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The differentiation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of mouse duodenal absorptive cells located at the tip of the villi at 17 days of gestation was compared to that of absorptive cells in duodenal explants of 15-day-old mouse fetuses cultured for 72 hr 1) with Trowell T8 medium (without insulin) alone or supplemented 2) with epidermal growth factor (EGF; 100 ng/ml) or 3) with 25% bovine amniotic fluid (BAF). Glucose-6-phosphatase activity (G6Pase) was localized cytochemically to ensure a better identification of the RER. The intersections of a double lattice falling over and outside the RER were counted and the percentage of intersections over the RER was estimated. With this method, the extent of the RER is not statistically different when the absorptive cells in utero are compared to those of explants cultured with EGF. However, the extent of the RER in the absorptive cells cultured with Trowell T8 medium alone or supplemented with BAF is 50% lower than in the former two groups. It is concluded that EGF promotes the maturation of duodenal absorptive cells in organ culture.  相似文献   

Abstract. The development of an organ-culture system for rat colonic mucosa has enabled a direct assessment of the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on cell division. An augmented mitotic index (AIm) has been employed to identify changes in cell proliferation.
Explants of colonic mucosa from four animals were maintained in a medium containing serum for five days. On the fifth day of culture, half of the explants received fresh medium containing EGF (40 ng/ml) and the remainder (controls) fresh medium only. At 6,12,24 and 48 hr thereafter groups of both experimental and control explants received the metaphase-arresting drug vincristine (4 μ g/ml) for 3 hr prior to fixation. The proportions of vincristine-arrested metaphases within the explants were determined. Analysis of the data indicates that when serum is present exogenous EGF exerts a trophic effect which increases with time ( P < 0.001).
In a second experiment colonic explants from four animals were maintained for five days in a serum-free medium and were then divided into groups, each of which received one of a range of concentrations of EGF. The AIm was determined for each group after 36 hr. It was found that increasing concentrations of EGF produce a small but significant increase in cell proliferation ( P < 0.01). This effect, however, was less pronounced than that seen when serum was present.
These results suggest that EGF has a trophic action on the colon and interacts with additional factors found in serum.  相似文献   

The development of an organ-culture system for rat colonic mucosa has enabled a direct assessment of the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on cell division. An augmented mitotic index (AIm) has been employed to identify changes in cell proliferation. Explants of colonic mucosa from four animals were maintained in a medium containing serum for five days. On the fifth day of culture, half of the explants received fresh medium containing EGF (40 ng/ml) and the remainder (controls) fresh medium only. At 6, 12, 24 and 48 hr thereafter groups of both experimental and control explants received the metaphase-arresting drug vincristine (4 micrograms/ml) for 3 hr prior to fixation. The proportions of vincristine-arrested metaphases within the explants were determined. Analysis of the data indicates that when serum is present exogenous EGF exerts a trophic effect which increases with time (P less than 0.001). In a second experiment colonic explants from four animals were maintained for five days in a serum-free medium and were then divided into groups, each of which received one of a range of concentrations of EGF. The AIm was determined for each group after 36 hr. It was found that increasing concentrations of EGF produce a small but significant increase in cell proliferation (P less than 0.01). This effect, however, was less pronounced than that seen when serum was present. These results suggest that EGF has a trophic action on the colon and interacts with additional factors found in serum.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study has been to examine the effects of various concentrations of somatostatin (SS), epidermal growth factor (EGF), as well as of interactions among SS, EGF and thyrotropin (TSH) in their influence upon the mitotic activity of thyroid follicular cells (TFC) in organ culture. The stathmokinetic method was employed. It was shown that: (1) SS, at the concentration of 10(-7) M, suppressed the mitogenic effect of TSH, as well as of TSH and EGF employed together, on TFC; (2) EGF, at the concentration of 10 and 100 ng/ml, increased the mean mitotic activity rate of TFC; (3) TSH and EGF revealed an additive action on TFC proliferation. The obtained results evidently suggest an antiproliferative effect of SS and mitogenic action of EGF on TFC in organ culture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is teratogenic in mice, producing cleft palate (CP). TCDD exposure disrupts expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, EGF, and transforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha) in the palate and affects proliferation and differentiation of medial epithelial cells. EGF knockout embryos are less susceptible to the induction of CP by TCDD. This study used palate organ culture to examine the hypothesis that EGF enables a response to TCDD. METHODS: The midfacial tissues from wild-type (WT), EGF knockout, C57BL/6J, and TGFalpha knockout embryos were placed in organ culture on gestational day (GD) 12. Palatal explants were cultured for 4 days in serum-free Bigger's (BGJ) medium with 0.1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or 1 x 10(-8) M TCDD with or without 2 ng of EGF/ml, 1 or 2 ng of TGFalpha/ml. Effects on palatal fusion were evaluated on day 4 of culture. EGF levels in explants and medium were determined using Luminex technology. RESULTS: In serum-free, control medium, palates from all of the strains fused. EGF knockout palates cultured with TCDD (no EGF) fused, but those cultured with TCDD + 2 ng of EGF/ml failed to fuse (p < 0.05 vs. control or TCDD without EGF). TGFalpha knockout palates failed to fuse when cultured with TCDD + 2 ng of TGFalpha/ml. EGF levels increased in tissue and accumulated in the medium after 24 hr of culture. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that providing EGF to the palates of EGF knockout mice restored the response to TCDD. These studies support the hypothesis that the mechanism for induction of CP by TCDD is mediated via the EGFR pathway.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, several growth factors were identified in the testis of various mammalian species. Growth factors are shown to promote cell proliferation, regulate tissue differentiation, and modulate organogenesis. In the present investigation we have studied the localization of EGF and EGFR in the adult bovine testis by means of immunohistochemical method. Our results demonstrated that EGF and EGFR were localized solely to the bovine testicular germ cells (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids). In contrast, the somatic testicular cells (i.e., Sertoli, Leydig, and myofibroblast cells) exhibited no staining affinity. EGF and EGFR were additionally detected in the epithelial lining of straight tubules and rete testis. Interestingly, the distribution of EGF and EGFR in the germ cells was mainly dependent upon the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium since their localization appeared to be preponderant during the spermatogonia proliferation and during the meiotic and spermiogenic processes. In conclusion, such findings may suggest that EGF and EGFR are important paracrine and/or autocrine regulators of spermatogenesis in bovine.  相似文献   

Human fibroblast (WS-1) cells in culture synthesized and secreted an epidermal growth factor which cross-reacted with human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) purified from human urine. hEGF secreted by the cells (designated as WS-1 EGF or fibroblast EGF) and hEGF isolated from urine (designated as urine EGF) were immunologically indistinguishable. The molecular weight of fibroblast EGF estimated by gel filtration was identical with that of hEGF from urine. On chromatofocusing chromatography, fibroblast EGF was eluted mainly at pH 4.26 as a sharp symmetric peak with a minor peak at pH 4.62, like urine EGF. These results suggested that EGF synthesized and secreted by human fibroblast cells is an identical molecule to that of hEGF in human urine.  相似文献   

 In order to study the potential of non-invasive scintigraphic evaluation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor status in vivo, the biokinetics and tumor binding of 125I-EGF and anti-(EGF receptor) mAb 425 were investigated in nude mice bearing human tumor xenografts with different EGF-receptor densities as determined by a radioreceptor assay. The results demonstrated a tumor uptake for both substances depending on the receptor level. The EGF receptor status, however, was reflected slightly better by the binding of EGF to tumor tissue compared to the mAb. The rapid blood clearance of EGF with a plasma half-life of less than 1 min led to a tumor-to-blood ratio of approximately 3 within 6 h after injection in tumors with a high receptor expression. A similar ratio for the mAb was not obtained before day 6 after injection. The absolute concentration of EGF, however, was low compared to the mAb. Therefore, it can be concluded that the EGF receptor status as a target for (radio)immunotherapy can be evaluated in vivo with EGF labeled with a short-life positron-emitting radionuclide or with monoclonal antibodies to the EGF receptor or their fragments. Received: 14 September 1995 / Accepted: 6 December 1995  相似文献   

The primary structure of the chicken epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was deduced from the sequence of a cDNA clone containing the complete coding sequence and shown to be highly homologous to the human EGF receptor. NIH-3T3 cells devoid of endogenous EGF receptor were transfected with the appropriate cDNA constructs and shown to express either chicken or human EGF receptors. Like the human EGF receptor, the chicken EGF receptor is a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 170,000. Murine EGF bound to the chicken receptor with approximately 100-fold lower affinity than to the human receptor molecule. Surprisingly, human transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) bound equally well or even better to the chicken EGF receptor than to the human EGF receptor. Moreover, TGF-alpha stimulated DNA synthesis 100-fold better than did EGF in NIH 3T3 cells that expressed the chicken EGF receptor. The differential binding and potency of mammalian EGF and TGF-alpha by the avian EGF receptor contrasts with the similar affinities of the mammalian receptor for the two growth factors.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which retinoids (RA) induce cleft palate is not known. During normal palatogenesis, the medial epithelia of opposing palatal shelves cease DNA synthesis, come into contact, adhere, and undergo programmed cell death (PCD). In organ cultures of day 12 embryonic mouse palatal shelves, epidermal growth factor (EGF) blocks PCD, and DNA synthesis continues. In the present study, the effects of trans-RA, 13-cis-RA, EGF, and combinations of EGF and RA on surface morphology, DNA synthesis, and cellular ultrastructure are determined for CD-1 embryonic mouse palatal shelves cultured on day 12 of gestation. DNA synthesis in the medial cells was sustained and PCD was blocked by EGF, trans-RA, and 13-cis-RA. Exposure to trans-RA, but not to 1-cis-RA, induced the medial epithelia to undergo hyperplasia, and addition of EGF enhanced the effect. In the presence of RA, particularly trans-RA, medial epithelial cells acquired nasal cell characteristics, and EGF enhanced this effect. Expansion of the mesenchymal extracellular spaces was blocked by trans-RA and to a lesser degree by 13-cis-RA. The RA-induced alterations in normal epithelial and mesenchymal cell differentiation may be relevant to the etiology of RA-induced cleft palate in vivo.  相似文献   

Human fetal kidney explants (13-17 weeks of gestation) were maintained in serum-free organ culture. The influence of epidermal growth factor (EGF) was determined after 2 and 5 days by evaluating DNA and protein synthesis as well as the activities of five brush border hydrolases. During the studied period the overall morphology was preserved and the analysed parameters remained constant. Only DNA synthesis decreased after 2 days. The addition of EGF to the medium did not change any of the cell activities, except DNA synthesis. In fact, the incorporation of [3H]thymidine was significantly stimulated by 105% in 5-day explants cultured in the presence of the growth factor. These results indicate that EGF directly influences proliferation but not maturation of brush border enzymes in fetal human kidneys in culture.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was aimed at assessing whether epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptors are present in the gastric mucosa during the healing of gastric ulcers. Immunohistochemical, immunochemical and functional studies were performed in rats after induction of ulcers in the oxyntic mucosa. Controls, which included non-operated and sham-operated animals, displayed only rare cells in the bottom of the oxyntic glands showing EGF-like immunoreactivity. Within one day after ulcer induction, a markedly increased number of chief cells in undamaged mucosa showed intense staining. Concomitantly, there was an increased immunoreactivity for EGF receptors in the mucous neck cells. Maximal immunostaining for both compounds was observed at 3 days after ulcer induction; augmented staining was still demonstrable after 3 weeks. RIA revealed significantly increased EGF concentration in the oxyntic mucosa three days after ulcer induction, and at this stage stimulated gastric acid secretion, measured in a parallel group of chronic fistula rats, indicated significant inhibition. The transient increases in EGF-like and EGF receptor immunoreactivities may stimulate gland cell proliferation. The local release of EGF-like substances may also serve to reduce gastric acidity and thereby promote ulcer healing.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor is a potent growth-promoting factor for a variety of tissue cells in vivo and in vitro. Epidermal growth factor binds, phosphorylates, and activates epidermal growth factor receptors on the cell surface. In this study, we attempted to design functional peptide mimics by panning a phage display library on the anti-epidermal growth factor monoclonal antibody. By using anti-epidermal growth factor monoclonal antibody as a mold of the structure of the binding site of epidermal growth factor, high-efficiency probing was expected. From a random peptide phage display library, phage clones that bind to the anti-epidermal growth factor monoclonal antibody were isolated. One of the phage clones also exhibited binding activity to the epidermal growth factor receptor. The amino acid sequence of this phage clone showed slight similarity to the primary sequence of epidermal growth factor. We synthesized this motif to a 9-amino-acid intramolecularly disulfide-linked peptide. This synthetic peptide inhibited mitogenesis as well as epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine phosphorylation, which is induced by epidermal growth factor. The present results suggest that the peptide synthesized in this study may mimic the epidermal growth factor receptor-binding region in epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor tyrosine kinase activity is required for both the earliest EGF-stimulated post-binding events (enhancement of inositol phosphate formation and Ca2+ influx, activation of Na+/H+ exchange), and the ultimate EGF-induced mitogenic response. To assess the role of EGF receptor kinase in EGF-induced metabolic effects (2-deoxyglucose and 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake), we used NIH3T3 cells (clone 2.2), which do not possess endogenous EGF receptors and which were transfected with cDNA constructs encoding either wild type or kinase-deficient human EGF receptor (HER). In addition, we tested the importance of three HER autophosphorylation sites (Tyr-1068, Tyr-1148, and Tyr-1173) in transduction of EGF-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake. Taking our data together, we conclude the following: (i) HER tyrosine kinase activity is required to elicit EGF stimulation of both 2-deoxyglucose and 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake; (ii) mutations on individual HER autophosphorylation sites, Tyr-1068, Tyr-1148, and Tyr-1173 do not impair EGF-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake.  相似文献   

Cells transformed by murine sarcoma viruses (MSV) produce and release into their tissue culture media several polypeptide growth stimulating factors. One of these has been partially purified using Bio-Gel P-60 column chromatography followed by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. This growth factor was assigned the name sarcoma growth factor (SGF), and is here shown to require the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in order to function as a growth factor. DEAE-cellulose chromatography yielded a product that was several-fold purer than the material present in the Bio-Gel P-60 column pool II. The biologically active material from the DEAE-cellulose column, when labeled with 125I, showed specific binding to EGF membrane receptors. The specific binding could be prevented with the addition of either unlabeled EGF or SGF. Both radiolabeled SGF and EGF will bind to live or fixed cells. We were able to bind 125I-SGF as well as 125I-EGF to fixed cells and elute the bound material from fixed receptors. The eluted SGF showed a greater than 25-fold increase in specific binding. The biological activities of EGF and SGF could be bound to and eluted from fixed receptors. The eluted SGF showed a greater than 25-fold increase in specific binding. The biological activities of EGF and SGF could be bound to and eluted from fixed cells. A 3T3 clone lacking EGF receptors was unable to respond to either EGF or SGF, whereas it responded well to serum and several other purified growth factors. The SGF isolated using DEAE-cellulose chromatography was unable to compete in a radioimmune assay using 125I-EGF and antibody to purified mouse submaxillary gland EGF; it also was not precipitated by anti-EGF antibody. From these studies it appears that the SGF produced and released by these MSV-transformed cells combines with and requires the EGF receptor in order to exert its biological effects. The peptide, however, is antigenically distinct from mouse submaxillary gland EGF.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that lactogenic hormones stimulate epidermal growth factor (EGF) mRNA accumulation in mouse mammary glands in vivo and in mouse mammary epithelial cells (NMuMG line). However, our in vitro studies indicate that the lactogenic hormone prolactin (PRL) completely inhibits EGF-stimulated DNA synthesis. PRL does not alter cholera toxin or insulin-like growth factor-1-stimulated cell growth, thus the inhibition appears to be specific for EGF. Our current studies are designed to evaluate the effects of PRL on EGF-stimulated signaling events in the NMuMG cell line. Cells treated with PRL for 30 min demonstrated a loss of high affinity EGF-binding ability. After long-term PRL treatment (18 h) there was a decrease in EGF receptor (R) number, as determined by [125I]EGF binding. PRL treatment (8 h) also decreased EGF-R mRNA levels. An EGF-stimulated increase in EGF-R mRNA observed 2-4 h after treatment was decreased when PRL was added to the cultures. Furthermore, levels of EGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF-R (170 kDa) and phospholipase C gamma (145 kDa) are dramatically decreased in cells treated with PRL. Also of great interest was a decrease in EGF-stimulated c-myc mRNA in PRL-treated cells. We conclude that PRL is acting to down-regulate the EGF-R, thus limiting EGF-stimulated cell signaling in mammary tissue.  相似文献   

Endometrial tissues undergo drastic changes during menstrual cycle. After menstruation, they proliferate and differentiate into cells with secretory activity in the preparation for egg implantation. Although sex steroids play an important role in the development of endometrial tissues, sequential events occurring in the endometrium can not be fully explained by the direct actions of sex steroids. In this study, we offer evidences that EGF is released from endometrial cells and they possess the receptor for EGF. These findings prompted us to explore the biological roles of EGF in endometrial tissues. Here we clearly demonstrate that EGF is involved in the proliferation of endometrial cells. Moreover, EGF is found to enhance both glycogenesis and glycogenolysis, thus increasing the supply of glucose for blastocysts. We further set forth that EGF augments the capacity of progestin receptor and release of prostaglandins in endometrial cells. In summary, this study emphasizes that EGF may participate in the development of human endometrial tissues in concert with sex steroids, thus contributing to the acquisition of receptivity of eggs in the endometrium.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been shown to be present in the milk of several species, including the rat, and to have gastrointestinal effects when given parenterally or orally in pharmacologic doses. We investigated the effect of enteral EGF in physiologic doses on the small intestine and colon of suckling rats. Serum thyroxine (T4) levels were also measured. Rats were gavage-fed by hand with an artificial formula with or without added EGF every 3 h from 11 to 14 days of age. Intake was adjusted to deliver 30 kcal/100 g b.wt./day of formula and 16 micrograms/kg/day of EGF approximating the daily caloric intake, and about twice the estimated daily EGF intake for suckling rats. Weight gain did not differ between groups (fed EGF: 3.8 + 0.2 g; not fed EGF: 3.7 + 0.1 g). The protein content of the whole colon of rats fed an EGF-containing formula was significantly lower and the DNA content significantly higher, than in rats fed formula without added EGF. The protein/DNA ratio was therefore markedly higher in the animals fed formula without added EGF; these effects were most evident in the distal colon. In contrast, there was no effect of EGF on small intestinal protein and DNA content; lactase, sucrase, and maltase activities were likewise unaffected, as was serum T4. These data suggest a physiologic role for breast milk EGF in the development of the suckling rat colon.  相似文献   

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