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Conformational transitions of poly d(A-T) · poly d (A-T) have been studied by fiber X-ray diffraction and measurement of fiber dimensions. Results obtained for the D-A-B and D-B transitions are presented and analyzed. For all these form transitions, cooperativity effects are observed for the variation of the rise per nucleotide versus the relative humidity. Detailed information about hydration of the polynucleotide during form transitions and the numbers of water molecules per nucleotide necessary to stabilize the different helical conformations are presented. Offprint requests to: S. Premilat  相似文献   

Using free energy molecular mechanics, we find that the molecular effects of solvent are critical in determining relative stabilities in DNA triple helices or triplexes. The continuum solvent model is unable to differentiate the thermodynamics reflecting the basic solvation differences around the occupied major groove in triplexes. In order to avoid the local minimum problem, which is a major limitation of any modeling study, we started our computations with multiple structures rather than relying on the optimization of a single reference structure. By constructing triplex models with different initial helical twists, helical rises, and sugar-pucker permutations, we explore the potential surface and the structural preference with respect to these variations. We find that in order to accommodate a third strand in triplex formation, the backbone geometry of the B-DNA duplex target has to be adjusted into A-DNA-like form with a deep major groove. This is achieved by concerted adjustment in torsions β, ε, and ζ around the phosphate groups. However, the sugar pucker displays a more rich variation, resulting in conformations not usually associated with the canonical duplex structures. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The binding of polyamines, including spermidine ( 1 ) and spermine ( 2 ), to poly[d(G-C) · d(G-C) ] was probed using spectroscopic studies of anthracene-9-carbonyl-N1-spermine ( 3 ); data from normal absorption, linear dichroism (LD), and circular dichroism (CD) are reported. Ligand LD and CD for transitions located in the DNA region of the spectrum were used. The data show that 3 binds to DNA in a manner characteristic of both its amine and polycyclic aromatic parts. With poly [(dG-dC) · (dG-dC)], binding modes are occupied sequentially and different modes correspond to different structural perturbations of the DNA. The most stable binding mode for 3 with poly[d(G-C) · d(G-C)] has a site size of 6 ± 1 bases, and an equilibrium binding constant of (2.2 ± 1.1) × 107 M?1 with the anthracene moiety intercalated. It dominates the spectra from mixing ratios of approximately 133:1 until 6:1 DNA phosphate: 3 is reached. The analogous data for poly [d(A-T) · d(A-T)] between mixing ratios 36:1 and 7:1 indicates a site size of 8.3 ± 1.1 bases and an equilibrium binding constant of (6.6 ± 3.3) × 105 M?1. Thus, 3 binds preferentially to poly [d(G-C) · d(G-C)] at these concentrations. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The polynucleotide helix d(T)n.d(A)n.d(T)n is the only deoxypolynucleotide triple helix for which a structure has been published, and it is generally assumed as the structural basis for studies of DNA triplexes. The helix has been assigned to an A-form conformation with C3'-endo sugar pucker by Arnott and Selsing [1974; cf. Arnott et al. (1976)]. We show here by infrared spectroscopy in D2O solution that the helix is instead B-form and that the sugar pucker is in the C2'-endo region. Distamycin A, which binds only to B-form and not to A-form helices, binds to the triple helix without displacement of the third strand, as demonstrated by CD spectroscopy and gel electrophoresis. Molecular modeling shows that a stereochemically satisfactory structure can be build using C2'-endo sugars and a displacement of the Watson-Crick base-pair center from the helix axis of 2.5 A. Helical constraints of rise per residue (h = 3.26 A) and residues per turn (n = 12) were taken from fiber diffraction experiments of Arnott and Selsing (1974). The conformational torsion angles are in the standard B-form range, and there are no short contacts. In contrast, we were unable to construct a stereochemically allowed model with A-form geometry and C3'-endo sugars. Arnott et al. (1976) observed that their model had short contacts (e.g., 2.3 A between the phosphate-dependent oxygen on the A strand and O2 in the Hoogsteen-paired thymine strand) which are generally known to be outside the allowed range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Infrared dichroism measurements of oriented films of poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly[d(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)] have been made under the conditions of low salts content and high humidity for which the geometry is known. The angles which the transition moments make with the helix axis are compared with the orientations of the corresponding bonds. Except for the in-plane base model of poly[(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)], there is no agreement. This may imply either that a model which assumes bonds and transition moments to be colinear is not acceptable or that x-ray data are inaccurate. These possibilities are discussed especially with respect to phosphate group orientation. An appendix gives the derivations of dichroic-ratio expressions for helical molecules of different symmetry types.  相似文献   

The influence of one DNA region on the stability of an adjoining region (telestability) was examined. Melting curves of three block DNA's, d(C15A15)·d(T15G15), d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), and d(C20A10)·d(T10G20) were analyzed in terms of the nearest neighbor Ising model. Comparisons of predicted and experimental curves were made in 0.01 M and 0.1 M sodium ion solutions. The nearest neighbor formalism was also employed to analyze block DNA transition in the presence of actinomycin, a G·C specific molecule. The results show that nearest neighbor base-pair interaction cannot predict the melting curves of the block DNA's. Adjustments in theoretical parameters to account for phosphate repulsion assuming a B conformation throughout the DNA's do not alter this conclusion. Changes in the theoretical parameters, which provide good overall agreement, are consistent with a substantial stabilization of the A·T region nearest the G·C block. The melting temperature T A·T for the average A·T pari in d(C20A10)·d(T10G20), with 10 A·T pairs, appears to be 4°C greater than TA·T for d(C15A15)·d(T15G15) and d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), both with 15 A·T pairs. Actinomycin bound to the G·C end effectively stabilizes the A·T end by 9°C. These results indicate a long-range contribution to the interactions governing DNA stability. A possible mechanism for these interactions will be discussed.  相似文献   

Poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] and poly[d(G-C).d(G-C)], each dissolved in 0.1 M NaClO4, 5 mM cacodylic acid buffer, pH 6.8, experience inversion of their circular dichroism (CD) spectrum subsequent to the addition of Hg(ClO4)2. Let r identical to [Hg(ClO4)2]added/[DNA-P]. The spectrum of the right-handed form of poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] turns into that of a seemingly left-handed structure at r greater than or equal to 0.05 while a similar transition is noted with poly[d(G-C).(G-C)] at r greater than or equal to 0.12. The spectral changes are highly cooperative in the long-wavelength region above 250 nm. At r = 1.0, the spectra of the two polymers are more or less mirror images of their CD at r = 0. While most CD bands experience red-shifts upon the addition of Hg(ClO4)2, there are some that are blue-shifted. The CD changes are totally reversible when Hg(II) is removed from the nucleic acids by the addition of a strong complexing agent such as NaCN. This demonstrates that mercury keeps all base pairs in register.  相似文献   

The effect of several simple repeating DNA sequences--d(CG.GC)5, d(CA.GT)30, and d(A.T)60--on the nucleosomal organization of the SV40 minichromosome is analyzed. These three different sequences were cloned at the Hpa II site of SV40 (position 346) which occurs at the 3' border of the nucleosome-free SV40 control region. Our results show that neither the d(A.T)60 sequence nor the d(CG.GC)5 sequence appear to have any relevant effect on the nucleosomal organization of the region of the minichromosome surrounding the inserted repeated sequence. Both sequences are hypersensitive to micrococcal nuclease cleavage in the minichromosome, indicating that they are not organized into nucleosomes. On the other hand, the d(CA.GT)30 sequence is found organized as nucleosomes and causes the delocation of nucleosomes in the minichromosomal region close to the inserted repeated sequence.  相似文献   

We have made a study of the pattern of osmium tetroxide modification in supercoiled plasmids containing alternating (A-T)n tracts. Two distinct alternative patterns may be obtained, depending upon conditions. At moderate salt concentrations, or at low temperature, only thymine bases close to the centres of the tracts were modified, consistent with the presence of a cruciform structure. At higher temperatures in the absence of cations, uniform modification throughout the tracts was observed. The cationic concentration required to stabilize cruciform structure depends markedly on its charge, and a number of transition metal ions were totally ineffective. The results are interpreted in terms of a two-state equilibrium between the cruciform and a perturbed helical structure, the position of which is temperature- and salt-dependent. For longer (A-T)n tracts, a third pattern of osmium tetroxide modification is found at intermediate salt concentrations, consistent with a cruciform having an extensively disrupted four-way junction.  相似文献   

Double stranded multimers (C2A6C2)n, (C2A6G2)n and (G2A6G2)n were prepared from chemically synthesized oligonucleotides to study the influence of sequences flanking the An tract on the curvature of DNA. All these duplexes, including polypurine.polypyrimidine one, exhibit strong retardation in polyacrylamide gel which is indicative of pronounced DNA curvature. It has been proposed previously that among the bends at the boundary with the oligo(A) tract two types should be distinguished: 5'-bends and 3'-bends (Koo et al., 1986) This distinction was deduced from different relative mobilities of two specially designed sequences having phased 5'-bends and 3'-bends, respectively. Our data indicate that the substitutions of nucleotides at both 5' and 3' boundaries of A6 tract result in comparable changes in relative mobility. Therefore, for B-B' bends it is important to take into account not only whether they are at the 5' or 3' end of an oligo(dA) tract, but also the particular sequences at the boundaries of this tract.  相似文献   

A structural transition in d(AT)n.d(AT)n inserts within superhelical DNA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have constructed plasmids carrying d(AT)n.d(AT)n inserts of different lengths. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns show that an increase in the negative superhelicity of these DNAs brings about a structural transition within the inserts, resulting in a reduction of the superhelical stress. However, this reduction corresponds to the expected values neither for cruciform nor the Z form. Those DNA topoisomers in which the structural transition had occurred proved to be specifically recognizable by single-strand-specific endonuclease S1, with the cleavage site situated at the centre of the insert. These data, as well as kinetic studies, suggest that the cloned d(AT)n.d(AT)n sequences adopt a cruciform rather than the Z-form structure. We discuss plausible reasons of the discrepancy between the observed superhelical stress release and that expected for the transition of the insert to the cruciform state.  相似文献   

gp32 I is a protein with a molecular weight of 27 000. It is obtained by limited hydrolysis of T4 gene 32 coded protein, which is one of the DNA melting proteins. gp32 I itself appears to be also a melting protein. It denatures poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] and T4 DNA at temperatures far (50-60 degrees C) below their regular melting temperatures. Under similar conditions gp32 I will denature poly[d(A-T).poly[d(A-T)] at temperatures approximately 12 degrees C lower than those measured for the intact gp32 denaturation. For T4 DNA gp32 shows no melting behavior while gp32 I shows considerable denaturation (i.e., hyperchromicity) even at 1 degree C. In this paper the denaturation of poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] and T4 DNA by gp32 I is studied by means of circular dichroism. It appears that gp32 I forms a complex with poly[d(A-T)]. The conformation of the polynucleotide in the complex is equal to that of one strand of the double-stranded polymer in 6 M LiCl. In the gp32 I DNA complex formed upon denaturation of T4 DNA, the single-stranded DNA molecule has the same conformation as one strand of the double-strand T4 DNA molecule in the C-DNA conformation.  相似文献   

We report the temperature and salt dependence of the volume change (DeltaVb) associated with the binding of ethidium bromide and netropsin with poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)]. The DeltaV(b) of binding of ethidium with poly(dA).poly(dT) was much more negative at temperatures approximately 70 degrees C than at 25 degrees C, whereas the difference is much smaller in the case of binding with poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)]. We also determined the volume change of DNA-drug interaction by comparing the volume change of melting of DNA duplex and DNA-drug complex. The DNA-drug complexes display helix-coil transition temperatures (Tm several degrees above those of the unbound polymers, e.g., the Tm of the netropsin complex with poly(dA)poly(dT) is 106 degrees C. The results for the binding of ethidium with poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] were accurately described by scaled particle theory. However, this analysis did not yield results consistent with our data for ethidium binding with poly(dA).poly(dT). We hypothesize that heat-induced changes in conformation and hydration of this polymer are responsible for this behavior. The volumetric properties of poly(dA).poly(dT) become similar to those of poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The binding modes of the free-base meso-tetrakis(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin (TMPyP) complexed with [d(AT)n]2 oligonucleotides (where n=3-8, corresponding to 6 to 16 AT base pairs) were studied by circular dichroism (CD). When associated with the shortest oligonucleotide, ([d(AT)3]2), a bisignate CD spectrum was produced in the Soret absorption region at the mixing ratio between 2.0 and 0.25, corresponding to one TMPyP per 0.5 to 4 oligonucleotides. Apparent bisignate CD was attributed to a stacked TMPyP along the DNA. On the other hand, when the oligonucleotide length reaches one helical turn or longer, ([d(AT)n]2, n=6,7,8), TMPyP exhibited a positive CD signal, that corresponds to the monomeric groove binding mode, at the mixing ratio below 1.0 (one TMPyP per oligonucleotide). As the mixing ratio increases, the CD signal was best accounted for by the sum of the stacked and groove-binding TMPyP. At the intermediate oligonucleotide length ([d(AT)n]2, n=4,5), the CD spectrum appeared to be the sum of the stacked and groove binding TMPyP at all mixing ratios. Therefore, it is conclusive that the full dispersion of TMPyP requires at least one helical turn of the AT sequence at a mixing ratio below 1.0. Further increase of the mixing ratio resulted in the stacking of TMPyP even at the long oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Near UV CD spectra, UV absorption spectra and their first derivatives have been recorded on poly d(A-T).poly d(A-T) solutions in presence of high NaCl concentration and various amounts of NiCl2. Comparison of the results presented here with those obtained for poly d(G-C).poly d(G-C) and poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) in comparable conditions, and the I.R. and Raman data on poly d(A-T).poly d(A-T), allows us to assign the new spectra to the Z conformation of poly d(A-T).poly d(A-T) in solution. The mechanism by which nickel ions induce the B----Z interconversion in the presence of high NaCl concentration is discussed.  相似文献   

A nuclease from N. crassa has been prepared to the hydroxylapatite stage of purification described by Rabin and Fraser (1). It degrades single stranded DNA in an essentially exonucleolytic process. It does not give any appreciable acid soluble material with double stranded DNA as substrate. This shows its high degree of specificity towards single stranded DNA.  相似文献   

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