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The antigenic properties of a number of chromatographically purified primate hemoglobins were compared to those of normal human hemoglobin using a sensitive radioimmunochemical procedure. The degree of inhibition of the antigen-antibody reaction with heterologous hemoglobins appeared to be related to the structural similarity of these proteins to the normal human hemoglobin immunogen. With the exception of the baboon hemoglobin, the antigenicity of the hemoglobins paralleled the phylogeny of the primates. The gorilla and chimpanzee hemoglobins were antigenically identical to normal human hemoglobin, whereas the gibbon and orangutan hemoglobins were substantially more variable. Of the Old World monkey hemoglobins examined, the baboon produced lower inhibition values, suggesting a greater degree of structural dissimilarity than other Cercopithecoidea hemoglobins, which is compatible with a greater rate of evolutionary change occurring in this protein. Using the known amino acid sequences of human and other primate hemoglobins, we have attempted to identify antigenic determinant areas of the proteins.  相似文献   

1. The electrophoretic mobilities of the hemoglobins of 7 taxa of microtines were compared. Microtus oeconomus, M. pennsylvanicus pullatus and M. xanthognatus showed identical 2-band patterns on electrophoresis of their hemoglobins while M. pennsylvanicus tananaensis showed only a single hemoglobin corresponding to the major band of the others. Dicrostonyx rubricatus and D. stevensoni exhibited identical patterns different from the Microtus species. Lemmus sibiricus had a slow hemoglobin component with mobility slightly different from the slow ones of the Microtus species while the fast component appeared the same. 2. Electrophoresis of individual globin chains from hemolysates, purified hemoglobins, and isolated chains indicated a large degree of similarity between the species studied, although there were significant differences in hemoglobin patterns. 3. The minor hemoglobin band in Microtus seems to be the result of a second alpha chain locus as determined from the hemoglobins from hybrids of two subspecies. 4. Salting-out studies indicated differences between hemoglobins that were not detectable by electrophoresis of either whole hemoglobins or isolated chains. 5. M. xanthognathus hemolysate was considerably less soluble than those of M. oeconomus and M. pennsylvanicus pullatus which had essentially the same solubility. 6. The major hemoglobin components of M. pennsylvanicus pullatus and M. xanthognathus were considerably less soluble than either the corresponding unfractionated hemolysates or purified minor components.  相似文献   

The antigenic properties of the major hemoglobin component of the Galapgaos iguanas were studied using second-approximation qualitative and quantitative immunochemical techniques. Phylogenetic distances, relative to the Galapagos marine iguana. Amblyrhynchus cristatus, were established on the basis of immunological cross-reactions.  相似文献   

Temperature dependent absolute and difference spectra for deoxy and oxy human hemoglobin, alpha and beta subunits, NiHbA, carboxypeptidase A treated deoxy HbA and NiHbA have been investigated. It is shown for the first time that the alpha subunits are mainly responsible for the temperature dependent spectral changes in the absorption spectra of Hb in the range from 0 degrees C to 40 degrees C. It has also been found that in the R state the spectral alterations caused by temperature variation are about 85% of those found for the T state of Hb. The value of following the temperature dependence of the porphyrin bands of hemoproteins, as a sensitive probe for subtle changes in the region of the heme, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The three species investigated, the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), the Mediterranean moray, Muraena helena L., and the conger eel, Conger coner (L.), represent three different superfamilies of the suborder Anguilloidei (infradivision Elopomorpha). Their hemoglobin systems show peculiar structural properties, which distinuish them from all other teleost species studied. They present acidic and basic components differing greatly in their isoelectric points; the basic components have the highest isoelectric points detected in teleost hemoglobins. While there is one major basic component, multiplicity is present in the acidic components in Muraena and Conger. The polyeptides of the acidic comonents show the same electrophoretic mobility in 8 M urea. In the three species, the electroploretic mobility with urea-SDS of the hemoglobin polypeptides shows a shorter β polypeptide in the basic components. These features had never been investigated among Elopomorpha, and are likely to be phylogenetically relevant.  相似文献   

Thermal stabilities of chicken, grey lag goose (Anser anser), turkey as avian hemoglobins (Hbs); and human, bovine, sheep and horse as mammalian Hbs in hemolysate form were investigated and compared with oxygen affinities taken from literature. The thermal stability was obtained from thermal profiles using temperature scanning spectrophotometry. The buffer conditions were 50 mM Tris, pH 7.2, and 1 mM EDTA. The average of the inverse temperature transitions, average hydrophobicity, total van der Waals volume, partial molal volume and hydration potential were calculated by computational methods. The hemolysed avian Hbs have a lower oxygen affinity, higher thermal stability and higher self association than the mammalian Hbs. These observations are based on amino-acid composition, influence of ionic effectors, and the presence of Hb D in several avian Hbs. The results indicate that the avian Hbs have a more tense (T) conformation than the mammalian Hbs.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic and isoelectrophoretic behaviour of the hemoglobins of Italian freshwater Ictalurids was analysed. Multiple and polymorphic hemoglobin patterns were found in Ictalurus sp. (I. nebulosus nebulosus?, I. melas?); multiple and monomorphic patterns in I. n. marmoratus and I. punctatus. Hypotheses are advanced for further investigation of the question.  相似文献   

Fishelson, L., Golani, D., Russell, B., Galil, B. and Goren, M. 2012. Comparative morphology and cytology of the alimentary tract in lizardfishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Synodontidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 308–318. This study compares the morphology and cytology of the alimentary tract in several species of lizardfishes (Synodontidae, Teleostei) of the genera Saurida, Synodus, and Trachinocephalus, in relation to their diets and bathymetric distribution. All the studied species feature a large, pouch‐like stomach, with the intestine beginning at the stomach’s anterior apex, adjacent to the esophageal opening. In the more ‘microphagous’Synodus spp. and Trachinocephalus, the intestine bends twice before reaching the anus, whereas in the more ‘macrophagous’Saurida spp., the intestine extends straight to the anus. The species differ also in the number and form of their pyloric ceca, the length of the intestine and in the percentile relationship between stomach length and standard body length. Along the alimentary tract folds and villi protrude into the lumen, their numbers differing on various sites of the tract. Three cell types make up the gastric gland system: (1) pyramidal cells forming the tubular gastric glands in the lamina propria; among them are large, pale secretary cells; (2) groups of neck cells that surround the pits of the tubules; and (3) groups of large and granule‐rich cells at the end portion of the stomach. All species are carnivorous and uniform in morphology, the differences in the alimentary tract found between the more shallow‐water species of Synodus and Trachinocephalus, and the deeper‐dwelling Saurida, seem to be only partly correlated with the differences in diet.  相似文献   

Plants,humans and hemoglobins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
New developments have forced a re-evaluation of our understanding of the structure and function of hemoglobins. Leghemoglobins regulate oxygen affinity through a mechanism different from that of myoglobin using a novel combination of heme pocket amino acids that lower the oxygen affinity. The hexacoordinate hemoglobins are characterized by intramolecular coordination of the ligand binding site at the heme iron, and were first identified in plants as the 'non-symbiotic plant hemoglobins'. They are now known to be present in animals and bacteria. Many of these proteins are upregulated in both plants and animals during hypoxia or similar stresses. Therefore, there might be a common physiological function for hexacoordinate hemoglobins in plants and animals.  相似文献   

The red cells of the arcid clam Anadara ovalis contain two electrophoretically distinct hemoglobins: Hb Major (Hb Ma) and Hb Minor (Hb Mi). The major component consists of two electrophoretically indistinguishable tetramers each composed of two heterodimers; the minor hemoblogin is a homodimer whose subunits are different from the tetramer. Functionally, Hb Ma has a higher P50, exhibits a concentration dependent oxygen affinity, has significant ligand cooperativity (n = 2.0), lacks a Bohr effect and is unaffected by ATP. HB Mi has a P50 which is lower and independent of hemoglobin concentration, shows appreciable cooperativity (n = 1.4) and exhibits no heterotropic effects. Both Hb Ma and Mi are resistant to dissociation in the presence of 1.0 M NaI, NaCl and guanidine-HCl but dissociate to monomers when converted to the aquamet but not the cyanmet derivative. The dissociation is completely inhibited by mercaptoethanol. The large number of reactive -SH groups (10-13 per tetramer) suggests that the monomerization is mediated by intra-subunit disulfide bridge formation.  相似文献   

Terrestrial green plants absorb photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400–700 nm) but do not absorb photons evenly across the PAR waveband. The spectral absorbance of photosystems and chloroplasts is lowest for green light, which occurs within the highest irradiance waveband of direct solar radiation. We demonstrate a close relationship between this phenomenon and the safe and efficient utilization of direct solar radiation in simple biophysiological models. The effects of spectral absorptance on the photon and irradiance absorption processes are evaluated using the spectra of direct and diffuse solar radiation. The radiation absorption of a leaf arises as a consequence of the absorption of chloroplasts. The photon absorption of chloroplasts is strongly dependent on the distribution of pigment concentrations and their absorbance spectra. While chloroplast movements in response to light are important mechanisms controlling PAR absorption, they are not effective for green light because chloroplasts have the lowest spectral absorptance in the waveband. With the development of palisade tissue, the incident photons per total palisade cell surface area and the absorbed photons per chloroplast decrease. The spectral absorbance of carotenoids is effective in eliminating shortwave PAR (<520 nm), which contains much of the surplus energy that is not used for photosynthesis and is dissipated as heat. The PAR absorptance of a whole leaf shows no substantial difference based on the spectra of direct or diffuse solar radiation. However, most of the near infrared radiation is unabsorbed and heat stress is greatly reduced. The incident solar radiation is too strong to be utilized for photosynthesis under the current CO2 concentration in the terrestrial environment. Therefore, the photon absorption of a whole leaf is efficiently regulated by photosynthetic pigments with low spectral absorptance in the highest irradiance waveband and through a combination of pigment density distribution and leaf anatomical structures.  相似文献   

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