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ANALYSES OF THE STRUCTURAL PROTEINS OF HERPES SIMPLEX VIRIONS AND OF CAPSIDS CONTAINING VIRAL DNA (B CAPSIDS), AFTER ELECTROPHORESIS IN POLYACRYLAMIDE GELS, REVEALED CONSIDERABLE VARIABILITY IN THEIR PROPERTIES WITH RESPECT TO: (i) retention of Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) and fast green stains during destaining, (ii) relative optical absorbance of the CBB-protein complex at different wavelengths, (iii) relative efficiency with which (14)C-amino acids are incorporated during early and late periods of the infection cycle, and (iv) capacity to be phosphorylated in vivo. In addition, it was found that protein 22a of B capsids, which does not have an electrophoretically identical counterpart in virions, shares a relatively unique set of staining and radiolabeling properties with virion protein 22, which has a slightly more rapid electrophoretic mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

Previous papers in the series have shown that the surface membranes of herpesvirus-infected cells acquire new immunological specificities and that purified infected cell membrane preparations, characterized by their physical properties rather than topology in the cell, contain new glycoproteins genetically determined by the virus. In this study, we prepared purified plasma membrane identified by its 5' nucleotidase, fucose, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-diaphorase content. Analysis of the membrane proteins and glycoproteins by electrophoresis in acrylamide gels indicated the following. (i) Purified plasma membranes from infected cells contained two sets of proteins, i.e., host proteins were present both before and after infection and viral proteins were present only after infection. (ii) After infection, no appreciable selective or nonselective loss of host proteins from membranes was demonstrable. However, no new host proteins were made. (iii) Electropherograms of plasma membrane proteins from infected cells indicated the presence of at least 12 virus-specific proteins ranging in molecular weight from 25 x 10(3) to 126 x 10(3) daltons. Of these, at least nine were glycosylated. Proteins and glycoproteins with similar electrophoretic mobilities but in somewhat different ratios were also present in preparations of highly purified virions.  相似文献   

A method has been elaborated to differentiate between herpes simplex type 1 and type 2 viruses by immunoelectroosmophoresis. With rabbit immune sera cross-absorbed with heterologous virus antigen, a distinct difference was shown between the two virus types. Herpes simplex type 1 virus tested against cross-absorbed type 1 antiserum gave two precipitin lines. Herpes simplex type 2 virus gave one precipitin line when tested against cross-absorbed homologous serum. When the viral antigens were tested against cross-absorbed heterologous immune sera, no or only very weak precipitin reactions were observed. The test is easy and rapid, requires relatively small quantities of antigen and antibody, and is suitable for typing of herpes simplex virus in diagnostic routine work.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from HEp-2 cells infected with herpes simplex virus and free from soluble proteins, virus, ribosomes, and other cellular constituents were solubilized and subjected to electrophoresis on acrylamide gels. The electropherograms showed the following. (i) The synthesis of host proteins and glycoproteins ceases after infection. However, the spectrum of host proteins in membranes remains unaltered. (ii) Between 4 and 22 hr postinfection, at least four glycoproteins are synthesized and bound to the smooth cytoplasmic membranes. On electrophoresis, these glycoproteins form two major and two minor bands in the gel and migrate with proteins ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 daltons in molecular weight. (iii) The same glycoproteins are present in all membranes fractionated by density and in partially purified virus. The implications of the data are discussed.  相似文献   

To facilitate detection of glycoprotein K (gK) specified by herpes simplex virus, a 12-amino-acid epitope tag was inserted within gK domain III. Recombinant virus gKprotC-DIII, expressing the tagged gK, was isolated. This virus formed wild-type plaques and replicated as efficiently as the wild-type KOS virus in Vero cells. Anti-protein C MAb detected high-mannose and Golgi complex-dependent glycosylated gK within cells as well as on purified virions. The gK-null virus DeltagK (gK(-/-)) entered Vero cells substantially more slowly than the wild-type KOS (gK(+/+)), while DeltagK virus grown in complementing VK302 cells (gK(-/+)) entered with entry kinetics similar to those of the KOS virus.  相似文献   

Two classes of herpesvirus capsids, designated A and B, were isolated from the nuclei of human cells infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV). A and B capsids share in common four structural proteins, i.e., no. 5, 19, 23, and 24. B capsids contain 7.7 to 9.7 times more deoxyribonucleic acid than A capsids; moreover, they contain proteins no. 21 and 22a in addition. All of the proteins contained in the capsid except no. 22a are present in the enveloped nucleocapsids (virions) in approximately the same molar ratios. The capsid proteins of HSV-1 cannot be differentiated from their HSV-2 counterparts with respect to electrophoretic mobility. A third class of capsids, designated C capsids, was isolated from virions contained in the cytoplasm of infected cells by the same procedure used to obtain A and B capsids. The C capsids contain all of the proteins present in A capsids plus proteins 1 to 3 and 21.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the UL17 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is essential for virus replication. In this study, viral mutants incorporating either a lacZ expression cassette in place of 1,490 bp of the 2,109-bp UL17 open reading frame [HSV-1(ΔUL17)] or a DNA oligomer containing an in-frame stop codon inserted 778 bp from the 5′ end of the UL17 open reading frame [HSV-1(UL17-stop)] were plaque purified on engineered cell lines containing the UL17 gene. A virus derived from HSV-1(UL17-stop) but containing a restored UL17 gene was also constructed and was designated HSV-1(UL17-restored). The latter virus formed plaques and cleaved genomic viral DNA in a manner indistinguishable from wild-type virus. Neither HSV-1(ΔUL17) nor HSV-1(UL17-stop) formed plaques or produced infectious progeny when propagated on noncomplementing Vero cells. Furthermore, genomic end-specific restriction fragments were not detected in DNA purified from noncomplementing cells infected with HSV-1(ΔUL17) or HSV-1(UL17-stop), whereas end-specific fragments were readily detected when the viruses were propagated on complementing cells. Electron micrographs of thin sections of cells infected with HSV-1(ΔUL17) or HSV-1(UL17-stop) illustrated that empty capsids accumulated in the nuclei of Vero cells, whereas DNA-containing capsids accumulated in the nuclei of complementing cells and enveloped virions were found in the cytoplasm and extracellular space. Additionally, protein profiles of capsids purified from cells infected with HSV-1(ΔUL17) compared to wild-type virus show no detectable differences. These data indicate that the UL17 gene is essential for virus replication and is required for cleavage and packaging of viral DNA. To characterize the UL17 gene product, an anti-UL17 rabbit polyclonal antiserum was produced. The antiserum reacted strongly with a major protein of apparent Mr 77,000 and weakly with a protein of apparent Mr 72,000 in wild-type infected cell lysates and in virions. Bands of similar sizes were also detected in electrophoretically separated tegument fractions of virions and light particles and yielded tryptic peptides of masses characteristic of the predicted UL17 protein. We therefore conclude that the UL17 gene products are associated with the virion tegument and note that they are the first tegument-associated proteins shown to be required for cleavage and packaging of viral DNA.  相似文献   

Artificial mixtures of plasma membrane vesicles produced by microcavitation from infected and uninfected cells band at the same density on isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose density gradient. However, after reaction with antiviral antibody, the density of the infected cell plasma membrane vesicles increases, and the infected and uninfected cell membranes are quantitatively separable on isopycnic centrifugation. Plasma membrane vesicles prepared from cells doubly labeled before and after infection with radioactive amino acids and reacted with antibody banded at a high density. Polyacrylamide gel electropherograms show that the vesicles reacted with antibody consist of both host- and virus-specific membrane proteins. Microcavitation does not disrupt viral envelopes since infectivity is not affected by this procedure. We conclude that viral and cellular proteins in the plasma membrane preparations are contiguous.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) proteins specifically required for endocytic entry but not direct penetration have not been identified. HSVs deleted of gE, gG, gI, gJ, gM, UL45, or Us9 entered cells via either pH-dependent or pH-independent endocytosis and were inactivated by mildly acidic pH. Thus, the required HSV glycoproteins, gB, gD, and gH-gL, may be sufficient for entry regardless of entry route taken. This may be distinct from entry mechanisms employed by other human herpesviruses.  相似文献   

The interferon-inducible membrane protein tetherin (Bst-2, or CD317) is an antiviral factor that inhibits enveloped virus release by cross-linking newly formed virus particles to the producing cell. The majority of viruses that are sensitive to tetherin restriction appear to be those that acquire their envelopes at the plasma membrane, although many viruses, including herpesviruses, envelope at intracellular membranes, and the effect of tetherin on such viruses has been less well studied. We investigated the tetherin sensitivity and possible countermeasures of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). We found that overexpression of tetherin inhibits HSV-1 release and that HSV-1 efficiently depletes tetherin from infected cells. We further show that the virion host shutoff protein (Vhs) is important for depletion of tetherin mRNA and protein and that removal of tetherin compensates for defects in replication and release of a Vhs-null virus. Vhs is known to be important for HSV-1 to evade the innate immune response in vivo. Taken together, our data suggest that tetherin has antiviral activity toward HSV-1 and that the removal of tetherin by Vhs is important for the efficient replication and dissemination of HSV-1.  相似文献   

Using purified replication factors encoded by herpes simplex virus type 1 and a 70-base minicircle template, we obtained robust DNA synthesis with leading strand products of >20,000 nucleotides and lagging strand fragments from 600 to 9,000 nucleotides as seen by alkaline gel electrophoresis. ICP8 was crucial for the synthesis on both strands. Visualization of the deproteinized products using electron microscopy revealed long, linear dsDNAs, and in 87%, one end, presumably the end with the 70-base circle, was single-stranded. The remaining 13% had multiple single-stranded segments separated by dsDNA segments 500 to 1,000 nucleotides in length located at one end. These features are diagnostic of the trombone mechanism of replication. Indeed, when the products were examined with the replication proteins bound, a dsDNA loop was frequently associated with the replication complex located at one end of the replicated DNA. Furthermore, the frequency of loops correlated with the fraction of DNA undergoing Okazaki fragment synthesis.  相似文献   

As one of the immediate-early(IE)proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1),ICP22 is a multifunctional viral regulator that localizes in the nucleus of infected cells.It is required in experimental animal systems and some nonhuman cell lines,but not in Vero or HEp-2 cells.ICP22 is extensively phosphorylated by viral and cellular kinases and nucleotidylylated by casein kinase Ⅱ.It has been shown to be required for efficient expression of early(E)genes and a subset of late(L)genes.ICP22,in conjunction wit...  相似文献   

The lysosomal pathway of autophagy is the major catabolic mechanism for degrading long-lived cellular proteins and cytoplasmic organelles. Recent studies have also shown that autophagy (xenophagy) may be used to degrade bacterial pathogens that invade intracellularly. However, it is not yet known whether xenophagy is a mechanism for degrading viruses. Previously, we showed that autophagy induction requires the antiviral eIF2alpha kinase signaling pathway (including PKR and eIF2alpha) and that this function ofeIF2alpha kinase signaling is antagonized by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Here, we show quantitative morphologic evidence of PKR-dependent xenophagic degradation of herpes simplex virions and biochemical evidence of PKR and eIF2alpha-dependent degradation of HSV-1 proteins, both of which are blocked by ICP34.5. Together, these findings indicate that xenophagy degrades HSV-1 and that this cellular function is antagonized by the HSV-1 neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Thus, autophagy-related pathways are involved in degrading not only cellular constituents and intracellular bacteria, but also viruses.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) virion host shutoff protein (vhs) encoded by gene UL41 is an mRNA-specific RNase that triggers accelerated degradation of host and viral mRNAs in infected cells. We report here that vhs is also able to modulate reporter gene expression without greatly altering the levels of the target mRNA in transient-transfection assays conducted in HeLa cells. We monitored the effects of vhs on a panel of bicistronic reporter constructs bearing a variety of internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) located between two test cistrons. As expected, vhs inhibited the expression of the 5′ cistrons of all of these constructs; however, the response of the 3′ cistron varied with the IRES: expression driven from the wild-type EMCV IRES was strongly suppressed, while expression controlled by a mutant EMCV IRES and the cellular ApaF1, BiP, and DAP5 IRES elements was strongly activated. In addition, several HSV type 1 (HSV-1) 5′ untranslated region (5′ UTR) sequences also served as positive vhs response elements in this assay. IRES activation was also observed in 293 and HepG2 cells, but no such response was observed in Vero cells. Mutational analysis has yet to uncouple the ability of vhs to activate 3′ cistron expression from its shutoff activity. Remarkably, repression of 5′ cistron expression could be observed under conditions where the levels of the reporter RNA were not correspondingly reduced. These data provide strong evidence that vhs can modulate gene expression at the level of translation and that it is able to activate cap-independent translation through specific cis-acting elements.The virion host shutoff protein (vhs) encoded by herpes simplex virus (HSV) gene UL41 is an endoribonuclease that is packaged into the tegument of mature HSV virions. Once delivered into the cytoplasm of newly infected cells, vhs triggers shutoff of host protein synthesis, disruption of preexisting polysomes, and degradation of host mRNAs (reviewed in reference 62). The vhs-dependent shutoff system destabilizes many cellular and viral mRNAs (36, 46, 67). The rapid decline in host mRNA levels presumably helps viral mRNAs gain access to the cellular translational apparatus. In addition, the relatively short half-lives of viral mRNAs contribute to the sharp transitions between the successive phases of viral protein synthesis by tightly coupling changes in the rates of synthesis of viral mRNAs to altered mRNA levels (46). These effects enhance virus replication and may account for the modest reduction in virus yield displayed by vhs mutants in cultured Vero cells (55, 61).vhs also plays a critical role in HSV pathogenesis: vhs mutants are severely impaired for replication in the corneas and central nervous systems of mice and cannot efficiently establish or reactivate from latency (63, 65, 66). Mounting evidence indicates that this attenuation stems at least in part from an impaired ability to disarm elements of the innate and adaptive host immune responses (reviewed in reference 62). For example, vhs suppresses certain innate cellular antiviral responses, including production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines (68); dampens the type I interferon system (11, 45, 49, 78); and blocks activation of dendritic cells (58). Moreover, vhs mutants display enhanced virulence in knockout mice lacking type I interferon (IFN) receptors (37, 45) or Stat1 (48) and are hypersensitive to the antiviral effects of IFN in some cells in tissue culture (11, 49, 68). Thus, vhs is arguably a bona fide virulence factor.vhs present in extracts of HSV virions or purified from bacteria has nonspecific RNase activity capable of degrading all RNA substrates (15, 70, 71, 79). However, vhs is highly selective in vivo, targeting mRNAs and sparing other cytoplasmic RNAs (36, 46). In vivo and in mammalian whole-cell extracts, vhs-induced decay of at least some mRNAs initiates near regions of translation initiation and proceeds in an overall 5′-to-3′ direction (12, 13, 29, 52). Moreover, vhs binds to the translation initiation factors eIF4H, eIF4B, and eIF4A II, all components of the cap recognition factor eIF4F (10, 16, 17). Thus, it has been proposed that vhs selectively targets actively translated mRNAs through interactions with eIF4F components (17). Consistent with this hypothesis, recent data document that eIF4H is required for vhs activity in vivo (59).A previous report from this laboratory documented that the internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) of the picornaviruses poliovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) strongly target vhs-induced RNA cleavage events to sequences immediately 3′ to the IRES in an in vitro translation system derived from rabbit reticulocyte lysates (RRL) (13). IRES elements are highly structured RNA sequences that are able to direct cap-independent translational initiation (reviewed in references 21, 25, 30, and 64). In the case of the poliovirus and EMCV elements, this is achieved by directly recruiting the eIF4F scaffolding protein eIF4G, thus bypassing the requirement for the cap-binding eIF4F subunit, eIF4E (reviewed in reference 30). Based on these data, we suggested that vhs is strongly targeted to the picornavirus IRES elements via interactions with eIF4 factors.A growing number of cellular mRNAs have been proposed to bear IRES elements in their 5′ untranslated regions (5′ UTRs). These include many that are involved in cellular stress responses, apoptosis, and cell cycle progression (24, 64, 74). Given the striking ability of picornavirus IRES elements to target vhs RNase activity in vitro, we asked whether viral and cellular IRES elements are able to modify the susceptibility of mRNAs to vhs in vivo. During the course of preliminary experiments designed to test this hypothesis, we unexpectedly discovered that vhs is able to strongly activate gene expression controlled by some cellular IRES elements and HSV 5′ UTR sequences in in vivo bicistronic reporter assays. These observations are the subject of the present report.  相似文献   

1型单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)作为溶瘤病毒和病毒载体的研究已有很长的历史. 本研究利用细菌人工染色体技术建立了一种HSV-1载体系统. 首先,将HSV-1内部反向重复序列(internal inverted repeat sequences, IR)两侧的片段克隆入pKO5获得穿梭质粒pKO5/BN,其电转含pHSV-BAC的大肠杆菌后筛选获得删除IR区重组DNA的 pHSVΔIR-BAC. pHSVΔIR-BAC转染Vero细胞获得删除IR区的重组病毒HSVΔIR(MH1001).上述pKO5/BN和含pHSVΔIR BAC的大肠杆菌构成了HSV-1载体系统. 利用该系统获得了表达绿色荧光蛋白EGFP的重组病毒HSVΔIR/EGFP(MH1002).MH1001和MH1002在感染的Vero细胞中增殖水平略低于野生型HSV-1,但无显著差异|Western印迹检测表明,重组病毒早期蛋白质ICP0、ICP4、ICP8、ICP22、ICP27在感染细胞中的表达水平下降|免疫荧光及激光共聚焦检测表明,重组病毒与野生型病毒均存在于细胞质中.以上结果表明,删除IR区的重组HSV-1保留了复制能力,能够携载并表达外源基因,建立的HSV-1载体系统可用于构建携载外源基因的复制型重组HSV-1.  相似文献   

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