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In most animal species, brood size and body size exhibit some variation within and between populations. This is also true for burying beetles (genus Nicrophorus), a group in which the body size of offspring depends critically on the number of offspring competing for food due to the discrete nature of resource used for larval nutrition (vertebrate carcasses). In one species, brood size and body size are correlated with population density, and appear to be phenotypically plastic. We investigated potential proximate causes of between-population variation in brood size and body size in two species, Nicrophorus vespilloides and Nicrophorus defodiens. Our first experiment supported the notion that brood size is phenotypically plastic, because it was affected by environmental variation in adult nutritional condition. We found that the pre-breeding nutritional status of female N. vespilloides affected the number of eggs they laid, the number of surviving larvae in their broods, and the body size of their offspring. We do not know whether this plasticity is adaptive because greater offspring body size confers an advantage in contests over breeding resources, or whether starved females are constrained to produce smaller clutches because they cannot fully compensate for their poor pre-breeding nutritional status by feeding from the carcass. Our second experiment documents that brood size, specifically the infanticidal brood-size adjustment behavior, has undergone genetic differentiation between two populations of N. defodiens. Even under identical breeding conditions with identical numbers of first-instar larvae, females descended from the two populations produced broods of different size with corresponding differences in offspring body size.  相似文献   

Mating preferences for genetic compatibility strictly depend on the interplay of the genotypes of potential partners and are therein fundamentally different from directional preferences for ornamental secondary sexual traits. Thus, the most compatible partner is on average not the one with most pronounced ornaments and vice versa. Hence, mating preferences may often conflict. Here, we present a solution to this problem while investigating the interplay of mating preferences for relatedness (a compatibility criterion) and large body size (an ornamental or quality trait). In previous experiments, both sexes of Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a cichlid fish with mutual mate choice, showed preferences for kin and large partners when these criteria were tested separately. In the present study, test fish were given a conflicting choice between two potential mating partners differing in relatedness as well as in body size in such a way that preferences for both criteria could not simultaneously be satisfied. We show that a sex-specific trade-off occurs between mating preferences for body size and relatedness. For females, relatedness gained greater importance than body size, whereas the opposite was true for males. We discuss the potential role of the interplay between mating preferences for relatedness and body size for the evolution of inbreeding preference.  相似文献   

In birds, as in many other taxa, higher genetic similarity of mates has long been known to reduce offspring fitness. To date, the majority of avian studies have focused on examination whether the genetic similarity of social mates predicts hatching success. Yet, increased genetic similarity of mates may also reduce offspring fitness during later life stages, including the nestling period and beyond. Here, we investigated whether parental genetic similarity influences offspring performance using data from free‐living blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) collected across three breeding seasons. Additionally, we tested whether brood size manipulation affects the magnitude and direction of the relationship between genetic similarity of mates and offspring performance. Sixteen microsatellite markers were used to measure genetic similarity between biological parents. We found that the genetic similarity of parents negatively affects offspring immune response and this effect was independent of the experimental brood size manipulation.  相似文献   

Life-history theory posits a fundamental trade-off between number and size of offspring that structures the variability in parental investment across and within species. We investigate this 'quantity-quality' trade-off across primates and present evidence that a similar trade-off is also found across natural-fertility human societies. Restating the classic Smith-Fretwell model in terms of allometric scaling of resource supply and offspring investment predicts an inverse scaling relation between birth rate and offspring size and a (-1/4) power scaling between birth rate and body size. We show that these theoretically predicted relationships, in particular the inverse scaling between number and size of offspring, tend to hold across increasingly finer scales of analyses (i.e. from mammals to primates to apes to humans). The advantage of this approach is that the quantity-quality trade-off in humans is placed into a general framework of parental investment that follows directly from first principles of energetic allocation.  相似文献   

Both males and females ofNeolamprologus moorii, a substrate-spawning cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika, tend their eggs and fry. In this study, the influence of brood size and fry size on parental investment of this species was examined under natural conditions. Breeding parents intensively attacked fry-eating fishes that approached their broods. The attack rate by the parents against the approaching fry-eaters was positively correlated with brood size and negatively with fry size, but was much more strongly related to brood size. This suggests that the parental decision for brood defense appeared to be primarily determined by brood size. The reason for fry size being less important in the parental decision may be that even large fry have a low survival ability on their own under the high predation pressure in the study sites.  相似文献   

What are the consequences of the natural variation in maternal body mass on offspring energetic performance? How are performance traits related to thermal physiology and energetics phenotypically integrated on offspring? To answer these questions, fifty breeding pairs of the common terrestrial isopod Porcellio laevis were set up in the lab. Physiological performance, thermal tolerance and thermal sensitivity were measured in F1 adults. Maternal effects were estimated as: the direct influence of maternal body mass and the variation associated with mothers. Phenotypic integration was evaluated using path analysis. Our results show that: (1) maternal body size affects positively offspring long-term metabolism, (2) maternal variation was significant in many of the physiological traits and (3) there is an intricate set of relationships among traits and importantly, that offspring exhibited compensational strategies among metabolism, thermal sensitivity and thermal tolerance traits. Even if we cannot clearly state whether these maternal influences were because of the genes or the environment that mothers provided and thus no predictions can be done regarding their evolutionary consequences, it seems clear that the role of maternal effects on physiology can no longer be ignored. In this sense, there's a lot to be gained by incorporating explicit experimental protocols to test for maternal effects.  相似文献   

Relationships between body size and abundance in ecology   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Body size is perhaps the most fundamental property of an organism and is related to many biological traits, including abundance. The relationship between abundance and body size has been extensively studied in an attempt to quantify the form of the relationship and to understand the processes that generate it. However, progress has been impeded by the under appreciated fact that there are four distinct, but interrelated, relationships between size and abundance that are often confused in the literature. Here, we review and distinguish between these four patterns, and discuss the linkages between them. We argue that a synthetic understanding of size-abundance relationships will result from more detailed analyses of individual patterns and from careful consideration of how and why the patterns are related.  相似文献   

Crespi EJ  Lessig H 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):306-311
In the terrestrial salamander (Plethodon cinereus), previous work has shown that mothers body size is positively correlated to offspring size at the time of hatching even after controlling for the effects of egg size. This study was designed to determine whether maternal body size affects offspring size via pre-oviposition factors (e.g., yolk quality, jelly coat composition, or maternal genes) or post-oviposition factors (e.g., parental care behaviors, parental modification of environment). Gravid females were captured and induced to lay eggs in experimental chambers in which the environment was standardized. Fifteen clutches were exchanged, or cross-fostered, between female pairs differing in body size. Ten females whose eggs were taken away and then returned served as controls for the crossing treatment. Foster mothers did not significantly differ from control mothers in the time spent with eggs, body position, or number of egg movements during brooding. Average egg mass measured midway through development was not significantly correlated to the body size of either the genetic or foster mother, but was correlated to pre-oviposition oocyte size. At hatching, offspring body length was positively correlated to egg size and the foster mothers body size. This correlation suggests that in P. cinereus post-oviposition maternal effects have a greater impact on offspring size than other maternal factors incorporated into the egg prior to oviposition. While our study showed that larger mothers moved their eggs less often and tended to spend more time in contact with their eggs, further work needs to be done to identify the specific mechanisms through which larger mothers influence the body size of their offspring. This is the first experimental demonstration of post-oviposition maternal effects for any amphibian with parental care.  相似文献   

To analyse the effects of current income on the nature of size-number trade-off and optimal offspring size, we developed a model in which offspring grow by absorbing current income and reserves. The offspring continue to grow while the current income is available or the reserves exist, and they cease to grow when the reserves are depleted and the current income ceases. We showed that the size-number trade-off is nonlinear in the region where the number of offspring is smaller than the critical number and linear in the region where the number of offspring is greater than the critical number. In the former region, the reserves are not depleted by the time the current income ceases and the offspring cease to grow when the reserves are depleted, whereas in the latter region, the reserves are depleted before the current income ceases and the offspring production is completed when the current income ceases. The optimal offspring size is the same as that shown in Sakai and Harada (Evolution 55 (2001) 467) if this optimal size is realized in the region of nonlinear trade-off, whereas the optimal offspring size is the same as that shown in Smith and Fretwell (Am. Natur. 108 (1974) 499) if this optimal size is realized in the region of linear trade-off.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can mold progeny phenotypes in various ways and may constitute ecological adaptations. By examining the effect of oviposition sequence on progeny produced by different size classes of female ladybird beetles (produced by controlling larval access to food), we show that maternal signals can change through adult life and alter the developmental programs of progeny, ostensibly to synchronize their life histories with predictable resource dynamics, thus maximizing maternal fitness. We also show that female body size, as determined by larval food supply, interacts with female age to influence progeny fitness. When fed ad libitum as adults, small females reared with limited food access laid fewer, smaller eggs than large females reared with ad libitum food access. Maternal body size interacted with oviposition sequence to influence progeny development, but the latter had greater impact. Eggs laid later by medium and large females hatched faster than those laid earlier, larvae fed longer in the fourth instar, their pupation period was shorter, total developmental time was reduced, and adults emerged with greater mass, most notably daughters. Oviposition sequence effects on progeny from small mothers were non‐significant for total developmental time and progeny mass. Only large mothers increased egg size over time and egg mass was not consistently correlated with developmental parameters, indicating that progeny phenotype was impacted by other, more cryptic, maternal signals. Such signals appear costly, as food limitation during development constrained not only fecundity and egg size but also maternal ability to manipulate progeny phenotype. The production of faster‐developing offspring that mature to larger sizes late in the oviposition cycle may be adaptive for exploitation of ephemeral aphid outbreaks with predictable dynamics of prey abundance and competition.  相似文献   

Rolff J 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(5):1105-1108
The effects of parasites on host fitness and the fitness effects of maternal effects are widely discussed. In this study, I conducted an experiment linking both aspects. I manipulated the ectoparasite load (Acari: Arrenurus cuspidator) of damselflies, Coenagrion puella, and found that larvae from mothers with high parasite loads were larger (assessed by head width) than larvae from mothers with low parasite loads. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between the number of eggs laid and parasite load. Parasitized mothers thus seemed to have fewer, but probably better, offspring. The ecological significance of these parasite-mediated maternal effects remains to be tested. However, size-dependent cannibalism almost certainly has important consequences for population dynamics. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The patterns of association between maternal or paternal and neonatal phenotype may offer insight into how neonatal characteristics are shaped by evolutionary processes, such as conflicting parental interests in fetal investment and obstetric constraints. Paternal interests are theoretically served by maximizing fetal growth, and maternal interests by managing investment in current and future offspring, but whether paternal and maternal influences act on different components of overall size is unknown. We tested whether parents' prepregnancy height and body mass index (BMI) were related to neonatal anthropometry (birthweight, head circumference, absolute and proportional limb segment and trunk lengths, subcutaneous fat) among 1,041 Australian neonates using stepwise linear regression. Maternal and paternal height and maternal BMI were associated with birthweight. Paternal height related to offspring forearm and lower leg lengths, maternal height and BMI to neonatal head circumference, and maternal BMI to offspring adiposity. Principal components analysis identified three components of variability reflecting neonatal “head and trunk skeletal size,” “adiposity,” and “limb lengths.” Regression analyses of the component scores supported the associations of head and trunk size or adiposity with maternal anthropometry, and limb lengths with paternal anthropometry. Our results suggest that while neonatal fatness reflects environmental conditions (maternal physiology), head circumference and limb and trunk lengths show differing associations with parental anthropometry. These patterns may reflect genetics, parental imprinting and environmental influences in a manner consistent with parental conflicts of interest. Paternal height may relate to neonatal limb length as a means of increasing fetal growth without exacerbating the risk of obstetric complications. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:625–636, 2015. © 2014 The Authors American Journal of Physical Anthropology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Relationships between body size and some life history parameters   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
Summary Patterns in life history phenomena may be demonstrated by examining wide ranges of body weight. Positive relationships exist between adult body size and the clutch size of poikilotherms, litter weight, neonate weight life span, maturation time and, for homeotherms at least, brood or gestation time. The complex of these factors reduces r max in larger animals or, in more physiological terms, r max is set by individual growth rate. Comparison of neonatal production with ingestion and assimilation suggests that larger mammals put proportionately less effort into reproduction. Declining parental investment and longer development times would result if neonatal weight is scaled allometrically to adult weight and neonatal growth rate to neonatal weight. Body size relations represent general ecological theries and therefore hold considerable promise in the development of predictive ecology.  相似文献   

Relationships between body size and biomass of aquatic insects   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
SUMMARY. Predictive equations were developed to estimate dry weight from body length measurements for forty-three taxa of aquatic insects. The inter-relationships between dry weight, body length and head capsule width of individuals grouped according to the eight major orders of aquatic insects were also examined. Regression analysis indicated that the relationship between biomass and body size was best expressed by a power equation, Y =aXb, rather than by linear or exponential equations. Changes in body length versus head capsule width were best expressed by linear equations, with three distinct relationships being observed. Body length estimated biomass better than head capsule width. Populations often species of insects collected from two different rivers generally did not differ significantly in their dry weight to body length relationships.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experiment designed to investigate whether guarding females of the cichlid Aequidens coeruleopunctatus adjust their parental behaviour in response to changes in brood size. It was found that females were easier to scare away from their broods when threatened, and stayed away for longer, after some of their fry had been removed, and that the reverse occurred when broods were experimentally augmented with foreign fry. Brood size manipulations change the expected benefits of future investment. These results therefore indicate that parental care strategies in A. coeruleopunctatus reflect future prospects for reproductive success rather than past investment.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions experienced in early life can influence an individual's growth and long-term health, and potentially also that of their offspring. However, such developmental effects on intergenerational outcomes have rarely been studied. Here we investigate intergenerational effects of early environment in humans using survey- and clinic-based data from rural Gambia, a population experiencing substantial seasonal stress that influences foetal growth and has long-term effects on first-generation survival. Using Fourier regression to model seasonality, we test whether (i) parental birth season has intergenerational consequences for offspring in utero growth (1982 neonates, born 1976-2009) and (ii) whether such effects have been reduced by improvements to population health in recent decades. Contrary to our predictions, we show effects of maternal birth season on offspring birth weight and head circumference only in recent maternal cohorts born after 1975. Offspring birth weight varied according to maternal birth season from 2.85 to 3.03 kg among women born during 1975-1984 and from 2.84 to 3.41 kg among those born after 1984, but the seasonality effect reversed between these cohorts. These results were not mediated by differences in maternal age or parity. Equivalent patterns were observed for offspring head circumference (statistically significant) and length (not significant), but not for ponderal index. No relationships were found between paternal birth season and offspring neonatal anthropometrics. Our results indicate that even in rural populations living under conditions of relative affluence, brief variation in environmental conditions during maternal early life may exert long-term intergenerational effects on offspring.  相似文献   

Baltic salmon brood fish were investigated for the presence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in the kidney, spleen, brain and sexual products (ovarian fluid, unfertilised eggs and milt). Samples for bacteriology were taken at capture, when the fish were ascending their native river to spawn, and after a period of captivity in indoor pools, at stripping. During captivity, abnormal wiggling behaviour was recorded in some of the fish. Bacterial samples were taken to determine if F. psychrophilum had any role in the aetiology of the condition. Furthermore, the presence of F. psychrophilum on egg surfaces during incubation was investigated. F. psychrophilum was isolated from internal organs and/or sexual products in 7 out of 50 (14.0%) fish sampled at capture and 63 out of 272 (23.2%) fish sampled at stripping. The bacteria was isolated from either spleen or gonads in 2 out of 19 (10.5%) fish with abnormal wiggling behaviour but no bacteria was isolated from the brain. No F. psychrophilum was isolated from eggs at the eyed stage. Just before hatching, the bacterium was isolated from 5 out of 15 (33.3%) family groups. The present study shows that Baltic salmon brood fish are carriers of F. psychrophilum during their spawning migration. The presence of the bacteria in sexual products from both females and males indicates that transmission from the brood fish to the offspring should be considered an important route of infection.  相似文献   

Bet-hedging theory addresses how individuals should optimize fitness in varying and unpredictable environments by sacrificing mean fitness to decrease variation in fitness. So far, three main bet-hedging strategies have been described: conservative bet-hedging (play it safe), diversified bet-hedging (don’t put all eggs in one basket) and adaptive coin flipping (choose a strategy at random from a fixed distribution). Within this context, we analyse the trade-off between many small eggs (or seeds) and few large, given an unpredictable environment. Our model is an extension of previous models and allows for any combination of the bet-hedging strategies mentioned above. In our individual-based model (accounting for both ecological and evolutionary forces), the optimal bet-hedging strategy is a combination of conservative and diversified bet-hedging and adaptive coin flipping, which means a variation in egg size both within clutches and between years. Hence, we show how phenotypic variation within a population, often assumed to be due to non-adaptive variation, instead can be the result of females having this mixed strategy. Our results provide a new perspective on bet-hedging and stress the importance of extreme events in life history evolution.  相似文献   

 Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) normally lay two eggs, but brood size is often reduced by mortality during incubation or after hatching. We hypothesized that this variation in brood size would affect the parents’ foraging behavior and their chick provisioning performance. We studied patterns of adult foraging trip duration and frequency, food load delivery, and chick growth rates in relation to brood size during the guard phase in four breeding seasons (1991–1994) on Seal Island, Antarctica. Within a given year, parents with two chicks made more frequent foraging trips to sea and may have transported larger food loads to the nest; however, the duration of foraging trips was unrelated to brood size. Overall, parents with two chicks spent ∼15% more time at sea than parents with only one chick. Both the frequency and duration of foraging trips varied between years. Foraging trip duration may partly reflect the birds’ foraging radius, which probably varies with time in response to shifts in krill distribution. Chick growth rate varied betwen years, but was related to brood size only in 1992, when chicks from two-chick broods grew significantly more slowly than chicks from one-chick broods. Food loads transported to chicks, as well as chick growth rates, were highest in 1994, when concurrent hydroacoustic studies indicated that regional krill biomass was severely depressed. This apparent anomaly suggests that the spatial scale of the krill survey may have been too coarse to detect some high-density krill aggregations within the penguins’ foraging range. Received: 26 September 1995 / Accepted: 12 May 1996  相似文献   

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