaper than inpatient treatment (95% confidence interval of median difference 737 pounds to 3593 pounds). Including costs to informants when appropriate meant that day hospital treatment was 1994 pounds per patient cheaper (95% confidence interval 600 pounds to 3543 pounds). CONCLUSIONS: Day patient treatment is cheaper for the 30-40% of potential admissions that can be treated in this way. Carers of day hospital patients may bear additional costs. Carers of all patients with acute psychiatric illness are often themselves severely distressed at the time of admission, but day hospital treatment leads to less burden on carers in the long term.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of 2 mg nicotine chewing-gum as an aid to stopping smoking was compared with a placebo containing 1 mg nicotine, but unbuffered, in a double-blind randomised trial. Of 58 subjects given the active gum, 27 (47%) were not smoking at one-year follow-up compared with 12 (21%) of the 58 subjects treated with placebo (p less than 0.025). By the most stringent criterion of outcome, 18 (31%) subjects in the active treatment group and eight (14%) in the placebo group had not smoked at all from the start of treatment to follow-up at one year (p less than 0.05). Subjects receiving the active gum experienced less severe withdrawal symptoms and rated their gum as more helpful than did the placebo group. Minor side effects were common but only gastric symptoms were more frequent with the active gum. Subjects receiving active gum used it for longer than those receiving placebo but most stopped using it within six months and only four (7%) developed longer-term dependence. The number of gums used daily correlated significantly with pretreatment blood nicotine concentrations in the active treatment group and with pretreatment cigarette consumption in the placebo group. A lower pretreatment blood nicotine value was the best predictor of success at one year (p less than 0.001) but there was no significant relation to cigarette consumption, sex, and social class. The results clearly confirm the usefulness of nicotine chewing-gum as an aid to stopping smoking and imply a definite role for nicotine in cigarette dependence and withdrawal. Successful use of the gum requires careful attention to subjects'' expectations and clear instructions on how to use it.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo test the hypothesis that homoeopathy is a placebo by examining its effect in patients with allergic rhinitis and so contest the evidence from three previous trials in this series.DesignRandomised, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, multicentre study.SettingFour general practices and a hospital ear, nose, and throat outpatient department.Participants51 patients with perennial allergic rhinitis.InterventionRandom assignment to an oral 30c homoeopathic preparation of principal inhalant allergen or to placebo.ResultsFifty patients completed the study. The homoeopathy group had a significant objective improvement in nasal airflow compared with the placebo group (mean difference 19.8 l/min, 95% confidence interval 10.4 to 29.1, P=0.0001). Both groups reported improvement in symptoms, with patients taking homoeopathy reporting more improvement in all but one of the centres, which had more patients with aggravations. On average no significant difference between the groups was seen on visual analogue scale scores. Initial aggravations of rhinitis symptoms were more common with homoeopathy than placebo (7 (30%) v 2 (7%), P=0.04). Addition of these results to those of three previous trials (n=253) showed a mean symptom reduction on visual analogue scores of 28% (10.9 mm) for homoeopathy compared with 3% (1.1 mm) for placebo (95% confidence interval 4.2 to 15.4, P=0.0007).ConclusionThe objective results reinforce earlier evidence that homoeopathic dilutions differ from placebo.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether azathioprine can prevent relapse in ulcerative colitis. DESIGN--One year placebo controlled double blind trial of withdrawal or continuation of azathioprine. SETTING--Outpatient clinics of five hospitals. SUBJECTS--79 patients with ulcerative colitis who had been taking azathioprine for six months or more. Patients in full remission for two months or more (67), and patients with chronic low grade or corticosteroid dependent disease (12) were randomised separately. 33 patients in remission received azathioprine and 34 placebo; five patients with chronic stable disease received azathioprine and seven placebo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Rate of relapse. Relapse was defined as worsening of symptoms or sigmoidoscopic appearance. RESULTS--For the remission group the one year rate of relapse was 36% (12/33) for patients continuing azathioprine and 59% (20/34) for those taking placebo (hazard rate ratio 0.5, 95% confidence interval 0.25 to 1.0). For the subgroup of 54 patients in long term remission (greater than six months before entry to trial) benefit was still evident, with a 31% (8/26) rate of relapse with azathioprine and 61% (17/28) with placebo (p less than 0.01). For the small group of patients with chronic stable colitis (six were corticosteroid dependent and six had low grade symptoms) no benefit was found from continued azathioprine therapy. Adverse events were minimal. CONCLUSIONS--Azathioprine maintenance treatment in ulcerative colitis is beneficial for at least two years if patients have achieved remission while taking the drug. Demonstration of the relapse preventing properties of azathioprine has implications for a large number of patients with troublesome ulcerative colitis, who may benefit from treatment with azathioprine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare effectiveness of different methods of monitoring intrapartum fetal heart rate. DESIGN--Prospective randomised controlled trial. SETTING--Referral maternity hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe. SUBJECTS--1255 women who were 37 weeks or more pregnant with singleton cephalic presentation and normal fetal heart rate before entry into study. INTERVENTIONS--Intermittent monitoring of fetal heart rate by electronic monitoring, Doppler ultrasound, use of Pinard stethoscope by a research midwife, or routine use of Pinard stethoscope by attending midwife. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Abnormal fetal heart rate patterns, need for operative delivery for fetal distress, neonatal mortality, Apgar scores, admission to neonatal unit, neonatal seizures, and hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. RESULTS--Abnormalities in fetal heart rate were detected in 54% (172/318) of the electronic monitoring group, 32% (100/312) of the ultrasonography group, 15% (47/310) of the Pinard stethoscope group, and 9% (28/315) of the routine monitoring group. Caesarean sections were performed for 28% (89%), 24% (76), 10% (32), and 15% (46) of the four groups respectively. Neonatal outcome was best in the ultrasonography group: hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy occurred in two, one, seven, and 10 cases in the four groups respectively; neonatal seizures occurred only in the last two groups (six and nine cases respectively); and deaths occurred in eight, two, five, and nine cases respectively. CONCLUSIONS--Abnormalities in fetal heart rate were more reliably detected by Doppler ultrasonography than with Pinard stethoscope, and its use resulted in good perinatal outcome. The use of relatively cheap ultrasound monitors should be further evaluated and promoted in obstetric units caring for high risk pregnancies in developing countries with scarce resources.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of budesonide, a new non-halogenated glucocorticoid administered by nasal inhaler, was evaluated in a double blind comparison with placebo in patients presenting with hay fever. Patients were supplied with antihistamine tablets and eye drops for use when they considered that their symptoms were inadequately controlled by their inhaler. Patients recorded the severity of their symptoms in a daily diary card and visited their general practitioner for assessment weekly for four weeks. All nasal symptoms of hay fever were appreciably reduced in the group taking budesonide and, although their eye symptoms were more severe than in the group taking placebo, they did not use appreciably more eye drops than the latter. The placebo group used appreciably more antihistamine tablets than those in the budesonide group. No patients were withdrawn from the budesonide group because of treatment failure or unacceptable side effects. The results suggest that budesonide is an acceptable and effective treatment for the nasal symptoms of hay fever.  相似文献   

A total of 278 hypertensive patients in three clinics were randomly allocated to have their medical records held in a computer system (136) or on standard hospital notes (142). For the computer system the doctor completed a structured input form, and the information on symptoms, physical findings, and diagnoses was more complete than that in the standard notes. This resulted in certain symptoms and risk factors being recognised more often when the computer system was used. The hypertension clinics'' routines were not disrupted by the introduction of a computer-held system, and follow-up consultation times were not affected by the type of records kept, although the first consultation took eight minutes longer when computer documents were completed. The patients remained in the trial for one year and clinical management was assessed from blood pressure control, drop-out rates, and the frequency of performing investigations. These estimates of management showed no significant difference between the two groups, but the attempt to tailor the computer system to help management made the system acceptable to the doctors using it. The computer system continues to be used and is providing data for research into hypertension.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare intramuscular oxytocin alone and intramuscular oxytocin with ergometrine (Syntometrine) for their effect in reducing the risk of postpartum haemorrhage when both are used as part of the active management of the third stage of labour. DESIGN--Double blind, randomised controlled trial. SETTING--Two metropolitan teaching hospitals in Perth, Western Australia. SUBJECTS--All women who expected a vaginal birth during the period of the trial. Informed consent was obtained. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Postpartum haemorrhage, nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure. RESULTS--3497 women were randomly allocated to receive oxytocin-ergometrine (n = 1730) or oxytocin (n = 1753). Rates of postpartum haemorrhage (> or = 500 ml or > or = 1000 ml) were similar in both arms (odds ratio 0.90 (0.82); 95% confidence interval 0.75 to 1.07 (0.59 to 1.14) at 500 ml (1000 ml) threshold). The use of oxytocin-ergometrine was associated with nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS--There are few advantages but several disadvantages for the routine use of oxytoxinergometrine when prophylactic active management of the third stage of labour is practised. Further investigation of dose-response for oxytocin may be warranted.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare tension-free open mesh hernioplasty under local anaesthetic with transabdominal preperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repair under general anaesthetic. Design: A randomised controlled trial of 403 patients with inguinal hernias. Setting: Two acute general hospitals in London between May 1995 and December 1996. Subjects: 400 patients with a diagnosis of groin hernia, 200 in each group. Main outcome measures: Time until discharge, postoperative pain, and complications; patients’ perceived health (SF-36), duration of convalescence, and patients’ satisfaction with surgery; and health service costs. Results: More patients in the open group (96%) than in the laparoscopic group (89%) were discharged on the same day as the operation (χ2=6.7; 1 df; P=0.01). Although pain scores were lower in the open group while the effect of the local anaesthetic persisted (proportional odds ratio at 2 hours 3.5 (2.3 to 5.1)), scores after open repair were significantly higher for each day of the first week (0.5 (0.3 to 0.7) on day 7) and during the second week (0.7 (0.5 to 0.9)). At 1 month there was a greater improvement (or less deterioration) in mean SF-36 scores over baseline in the laparoscopic group compared with the open group on seven of eight dimensions, reaching significance on five. For every activity considered the median time until return to normal was significantly shorter for the laparoscopic group. Patients randomised to laparoscopic repair were more satisfied with surgery at 1 month and 3 months after surgery. The mean cost per patient of laparoscopic repair was £335 (95% confidence interval £228 to £441) more than the cost of open repair. Conclusion: This study confirms that laparoscopic hernia repair has considerable short term clinical advantages after discharge compared with open mesh hernioplasty, although it was more expensive.

Key messages

  • In the 4 hours after surgery laparoscopic hernia repair with general anaesthesia causes more pain than open repair with local anaesthesia (mainly because of the anaesthesia used) and necessitates longer stay in hospital. Laparoscopic hernia repair, however, causes less pain than open hernia repair during the first 2 weeks after discharge
  • Laparoscopic hernia repair results in fewer episodes of wound infection, persistent local pain, genital swelling, numbness, and constipation than open repair. Urinary disturbances are more common after laparoscopic than after open repair
  • Patients’ perception of health 1 month after the operation (assessed with the SF-36) and satisfaction with treatment is superior for laparoscopic patients who also have a shorter period of convalescence after surgery
  • The health service cost of day case laparoscopic repair is £335 more than the cost of open mesh hernioplasty performed on a day case basis

Objectives To test the efficacy of treatment for unilateral visual loss detected by preschool vision screening and the extent to which effectiveness varies with initial severity.Design Randomised controlled trial of full treatment with glasses and patching, if required, compared with glasses only or no treatment. Masked assessment of best corrected acuity after one year of follow up.Setting Eight UK eye departments.Participants 177 children aged 3-5 years with mild to moderate unilateral impairment of acuity (6/9 to 6/36) detected by screening.Results Children in the full and glasses treatment groups had incrementally better visual acuity at follow up than children who received no treatment, but the mean treatment effect between full and no treatment was equivalent to only one line on a Snellen chart (0.11 log units; 95% confidence interval 0.050 to 0.171; P < 0.0001). The effects of treatment depended on initial acuity: full treatment showed a substantial effect in the moderate acuity group (6/36 to 6/18 at recruitment) and no significant effect in the mild acuity group (6/9 to 6/12 at recruitment) (P = 0.006 for linear regression interaction term). For 64 children with moderate acuity loss the treatment effect was 0.20 log units, equivalent to one to two lines on a Snellen chart. When all children had received treatment, six months after the end of the trial, there was no significant difference in acuity between the groups.Conclusions Treatment is worth while in children with the poorest acuity, but in children with mild (6/9 to 6/12) unilateral acuity loss there was little benefit. Delay in treatment until the age of 5 did not seem to influence effectiveness.  相似文献   

The efficacy of vancomycin in pseudomembranous colitis was assessed in a prospective randomised controlled trial. Forty-four patients with postoperative diarrhoea were allocated to five days'' treatment with either 125 mg vancomycin six-hourly or a placebo. Sixteen patients had high titres of the neutralised faecal toxin characteristic of pseudomembranous colitis; nine received vancomycin and seven placebo. At the end of treatment faecal toxins were present in one patient given vancomycin compared with five of the controls. Vancomycin caused the disappearance of Clostridum difficile from the stool in all except one patient, whereas toxicogenic strains of Cl difficile persisted in all but one of the controls. Histological evidence of psuedomembranous colitis had disappeared by the end of treatment in six out of seven patients given vancomycin compared with only one out of seven patients given vancomycin compared with only one out of five patients given placebo. In patients with faecal toxins bowel habit had returned to normal in seven of the vancomycin group compared with only one of the controls, but there was no significant difference in clinical response among patients without faecaal toxins. The results suggest that vancomycin eliminates toxin-producing Cl difficile from the colon and is associated with rapid clinical and histological improvement in patients with pseudomembranous colitis.  相似文献   

Objectives To compare the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of treatment with intravenous antibiotics for cellulitis at home and in hospital.Design Prospective randomised controlled trial.Setting Christchurch, New Zealand.Participants 200 patients presenting or referred to the only emergency department in Christchurch who were thought to require intravenous antibiotic treatment for cellulitis and who did not have any contraindications to home care were randomly assigned to receive treatment either at home or in hospital.Main outcome measures Days to no advancement of cellulitis was the primary outcome measure. Days on intravenous and oral antibiotics, days in hospital or in the home care programme, complications, degree of functioning and pain, and satisfaction with site of care were also recorded.Results The two treatment groups did not differ significantly for the primary outcome of days to no advancement of cellulitis, with a mean of 1.50 days (SD 0.11) for the group receiving treatment at home and 1.49 days (SD 0.10) for the group receiving treatment in hospital (mean difference 0.01 days, 95% confidence interval -0.3 to 0.28). None of the other outcome measures differed significantly except for patients'' satisfaction, which was greater in patients treated at home.Conclusions Treatment of cellulitis requiring intravenous antibiotics can be safely delivered at home. Patients prefer home treatment, but in this study only about one third of patients presenting at hospital for intravenous treatment of cellulitis were considered suitable for home treatment.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that general practitioners would obtain better outcomes for patients with hypertension using a computer than doctors not using a computer was tested. Sixty family physicians were randomised to two treatment strategies. "Test" physicians completed a data collection form after each visit from a patient with hypertension and mailed the forms to the test centre for processing. Computer feedback on management was mailed to the doctors. This encouraged doctors to apply the "stepped care" protocol, supplied charts of diastolic blood pressure v time, and ranked patients'' diastolic blood pressures by percentile. Letters were mailed to patients to remind them of appointments. "Control" doctors filled out the same data collection forms as test physicians, but neither doctors nor patients received computer feedback. Physicians who used the computer saw more patients per practice than control doctors (test 50 patients, control 40). For all patients the length of follow up was significantly longer in test practices (test 199 days, control 167), and a smaller percentage dropped out of active treatment in test practices (test 37.5%, control 42.1%). For patients with "moderate" hypertension of a baseline diastolic pressure of greater than 104 mm Hg the mean score of the last recorded pressure was below the goal of 90 mm Hg in test practices (88.5 mm Hg), but it failed to reach this goal in control practices (93.3 mm Hg). A greater average reduction of diastolic pressure was achieved in test practices (test 21.7 mm Hg, control 16.7 mm Hg). Though patients with "moderate" hypertension were better controlled in test practices than in control practices, the patients in test practices visited their doctors less often (test 13.3 visits per patient-year, control 17.4 visits). Among patients with newly detected hypertension test practices achieved a greater reduction in diastolic pressure than control practices (test 15.1 mm Hg v control 11.3 mm Hg) and more sustained control of hypertension (test 323 days per patient-year with a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or less v control 259 days).  相似文献   

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