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The present study deals with structure and function of fourareas of Himalayan chir pine forest. Tree layer was monospecificon all sites with varied density and basal cover in the rangeof 540–1630 individuals per ha and 25·0–47·2m2ha–1, respectively. Shrubs having low density were sparselydistributed. All allometric equations relating to biomass ofdifferent components, to circumference at breast height (cbh)were significant, with the exception of that for cone biomass.Total vegetation biomass (115–236 t ha–1) was distributedas 113–283 t ha–1 in trees. 0·56–0·82t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·63–2·57 t ha–1in herbs. Total forest floor biomass including herbaceous litterranged between 9·6 and 13·6 t ha–1. Of thetotal annual litter fall (4·26–7·38 t ha–1),60·3–75·1 per cent was distributed in leaflitter and 24·9–39·7 per cent in wood litter.Turnover rate of tree litter varied from 0·45 to 0·53,whereas rates for shrubs and herbs were assumed to 1. Net primaryproduction of total vegetation ranged between 9·91 and21·2 t ha–1 year–1, of which the contributionof trees, shrubs and herbs was 76·5– 88·1per cent 0·6–1·8 per cent and 11·3–21·5per cent, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter onthe basis of mean data across sites was developed to show drymatter storage and flow of dry matter within the ecosystem. Pinus roxburghii forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

Two approaches to quantifying relationships between nutrientsupply and plant growth were compared with respect to growth,partitioning, uptake and assimilation of NO3 by non-nodulatedpea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma). Plants grown in flowing solutionculture were supplied with NO3 at relative addition rates(RAR) of 0·03, 0·06, 0·12, and 0·18d–1, or constant external concentrations ([NO3)of 3, 10, 20, and 100 mmol m–3 over 19 d. Following acclimation,relative growth rates (RGR)approached the corresponding RARbetween 0·03–0.12 d-1, although growth was notlimited by N supply at RAR =0.18 d-1. Growth rates showed littlechange with [NO3–] between 10–100 mmol m–3(RGR=0·15 –0·16 d-1). The absence of growthlimitation over this range was suggested by high unit absorptionrates of NO3, accumulation of NO3 in tissues andprogressive increases in shoot: root ratio. Rates of net uptakeof NO3 from 1 mol m–3 solutions were assessed relativeto the growth-related requirement for NO3, showing thatthe relative uptake capacity increased with RGR between 0·03–0·06d–1 , but decreased thereafter to a theoretical minimumvalue at RGR  相似文献   

The present study deals with structure and functioning of threeareas of Himalayan oak forest. Low- and mid-altitude oaks, namelyQuercus leucotrichophora, and Quercus floribunda, form predominantevergreen forests in Central and Western Himalaya. The totaltree basal cover ranged between 33·89 m2 ha–1 (Q.floribunda site) to 36·83 m2 ha–1 (Q. leucotrichophorasite). The density ranged between 570 and 760 individuals ha–1.Allometric equations relating biomass of different tree componentsto GBH (girth at breast height) were significant with the exceptionof leaf biomass in Q. leucotrichophora and Rhododendron arboreum.Total vegetation biomass (29·40–467·0 tha–1) was distributed as 377·1 t ha–1 intrees, 5·40 t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·23 tha–1 in herbs. Total forest floor biomass ranged between4·6 and 6·2 t ha–1. Of the total annuallitter fall (4·7–4·8 t ha–1), 77·5% was contributed by leaf litter, 17·8 % by wood litterand 4·7 % by miscellaneous litter. Turnover rate of treelitter varied from 0·66 to 0·70. Net primary productionof total vegetation ranged between 15·9 and 20·6t ha–1 yr–1, of which the contribution of trees,shrubs and herbs was 81·2 %, 8·6 % and 10·2%, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter on the basisof mean data across sites was developed to show dry matter storageand flow of dry matter within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q. floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

Fluxes of diatoms in the Dona Paula Bay, west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment traps were deployed at a station in the Dona PaulaBay to collect sedimenting particles at weekly intervals fromNovember to May during 1995–1997. Sedimented particleswere analysed for total diatom flux, chlorophyll a (Chl a) andparticulate organic carbon (POC). The highest diatom flux wasrecorded in April–May for both the years. Fluxes of diatomsvaried from0.6 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (November 1995)to 121.47 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (December 1996).In all, 19 diatom genera were identified in the sedimented material.Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma, Licmophora, Coscinodiscus,Rhizosolenia and Surirella were the most abundant genera inthe sedimented material throughout the sampling period. Meanflux of POC and diatom carbon was 251 and 0.39 mg C m–2day–1, respectively. The diatom carbon accounted for 0.15%of the POC flux. Mass flux of diatoms showed significant negativecorrelation with the concentration of nitrate and phosphate.This suggests that the nutrient concentration played an importantrole in influencing the sedimentation of diatoms at this coastalstation.  相似文献   

Mucilage content in the stems of four sympatric cactus speciesvaried from none for Ferocactus acanthodes, 19% by dry weightfor Opuntia basilaris, 26% for Opuntia acanthocarpa, and 35%for Echinocereus engelmannii. Although the mucilage differedchemically among the species (the arabinose content ranged from17% to 51% of the sugar monomers), its relative capacitance(change in relative water content per unit change in water potential)remained about 15 Mpa–1. The relative capacitance of thewater-storage parenchyma averaged 1·04 Mpa–1 andwas consistent with the mucilage content, being lowest for F.acanthodes and highest for E. engelmannii. Mucilage isolatedfrom hydrated tissue was accompanied by solutes with an osmoticpressure of about 0·2 MPa. Such associated solutes influencethe water-release characteristics of mucilage and hence itsrole as an apoplastic capacitor. In particular, extracellularsolutes can facilitate the release of appreciable mucilage-boundwater to the cells at tissue water potentials occurring duringthe initial phases of drought. Key words: Echinocereus engelmannii, Ferocactus acanthodes, Opuntia acanthocarpa, Opuntia basilaris, water potential isotherms  相似文献   

Estimation of the Annual Cost of Kiwifruit Vine Growth and Maintenance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elemental analysis (for carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur)and ash data for kiwifruit [Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv. Hayward] stems,leaves and fine roots were used to calculate the specific costs(kg carbohydrate kg-1 dry matter) of organ synthesis with ammoniacalnitrogen supply. Those costs ranged between 1·19 and1·35 for stems and 1·19 and 1·27 for leaves.The mean annual specific cost for fine roots was 1·17.Seasonal vine growth costs were calculated by multiplying thespecific costs by biomass data for a typical vine. Total costof synthesis was 57·2 kg carbohydrate per vine year-1,taking fine root turnover as three times per season. Nitratenitrogen supply increased that cost by 6·6% to 61·0kg carbohydrate per vine year-1. Fruit growth accounted forthe largest proportion of synthetic costs. Vine growth respiration(expressed in terms of carbohydrate equivalents) accounted forapproximately 11·5% of the total cost of synthesis. Maintenancerespiration was estimated to be 5·28, 8·44, 1·90,8·62 and 13·3 kg carbohydrate per organ year-1for stems, leaves, fruit, above-ground perennial componentsand roots, respectively. Total annual cost of growth and maintenancefor a mature vine was 94·7 and 98·5 kg carbohydrateper vine year-1 with ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen supply,respectively. Both values are similar to an estimate of vinephotosynthesis. Maintenance respiration accounted for approximately40% of the total annual cost of vine growth, regardless of theform of nitrogen supplied. Peak carbohydrate demand was duringthe period from 60 to 160 d after budbreak.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, carbon economy, growth respiration, maintenance respiration  相似文献   

The water-mould fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands causes drought-likesymptoms on many hosts, and yet the mechanisms by which infectionleads to wilting are not fully understood. This is the firststudy to describe in detail changes in soil water around theroot with infection. Computer-assisted tomography (CAT) wasused with Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Yandee to examine drawdowns(removal of soil water) around a central root infected by P.cinnamomi in a white sand. No growth differences in roots or shoots were found betweenhealthy and diseased plants during the 8 d of the experiment.However,drawdowns failed at high levels of inoculum (8–16 /Pc-infectedmillet seeds/plant) by 8 d. Water contents in pots with uninfectedplants were in the range 0·09–0·12 cm3 watercm–3 soil in the centre of the pot, while water contentsin pots with infected plants at 16 millet seeds applied werein the range of 0·16–0·19 cm3 water cm–3soil in the centre of the pot. A higher transpirational demand produced lower soil water contentsnear the root but this effect was confounded with infection:disease was more pronounced with higher transpirational demand,and disease led to an increase in water content. Key words: Root disease, Phytophthora cinnamomi, water uptake, soil-root interface, computer-assisted tomography  相似文献   

The Carbon Economy of Rubus chamaemorus L. II. Respiration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MARKS  T. C. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):181-190
Respiratory activity and seasonal changes in carbohydrate contentof the storage organs of Rubus chamaemorus L. have been investigated.Leaf dark respiration rate increases in a non-linear mannerfrom 0·7 mg CO2 evolved dm–2 h–1 at 0 °Cto 4·6 rng CO2 evolved dm–2 hh–1 at 30 °C.Root and rhizome respiration rates increase from 1 µ1O2 uptake g–1 fresh weight h–1 at 0.7 ° C to10 µ10, uptake g–1 f. wt h–1 at 20 °C.Rhizome carbohydrate reserves decline from a September peakof 33 per cent alcohol insoluble d. wt to 16 per cent in May. The circumpolar distribution of R. chamaemorus is discussedin relation to the evidence presented here and in the precedingpaper of the series.  相似文献   

Species-specific differences in the assimilation of atmosphericCO2 depends upon differences in the capacities for the biochemicalreactions that regulate the gas-exchange process. Quantifyingthese differences for more than a few species, however, hasproven difficult. Therefore, to understand better how speciesdiffer in their capacity for CO2 assimilation, a widely usedmodel, capable of partitioning limitations to the activity ofribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, to the rateof ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration via electron transport,and to the rate of triose phosphate utilization was used toanalyse 164 previously published A/Ci, curves for 109 C3 plantspecies. Based on this analysis, the maximum rate of carboxylation,Vcmax, ranged from 6µmol m–2 s–1 for the coniferousspecies Picea abies to 194µmol m–2 s–1 forthe agricultural species Beta vulgaris, and averaged 64µmolm–2 s–1 across all species. The maximum rate ofelectron transport, Jmax, ranged from 17µmol m–2s–1 again for Picea abies to 372µmol m–2 s–1for the desert annual Malvastrum rotundifolium, and averaged134µmol m–2 s–1 across all species. A strongpositive correlation between Vcmax and Jmax indicated that theassimilation of CO2 was regulated in a co-ordinated manner bythese two component processes. Of the A/Ci curves analysed,23 showed either an insensitivity or reversed-sensitivity toincreasing CO2 concentration, indicating that CO2 assimilationwas limited by the utilization of triose phosphates. The rateof triose phosphate utilization ranged from 4·9 µmolm–2 s–1 for the tropical perennial Tabebuia roseato 20·1 µmol m–2 s–1 for the weedyannual Xanthium strumarium, and averaged 10·1 µmolm–2 s–1 across all species. Despite what at first glance would appear to be a wide rangeof estimates for the biochemical capacities that regulate CO2assimilation, separating these species-specific results intothose of broad plant categories revealed that Vcmax and Jmaxwere in general higher for herbaceous annuals than they werefor woody perennials. For annuals, Vcmax and Jmax averaged 75and 154 µmol m–2 s–1, while for perennialsthese same two parameters averaged only 44 and 97 µmolm2 s–1, respectively. Although these differencesbetween groups may be coincidental, such an observation pointsto differences between annuals and perennials in either theavailability or allocation of resources to the gas-exchangeprocess. Key words: A/Ci curve, CO2 assimilation, internal CO2 partial pressure, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Millhouse, J. and Strother, S. 1987. Further characteristicsof salt-dependent bicarbonate use by the seagrass Zostera muelleri.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1055–1068. The contribution of HCO3to photosynthetic O2 evolutionin the seagrass Zostera muelleri Irmisch ex Aschers. increasedwith increasing salinity of the bathing seawater when the inorganiccarbon concentration was kept constant. K1/2 (seawater salts)for HCO3 -dependent photosynthesis was 66% of seawatersalinity. Both short- and long-term pretreatment at low salinitiesstimulated photosynthesis in full strength seawater. Twentyfour hours pre-incubation of seagrass plants in 3·0 molm–3 NaHCO3 resulted in increased photosynthesis at allsalinities, apparently due to stimulation of HCO3 use(K1/2 (seawater salts) = 26%). Vmax (HCO3) was not affectedby low salinity pretreatment. The kinetics of HCO3 stimulationby the major seawater cations was investigated. Ca2+ was themost effective cation with the highest Vmax (HCO3) andwith K1/2(Ca2+) = 14 mol m–3. Mg2+ was also very effectiveat less than 50 mol m–3 but higher concentrations wereinhibitory. This inhibition cannot be accounted for solely byprecipitation of MgCO3. Na+ and K+ were both capable of stimulatingHCO3 use. Stimulation was in two distinct parts. Up to500 mol m–3, both citrate and chloride salts gave similarresults (K1/2(Na+) 81 mol m–3, Vmax(HCO3) 0·26µmol O2 mg–1 chl min–1), but use of citratesalts above 500 mol m–2 caused a second stimulation ofHCO3 use (K1/2(Na+) 830 mol m–3, Vmax(HCO3)0·68 µmol O2 mg–1 chl min–1). Vmax(HCO3)for the second-phase Na+ or K+ stimulation was of the same orderas for Ca2+-stimulated HCO3 use. To further characterizesalt-dependent HCO3 use, the sensitivity of photosynthesisto Tris and TES buffers was investigated. The effects of Trisappear to be due to the action of Tris+ causing stimulationof HCO3 -dependent photosynthesis in the absence of salt,but inhibition of HCO3 use in saline media. TES has noeffect on photosynthesis. External carbonic anhydrase, althoughimplicated in salt-dependent HCO3 use in Z. muelleri,could not be detected in whole leaves. Key words: Zostera muelleri, HCO3 use, salinity  相似文献   

The carbon and nitrogen content of Noctiluca scintillans cellsfrom the Seto Inland Sea, Japan was investigated in order toestimate its biomass in natural samples. The carbon contentof N.scintillans ranged from 123 to 627 ng C cell–1 witha mean value of 353 ng C cell–1, or 1.12 to 2.67 fg Cµm–3 with a mean value of 1.98 fg C µm–3.The nitrogen content ranged from 36.0 to 232 ng N cell–1with a mean value of 131 ng N cell–1, or 0.499 to 0.910fg N µm–3 with a mean value of 0.694 fg N µm–3.Total cell carbon and nitrogen increased but the carbon andnitrogen per cell volume decreased with increasing cell volume.The C/N ratio of the cells ranged from 2.3 to 4.4, which wasrelatively low compared with the Redfield ratio. The carbonand nitrogen content was extremely low (91.2 ng C cell–1,41.8 ng N cell–1) for starved cells, whereas it was extremelyhigh (528 ng C cell–1, 205 ng N cell–1) for cellswhich had ingested the large diatom, Coscinodiscus wailesii.Our results suggest that the carbon and nitrogen content ofN.scintillans varies depending on its physiological conditionand the type of food that it has recently consumed.  相似文献   

The relationships between photosynthesis and photosyntheticphoton flux densities (PPFD, P-l) were studied during a red-tideof Dinophysis norvegica (July-August 1990) in Bedford Basin.Dinophysis norvegica, together with other dinoflagellates suchas Gonyaulax digitate, Ceratium tripos, contributed {small tilde}50%of the phytoplankton biomass that attained a maximum of 16.7µg Chla 1 and 11.93 106 total cells I–1.The atomic ratios of carbon to nitrogen for D.norvegica rangedfrom 8.7 to 10.0. The photosynthetic characteristics of fractionatedphytoplankton (>30 µm) dominated by D.norvegica weresimilar to natural bloom assemblages: o (the initial slope ofthe P-l curves) ranged between 0.013 and 0.047 µg C [µgChla]–1 h–1 [µmol m s–1]–1the maximum photosynthetic rate, pBm, between 0.66 and 1.85µg C [µghla]–1 h–1; lk (the photoadaptationindex) from 14 to 69 µ,mol m–2 s–1. Carbonuptake rates of the isolated cells of D.norvegica (at 780 µmolm–2 s–1) ranged from 16 to 25 pg C cell–1h and were lower than those for C.tripos, G.digitaleand some other dinoflagellates. The variation in carbon uptakerates of isolated cells of D.norvegica corresponded with PBmof the red-tide phytoplankton assemblages in the P-l experiments.Our study showed that D.norvegica, a toxigenic dinoflagellate,was the main contributor to the primary production in the bloom.  相似文献   

This paper elucidates nutrient dynamics in oak forests previouslyinvestigated for dry matter dynamics. The nutrient concentrationsin different life forms were of the order: herb > shrub >tree, whereas the standing state of nutrients were of the order:tree > shrub > herb. Soil, litter and vegetation, respectively,accounted for 32·4–98·0 %; 0·3–3·5%, and 10·2–66·6 % of the total nutrientsin the system. Considerable reductions (8·5–41·7%)in concentrations of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence.The uptake of nutrients by vegetation, and also by differentcomponents with and without adjustment for internal recycling,has been calculated separately. Annual transfer of litter (above+ below ground) to the soil by vegetation was 115·9–187N, 7·5–15·6 P, 122·7–195·1Ca, 36·1–48·8 K and 2·88–5·16Na kg ha–1 yr–1. Turnover rate and turnover timefor different nutrients ranged between 0·66–0·84yr–1 and 1·19–1·56 yr–1, respectively.Compartment models for nutrient dynamics have been developedto represent the distribution of nutrient contents and net annualfluxes within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q.floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, Nutrient concentration, standing state, uptake, internal cycling, turnover  相似文献   

Ammonium and methylammonium ions greatly increase the rate ofCl transport in Chara corallian. This effect is dependenton the pH of the bathing solution. The amine-stimulated Clinflux is small at pH 5·5, increases to a maximum atpH 6·5–7·5, and decreases again as the pHis raised to 8·5. Increased Cl influx is accompaniedby an increase in cytoplasmic pH, as calculated from the distributionof DMO. When the external pH lies between 5·5 and 7·3,cytoplasmic pH in the absence of amine is 7·65–7·70,with an increase of 0·15–0·25 in the presenceof amine. As external pH is increased above 7·3, cytoplasmicpH also increases, with progessively less effect of amine. Although the relationship between Cl influx and cytoplasmicpH is not simple, the results provide evidence in accord withthe hypothesis that Cl transport in Chara involves H+—Clsymport, or the equivalent OH—Cl antiport.The possible role of cytoplasmic pH as a factor involved inthe regulation of membrane transport in Chara is discussed.  相似文献   

The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems, ofnodules and of roots were determined during active nitrogenfixation in soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover andwhite clover, by measurements on whole plants before and afterthe removal of nodule populations. Similar measurements weremade on comparable populations of the six legumes, lacking nodulesbut receiving abundant nitrate-nitrogen, to determine the specificrespiration of their roots. All plants were grown in a controlled-environmentclimate which fostered rapid growth. The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems ofthe three grain and three forage legumes during a 7–14-dayperiod of vegetative growth varied between 10 and 17 mg CO2g–1 (dry weight) h–1. This mean value consistedof two components: a specific root respiration rate of 6–9mg CO2 g–1 h–1 and a specific nodule respirationrate of 22–46 mg CO2 g–1 h–1. Nodule respirationaccounted for 42–70 per cent of nodulated root respiration;nodule weight accounted for 12–40 per cent of nodulatedroot weight. The specific respiration rates of roots lackingnodules and utilizing nitrate nitrogen were generally 20–30per cent greater than the equivalent rates of roots from nodulatedplants. The measured respiratory effluxes are discussed in thecontext of nitrogen nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation. Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover, white clover, nodule respiration, root respiration, fixation, nitrate assimilation  相似文献   

Net photosynthesis rate (Pn), stomatal conductance to CO2 andresidual conductance to CO2 were measured in the last six leaves(the sixth or flag leaf and the preceding five leaves) of Triticumaestivum L. cv. Kolibri plants grown in Mediterranean conditions.Recently fully expanded leaves of well-watered plants were alwaysused. Measurements were made at saturating photosynthetic photonflux density, and at ambient CO2 and O2 levels. The specificleaf area, total organic nitrogen content, some anatomical characteristics,and other parameters, were measured on the same leaves usedfor gas exchange experiments. A progressive xeromorphic adaptation in the leaf structure wasobserved with increasing leaf insertion levels. Furthermore,mesophyll cell volume per unit leaf area (Vmes/A) decreasedby 52·6% from the first leaf to the flag leaf. Mesophyllcell area per unit leaf area also decreased, but only by 24·5%.However, nitrogen content per unit mesophyll cell volume increasedby 50·6% from the first leaf to the flag leaf. This increasecould be associated to an observed higher number of chloroplastcross-sections per mm2 of mesophyll cell cross-sectional areain the flag leaf: values of 23000 in the first leaf and 48000in the flag leaf were obtained. Pn per unit leaf area remainedfairly constant at the different insertion levels: values of33·83±0·93 mg dm–2 h–1 and32·32±1·61 mg dm–2 h–1 wereobtained for the first leaf and the flag leaf, respectively.Residual conductance, however, decreased by 18·2% fromthe first leaf to the flag leaf. Stomatal conductance increasedby 41·7%. The steadiness in Pn per unit leaf area across the leaf insertionlevels could be mainly accounted for by an opposing effect betweena decrease in Vmes/A and a more closely packed arrangement ofphotosynthetic apparatus. Adaptative significance of structuralchanges with increasing leaf insertion levels and the steadinessin Pn per unit leaf area was studied. Key words: Photosynthesis, structure, wheat  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) embryos form in dynamically-regulatedovular environments. Our objectives were to improve developmentof cultured immature wheat embryos by simulating, in vitro,abscisic acid (ABA) levels and O2 tensions as found in wheatovules during zygotic embryogenesis. We characterized from intactwheat kernels embryo respiration, embryo morphology and embryoand endosperm + ABA levels at 13, 19 and 25 d post-anthesis(DPA). Young (13 DPA) embryos were then excised and culturedin vitro, where they were exposed to 0·2 or 2·Ommol m–3 ±ABA and 2.·1, 2·5 or 7·4mol m–3 (6, 7 and 21%, respectively) gaseous O2. At 6and 12 d in culture, + ABA levels, embryo respiration and embryomorphology were characterized by treatment. Thirteen-day-oldembryos from two different plant populations differed by 17-foldin initial ABA content. However, this difference did not affectprecocious germination in vitro, nor did it affect the amountof exogenous ABA required to reduce precocious germination by40%. In this respect, embryos from both populations were equallysensitive to exogenous ABA. Cavity sap O2 levels (2·1to 2·5 mol m–3) were much more effective in preventingprecocious germination of cultured embryos than were cavitysap levels of ABA (0·2 to 2·0 mmol m–3).The combination of physiological levels of both ABA and O2 largelynormalized DW accumulation and embryo morphology without alteringendogenous + ABA levels. Residual respiration of cultured embryoswas higher than that of embryos grown in situ, and was not influencedby the exogenous O2 and ABA treatments Key words: Abscisic acid, embryo development, oxygen tensions, respiration, wheat  相似文献   

The annual total litter fall in six Central Himalayan forestsranged from 2.1 to 3.8 t C ha–1, of which 54 to 82 percent was leaf litter, 9–20 per cent wood litter and 6–14per cent other litter. In all forests the order of relativeabundance of nutrients (kg ha-1 year-1) in litter fall was Ca(50.8–91.6) > N (47.7–72.2) > K (22.8–37.1)> P (4.1–6.4). Leaf litter accounted for 63–95per cent of the total nutrients returned through litter fall. In these forests throughfall ranged from 71.3 to 81.4 per cent,stemflow from 0.50 to 2.16 per cent and canopy interceptionfrom 17.7 to 28.2 per cent of the gross rainfall. In the incidentrainfall the concentration and annual input of Ca was the greatestand of P the least. Canopy precipitation was richer in all nutrientscompared to incident rainfall. Net gain of nutrients from thecanopy ranged from 0.16 kg ha-1 year-1, for P, to 17.77 kg ha-1year-1 for K. Leaching was greatest for K and least for N. Ofthe total quantity of nutrients returned to the soil, 11 to46 per cent was accounted for by precipitation components. Thusprecipitation inputs play a significant role in nutrient cyclingof these forests. Himalaya, forest, litter fall, precipitation components, nutrients  相似文献   

BOKHARI  U. G. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(5):969-979
The influence of various treatments and temperature regimeson total chlorophylls and on the chlorophyll a:b ratio of westernwheatgrass and blue grama plants was investigated at differenttime intervals during the 120-day growth period. Western wheatgrass,a C3 species, accumulated greater amounts of chlorophyll thandid blue grama plants, a C4 species. Maximum concentrations(mg gd wt–1) of chlorophylls in western wheatgrass andin blue grama were recorded at the lower (13/7°C) and higher(30/18°C) temperature regimes. Nitrogen fertilizer alonedecreased the chlorophyll content in both species. The chlorophylla:b ratio in blue grama ranged from an average of 2·00under irrigated plus fertilized conditions to 3·00 undercontrol and fertilized conditions. On the other hand, the chlorophylla:b ratio in western wheatgrass remained constant at 3·00throughout the growing season under various treatments and temperatureregimes.  相似文献   

Diurnal temperature fluctuations induced change in soya bean-pod[Glycine max (L.) Merr.] carbon exchange rate (CER, where positiveCER represents CO2 evolution). CER appeared to depend linearlyon temperature. Linear regressions of CER on temperature interceptedthe temperature axis at 5°C (i.e. zero CER at 5°C).Slopes of these regressions (i.e. temperature sensitivity) changedover the season. The CER-temperature sensitivity coefficient,K, (calculated from observed values of CER. pod temperatureand temperature intercept) rose from less than 0·02 mgCO2 h–1 pod–1 °C–1 during early pod-flll,peaked at over 0·04 mg CO2 h–1 pod–1 °C–1at mid pod-fill, and then declined during late pod-fill andmaturation. Glycine max (L.) Merr., Soya bean, carbon exchange rate, temperature  相似文献   

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