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Summary The effect of a single i.p. administration of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS) upon rat testicular histology was studied by light microscopy and morphometry up to 4 weeks after treatment. One day after injection the interstitial tissue exhibited degenerating Leydig cells, abundant pyknotic interstitial cells, deposition of cellular debris and extensive networks of fibrillar material. Macrophages contained greatly increased numbers of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. From 3 to 7 days morphometric analysis showed that Leydig cells and cellular debris had disappeared from the interstitial tissue, leaving only macrophages, fibroblasts and lymphatic endothelial tissue. A very small number of new Leydig cells were seen on day 14, often located in peritubular or perivascular positions. Regeneration of foetal-like Leydig cells occurred by 4 weeks, their cytoplasm containing large lipid inclusions and, numerous Leydig cells were often observed closely applied to the walls of the seminiferous tubules. The observations suggest that, after experimental destruction and depletion of Leydig cells, an interstitial precursor cell, as yet unidentified, gives rise to a new Leydig cell population. EDS thus offers a valuable opportunity to study further the interactions between the seminiferous tubules and the interstitial tissue following the destruction and subsequent regeneration of the Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Summary Leydig cells in testes of adult rats were selectively destroyed by a single intraperitoneal injection of ethane dimethane sulphonate. Four days later rats were made unilaterally cryptorchid and 1, 2 and 4 weeks later the histology of the testes was examined by light microscopy and morphometry. After induction of unilateral cryptorchidism, the volume of abdominal compared to scrotal testes was reduced by 45–60% due to rapid impairment of spermatogenesis in abdominal testes. Leydig cells were not present in either scrotal or abdominal testes in the 1-week unilateral crytorchid group. A new generation of foetal-type Leydig cells was observed in scrotal testes of the 2-week unilateral crytorchid group although their total volume per testis estimated by morphometry, was small, being approximately 1 l. In contrast, the abdominal testis exhibited a remarkable proliferation of foetal-type Leydig cells (total volume per testis, 16 l) which predominantly surrounded the peritubular tissues of the seminiferous tubules. A similar morphology and pattern of Leydig cell development was observed in scrotal and abdominal testes of the 4-week unilateral cryptorchid group where total Leydig cell volume was 7 l vs 21 l, respectively. The results show that regeneration of a new population of Leydig cells occurs more rapidly in the abdominal testis than in the scrotal testis of the same animal. These observations suggest the possibility that augmentation of Leydig cell growth is mediated by local intratesticular stimulatory factors within the abdominal testis. Development of new Leydig cells from the peritubular tissue provides circumstantial evidence that the seminiferous tubules and in particular the Sertoli cells, are a likely source of agents that stimulate the growth of Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Summary Five-day-old male rats received a single treatment of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS), and the response of the testis on days 6–10 and 21 was examined by light microscopy and morphometry, supplemented by measurement of peripheral testosterone levels. One day after treatment, foetal Leydig cells degenerated, showing fragmentation, condensation and nuclear pyknosis. Macrophages phagocytosed the foetal Leydig cells resulting in their disappearance by day 7. Destruction of foetal Leydig cells was followed by an arrest of testicular growth in comparison to testes of intact age-matched control rats. In testes of EDS-treated rats, gonocytes and spermatogonia also degenerated, forming pyknotic bodies within the seminiferous cords. In contrast, interstitial fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells showed proliferative activity, which on days 4 and 5 after treatment resulted in peritubular hyperplasia surrounding each seminiferous cord. Thereafter, on day 21 after EDS administration, the previously depressed serum testosterone levels became markedly elevated coincident with the development of many immature-type Leydig cells, of which the total volume per testis was similar to that of Leydig cells in control testes, despite a four- to five-fold difference in testicular volumes. The results indicate that, although EDS destroys the foetal Leydig cells and impairs spermatogenesis, the interstitial tissue exhibits increased cell growth. The latter probably occurs in response to altered gonadotrophic stimulation and/or disturbances in the interaction between the seminiferous cords and the interstitial tissue.  相似文献   

Summary A single intraperitoneal injection of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS) destroys all Leydig cells in the adult rat testis but 1–2 weeks later new foetal-type Leydig cells begin to regenerate within the interstitial tissue. A further EDS treatment at 4 weeks failed to kill the new population of foetal-type Leydig cells. Between 10–20 weeks, the new Leydig cells exhibited the characteristics of adult-type Leydig cells. These cells responded to another EDS treatment by exhibiting a second phase of complete degeneration followed by regeneration of a foetal-type and subsequently an adult-type cell population. The results indicate that the testis retains the ability to replenish its supply of Leydig cells despite successive phases of total degradation of Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Summary The cytotoxic effects of ethane dimethanesulphonate upon rat Leydig cells were examined ultrastructurally up to 3 days after treatment and related to changes in serum levels of gonadotrophins and testosterone. Six hours after administration of ethane dimethanesulphonate the usual tubulo-vesicular morphology of Leydig-cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum was converted to small vesicles and the Golgi apparatus showed focal hypertrophy into anastomosing tubules. These changes became more marked by 12 h with many Leydig cells exhibiting karyopyknosis and hyperchromatism. Necrotic Leydig cells were often engulfed by macrophages, the latter containing pyknotic fragments of Leydig cells within their cytoplasm. One day after administration, advanced necrosis of Leydig cells occurred, many of which were phagocytosed by macrophages, and on day 3, destruction of Leydig cells was complete resulting in their elimination from the interstitial tissue, which contained only loose connective tissue and macrophages. Structural alterations to the Leydig cells from 6–24 h was reflected by a significant reduction in serum testosterone levels which further declined to the limits of detection accompanying the abolition of Leydig cells on day 3. These changes were paralleled by a significant elevation of serum LH and FSH levels suggesting diminished feedback regulation of pituitary gonadotrophin secretion. The results indicate that ethane dimethanesulphonate is a rapidly acting Leydig cell toxin which may be a useful experimental tool in further studies of spermatogenic function mediated via Sertoli cell-Leydig cell interaction.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological response of the testis of rats, guinea pigs, Syrian hamsters and mice to treatment with the cytotoxin ethane dimethanesulphonate was examined using light and electron microscopy. One to two days after a single administration of ethane dimethanesulphonate to adult rats, guinea pigs, and hamsters, the Leydig cells showed marked ultrastructural alterations suggestive of degeneration and cell death. The former alterations included karyopyknosis, cytoplasmic vesiculation and accumulation of lipid inclusions and large lipofuscin bodies. Fragments of necrotic Leydig cells were often engulfed by the interstitial tissue macrophages. The morphology of the seminiferous epithelium of these three species was unchanged from the morphology observed in vehicle-injected control animals. In contrast, multiple injections of ethane dimethanesulphonate given to mice produced no ultrastructural alterations to Leydig cells yet the seminiferous epithelium exhibited disruption of spermatogenesis. Although the Leydig cells of the mouse appear resistant to ethane dimethanesulphonate, this agent exerts a selective cytotoxic action upon Leydig cells of the rat, guinea pig and hamster thus identifying ethane dimethanesulphonate as a useful chemical for future endocrine and physiological studies of testicular function in three common laboratory species.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was initially discovered as a neuropeptide synthesized in the hypothalamus. Receptors for this hormone include TRH-receptor-1 (TRH-R1) and -2 (TRH-R2). Previous studies have shown that TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 are localized exclusively in adult Leydig cells (ALCs). We have investigated TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 expression in the testes of postnatal 8-, 14-, 21- 35-, 60-, and 90-day-old rats and in ethane dimethane sulfonate (EDS)-treated adult rats by using Western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence. The effects of TRH on testosterone secretion of primary cultured ALCs from 90-day-old rats and DNA synthesis in Leydig cells from 21-day-old rats have also been examined. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 were expressed in fetal Leydig cells (in 8-day-old rats) and in all stages of adult-type Leydig cells during development. Immunofluorescence double-staining revealed that newly regenerated Leydig cells in post-EDS 21-day rats expressed TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 on their first reappearance. Incubation with various doses of TRH affected testosterone secretion of primary cultured ALCs. Low concentrations of TRH (0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 ng/ml) inhibited basal and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)-stimulated testosterone secretion of isolated ALCs, whereas relatively high doses of TRH (1 and 10 ng/ml) increased hCG-stimulated testosterone secretion. As detected by a 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorporation test, the DNA synthesis of Leydig cells from 21-day-old rats was promoted by low TRH concentrations. Thus, we have clarified the effect of TRH on testicular function: TRH might regulate the development of Leydig cells before maturation and the secretion of testosterone after maturation. This research was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 39870109 and 30370750).  相似文献   

The morphological response of the Sertoli cells to partial or complete withdrawal of testosterone was studied in adult rats following hypophysectomy or administration of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS), a toxicant known to destroy selectively the Leydig cells of the testis. To assess the role of germ cells in effecting changes to Sertoli cells following withdrawal of testosterone, germ cell-deficient rats with Sertoli-cell-only testes (SCO) were treated with EDS to remove the source of testosterone. At 6 days after hypophysectomy or 4,6 and 8 days after EDS treatment, stage VII and VIII seminiferous tubules showed degenerating germ cells and numerous basally-located vacuoles approximately 1–15 m in diameter. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that most of the vacuoles were multiple focal dilations of the intercellular space associated with Sertoli cell junctional complexes. In SCO rats, treatment with EDS resulted in a significant (P<0.05) increase in the formation of many vacuoles particularly in the base but also in the trunk of the Sertoli cells and again electron microscopic analysis showed multiple, localized expansions of the intercellular space associated with Sertoli cell junctional complexes. The appearance of intercellular spaces in SCO testes following androgen withdrawal cannot be attributed to shrinkage of degenerating germ cells since the seminiferous tubules did not contain germ cells. It is concluded that withdrawal of androgen induces early morphological alterations of the Sertoli cell junctional complexes in which the sites of membrane fusions representing tight junctions remain intact whereas the intercellular spaces exhibit major focal dilations. The results are discussed in relation to the fluid secretion by the seminiferous tubules which is regulated by the Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Summary We sought to establish conditions that increased the duration of testosterone production by fully differentiated adult rat Leydig cells in primary culture. A freshly isolated suspension of highly purified adult rat Leydig cells produced 83 ng testosterone/106 Leydig cells·h−1 when incubated in Medium 199 in a 1.5 ml microfuge tube with shaking for 3 h with a maximally stimulating concentration of ovine luteinizing hormone (LH). Unfortunately, adult rat Leydig cells that were allowed to attach only to a plastic culture dish flattened out, and testosterone production diminished rapidly. Leydig cells in Dulbecco's modified Eagles' medium-Ham's F12 (1∶1; vol/vol) containing Cytodex 3 beads pre-equilibrated in culture medium containing fetal bovine serum attached to the beads and remained viable, but produced only 30 ng testosterone/106 Leydig cells·h−1 when incubated for 24 h with similar stimulation. Leydig cells similarly cultured and maximally stimulated with LH, responded to bovine lipoproteins (<1.222 g/ml) producing 105 ng of testosterone/106 Leydig cells·h−1 when incubated with 1 mg/ml bovine lipoprotein. Therefore, lipoproteins maintain the steroidogenic capacity of purified adult rat Leydig cells in primary culture for 24 h. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association in Arlington, Virginia, in May 1987. The session was chaired by Dr. Carlton H. Nadolney, member of the TCA Committee on Toxicity, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Evaluation. This research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (grant HD-07204), The Population Center (grant HD-06268), and EPA cooperative agreement (CR81-2765), an NSF equipment grant, and a Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for Gary Klinefelter. Although the research described herein has been funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through cooperative agreement (CR81-2765) to the Division of Reproductive Biology at Johns Hopkins University, it has not been subjected to the agency's peer and policy review, and therefore, does not necessarily reflect the views of the agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

Macrophages in the interstitial tissue of the rat testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Macrophages were identified in the intertubular tissue of the rat testis by loading animals with a particulate vital dye (trypan blue or India ink) and by localizing immunocytochemically a macrophage membrane antigen (MRC W3/25). Leydig cells were identified by the histochemical staining reaction for 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and by a monoclonal antibody. Macrophages were scattered in the interstitial tissue closely attached to and mixed with the Leydig cells. They were never found in the seminiferous tubules. The macrophages comprised about 25% of all the cells in the interstitium. Double staining with a vital dye and a marker antibody showed that all the phagocytosing cells were macrophages and that the Leydig cells did not take up vital dyes. Double staining for the demonstration of the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and the macrophage antigen likewise revealed two distinctly different cell populations. Crude Leydig cell preparations obtained by collagenase treatment of the testis contained macrophages (12–14%). Macrophages were present throughout the postnatal prepuberal development of the testis. Their density was increased in the cryptorchid and irradiated testis.  相似文献   

Summary In testes of rats from 2 to 60 days of age, we examined the number of Sertoli cells (SC) and Leydig cells (LC) as well as the binding of radioiodinated gonadotropins to frozen sections and homogenates. The number of SC per testis increased only during the first 2 postnatal weeks, whereas that of LC was stable up to days 7–10 and increased thereafter. The uptake of 125I-labelled human follicle-stimulating hormone (125I-FSH) to frozen sections was confined to sex cords or seminiferous tubules, while that of 125I-labelled human choriogonadotropin (125I-hCG) matched the distribution of LC in the interstitium. High affinity receptors for FSH and hCG were found in homogenates at all stages studied. The number of FSH receptors per testis increased steadily, whereas that of hCG receptors was low until days 7–10 and rose afterwards. Thus, SC in rat testis appear to proliferate in the presence of fetal LC during the first 2 postnatal weeks and to differentiate concomitantly with the emergence of the adult LC generation after day 10. The complement of FSH receptors in SC remains constant as they proliferate and increases after day 21 as they differentiate. The hCG receptor number is relatively fixed in each LC generation, being higher in adult compared to fetal LC.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated local functions for neurotrophins in the developing and mature testis of rodents. To examine whether these signaling molecules are present and also potentially active in the human testis, we characterized immunohistochemically the expression and cellular localization of the known neurotrophins and their receptors during prenatal testicular development as well as in the adult human testis. Results obtained revealed the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3 and 4, as well as neurotrophin receptors p75NTR, TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC during testis morphogenesis. These proteins were also detectable in the adult human testis, and their local expression could be confirmed largely by immunoblot and RT-PCR analyses. Remarkably, the Leydig cells were found to represent the predominant neurotrophin/receptor expression sites within both fetal and adult human testes. Functional assays performed with a mouse tumor Leydig cell line revealed that NGF exposure increases cellular steroid production, indicating a role in differentiation processes. These findings support previously-recognized neuronal characteristics of Leydig cells, provide additional evidence for potential roles of neurotrophins during testis morphogenesis and in the mature testis, and demonstrate for the first time a neurotrophin-induced functional activity in Leydig cells.  相似文献   

At two years of age the interstitial tissue of Cercopithecus aethiops is composed principally of undifferentiated, fibroblast-like cells. Also present during this time are scattered differentiating Leydig cells, which are characterized by a large nucleus, numerous mitochondria, elements of smooth reticulum, and small cisternae of rough reticulum. A mean level of 1.69 ± 0.66 ng/ml of testosterone was found. At three years Leydig cells are much more numerous and developed; since all the elements of steroid secreting cells are present, even their morphology differs from that observed in mature cells. Lipid accumulation is characteristic during this period. A mean testosterone level of 2.28 ± 0.47 ng/ml was found. Mature Leydig cells are basically similar to that of other mammals, while they differ significantly from that of human Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Leydig cell (LC) is one of the most important somatic cell types in testis, which localized in the interstitium between seminiferous tubules. The major function of Leydig cells is to produce steroid hormone, androgens. LC differentiation exhibits a biphasic pattern in rodent testes, which are divided into two different temporal mature populations, fetal Leydig cells (FLCs) and adult Leydig cells (ALCs). FLCs are transiently present in fetal testes and undergo involution or degeneration after birth. FLCs are completely devoid and replaced by ALCs in adult testes. Comparing to ALCs, FLCs display unique morphology, ultrastructure and functions. The origin of FLCs has been debated for many years, but it is still a mystery. Many factors have been reported regulating the specification, proliferation and differentiation of FLCs. FLCs degenerate in a few weeks postnatally, however, the underlying mechanism is still unknown. In this review, we will focus on the fate determination of FLCs, and summarize the resent progress on the morphology, ultrastructure, function, origin and involution of FLCs.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of boar Leydig cells is re-examined in samples post-fixed with OsO4-K4Fe(CN)6, an elective method to preserve the ultra-structural detail of the endocrine testis. The cells show a pleomorphic arrangement of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Large vesicle-like dilatations are interspersed in the tubular network of this membrane system. The dilatations contain a flocculent material with a dense core and a dispersed peripheral rim. Additional features of boar Leydig cells revealed by OsO4-K4Fe(CN)6 treatment are parallel tubular arrays within residual bodies, and electron-lucent inclusions suggestive of crystals of cholesterol or its esters. These structural characteristics were not identified in previous electron-microscopic studies on Leydig cells of the boar or of other mammals. The unique components of boar interstitial cells described may be the morphological counterpart of the peculiar composition of testicular steroids secreted in this animal, namely low concentrations of androgens and large amounts of pheromones.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural study of testicular biopsies from 87 adult men revealed mitosis in two mature Leydig cells, each from a different man. The men showed normal hormone levels and had received no previous chemotherapy or hormone treatment, nor had they been exposed to known toxic agents. The presence of mitotic Leydig cells suggests that differentiated Leydig cells may divide and contribute either to the increase in the number of Leydig cells or to the formation of multinucleate Leydig cells.This work was partially supported by a grant from the Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica, Madrid, Spain  相似文献   

Summary Testicular macrophages and Leydig cells from adult animals are known to be functionally coupled. For example, secreted products from macrophages stimulate testosterone secretion by Leydig cells. In adult rat testes, structural coupling also exists between these cells. This coupling consists of cytoplasmic projections from Leydig cells located within cytoplasmic invaginations of macrophages. Although macrophages are known to exist in the testis in immature animals, it is not known when these digitations develop. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the time of their development coincides with known maturational events that occur in Leydig cells, particularly during the peripubertal period. Testes from rats at 20, 30 and 40-days-of-age as well as testes from mature rats weighing more than 500 gm were prepared for ultrastructural analysis. It was found that digitations form between 20 and 30-days-of-age. These structures varied from simple tubular projections to complicated branched structures, suggesting that digitations are more than simple invaginations of microvilli into coated vesicles as previously described. Subplasmalemmal linear densities were also observed within macrophages juxtaposed to Leydig cells. Collagen was commonly observed between macrophages and Leydig cells in animals 20 days old. These studies demonstrate that although macrophages are present in the testis in maximal numbers at 20 days-of-age, they do not form junctions with Leydig cells until day 30. This is just prior to the major increase in secretory activity of rat Leydig cells that occurs during puberty.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of FSH on the testicular interstitial tissue of immature hypophysectomized rats were studied by comparing morphological changes in Leydig cells with quantitative changes in interstitial tissue histology using morphometric analysis. Three groups of rats received subcutaneous injections of 0.5 ml saline vehicle or 10 g rFSH or 20 ng oLH (equivalent to the amount of LH known to contaminate the FSH), twice daily for 7 days. Administration of FSH significantly increased testis weight and stimulated more advanced spermatogenesis compared to saline or LH. Morphometric analysis of testes of LH-treated rats showed a small but significant increase in total interstitial cell volume compared to saline treatment. FSH caused much greater increases in the total volume of interstitial tissue and interstitial cells than either saline or LH and significantly increased the total volume of interstitial fluid by comparison with the other groups. FSH but not saline or LH treatment resulted in a striking hypertrophy of Leydig cells, to produce cells ultrastructurally identical to Leydig cells from adults. Since the target tissue of FSH is the seminiferous epithelium, the observed effects on Leydig cells by FSH treatment suggest that the secretion of factors by the seminiferous tubules may mediate the maturation of Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Summary Rat testes were examined by conventional and immunolabeling transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructurally identifiable continuous basement membranes were found around seminiferous tubules and the interstitial capillaries. Patches of basement membrane were, additionally, found on free surfaces of Leydig cells, between two Leydig cells, and in macrophage-Leydig cell contact sites. The ultrastructural findings were confirmed by immunocytochemical localization of laminin and collagen type IV in the same areas. A close association between the capillary basement membranes and the surfaces of perivascular Leydig cells was also observed. The possible basement membrane-mediated interactions of Leydig cells with other testicular structures, together with the novel bioactive products and regulators of Leydig cells, support the role of these cells as exceptionally complex regulatory centers of testicular functions.  相似文献   

Summary The interstitial cells of the pseudohermaphrodite rat testis are both hypertrophic and hyperplastic. The cytoplasm is characterized by smooth endoplasmic reticulum which is abundant and variable in form. Mitochondria are numerous and large with tubular cristae and occasional inclusions. Structural features of the Leydig cells indicate potential for increased steroid synthesis. The presence of large numbers of mast cells in the intertubular area is confirmed.Small seminiferous tubules lack advanced germinal elements. Additional connective tissue and myoepithelial layers produce a thickening of the limiting membrane. Some myoepithelial cells are atypical with an electron translucent cytoplasm and nuclei with dense peripheral chromatin. No spermatogenic cells beyond the cap phase of the spermatid are observed. The cytoplasm of Sertoli cells contains large lipid droplets and degenerating germ cells.The authors are greatly indebted to Drs. A. J. Stanley, J. E. Allison, and L. G. Gumbreck for kindly providing the animals for this study.  相似文献   

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