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Material exhibiting immunoreactivity for substance P in enteric nerves, obtained from the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig small intestine, and in the peripheral ends of sensory nerves of the ureter, atrium and superior mesenteric artery, was characterized by separation by high pressure liquid chromatography, and quantified by radioimmunoassay of fractions collected from the chromatograph. Capsaicin, which depletes substance P-like immunoreactivity from sensory, but not from other substance P-containing nerves, reduced the content of substance P-like immunoreactivity in ureter, atrium and superior mesenteric artery by more than 99.5%, whereas the reduction in immunoreactive material in the myenteric plexus was less than 10%. Separation of extracts of myenteric plexus, ureter and atrium on a reversed-phase column gave major peaks corresponding to authentic substance P and minor peaks that coeluted with oxidized substance P. If the extracts were oxidized with hydrogen peroxide before chromatography, all the immunoreactivity was found in the peak corresponding to oxidized substance P. In the superior mesenteric artery extracts, in addition to the components corresponding to substance P and its oxidized derivative, there was a small intermediate peak that has yet to be identified. Physalaemin, which has been suggested to be present in mammalian nerves, was not detectable in any of the extracts. It is concluded that both enteric nerves and the peripheral processes of sensory nerves which show immunoreactivity for substance P in this species contain the authentic peptide.  相似文献   

Peripheral sensory nervous system is comprised of neurones with their axons and neuroglia that includes satellite glial cells in sensory ganglia, myelinating, non-myelinating and perisynaptic Schwann cells. Pathogenesis of peripheral diabetic polyneuropathies is associated with aberrant function of both neurones and glia. Deregulated Ca2+ homoeostasis and aberrant Ca2+ signalling in neuronal and glial elements contributes to many forms of neuropathology and is fundamental to neurodegenerative diseases. In diabetes both neurones and glia experience metabolic stress and mitochondrial dysfunction which lead to deregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and Ca2+ signalling, which in their turn lead to pathological cellular reactions contributing to development of diabetic neuropathies. Molecular cascades responsible for Ca2+ homeostasis and signalling, therefore, can be regarded as potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

In mouse ontogeny, neurons immunoreactive for transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) were observed primarily in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) at embryonic day 13 (E13). In the embryonic period, the number of TRPV1+ neurons decreased, but then gradually increased postnatally. Some of TRPV1+ neurons were also immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). At postnatal day 7 (P7), 66% of CGRP+ neurons were TRPV1+, and 55% of TRPV1+ neurons were also CGRP+ in the L4 DRG. In the peripheral organs, TRPV1-immunorective nerve fibers were transiently observed in the skin at E14. They were also observed in the urinary tract at E14, and in the rectum at E15. Many TRPV1+ nerve fibers in these organs were also CGRP+. At P1, TRPV1+ nerve fibers were observed in the respiratory organs, and to a lesser extent in the stomach, colon, skin, and skeletal muscles. The number of TRPV1+ nerve fibers on each organ gradually increased postnatally. At P7, TRPV1+ nerve fibers were also observed in the small intestine and kidneys. The percentage of total TRPV1+ nerve fibers that co-localized with CGRP was greater in most organs at P7 than at P1. The present results indicate that TRPV1 expression on peripheral processes differs among organs. The differential time course of TRPV1 expression in the cell bodies might be related to the organs to which they project. Co-localization of TRPV1 with CGRP on nerve fibers also varies among organs. This suggests that the TRPV1-mediated neuropeptide release that occurs in certain pathophysiologic conditions also varies among organs.  相似文献   

Sulfated glucuronyl glycolipids (SGGL) have been implicated as important target antigens in patients with demyelinating polyneuropathy and IgM paraproteinemia. Sulfated glucuronyl paragloboside (SGPG), a major species of SGGL, was identified in the subcellular fractions of human peripheral motor and sensory nerves using a simple and quantitative method. SGPG was found to be concentrated in the myelin-enriched fractions of both motor and sensory nerves (1.3±0.3 and 1.5±0.4 µg/mg protein, respectively), whereas its concentration was 0.9±0.2 and 1.8±0.6 µg/mg protein in the axolemma-enriched fractions of motor and sensory nerves, respectively. Our finding that SGPG is more abundant in the human sensory nerve axolemma-enriched fraction may account for the clinical and pathological observations that the lesions are more heavily concentrated in the sensory nerve than in other parts of the nerve tissues in this disorder.  相似文献   

Whereas the function of mechanoreceptors is well known in birds there are no detailed investigations of central processing. Therefore the characteristics of neurones in a first relay, the dorsal column nuclei (nuclei gracilis et cuneatus and the nucleus cuneatus externus), were studied electrophysiologically by recording responses from individual neurones to mechanical stimulation of skin and deep tissue.Of 140 units 84 were cutaneous neurones. The remainder were tap- and deep-neurones. Tap-neurones were activated by sharp brief taps. Activity in deep-neurones was comparable to joint and tendon receptors but not to muscle spindles. Thirty-four cutaneous neurones were vibration sensitive neurones, 36 were slowly adapting neurones and 14 neurones were rapidly adapting and fast habituating cells. Vibration sensitive neurones were most sensitive to 200 to 500 Hz. Frequencies above 100 Hz elicited phase coupled responses.Within the nn. gracilis et cuneatus 61 were cutaneous neurones, 13 were deep-neurones and 7 were tap-cells. Within n. cuneatus externus 17 were cutaneous units, 21 were deep-neurones and 11 were tap-neurones. No vibration sensitive neurones were found within n. cuneatus externus. This means that coding for vibration is represented in the nn. gracilis et cuneatus.Abbreviations CE n. cuneatus externus - DCN dorsal column nuclei - GC n. gracilis et cuneatus - HC Herbst corpuscle - PH phasic and habituating - Imps./s Impulses per second - INTH interval histogram - PSTH peristimulus time histogram - PHASE Phase histogram - RF receptive field - SA slowly adapting - Vec. vector strength  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake and incorporation of various isotopically labelled amino acids by the amphibian peripheral nerve were analysed within 5 to 24 hr after intraperitoneal injection. Amino acid was accumulated rapidly by nerve and some was incorporated into macromolecules. Nerve separated by transection from its cell bodies showed similar accumulation and incorporation. The uptake by nerve was found to be as high as that for brain and liver. A substantial amount of the isotope was recovered in the protein fraction of peripheral nerve. A lesser, but significant, amount was isolated with aminoacyl-tRNA. The contribution of specific amino acids to the nucleic acid and lipid fractions was also assessed. Finally, the significance of our findings in the understanding of nerve metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

Microbeads that are both paramagnetic and fluorescently labeled are commercially available in colors spanning the visible spectrum. Although these commercial beads can be bright, polydispersity in both size and fluorescent intensity limit their use in quantitative assays. Very recently, more monodisperse beads have become available, but their large size and surface properties make them less than ideal for some bioassay applications. Here we describe methods to customize commercial nonfluorescent magnetic microparticles with fluorescent dyes and quantum dots (QDs) without affecting their magnetic or surface chemical properties. Fluorescent dyes and 3.3-nm diameter CdSe/ZnS QDs were sequestered within 0.8-micron diameter magnetic beads by swelling the polystyrene matrix of the bead in organic solvent, letting the chromophores partition, and then collapsing the matrix in polar solvents. Chromophore incorporation has been characterized using both UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy, with an average of 3 x 10(8) rhodamine 6G molecules/bead and 6 x 10(4) QDs/bead. The modified beads are uniform in size and intensity, with optical properties comparable to currently available commercial beads. Immunoassay results obtained with our custom fluorescent magnetic microbeads are consistent with those obtained using conventional magnetic microbeads.  相似文献   

Temperature sensitivity of spinal motoneurones of the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide were immunohistochemically identified in axons innervating the cornea and the ureter of adult rats and pigeons. The two neuropeptides were similarly distributed in both species. Capsaicin pretreatment induced depletion of the immunoreactivity; this was quantitatively and qualitatively different in rats and pigeons. Topical application of capsaicin (1%) reduced the immunoreactivity in the cornea in both species by 50%. Systemic capsaicin treatment completely depleted both peptides from the corneal innervation of rats but reduced the peptide content only by 50% in the cornea of pigeons. In the ureter of rats, capsaicin pretreatment completely depleted the peptide immunoreactivity. In pigeons the peptide depletion was only complete in the outer longitudinal muscle layer. Whereas only a few immunoreactive fibres were observed in the circular muscle layer, about 50% of the peptide remained in the inner longitudinal muscle layer. The results demonstrate that peptidergic afferents in the cornea and ureter of pigeons are sensitive to capsaicin, although birds do not show nociceptive responses to local administration of the drug. The long-term depletion of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide by capsaicin is discussed with regard to the possibility that functionally capsaicin receptors may exist in the axon but not at nerve endings.Part of the thesis of Gerhard Harti, to be presented to the Fachbereich Biologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen  相似文献   

Summary The morphological relationship between sensory and sympathetic nerves was studied in tissues of the eye and the oral cavity following chronic sympathetic or sensory denervation. Immunoreactivities for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were used as indexes to assess the changes of the two nerve populations after denervation.Following surgical sympathectomy, a marked increase of CGRP-containing fibres was seen in all tissues studied, while TH-imunoreactive fibres were totally depleated. Conversely, after capsaicin treatment, an increase of TH-immunoreactive nerves was found in the same tissues, concomitant with a sharp decrease of CGRP-immunoreactive nerves. These changes were particularly evident in iridial stroma and around blood vessels in all tissue, where sensory and sympathetic nerves have a closely overlapping distribution pattern.The altered proportion of sensory peptide-and catecholamine-containing nerves following sympathetic and sensory denervation suggest that there is a reciprocal trophic influence between the two nerve subsets, possibly with the intervention of neurotrophic substances such as nerve growth factor. These results indicate a close interaction between sensory peptidergic and sympathetic nervous systems in peripheral organs.  相似文献   

The morphological relationship between sensory and sympathetic nerves was studied in tissues of the eye and the oral cavity following chronic sympathetic or sensory denervation. Immunoreactivities for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were used as indexes to assess the changes of the two nerve populations after denervation. Following surgical sympathectomy, a marked increase of CGRP-containing fibres was seen in all tissues studied, while TH-imunoreactive fibres were totally depleated. Conversely, after capsaicin treatment, an increase of TH-immunoreactive nerves was found in the same tissues, concomitant with a sharp decrease of CGRP-immunoreactive nerves. These changes were particularly evident in iridial stroma and around blood vessels in all tissue, where sensory and sympathetic nerves have a closely overlapping distribution pattern. The altered proportion of sensory peptide- and catecholamine-containing nerves following sympathetic and sensory denervation suggest that there is a reciprocal trophic influence between the two nerve subsets, possibly with the intervention of neurotrophic substances such as nerve growth factor. These results indicate a close interaction between sensory peptidergic and sympathetic nervous systems in peripheral organs.  相似文献   

Morphometric studies of sural nerves and dorsal root ganglia cells L5 were performed in 8 diabetic rats 35 or 44d after the administration of streptozotocin and in 8 controls. Morphometry of photographed semithin sections was realized after whole body glutaraldehyde perfusion with semiautomatic MOP AM 02 and MOP Videoplan. The peripheral nerve showed no decrease of the total nerve area, number of nerve fibres or of myelinated area. Parameters area of fibres decreased in diabetic animals caused by reduction of myelin sheath thickness. There were no changes of mean neuron volume and maximal cell diameter in the dorsal root ganglia. Whereas in experimental short-term diabetes the peripheral nerves demonstrate morphologic changes correlating to biochemical abnormalities, no such correlations can be observed in the perikarya. It is suggested, that primary SCHWANN cell lesion is responsible for the observed myelin thickness reduction.  相似文献   

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