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Current models to study Legionella pathogenesis include the use of primary macrophages and monocyte cell lines, various free-living protozoan species and murine models of pneumonia. However, there are very few studies of Legionella spp. pathogenesis aimed at associating the role of biofilm colonization and parasitization of biofilm microbiota and release of virulent bacterial cell/vacuoles in drinking water distribution systems. Moreover, the implications of these environmental niches for drinking water exposure to pathogenic legionellae are poorly understood. This review summarizes the known mechanisms of Legionella spp. proliferation within Acanthamoeba and mammalian cells and advocates the use of the amoeba model to study Legionella pathogenicity because of their close association with Legionella spp. in the aquatic environment. The putative role of biofilms and amoebae in the proliferation, development and dissemination of potentially pathogenic Legionella spp. is also discussed. Elucidating the mechanisms of Legionella pathogenicity development in our drinking water systems will aid in elimination strategies and procedural designs for drinking water systems and in controlling exposure to Legionella spp. and similar pathogens.  相似文献   

An environmentally representative stagnant-water model was developed to monitor the growth dynamics of Legionella pneumophila. This model was evaluated for three distinct water treatments: untreated tap water, heat-treated tap water, and heat-treated tap water supplemented with Pseudomonas putida, a known biofilm-forming bacterium. Bringing heat-treated tap water after subsequent cooling into contact with a densely formed untreated biofilm was found to promote the number of L. pneumophila by 4 log units within the biofilm, while the use of untreated water only sustained the L. pneumophila levels. Subsequent colonization of the water phase by L. pneumophila was noticed in the heat-treated stagnant-water models, with concentrations as high as 1 x 10(10) mip gene copies L(-1) stagnant water. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in combination with clustering analysis of the prokaryotic community in the water phase and in the biofilm phase suggests that the different water treatments induced different communities. Moreover, boosts of L. pneumophila arising from heat treatment of water were accompanied by shifts to a more diverse eukaryotic community. Stimulated growth of L. pneumophila after heating of the water may explain the rapid recolonization of L. pneumophila in water systems. These results highlight the need for additional or alternative measures to heat treatment of water in order to prevent or abate potential outbreaks of L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

Aims: The potential effect of in‐premise plumbing temperatures (24, 32, 37 and 41°C) on the growth of five different Legionella pneumophila strains within free‐living amoebae (Acanthamoeba polyphaga, Hartmannella vermiformis and Naegleria fowleri) was examined. Methods and Results: Compared with controls that actively fed on Escherichia coli prey, when Leg. pneumophila was used as prey, strains Lp02 and Bloomington‐2 increased in growth at 30, 32 and 37°C while strains Philadelphia‐1 and Chicago 2 did not grow at any temperature within A. polyphaga. Strains Lp02, Bloomington‐2 and Dallas 1E did not proliferate in the presence of H. vermiformis nor did strain Philadelphia‐1 in the presence of N. fowleri. Yet, strain Bloomington‐2 grew at all temperatures examined within N. fowleri, while strain Lp02 proliferated at all temperatures except 41°C. More intriguing, strain Chicago 2 only grew at 32°C within H. vermiformis and N. fowleri suggesting a limited temperature growth range for this strain. Conclusions: Identifying the presence of pathogenic legionellae may require the use of multiple host amoebae and incubation temperatures. Significance and Impact of the Study: Temperature conditions and species of amoeba host supported in drinking water appear to be important for the selection of human‐pathogenic legionellae and point to future research required to better understand Legionella ecology.  相似文献   

Three Legionella pneumophila strains isolated from water samples and belonging to serogroups (sgs) 1, 6 and 9 were analysed for their capacity to colonise an experimental model simulating a domestic hot water distribution system. Ecological factors that could influence the persistence of the sgs such as intracellular life within protozoan hosts and bacterial interference by the production of antagonistic compounds were also studied. Viable counts of L. pneumophila increased both in the planktonic and in the sessile phases. Sg 6 showed a marked prevalence during the whole experiment and exhibited the highest host infection efficiency. Sg 1 was significantly less represented, but showed the highest capacity to reproduce in the protozoan hosts. Sg 9 was poorly represented and less adapted to intracellular life. Among the 14 bacteria constantly isolated in the system, five (35.7%) produced antagonistic substances against Legionella, with differences according to the bacterial strain and L. pneumophila sgs.  相似文献   

生物膜型污水脱氮系统中膜结构及微生物生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物膜法污水脱氮系统主要利用生物膜中脱氮功能微生物的代谢活动去除氮素,从而达到净化水质的目的,研究脱氮生物膜的微观结构和微生物生态是揭示生物膜脱氮机理从而提高脱氮效率的重要途径.本文综述了生物膜型污水脱氮系统类型、生物膜微观结构特征及其影响因素、生物膜型污水脱氮系统内氮素传质过程、脱氮机理和生物膜数学模型等方面的研究进展.另外,本文介绍了生物膜型污水脱氮系统内生物膜脱氮功能微生物分布特征,不同生物膜脱氮系统、底物、运行条件和时间对功能微生物群落影响,及新型脱氮功能微生物等方面的研究进展,为生物膜脱氮技术的深入研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Phototrophic biofilms were cultivated simultaneously using the same inoculum in three identical flow-lane microcosms located in different laboratories. The growth rates of the biofilms were similar in the different microcosms, but denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of both 16S and 18S rRNA gene fragments showed that the communities developed differently in terms of species richness and community composition. One microcosm was dominated by Microcoleus and Phormidium species, the second microcosm was dominated by Synechocystis and Phormidium species, and the third microcosm was dominated by Microcoleus- and Planktothrix- affiliated species. No clear effect of light intensity on the cyanobacterial community composition was observed. In addition, DGGE profiles obtained from the cultivated biofilms showed a low resemblance with the profiles derived from the inoculum. These findings demonstrate that validation of reproducibility is essential for the use of microcosm systems in microbial ecology studies.  相似文献   

When Legionella pneumophila grows on agar plates, it secretes a surfactant that promotes flagellum- and pilus-independent "sliding" motility. We isolated three mutants that were defective for surfactant. The first two had mutations in genes predicted to encode cytoplasmic enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. These genes mapped to two adjacent operons that we designated bbcABCDEF and bbcGHIJK. Backcrossing and complementation confirmed the importance of the bbc genes and suggested that the Legionella surfactant is lipid containing. The third mutant had an insertion in tolC. TolC is the outer membrane part of various trimolecular complexes involved in multidrug efflux and type I protein secretion. Complementation of the tolC mutant restored sliding motility. Mutants defective for an inner membrane partner of TolC also lacked a surfactant, confirming that TolC promotes surfactant secretion. L. pneumophila (lspF) mutants lacking type II protein secretion (T2S) are also impaired for a surfactant. When the tolC and lspF mutants were grown next to each other, the lsp mutant secreted surfactant, suggesting that TolC and T2S conjoin to mediate surfactant secretion, with one being the conduit for surfactant export and the other the exporter of a molecule that is required for induction or maturation of surfactant synthesis/secretion. Although the surfactant was not required for the extracellular growth, intracellular infection, and intrapulmonary survival of L. pneumophila, it exhibited antimicrobial activity toward seven other species of Legionella but not toward various non-Legionella species. These data suggest that the surfactant provides L. pneumophila with a selective advantage over other legionellae in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The increasing use of genetic information for the development of methods to study the diversity, distributions, and activities of protists in nature has spawned a new generation of powerful tools. For ecologists, one lure of these approaches lies in the potential for DNA sequences to provide the only immediately obvious means of normalizing the diverse criteria that presently exist for identifying and counting protists. A single, molecular taxonomy would allow studies of diversity across a broad range of species, as well as the detection and quantification of particular species of interest within complex, natural assemblages; goals that are not feasible using traditional methods. However, these advantages are not without their potential pitfalls and problems. Conflicts involving the species concept, disagreements over the true (physiological/ecological) meaning of genetic diversity, and a perceived threat by some that sequence information will displace knowledge regarding the morphologies, functions and physiologies of protistan taxa, have created debate and doubt regarding the efficacy and appropriateness of some genetic approaches. These concerns need continued discussion and eventual resolution as we move toward the irresistible attraction, and potentially enormous benefits, of the application of genetic approaches to protistan ecology.  相似文献   

Seasonal and vertical variations of the main microbial communities (heterotrophic bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton, auto- and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliated protozoa and microalgae) and auto- and heterotrophic activities were estimated in a brown-colored humic and moderately acid lake in central France, the lake of Vassivière. The results demonstrated the dominant role of light in the vertical distribution of autotrophic and mixotrophic microorganisms which are confined to the 0–5 m layer during thermal stratification. The bacterial biomass was high throughout the water column probably because of the great availability of dissolved organic matter. Consequently, the predatory microzooplankton and particularly the various trophic groups of ciliated protozoa, were distributed in the water column according to the vertical distribution of the particular food resources (detritus, bacteria, algae). However, despite the great abundance of algae and bacteria, biomass of flagellated and ciliated protozoa was relatively weak. Most of the phytoplanktonic biomass was filamentous (Diatoms) or colonial (Cyanobacteria) and therefore almost probably difficult to ingest for algivorous microzooplankton. Regarding the low abundance of bacterivorous protozoa, the relation with the special physicochemical properties of this lake is discussed.
Résumé Les variabilités saisonnière et verticale de l'abondance et de la biomasse des principles communautés de la boucle microbienne (bactéries hétérotrophes, picoplancton autotrophe, protozoaires flagellés auto- et hétérotrophes, protozoaires ciliés, microalgues et microcyanobactéries), et des activités auto- et hétérotrophes, ont été étudiées dans un lac à caractère humique et modérément acide du Massif Central Français, le lac de Vassivière.Le dénombrement des communautés de microorganismes a été réalisé en microscopie inversée et à épifluorescence après mise en oeuvre des fixations et des colorations adéquates. Les activités photosynthétique, photo- et chemohétérotrophes ont été mesurées à partir de l'assimilation de NaH14CO3 et d'un mélange d'acides aminés tritiés grâce à une technique de double marquage. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence le rôle prépondérant du facteur lumineux dans la répartition verticale des microorganismes autotrophes et mixotrophes, dont l'essentiel de la biomasse est confiné dans la zone 0–5 m en période de stratification, alors que la biomasse bactérienne est élevée sur l'ensemble de la colonne d'eau en raison, sans doute, de la grande disponibilité en matiére organique dissoute. Consécutivement, le microzooplancton prédateur, et notamment les différents types trophiques de protozoaires ciliés, se répartit dans la colonne d'eau selon la distribution verticale des ressources nutritives particularies. Cependant, compte-tenu de l'abondance bactérienne et algae, la biomasse des protozoaires flagellés et ciliésest relativement peu importante. Concernant les espèces algivores, l'essentiel de la biomasse phytoplanctonique est de nature filamenteuse (Diatomées) ou coloniale (Cyanobactéries) est est donc sans doute difficilement ingérable pour le microzooplancton. Enfin, les relations entre les caractéristiques physico-chimiques spécifiques de ce lac et le faible développement des protozoaires bactérivores sont discutées.

The distribution and abundance of microbiota in soil and litter may be significantly affected by the quality and quantity of localized patches of leaf organic matter. This study examined the relative effects of aqueous extracts of shed autumn leaves from American beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), red oak (Quercus rubra), and white oak (Quercus alba) on the density and diversity of gymnamoebae in laboratory cultures. Overall, the beech leaf extract produced the most growth of gymnamoebae followed by white oak with leaf extracts from maple and red oak producing least growth. Cultures using natural leaf litter from beneath beech trees had higher densities and diversity of gymnamoebae than leaf-litter cultures from a maple-oak stand. Soil microcosms confirmed that beech leaf extracts produced a higher density of gymnamoeba growth when added to soil cultures compared with maple and oak leaf extracts. Protein content, CHN (carbon and nitrogen content), and pH of the leaf extracts were assayed, but these alone were not sufficiently different to account for the effects. A dilution experiment indicated that some other concentration-dependent factor in the extract may produce the effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The present paper provides the first data on naked amoebae from sediments of Hiroshima Bay. Three stations in the inner part of the bay were sampled over a three-month period. Abundance of naked amoebae ranged from 1,019 to 45,561 cells/g dry sediment. Results indicate: (i) surface sediment populations in most cases were higher than subsurface populations; (ii) there was some evidence of temporal variation with counts generally increasing from March to May: and (iii) the site located near Hiroshima City had fewer amoebae on several occasions than the other two sites. There was a negative exponential relationship between acid-volatile sulfide concentration and abundance of amoebae. Most amoebae were small with the average size ranging from 6.6–14 μm. Morphotype 1, amoebae that extend lobose pseudopodia or subpseudopodia during normal locomotion, were dominant (40–100% of enumerated amoebae). Morphotypes 2 and 3 (limax amoebae) were found in lower numbers than the other two morphotypes. The proportion of amoebae occupied by Morphotype 4 (fan-shaped or discoidal-flattened amoebae) was higher at a lower total abundance.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease and related pneumonias, infects, replicates within and eventually kills human macrophages. A key feature of the intracellular lifestyle is the ability of the organism to replicate within a specialized phagosome which does not fuse with Iysosomes or acidify. Avirulent mutants that are defective in intracellular multiplication and host-cell killing are unable to prevent phagosome–Iysosome fusion. In a previous study, a 12kb fragment of the L. pneumophila genome containing the icm locus (intracellular multiplication) was found to enable the mutant bacteria to prevent phagosome-Iysosome fusion, to multiply intracellularly and to kill human macrophages. The complemented mutant also regained the ability to produce lethal pneumonia in guinea-pigs. In order to gain information about how L. pneumophila prevents phagosome-Iysosome fusion and alters other intracellular events, we have studied the region containing the icm locus. This locus contains four genes, icmWXYZ, which appear to be transcribed from a single promoter to produce a 2.1–2.4kb mRNA. The deduced amino acid sequences of the Icm proteins do not exhibit significant similarity to other proteins of known sequence, suggesting that they may carry out novel functions. The icmX gene encodes a product with an apparent signal sequence suggesting that it is a secreted protein. The icmWXYZ genes are located adjacent to and on the opposite strand from the dot gene, which is also required for intracellular multiplication and the ability of L. pneumophila to modify organelle traffic in human macrophages. Five L. pneumophila Icm mutants that had been generated with transposon Tn903dIIlacZ were found to have Inserted the transposon within the icmX, icmY, icmZ and dot genes, confirming their role in the ability of the organism to multiply intracellularly.  相似文献   

Abstract Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) isolated from Legionella pneumophila serogroup 12 strains were studied for their usefulness as epidemiological markers. L. pneumophila serogroup 12 was cultured from 3 patients infected at home, in another hospital and abroad, as well as from hot tapwater in their quarters. LPS isolated from these strains showed 2 distinct patterns and 4 different colours in silver-stained polyacrylamide gels. LPS of the first pattern stained dark-grey, those of the second pattern were either orange-brown, dark-brown or black-brown. These differences were reproducible. By comparing patterns and colours of isolated LPS molecules, similarity could be demonstrated between strains from the first patient and from hot water in his home, as well as between strains from the second patient and from hot water in the hosoptal where he became infected. None of the strains displayed LPS of the same colour as that of the third patient, who was admitted with pneumonia from Spain. Patterns and colours of LPS isolated from L. pneumophila serogroup 12 in ilver-stained gels can be used as a marker system in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The clear, shallow, oligotrophic waters of Florida Bay are characterized by low phytoplankton biomass, yet periodic cyanobacteria and diatom blooms do occur. We hypothesized that allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) was providing a subsidy to the system in the form of bound nutrients. Water from four bay sites was incubated under natural light and dark conditions with enrichments of either DOM ( > 1 kD, 2×DOM) or inorganic nutrients (N+P). Samples were analyzed for bacterial numbers, bacterial production, phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton community structure, and production, nutrients, and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. The influence of 2×DOM enrichment on phytoplankton biomass developed slowly during the incubations and was relatively small compared to nutrient additions. Inorganic nutrient additions resulted in an ephemeral bloom characterized initially as cyanobacterial and brown algae but which changed to dinoflagellate and/or brown algae by day six. The DIN:TP ratio decreased 10-fold in the N+P treatments as the system progressed towards N limitation. This ratio did not change significantly for 2×DOM treatments. In addition, these experiments indicated that both autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial populations in Florida Bay may fluctuate in their limitation by organic and inorganic nutrient availability. Both N+P and 2×DOM enrichments revealed significant and positive response in bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). Potential BDOC ranged from 1.1 to 35.5%, with the most labile forms occurring in Whipray Basin. BDOC at all sites was stimulated by the 2×DOM addition. Except for Duck Key, BDOC at all sites was also stimulated by the addition of N+P. BDOC was lower in the dry season than in the wet season (5.56% vs. 16.86%). This may be explained by the distinct chemical characteristics of the DOM produced at different times of year. Thus, both the heterotrophic and autotrophic microbial communities in Florida Bay are modulated by bioavailability of DOM. This has ramifications for the fate of DOM from the Everglades inputs, implicating DOM bioavailability as a contributing factor in regulating the onset, persistence, and composition of phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

The ability of microbial ecologists to analyse the composition of complex bacterial communities has been greatly enhanced by the application of molecular methodologies. The use of these techniques should enable an accurate record of the identity and population dynamics of the inhabitants of the intestinal tract to be obtained, and should promote an improved comprehension of the relationship between the microflora and the human host. This, in turn, will lead to a new concept of the intestinal microflora of humans.  相似文献   

Perspectives and predictions on the microbial ecology of the hyporheic zone   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Studies of hyporheic microbial ecology have suggested an important role for hyporheic microbial processes in stream ecosystem functioning. Using evidence from microbial communities in other aquatic habitats, some predictions are made concerning the diversity of microbial types and microbial processes likely to occur in the hyporheic zone, and the relative importance of these various types to the hyporheic ecosystem. 2. It is predicted that the biofilm growth form of interstitial micro-organisms will create a variety of microniches, allowing coexistence of a great diversity of microbial types, and promoting the activity of some otherwise poor competitors. It is further predicted that the confluence of reduced groundwaters and aerobic surface waters will favour chemolithotrophic processes in the hyporheic zone, but that these will contribute significantly to hyporheic production only if surface water is very low in dissolved organic carbon, or the groundwater is extremely reduced, such as by the influence of riparian wetlands. A variety of anaerobic respiratory pathways, such as nitrate, ferric ion, sulphate and even methanogenic respiration will be employed in the hyporheic zone, with biofilm dynamics permitting these to occur even in aerobic sediments. Anaerobic pathways may account for a significant proportion of total hyporheic organic matter mineralization. 3. The role of fungi in hyporheic dynamics is, as yet, almost completely unstudied. However, it is expected that they will be important in breaking down buried particulate organic matter (POM), which may account for a large proportion of total stream POM. 4. Physicochemical conditions in hyporheic sediments appear to be highly heterogeneous, and this heterogeneity may be very important in the cycling of certain nutrients, especially nitrogen, which involves a series of steps requiring different conditions. 5. Various new techniques are now available by which biofilm dynamics and in situ microbial processes may be measured. Studies are recommended of intact microbial communities both at the microscale of the biofilm and at the scale of the heterogeneities occurring in hyporheic sediments. Studies are needed that measure actual rates of microbial processes under in situ conditions.  相似文献   

AIMS: Stagnation is widely believed to predispose water systems to colonization by Legionella. A model plumbing system was constructed to determine the effect of flow regimes on the presence of Legionella within microbial biofilms. METHODS AND RESULTS: The plumbing model contained three parallel pipes where turbulent, laminar and stagnant flow regimes were established. Four sets of experiments were carried out with Reynolds number from 10,000 to 40,000 and from 355 to 2,000 in turbulent and laminar pipes, respectively. Legionella counts recovered from biofilm and planktonic water samples of the three sampling pipes were compared with to determine the effect of flow regime on the presence of Legionella. Significantly higher colony counts of Legionella were recovered from the biofilm of the pipe with turbulent flow compared with the pipe with laminar flow. The lowest counts were in the pipe with stagnant flow. CONCLUSIONS: We were unable to demonstrate that stagnant conditions promoted Legionella colonization. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Plumbing modifications to remove areas of stagnation including deadlegs are widely recommended, but these modifications are tedious and expensive to perform. Controlled studies in large buildings are needed to validate this unproved hypothesis.  相似文献   

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