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The present studies show that estradiol-17B (E2) implanted s.c. in rhesus monkeys for 24 hours reliably induces atresia of the dominant follicle (DF). Analysis of contents of the atretic DF revealed a reduction in cell viability and levels of steroids. These atretogenic effects of E2 could be mimicked by local application, but were not reversed by exogenous gonadotropins. E2 also had a direct effect on inhibiting steroid secretion by follicle cells in vitro. From these studies, we concluded that the effect of E2 is exerted at least in part at the ovarian level; this suggests that estrogen produced locally by the DF could have a physiologic role in controlling atresia of other follicles.  相似文献   

Cortisol response of ten single-caged adult female rhesus monkeys during venipuncture in a restraint apparatus was compared with cortisol response of ten paired and five single-caged adult female rhesus monkeys during venipuncture in the homecage. Results demonstrated that in-homecage venipuncture offers a methodological improvement for research protocols that require blood collection of undisturbed animals.  相似文献   

Patterns of fight interference (agonistic aiding) were compared among three groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) living in two settings: (1) two groups at Cayo Santiago (Caribbean Primate Center); and (2) one group at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center (YRPRC). A total of 1,227 interference episodes were recorded in 1,650 hours of observation. The only significant intergroup difference was the increased tendency of males at YRPRC to aid aggressors rather than victims. Among other findings, females aided relatives, interfered against target animals dominant to themselves, aided juveniles, and aided victims more consistently and frequently than did males. Importantly, female interference became more male-like in pattern when aid was given to nonrelatives. Neither the dominant males nor males in general displayed a unique or consistent tendency to interfere in fights in a manner which could be interpreted as controlling aggression. The males' interference patterns also did not suggest they were forming coalitions to either attain or defend status rankings. It is concluded that, overall, observations of compound-dwelling and free-ranging rhesus monkeys reveal similar relationships. Further, while female rhesus monkeys interfered in fights in a manner consistent with the control of aggression and protection of kin, the motives of male interferers remain unknown; however, their behavior is consistent with the hypothesis that they were reducing intermale tensions while, at the same time, minimizing physical risk.  相似文献   

A management procedure was developed for a harem breeding colony of rhesus monkeys to reduce trauma-related injuries and deaths resulting from the periodic removal of pregnant monkeys for research and their subsequent return to the population. Lower morbidity and mortality rates, a reduced mean conception interval, and a higher mean conception rate occurred when monkeys were maintained in permanent harems to which returning females were reintroduced compared to new social groups formed from aggregates of unfamiliar animals.  相似文献   

Male rhesus monkeys typically disperse from their groups of birth when they are between 3 and 5 years of age. Some males, however, delay dispersal from their natal groups until after they are 5 years old. The current study evaluated central monoaminergic neurotransmitter activity as a potential correlate of such “delayed” dispersal among 54 randomly selected adolescent and adult male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) captured on Cayo Santiago during an annual trapping season. Specifically, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA, a serotonin metabolite), 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG, a norepinephrine metabolite), and homovanillic acid (HVA, a dopamine metabolite) were compared in monkeys 60 months of age or more that had either dispersed (n = 33) or were still in their natal groups (n = 5). The monkeys still in their natal groups had higher CSF concentrations of both 5-HIAA and HVA (but not MHPG) than did the animals that had emigrated (Ps < 0.05). Subsequent analysis indicated that only 5-HIAA independently differentiated dispersing monkeys from delayed dispensers. Of monkeys less than 60 months of age (n = 16), only two had dispersed from their natal groups; in this age class, there were no significant differences between dispersing and natal individuals in any CSF monoaminergic metabolite (all Ps = NS). Finally, there was no difference in the CSF 5-HIAA concentrations of the five delayed dispersers and those of younger animals (P = NS), suggesting a failure to experience the frequently reported adolescent decline in serotonergic activity. In contrast, the CSF 5-HIAA concentrations of the dispersing animals were lower than those of the younger animals (P < 0.05), consistent with either an agerelated decline or an effect of dispersal per se. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A population of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) at the ancient site of Tughlaqabad on the southern outskirts of New Delhi, India, showed moderate growth throughout the 1960s and 1970s and very rapid growth in the last 4 years. Between July 1980 and July 1983, the population increased 79%, from two groups of 160 monkeys to five groups of 286 monkeys, an average annual increase of 21.4%. The natality of the population has been high, averaging 82.4% over three birth seasons. Mortality and disappearance rates, especially of juveniles and adults, have been remarkably low with total annual mortality averaging only 3.7% from 1980 to 1983. We believe the striking record of population growth in this population can be attributed to total protection, abundant food, good cover, a lack of predators, a generally improving habitat, and low disease. With the right combination of ecological and behavioral factors, rhesus populations can double in four years. The Tughlaqabad population provides important guidelines for the restoration and conservation of primate populations.  相似文献   

A population of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)at Tughlaqabad on the southeastern outskirts of New Delhi has grown rapidly in the past 4 years, and the largest group (Group A) has given rise to three smaller groups. Fissioning, or new group formation, was not consistently associated with any particular season of the year or stage of the reproductive cycle, but it did occur in each case when the parent group reached approximately 120 monkeys. The fissioning process was not preceded or accompanied by unusual aggressive behavior. It occurred quietly and appeared to be a loss of cohesion within the large group by which a subgroup achieved behavioral and spatial independence. Some aggressive interactions did occur following each fission when the new group approached or attempted to reenter the parent group. Each newly formed group was subordinate to the parent group and all other groups in the population.  相似文献   

Eighty-two percent of a group of rhesus monkeys removed from Cayo Santiago were seropositive for B virus (Herpesvirus simiae) antibodies. Similar results were obtained from the Cayo Santiago macaque population two decades ago and from feral Indian rhesus monkeys. Thus it is likely that B virus has been enzootic in the Cayo Santiago population since 1938, when the colony was established with stock imported from India.  相似文献   

In order to control population growth rates, a decision was made to sterilize most of the free-ranging, wild rhesus macaque females of Silver Springs, Florida. Between October 1987 and March 1988, the five females who had been sterilized and released in the fall of 1986 were matched with five intact females in a behavioral study. While there were differences between the behaviors of the sterilized and intact females, the differences can be attributed more to differences in age, rank, and other factors than to the sterilization. Clinical data collected and reported on the monkeys is unremarkable.  相似文献   

Group changing behavior of maleMacaca mulatta was studied over a six-year period at the rhesus monkey colony on two coastal islands at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Males first left their natal group at a mean age of 47 months and became solitary for the first time at a mean age of 64 months; all had left their natal groups by seven years of age. Age, mating season, sex ratios of adult males and females in the social bands, and geographical barriers all had significant effects on the group shifting. Population size, rank of mother or being an orphan did not significantly affect the changing process. Two factors, age (size) and seniority in the group, were important in determining a male's rank in his new group.  相似文献   

This report documents the occurrence of congenital cataracts in a visually-impaired yearling rhesus monkey from the same matriline on Cayo Santiago in which a congenitally blind infant was born 2 years previously.  相似文献   

Fifteen female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatto), ranging in age from 8 to 34 years, were studied for one year to characterize the endocrine and menstrual changes associated with menopause in this species. Five monkeys were premenopausal; these younger monkeys, ages 8–11 years, menstruated and showed cyclic ovarian activity during the 12–month study period, as evidenced by menses and periodic elevations of serum estradiol (E2) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations. Four females, ages 24–26 years, were in transition to menopause. Two of these perimenopausal females menstruated and secreted E2 and LH in a periodic fashion; the other two females showed elevated LH concentrations, consistently low E2 levels, and no evidence of menstruation. Six females, ages 27–34 years, were clearly postmenopausal; LH concentrations were high, whereas E2 concentrations were uniformly low. There was a significant inverse correlation between basal E2 concentrations and age, and a significant positive correlation between age and LH concentrations across all 15 animals. Hormonal changes indicative of ovulation, when they occurred, were generally restricted to the winter and early spring months. Histological analysis of ovaries from four postmenopausal females revealed little or no evidence of active folliculogenesis. These data indicate that menopause in female rhesus monkeys does not occur until the second half of thethird decade of life. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wu XJ  Zong W  Sun YM  Hu XT  Ma YY  Wang JH 《动物学研究》2012,33(1):89-91
吗啡成瘾的非人灵长类动物恒河猕猴(Macaca mulatta)模型的实验结果表明,猕猴可建立吗啡条件化位置偏好(conditioned place preference,CPP),且其与吗啡线索相关的记忆可持续(36.3±1.3)月。该研究可以为药物成瘾研究提供有效的非人灵长类动物行为模型。  相似文献   

Using electrophoretic and serological genetic markers each of 17 potentially inbred matings in three groups of rhesus monkeys could be classified as either inbred or noninbred matings. Although nine of these 17 matings involved either father-daughter or paternal half-sib matings, only 7.4 were expected by chance alone. At least two, and possibly as many as three, of the nine cases of inbreeding involved father-daughter matings. Thus, no evidence of avoidance of inbreeding was observed in the closed captive groups of rhesus monkeys studied. Colony management policies must be developed to minimize the opportunity for or the deleterious effects of both father-daughter and half-sib matings. Furthermore, kin selection theory should consider why kin recognition, if it occurs, does not lead to avoidance of inbreeding.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect that a dependent rhesus macaque infant (Macaca mulatta) has on the timing of its mother's resumption of mating. Toward this end, behavioral data from the rhesus populations at Tughlaqabad, India, and Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, are compared. Specifically, the intervals between parturition and subsequent resumption of mating for individual parous females are examined in order to shed light on the relative importance of environmental and internal factors (such as lactational infertility) in the control of rhesus mating behvior. At both study sites it was found that the later a given female gave birth during a birth season the shorter was her parturition-mating interval and the younger was her infant when she resumed mating activity. It is suggested that this finding is the result of an interaction of environmental and internal factors; both act in concert to determine how soon after parturition a particular rhesus female will resume mating activity.  相似文献   

We investigated placental transport mechanisms of phenylalanine in Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis. In the beginning of the third trimester we administered i.v. phenylalanine and p-chlorophenylalanine to pregnant animals. Initial higher phenylalanine concentrations were observed followed by a rapid decrease in both rhesus mothers and fetuses when compared with phenylalanine levels in fascicularis mothers and fetuses. In general, however, placental transfer mechanisms of phenylalanine did not differ significantly between the two species.  相似文献   

During early July 1968, a severe food shortage occurred on Cayo Santiago, an island colony of free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The food shortage produced striking changes in the behavior of the monkeys. Within the one social group intensively studied, the total frequencies of grooming, play and fights decreased significantly; the frequency of matings also dropped; body contact, displacements by other groups, and non-displacement movements decreased, but not in statistically significant amounts. Changes in the percentage of total grooming attributable to related and unrelated monkeys reflected the stability of the rhesus matriline. Comparisons made between Cayo Santiago and other primate groups under analogous situations reveal similar responses to food shortage.  相似文献   

The role of increased heme catabolism in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia was investigated in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) neonates through the measurement of carbon monoxide excretion rates (VECO), blood carboxyhemoglobin content (HbCO), and plasma bilirubin concentrations. Neonatal values were compared to those of adult rhesus monkeys. These indices of bilirubin production responded appropriately to administration of NEM-damaged erythrocytes and tin protoporphyrin. Our results indicate that VECO measurements are a valid index of changes in bilirubin production in the newborn rhesus monkey.  相似文献   

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