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The life table responses and population dynamics of four cladocerans(Ceriodaphnia lacustris, Daphnia parvula, Diaphonosoma leuchtenbergianumand Moina micrura) were measured during a flood of a large turbidreservoir (Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas). Mean recruitment andlongevity of Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia in life table experimentswere reduced during the flood when abundant silt particles andpicoplankton (<2 µm) replaced algal particles in thewater column. Individual growth rates measured in the life tableexperiments were slower for Ceriodaphnia during the flood. Fieldcollections revealed that Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia populationsdeclined immediately after the arrival of turbid water, andremaining females carried fewer eggs. Populations of Moina andDiaphanosoma increased during the flood, and life table experimentsshowed that these species were able to grow well in silt-ladenwater.  相似文献   

The effects of fluctuations in North Sea flows on zooplankton abundance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Time series of annual mean zooplankton abundance observed bythe Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North Sea duringthe last three decades are compared with transports from a depth-averagedstorm-surge model by means of multiple regression analysis.In the northern areas, more than half the variance of Calanusfinmarchicus can be accounted for by the winter flows. Thereare no statistically significant relationships in other NorthSea areas or by using the flows from other seasons. This isconsistent with the accepted view that this copepod overwintersin the North Atlantic and enters the North Sea in the earlyspring. The model flows are strongly related to the strengthof the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). which may explain therecently reported association of C.finmarchicus with the NAO.Other species do not exhibit statistically significant relationshipswith any of the model flows.  相似文献   

Series of six repeated vertical Zooplankton hauls 5 min apart were made on a hourly basis during 7 h at an anchor station in the upper St. Lawrence Estuary, Québec. A hierarchical analysis of variance showed that hour-to-hour variations in numbers of most Zooplankton components were of greater magnitude than those found within 30 min or caused by counting errors.The increase of variance for increasing lengths of the sampling period was investigated using a 175 h time series of Zooplankton samples taken 30 min apart at the same location. The results show that the confidence interval of a single observation at the anchor station increases as the scale of the experiment approaches that of the main advective processes (semidiurnal tidal currents) after which it remains relatively stable. For a given sampling scale, the statistical dispersion of Zooplankton is not permanent but varies in time and space under the effects of tidal advection and mixing. These results show that, in tidal estuaries, advection phenomena are more easily recognizable than turbulence effects.  相似文献   

A 2 1/2-year study (September 1980-March 1983) of abundance, dispersion, and prevalence of the pseudophyllidean cestode, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, in 3 species of fish (Gambusia affinis, Notropis lutrensis, and Pimephales promelas) was conducted in 3 ecologically distinct areas of a North Carolina cooling pond. Mean infrapopulation density and prevalence differed by site, season, and species and size of hosts. Degree of aggregation and abundance and prevalence of gravid worms differed by species of host. Abundance of gravid worms was significantly lower in metapopulations from localities that received power plant effluents. The differences in infrapopulation density, prevalence, and aggregation appeared to be related to predator-prey interactions, which varied with season and local community structure. Differences in abundance of gravid worms, on the other hand, were probably caused by differential suitability of hosts and by local variation in selenium concentration in the water column. Thus, it appears that both biotic and abiotic components of the host community determined the suprapopulation dynamics of B. acheilognathi in Belews Lake.  相似文献   

Shallow coastal lakes are prone to large fluctuations in physico-chemical variables such as salinity and turbidity. This is now escalating in response to global change. A flood event in March 2014 resulted in a silt plume spreading through part of Lake St Lucia (South Africa). To determine the impact of this event on zooplankton, the Narrows region of St Lucia was sampled on a monthly basis from March to September 2014. For comparative purposes, data from samples collected prior to the flood event were included in the analyses. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) revealed dissimilarities in zooplankton community structure among the sampling occasions. The March 2014–May 2014 period was characterized by the highest abundance of freshwater species. Conversely, the abundance of the resident St Lucia copepods Acartiella natalensis and Oithona brevicornis was lowest during this time, and highest in September 2014. The other dominant copepod Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni prevailed in March 2014, but declined markedly in April. As of September 2014, P. stuhlmanni had yet to regain its pre-flood densities. The BIOENV procedure, which relates biological and environmental data, revealed that turbidity, salinity and dissolved oxygen were responsible for the observed changes in zooplankton community structure during the study period. Careful management of turbidity and salinity is stressed, as both factors are major drivers of the biota of St Lucia and similar systems worldwide.  相似文献   

  • 1 This study compares small-scale (i.e. neighbourhood) associations among distributions of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and zooplankton grazing rates using a combination of correlations and analyses of spatial patchiness.
  • 2 All zooplankton and phytoplankton populations had patchy distributions. On average, individuals experienced members of their same taxon at a density that was 42% greater than the mean sample density.
  • 3 The various zooplankton taxa experienced different average neighbourhoods, even within the same stratum of the lake. For example, Daphnia galeata mendotae (Birge) experienced phytoplankton concentrations that were nearly 50% greater than those experienced by Daphnia pulicaria (Forbes) at the same depth.
  • 4 The distributions of the various phytoplankton taxa were positively correlated with each other, but the distributions of zooplankton were negatively correlated, or more often, unrelated to each other.
  • 5 Phytoplankton abundance was negatively correlated with zooplankton grazing rates.
  • 6 We hypothesize that while phytoplankton distributions are driven by common external factors, the factors that determine horizontal distributions of zooplankton are species specific. In addition, zooplankton grazing appears at least partially responsible for the generation of patchiness in the distribution of phytoplankton.

G. Van Urk 《Aquatic Ecology》1979,13(2-3):101-105
Summary Exposure of 4–5 day oldDaphnia hyalina to temperatures of 32° C and higher caused substantial mortality when the exposure time was an hour or more. The tolerance ofBosmina sp. to temperature shocks appears to be about that ofD. hyalina. Naupllus larvae ofCyclops sp. were much more tolerant.Survival and reproduction ofD. hyalina at high temperatures were strongly influenced by the food concentration. In a high food concentration the reproduction is at 28° C as high as at 20° C.  相似文献   

新建水库轮虫和甲壳类浮游动物动态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于2000~2003年调查了新建水库飞来峡水库(1999年蓄水)轮虫和甲壳类浮游动物的动态特征。共检到轮虫68种,枝角类18种和桡足类13种。轮虫、枝角类和桡足类的丰度均不高,分别为0.2~88.6,0.1~13和0.4~13.8 ind.L-1,最高丰度均出现在蓄水后的第4年(2002年3月)。在水库开始蓄水之后,轮虫先以螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)为优势种;然后在蓄水后的第4年(2002年3月)由于长圆疣毛轮虫(Synchaeta pectinata)种群密度大幅度上涨,长圆疣毛轮虫取缔螺形龟甲轮虫成为优势种;此后,随着长圆疣毛轮虫种群回落,螺形龟甲轮虫又成为优势种。对于枝角类来说,水库蓄水初期,短尾秀体氵蚤(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)和长额象鼻氵蚤(Bosmina longirostris)交替成为枝角类的优势种;在蓄水后的第4年,长额象鼻氵蚤种群密度上涨,成为绝对优势种;此后,长额象鼻氵蚤种群回落,但仍然为绝对优势种。对于桡足类来说,在调查期间均以桡足幼体为主,成体丰度很低。飞来峡水库属河流型水库,在调查期间滞留时间为1.3~14.2 d,高的稀释和平流损失率造成浮游动物丰度很低。滞留时间的变化与轮虫、枝角类和桡足类种群波动密切相关;叶绿素a对它们的种群波动影响则不明显,但与长圆疣毛轮虫和长额象鼻氵蚤均显著正相关。在相对较长的滞留时间(14.2 d)和较丰富的食物的条件下,长圆疣毛轮虫和长额象鼻氵蚤种群密度大幅度上涨,并使总浮游动物丰度在蓄水后的第4年出现最高值。  相似文献   

In Lake Mahinerangi, a New Zealand hydro-electric supply reservoir, phytoplankton productivity increased from an annual average of 76 mg earbon m−2 day^−1 in 1964–66 to 210 mg carbon m−2 day−1 in 1968–70. It is likely that the increase was due partly to water levels being higher in 1968–70. Results of multiple regression analyses on the annual productivity curves for 1964–66 had suggested that water level, with temperature, was a major factor influencing the productivity at near-optimal light intensity. In the interval between the two studies the first agricultural land-development, amounting to 3% of the drainage basin, was carried out, and there is evidence that this development also contributed to the increase in phytoplankton productivity. Streams which drain the developed land were richer in phosphate and nitrate than the unmodified ones. Phosphate concentrations in the lake increased, but other chemical changes were slight. There were no major changes in the species composition of the phyto-plankton. None of the three dominant species of zooplankton increased, but there were substantial increases in two less abundant taxa, Daphnia carinata King and Cyclopoida. The relative increase in Daphnia is consistent with the hypothesis that large zooplankton enjoy a competitive advantage over smaller species. Similar changes are noted from elsewhere.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of energetic reserves of zooplankton in the eutrophic Pampulha reservoir was investigated during two successive annual cycles. The effects of dominance of large filter-feeding cladocerans (Daphnia) and the occurrence of massive blooms of the cyanobacteria Microcystis on the energetic reserves of zooplankton were tested. This study showed that phytoplankton composition has a greater effect on energetic reserves of zooplankton. Some associations between lipid levels and the specific composition of zooplankton were also found. This study also demonstrated that the elementary composition of phosphorus in zooplankton can be used as an estimator of the nutritional status of zooplankton.  相似文献   

1. A year-round study was conducted in a mesotrophic reservoir to determine the dynamics of zooplankton populations as a function of food availability (edible phytoplankton), nutrient concentration, temperature and hydraulic regime.
2. Rotifer biomass was correlated with soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration. The abundance of the rotifers Keratella cochlearis and Anuraeopsis fissa were not correlated with food availability (measured by chlorophyll and cell counts) but showed a strong dependence on P availability. Another rotifer, Synchaeta oblonga , and crustacean species were not related to nutrient availability but seemed to be dependent on food concentrations, especially of some phytoplankton taxa.
3. In this field study, rotifers seemed more susceptible than Daphnia or copepods to P-limitation. Among rotifer species, Keratella seemed to be more susceptible than Anuraeopsis to P limitation. Different susceptibilities of zooplankton species to nutrient limitation may be important in explaining the dynamics of these organisms in natural situations. Further analyses are warranted to clarify the interactions between nutrient limitation and energy limitation among zooplankton.  相似文献   

This is a long-term study (1993-1998) on the effects of increasing eutrophication on the crustacean zooplankton structure in a eutrophic reservoir. The study first demonstrates that the eutrophication increase verified is a phenomenon well described by a single abiotic variable: total phosphorus. During the study period, zooplankton suffered extensive qualitative and quantitative changes. Significant size and biomass responses of certain zooplankton groups to the temporal variations of total phosphorus were found. These findings suggest that the variables size and biomass of major zooplankton groups should always be considered simultaneously in order to assess impacts caused by eutrophication on the structure of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Our observations indicate the vertical distribution of zooplankton and its seasonal changes in Dubník II reservoir (Slovakia) are determined mainly by the thermal regime of the reservoir, by transparency, and by fish and invertebrate predation. During periods of circulation, zooplankton vertical distribution in the whole water column was more homogeneous, whilst during summer temperature stratification zooplankton concentrated in the epilimnion — rotifers in higher layers than crustaceans. During summer stagnation a steep thermal gradient occurred at the boundary of the epi-and hypolimnion and low temperature and low dissolved oxygen in hypolimnion offered a refuge for Chaoborus flavicans larvae against fish, enabling coexistence of vertebrate and invertebrate predation. This evidence supports our previous findings concerning dominance of rotifers in zooplankton and representation of crustaceans by small-bodied species in the study reservoir. Steep thermal gradient and the presence of Chaoborus larvae caused very low zooplankton abundance in the lower part of the water column and a reduction of cladocerans refuges against fish to layers of thermocline or closely under thermocline where Daphnia cucullata and Daphnia parvula were found. Our previous assumptions about the high density of zooplanktivorous fish in Dubník II reservoir are supported by the fact that these small cladocerans are represented by smaller individuals in the upper layers and bigger individuals in deeper layers.  相似文献   

The study provides a 2.5 year record of Rhenosterkop Dam (KwaNdebele, South Africa) plankton population dynamics and production in relation to physical and chemical changes which occurred during the trophic depression and stabilization phases of the reservoir. The mean volume of the reservoir was 4% of full storage capacity. Water temperatures ranged from 14 °C to 27 °C. Due to inorganic suspensoids, the euphotic zone averaged 2.6 m. An anaerobic zone developed each summer. The nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and silica concentrations did not displaya seasonal pattern, but the latter two nutrients declined over the study. The dominant phytoplankton group was the cryptophytes while the zooplankton population was dominated by crustaceans. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 1.1 to 27 mg m–3 and were positively correlated to silica and SRP concentrations and inversely with NH4-N concentrations. Primary production ranged from 22.6 to 375 mgC m–2 h–1; changes in Amax were positively correlated to silica and SRP concentrations. Total zooplankton dry weight biomass varied from <0.5 to >4 mg l–1. Annual zooplankton (secondary) production was 8 to 15 gC m–3 a–1; both primary and secondary production were greatest in the first 12 months of study and remained at low levels for the remainder, similar to the trends for silica and SRP. The data indicate that the reservoir shifted from eutrophic to mesotrophic during the study, typical of events in new reservoirs, and that changes in the plankton populations were largely the result of changing nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Cremona  Fabien  Blank  Kätlin  Haberman  Juta 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(18):4401-4418

We assessed long-term impacts of multiple stressors and their interaction on the zooplankton community of the large, eutrophic, cyanobacteria-dominated Lake Peipsi (Estonia, Russia). Stressor dataset consisted in time series (1997–2018) of temperature, nutrients, pH, water transparency, phytoplankton biomass and taxonomic richness. The best predictors were selected with random forests machine-learning algorithms and the subsequent models were constructed with generalized linear modeling. We also aimed to identify graphical thresholds representing non-linear, marked responses of abundance or biomass to stressors. Temperature was the dominant stressor for explaining zooplankton abundance and biomass, followed by cyanobacteria biomass, total nitrogen concentration and water transparency. The effect of water temperature was positive, whereas the effect of cyanobacteria became negative after their biomass exceeded a threshold of?~?2 mg l?1. However, the two stressors together had antagonistic effects on zooplankton, causing a decrease in biomass and abundance. For zooplankton, critical thresholds of total nitrogen (~?700 μg l?1), total phosphorus (~?70 μg l?1), and water transparency (~?1.4 m) after which zooplankton metrics changed drastically, were determined. These findings show that although lake warming alone could be positive for zooplankton, the necessity of reducing interacting stressors that influence harmful cyanobacteria growth and biomass, especially nitrogen loads, must be considered.


1. The diurnal variations in the habitat choice of the periodically plant-attached cladoceran Sida crystallina together with light environment and predator abundance were studied.
2. The density of S. crystallina attached to floating leaves of Nuphar lutea increased between 18:00 and 20:00 hours, when light intensity underneath the leaves was temporarily increased, and decreased again when light intensity declined. A proportion of S. crystallina remained in the swimming mode underneath the leaves even during daylight, indicating that the water column sheltered by the leaves is safer than the open water.
3. In the water adjacent to the leaves, the density of S. crystallina increased steeply in the dark. The increase was not accompanied by a decrease in S. crystallina attached to plant leaves, indicating that the nocturnal increment in the open water density of S. crystallina was due to migration from daytime refuges other than floating leaves.
4. Sida crystallina was most intensively consumed by perch ( Perca fluviatilis ). Predation threat by fish had weaker effects on the density of S. crystallina attached to plant leaves than on cladocerans in the adjacent water. Cladocerans underneath floating plant leaves, whether attached or not, are probably less vulnerable to fish predation than those outside the leaf cover.
5. The results suggested that light intensity is the proximate factor regulating the attachment of zooplankton to the lower surfaces of floating macrophyte leaves. Light intensity has a positive effect on the density of S. crystallina attached to the floating leaves and a negative effect on density in the water. Predation threat by fish has a strong effect on the migration of zooplankters into the open water habitat.  相似文献   

To quantify the effects of nutrient enrichment (N and P) and zooplankton grazing on the phytoplankton community structure of El Andino reservoir (Venezuela), in situ microcosms were installed for 6–7 days. Microcosms consisted of polyethylene bags (42 cm × 71 cm, non-cylindrical shaped) filled with 10 l of filtered epilimnetic water. Experiments were carried out on a monthly basis from January to December 1993. The lack/addition of nutrients was cross-classified with the absence/presence of zooplankton, resulting in an experimental design of four treatment levels: (1) no nutrient addition, zooplankton absent (C); (2) nutrient addition (150 NH4Cl mol ml–1 and 10 KH2PO4 mol ml–1; 1 ml per l of sample), zooplankton absent (N); (3) no nutrient addition, zooplankton present (collected from the reservoir water column using a 6-m vertical tow with a 80-m plankton net) (Z); and (4) nutrient addition (as in [2]), zooplankton present (as in [3]) (NZ). Treatments were triplicated, and samples were collected at the start and end of each experiment. Significant differences between treatments were determined using a two-way ANOVA at p<0.05. Nutrient enrichment caused an increase in phytoplankton biomass, with the increase of all algal groups, except Pyrrhophyta. In spite of this, relative proportions of Cyanobacteria decreased in most cases. Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta increased, probably due to their greater competitive abilities for phosphorus. After enrichment, Scenedesmus was the dominant species from January to June, while from July to December, Dactylococcopsis and Lyngbya dominated in the enriched microcosms. Zooplankton affected the phytoplankton community in microcoms through grazing and nutrient (mainly P) regeneration. Cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma sp.) mainly grazed on diatoms, although particulate material was present in almost all the gut contents analyzed. Particulate material probably consisted of micro-algae, detritus, bacteria, triturated algae and mineral particles. Ostracoda mainly fed on Peridinium and particulate material, whereas Thermocyclops sp. and rotifers (Brachionus spp. and Keratella spp.) mainly ingested particulate material. On the other hand, zooplankton excretion caused a slight increase in phytoplankton biomass and P concentrations in microcosms with the animals present. The effects of nutrient and zooplankton did not interact in most cases. Experimental results suggest that, at the initial stages of a eutrophication process, phytoplankton could increase their abundance and biomass, but might not change its community structure. Since there was a strong correlation between phosphorus and chlorophyll-a (bottom-up control), it is suggested that eutrophication could be avoided by controlling P input to the reservoir.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for estimating the abundance of eachzooplanklon species in a sample after counting at least twosub-samples from a Folsom splitter. A multinomiai model is assumedfor the splitting process. The method may be summarized as follows:two sub-samples, balanced with respect to the left — rightsplits, are counted. The counts for each species are testedfor homogeneity using a x2 test. If the counts are homogeneous,an estimator is given which permits the estimation of the numberof animals in the sample, and the variance of this estimate.If the subsample counts are heterogeneous, it is assumed thatclumping has occurred. A procedure is described in which additionalsub-samples are counted to locate the clump, and estimatorsof abundance (and variance estimators) are derived. If the splitterbias is <5%, bias of the abundance estimator is negligiblecompared to the binomial sampling error. Comparisons of speciesabundance between plankton samples is made more rigorous usingthe estimates of mean abundance, and the variance of this mean,provided by the methods described here. *Present address: Dunoon Road, Dorroughby, NSW 2480, Australia.  相似文献   

Zooplankton community structure was examined at five stations in Normandy Reservoir, Tennessee, on six dates from 11 July to 15 September 1980. Four physical and chemical parameters at three depths at each station were used to discriminate statistically among areas of the reservoir over time; a similar analysis based on nine taxonomic and ecological categories of zooplankton was also completed. Each of the two multi-variate analyses provided a matrix of similarities among station-times (n = 30) in the reservoir. The two similarity matrices were compared by the Mantel test and were found to be not significantly concordant, suggesting that physical-chemical variation among areas in the reservoir during the summer months was not precisely reflected by zooplankton community structure. The lack of congruence between physically- and chemically-determined reservoir structure and structure implied by zooplankton taxa or functional groups was also observed in the results of a random-effects-model ANOVA of physical and chemical parameters and zooplankton densities. ANOVA of zooplankton densities revealed that spatial variation was generally greater than temporal variation, although most of the spatial variation was ephemeral (station-time interaction) rather than fixed (station effects). An ANOVA of physical and chemical variables revealed considerable fixed spatial variation over the same time scale.  相似文献   

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