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The extent of aggregation, electrophoretic mobility, and zeta potential of human erythrocytes were measured in the presence of some hormones and prostaglandins. Catecholamines, adrenomimetics, and prostaglandins were found to significantly increase the extent of aggregation; the electrophysiological characteristics of the cells were affected in different ways.  相似文献   

The interaction of cationic anesthetics with biological membranes and the resulting alterations of membrane electrokinetic properties continue to be of current interest. The present study was designed to examine the effects of procaine hydrochloride (PRHCL) on the mobility of human red blood cells (RBC); electrophoretic measurements were made on RBC suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH = 5.0, 7.4, or 9.2), autologous plasma or 3 g% dextran T70/PBS (pH = 7.4), with PRHCL concentrations from 8 x 10(-6) to 8 x 10(-2) M. Low concentrations of PRHCL (8 x 10(-5)-8 x 10(-3) M) significantly (p less than 0.001) increased RBC mobility, with a maximal increase of 8.2% at 8 x 10(-4) M. Conversely, a higher PRHCL concentration (8 x 10(-2) M significantly (p less than 0.001) decreased RBC mobility. Both glutaraldehyde fixation and lipid extraction abolished any PRHCL-induced increase in RBC mobility; the observed increases in mobility for normal cells are, thus, consistent with a mechanism based on expansion of the RBC membrane glycocalyx. Microelectrophoretic methods were also used to study the effect of PRHCL (8 x 10(-4) and 8 x 10(-2) M) on RBC membrane calcium binding, with the results indicating that PRHCL competes with calcium for neuraminate binding sites. We conclude that the observed changes in RBC electrokinetic properties reflect incorporation of PRHCL into the RBC membrane; such changes may be of importance in modulating cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Differences of red blood cell (RBC) aggregation among various mammalian species has been previously reported for whole blood, for RBC in autologous plasma, and for washed RBC re-suspended in polymer solutions. The latter observation implies the role of cellular factors, yet comparative studies of such factors are relatively limited. The present study thus investigated RBC aggregation and RBC electrophoretic mobility (EPM) for guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, humans and horses; RBC were re-suspended in isotonic 500 kDa dextran solutions for the EPM and aggregation measurements, with aggregation studies also done in autologous plasma. Salient results included: (1) species-specific RBC aggregation in both plasma and dextran (horse > human > rat > rabbit approximately = guinea pig) with a significant correlation between aggregation in the two media; (2) similar EPM values in PBS for rat, human and horse, a lower value for guinea pig, and a markedly reduced EPM for rabbit RBC; (3) EPM values in dextran with a rank order identical to that for cells in PBS; (4) relative EPM results indicating formation of a polymer-poor, low viscosity depletion layer at the RBC surface (greatest depletion for horse RBC). EPM-aggregation correlations were evident and generally consistent with the Depletion Model for aggregation, yet did not fully explain differences between species; additional studies at various ionic strengths and with various dextran fractions thus seem warranted.  相似文献   

The present studies describe the distribution of phosphatidylinositol (PI) within the membrane bilayer of the human red blood cell (RBC) as well as its transbilayer mobility. The membrane bilayer distribution was determined by measuring the hydrolysis of PI in the exterior leaflet of the RBC membrane using a PI-specific phospholipase C and by extraction of PI from the exterior leaflet using bovine serum albumin. The transbilayer mobility of PI was measured by following the fate of radiolabeled PI which was first incorporated into the outer leaflet of the RBC membrane. Our results indicate that PI is asymmetrically distributed in the membrane, with approximately 80% located in the inner and 20% in the outer leaflet of the bilayer. The rate of transbilayer mobility of PI is similar to that for certain molecular species of phosphatidylcholine and much slower than that reported for the aminophospholipids in the RBC membrane.  相似文献   

Local mechanical fluctuations of the cell membrane of human erythrocytes were shown to involve MgATP- and Mg(2+)-driven fast membrane displacements. We propose that these local bending deformations of the cell membrane are important for cell passage through capillaries. In order to verify this hypothesis, we examined cell membrane fluctuations and filterability of erythrocytes over a wide range of medium osmolalities (180-675 mosmol/kg H2O). The results indicate the existence of a positive correlation between the amplitude of local cell membrane displacements and cell filterability. We suggest that the occurrence of metabolically driven membrane displacements on the side surface of the red blood cell diminishes its bending stiffness and enables it to fold more efficiently upon entrance into blood capillaries. Thus, local cell membrane displacements seem to play an important role in microcirculation.  相似文献   

Previous in vitro studies of blood flow in small glass tubes have shown that red blood cells exhibit significant erratic deviations in the radial position in the laminar flow regime. The purpose of the present study was to assess the magnitude of this variability and that of velocity in vivo and the effect of red blood cell aggregation and shear rate upon them. With the use of a gated image intensifier and fluorescently labeled red blood cells in tracer quantities, we obtained multiple measurements of red blood cell radial and longitudinal positions at time intervals as short as 5 ms within single venous microvessels (diameter range 45-75 microm) of the rat spinotrapezius muscle. For nonaggregating red blood cells in the velocity range of 0.3-14 mm/s, the mean coefficient of variation of velocity was 16.9 +/- 10.5% and the SD of the radial position was 1.98 +/- 0.98 microm. Both quantities were inversely related to shear rate, and the former was significantly lowered on induction of red blood cell aggregation by the addition of Dextran 500 to the blood. The shear-induced random movements observed in this study may increase the radial transport of particles and solutes within the bloodstream by orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Endotoxin treatment of blood in vitro (10(-11) mg/RBC, 30 min at 30 degrees C) leads to a significant increase of the membrane elastic shear modulus mu and membrane viscosities as well as of the aggregation index AI and of the velocity of doublet formation.  相似文献   

Studies have been conducted to determine the effects of DMSO and freezing on the electrophoretic distribution of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Sodium [51Cr]chromate was used to label the cells, and the distributions of cell number and cell-associated radioactivity were determined. Cells treated with DMSO had a narrower distribution of electrophoretic mobilities when compared with those not treated. DMSO-treated cells also demonstrated a more homogeneous distribution of radioactivity relative to the cell distribution than did the nontreated cells. The freezing of DMSO-treated cells did not result in any additional alteration of electrophoretic pattern compared to DMSO treatment alone. Analysis by linear categorization techniques indicated that the DMSO-treated and nontreated cells were completely distinguished by their electrophoretic behavior.  相似文献   

The effect of picric acid on the aggregation of human erythrocytes was studied. It was shown that the addition of picric acid to a suspension of washed erythrocytes leads to a decrease in pH of medium to 1.5-2 and the formation of echinocytes. Stirring the suspension of echinocytes at low pH values results in a strong aggregation of cells. Increasing the pH value to 7.4 leads to a desaggregation of echinocytes. It was found that picric acid does not induce the aggregation of cells fixed by glutaraldehyde. A substantial decrease in the aggegation of spheric erythrocytes obtained after heating the cells at 50 degrees C was observed.  相似文献   

Influences of prostaglandin(PG)s on electrophoretic mobilities and aggregation of rabbit platelets were studied. The PGs studied (PGI2, PGE1, PGD2, PGE2, PGF, PGA2 and PGA1) had no effect on platelet electrophoretic mobility. However, both PGE1 and PGI2 in 0.3 and 3.0 μM inhibited ADP-induced aggregation and ADP-induced decrease in the mobility. PGD2 in 0.3 and 3.0, and PGE2 in 30 μM inhibited the aggregation but did not depress the ADP-induced decrease in the mobility. PGF, PGA2 and PGA1 had no effect on the decrease in electrophoretic mobility and on the aggregation caused by ADP.  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene glycol), abbreviated as PEG, was covalently attached to the surface of human red blood cells (RBC) and the effects of such coating on the regions near the cell's glycocalyx were explored by means of cell electrophoresis. RBC electrophoretic mobilities were measured, in polymer-free buffers of various ionic strengths, as functions of PEG molecular mass (3.35, 18.5, 35.0, 35.9 kDa), geometry, (linear or 8-arm branched) and polymer/RBC ratio during attachment. The results indicate marked decreases of the mobility (up to 85%) which were affected by polymer molecular mass and geometry. Since PEG is neutral and its covalent attachment only removes positively-charged amino groups on the cell membrane, such decreases of mobility likely reflect structural changes near and within the RBC glycocalyx. Experimental results were analyzed using an extended "hairy sphere" model to consider friction and thickness of the polymer layer. Calculated polymer layer thickness increased with molecular mass for linear PEGs and was less extended for a branched PEG of similar molecular mass. Friction within the polymer layer increased with polymer/RBC ratio and for the linear PEGs was inversely related to molecular mass; friction was greatest for the branched PEG. Our results are consistent with the effects of attached PEGs on RBC aggregation and surface antigenic site masking, and suggest the usefulness of electrophoretic mobility techniques for studies of bound neutral polymers.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of procaine hydrochloride (PRHCL), a cationic local anesthetic, on the aggregation behavior of human red blood cells (RBC); the effects of PRHCL on RBC suspension viscoelasticity, cell shape, volume and density were also investigated. Four indices of RBC aggregation, induced by autologous plasma or 3 g% dextran T70, were evaluated by a computerized light transmission method, and the viscous and elastic components of the complex viscosity were determined by oscillatory viscometry. Low concentrations of PRHCL (8 x 10(-5) to 8 x 10(-4) M) significantly (p less than 0.05 or better) reduced the extent of aggregation (maximal decrease of 22% at 8 x 10(-4) M), but did not alter the viscoelastic components, cell shape, volume or density. The anti-aggregating effect of PRHCL (8 x 10(-4) M) in plasma significantly (p less than 0.005) decreased with time; this temporal effect was abolished by addition of eserine (1 x 10(-4) M). High concentrations of PRHCL (8 x 10(-2) M) caused: 1) increased extent of aggregation and decreased strength of the aggregates (p less than 0.01 or better); 2) elevation of both viscoelastic components for cells in plasma or buffer; 3) a discocyte-stomatocyte shape change; 4) decreased cell density (p less than 0.001) without alteration of cell volume. Our results at low concentrations of PRHCL suggest a mechanism based on an increase of RBC negative surface potential; at the highest concentration, the effects are most likely due to altered cell shape and deformability, and to decreased RBC negative surface potential.  相似文献   

Using the factor analysis, it was shown that the total content of hemoglobin in human blood plays a limited and indirect role in the regulation of average electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes. In this case, it is not the only parameter governing this level. The statistical relationship between the total content of hemoglobin and erythrocyte mobility in electrical field is not stable and is determined by the dependence of both indices on their common factor of control of erythroid homeostasis.  相似文献   

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