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Spore germination in Dryopteris filix-mas occurs via a cascade of cellular responses, and chlorophyll formation, mitosis or rhizoid elongation are commonly used as parameters to determine spore germination. Detailed investigations of these parameters led to the hypothesis that they are regulated by different, independent phytochrome-mediated responses. This concept could be confirmed, as is described in this paper which demonstrates that perception of light via phytochrome occurs within two different phases separated in time. Presence of the far-red absorbing phytochrome form, Pfr, for 36 h, induces chlorophyll formation and the first unequal cell division, by which a rhizoid initial and a protonemal initial are formed (first phytochrome-mediated response). However, rhizoid elongation requires a second period of Pfr, presence (second phytochrome-mediated response). There is a clear temporal distinction between the first and the second phytochrome-mediated response with respect to the coupling of Pfr to the transduction chain; Pfr is unable to induce rhizoid growth until 60 h after the start of the first red irradiation. The effectivity of Pfr for inducing the second response shows an optimum at ca 96 h after the beginning of the presence of Pfr; thereafter, it declines slowly. The fluence-response relationship and the presence of red/far-red reversibility demonstrate that rhizoid elongation is a low-fluence response mediated by phytochrome and is independent of the first phytochrome response.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes the phenology of sporophytes of the fern Dryopteris filix-mas in relation to whole plant development. Sterile and fertile potted sporophytes were set out at an exposed site and the seasonal development of the fronds was measured from the commencement of unfolding, through the phase of increasing length, up to discoloration. The physiological activity of the fronds was determined by measuring photosynthetic gas exchange. The fronds of sterile sporophytes unfolded in April, about a week earlier than those of fertile plants, but the colour had already begun to turn in September and their life span was 1–2 months shorter. However, between mid-June and the end of August the sterile sporophytes put out several sets of new fronds: these overwintered without changing color and were still photosynthetically active in the following spring. All types of fronds were fully expanded 1–2 months from the beginning of unfolding and, with a natural supply of CO2, had similar maximum net photosynthetic rates of 8–9 mol/m2 · s. The decline in photosynthetic performance began before symptoms of senescence were visible and was due to decreased efficiency of the mesophyll. It is concluded that the phenology of D. filix-mas changes with transition from the sterile to the fertile phase. Whereas fertile sporophytes are genuinely summergreen, the sterile sporophytes with their summer fronds remain green throughout the winter and should therefore be termed semi-evergreen. The formation of overwintering summer shoots clearly extends the period of photosynthetic productivity of sterile sporophytes.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison was conducted on the foliage development during sporophyte development of three allopatric ferns in cool temperate and subalpine regions of Hokkaido and Tirol, European Alps. The foliage development ofDryopteris crassirhizoma, D. coreano-montana andD. filix-mas was quantitatively described by the leaf development (NV, number of veins); NV correlates the leaf-shape complexity from a circle (DI, L/2(3.14×S)1/2). Nearly similar patterns were detected on frequency distribution of fertile leaves, fertility increase and number of leaves in threeDryopteris ferns which exhibit funnel-shaped foliage arrangements in mature sporophyte. No difference was found in number of leaves, maximum NV, fertility rate and leaf-shape parameters among three ferns. A positive difference was found only on changes in order of pinnae with maximum number of costa branches (NVP) and the DI of outline of pinnae betweenD. crassirhizoma andD. filix-mas. These allopatricDryopteris ferns seem to have a similar foliage structure, in spite of some sympatricDryopteris ferns capable of producing putative hybrids (D. austriaca andD. amurensis; D. tokyoensis andD. monticola) having different foliage structures in Hokkaido. Contribution No. 3346 from the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   

A method is described to determine germination by blue-light excited red fluorescence in the positively photoblastic spores of Dryopteris paleacea Sw. This fluorescence is due to chlorophyll as evidenced from 1) a fluorescence-emission spectrum in vivo, where a bright fluorescence around 675 nm is obtained only in red light (R)-irradiated spores and 2) in vitro measurements with acetone extracts prepared from homogenized spores. Significant amounts of chlorophyll can be found only in R-treated spores; this chlorophyll exhibits an emission band around 668 nm, when irradiated with 430 nm light at 21°C.
Compared to other criteria for germination, such as swelling of the cell, coat splitting, greening, and rhizoid formation, which require longer periods after induction for their expression, chlorophyll fluorescence can be used to quantify germination after two days. This result is confirmed by fluence-response curves for R-induced spore germination; the same relationship between applied R and germination is obtained by the evaluation with the epifluorescence method 2 days after the light treatment as compared with the evaluation with bright-field microscopy 5 days after the inducing R.
Using this technique we show for the first time that Ca2+ contributes to the signaltransduction chain in phytochrome-mediated chlorophyll synthesis in spores of Dryopteris paleacea .  相似文献   

Methanol and flavonoid extracts (free and bound) of Marchantia polymorpha L., Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott and Ephedra foliata Boiss. were screened against three fungal plant pathogens: Alternaria solani, Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani. The extracts from D. filix-mas and E. foliata showed >80% of mycelial inhibition of A. solani whereas M. polymorpha and D. filix-mas (rhizome) completely inhibited the mycelial growth of R. solani when tested at highest concentration (5 mg/ml). Inhibition of spore germination of fungi (A. solani and F. oxysporum) was observed to be 100% by most of the extracts at 10 mg/ml. Moreover, plant extracts were found effective in increasing seed germination and seed vigour simultaneously thereby decreasing the percentage of pathogen infection. The results of the present study reveal that the plants screened possess the potential to inhibit the crop fungal pathogens and further investigation is required to explore the biologically active constituents of these plants and to use them as natural plant protectants for agriculture.  相似文献   

KORPELAINEN, H., 1994. Growth, sex determination and reproduction of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott gametophytes under varying nutritional conditions. Gametophyte isolates originating from two populations of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott were grown in culture media containing different amounts of nutrients. Both nutrition and source population significantly affected gametophyte growth, sex, reproduction and mortality. Taking into account the most optimal nutritional condition for the selfing of gametophytes originating from individual source sporophytes, the proportions of hermaphrodites reproducing by intragametophytic selfing in the two populations varied from 33 to 96% and from 54 to 100%, respectively. It is emphasized that when examining the amount of genetic load only hermaphrodites, not all individuals, should be included, and genetic load should be estimated from the growth experiments where the intensity of reproduction is at the maximum. It was detected that hermaphroditic gametophytes are considerably larger than males or asexuals. It follows that gametophyte size is decisive in sex determination. It is suggested that the effect of antheridiogen hormones, which is considered to be an important factor in gametophyte sex determination, is indirect. Antheridiogens would actually affect size, and size would influence sex expression. The ecology of fern mating systems, and the different genetic and nongenetic factors which promote intergametophytic matings are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of total lipids, glyco- and phospholipids, and one betaine lipid (DGTS) in the fronds of the ferns Dryopteris filix-mas and Matteuccia struthiopteris was studied. The lipid composition of the embryo leaflets forming a bud, or treble clef, and that of fully opened leaves changed throughout the growth season. The maximum amount of DGTS in clefs and mature leaves was detected at the beginning of the season. By midsummer, the DGTS content decreased, dropping to zero in the fully opened leaves, and then increased again. The amount of DGTS in the clefs collected in October versus those collected in May was somewhat higher in the case of Dryopteris filix-mas and almost twofold lower in the case of Matteuccia struthiopteris. The ratio between polar lipids contained in the clefs and mature leaves throughout the growth season was determined.  相似文献   

N. J. Pinfield  A. K. Stobart 《Planta》1972,104(2):134-145
Summary Dormancy of intact sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) seeds was broken by chilling (5°C) for several weeks in moist conditions. Treatment of unchilled seeds with kinetin induced some germination, but gibberellin was ineffective. This stimulation by kinetin was not suppressed by the added presence of abscisic acid during incubation.The chilling requirement of intact seeds was eliminated by removal of the testa, and the naked embryos developed with no morphological abnormalities. During early growth of isolated embryos in the light, two distinct developmental processes were recognised. One involved initial elongation of the radicle accompanied by geotropic curvature and was stimulated by kinetin but not by gibberellin, while the other involved unrolling of the cotyledons, which was accelerated by gibberellin but much less by kinetin. Abscisic acid strongly suppressed both developmental processes when applied alone, inhibited cotyledon expansion in the presence of gibberellin, but failed to overcome the promotory effects of kinetin on radicle growth. Experiments with CCC indicated that under natural conditions the unrolling of the cotyledons is dependent upon endogenous gibberellin. Radicle growth of isolated embryos was unimpaired by incubation in the dark, but cotyledon expansion of water incubated embryos was poor, and although it was accelerated by gibberellin, the responses in all treatments were slower than in the corresponding light grown samples.It is suggested that endogenous cytokinins are primary factors in the initiation of radicle growth, while gibberellins are important in cotyledon expansion. Abscisic acid appears to have an inhibitory role in both processes, and the interactions of these regulators in the control of germination and development are discussed.  相似文献   

Phytochrome is confirmed to be the photoreceptor pigment in the germination response of Onoclea sensibilis L. by demonstrating red-far-red (R-FR) photoreversibility. External Ca2+ is required for this response with a threshold at a submicromolar concentration. Ethylene glycol-bis(-amino-ethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid, La3+ and Co2+ reversibly inhibit germination. Lanthanum only inhibits germination when applied before or during irradiation, indicating that the external Ca2+ requirement is transient, although in the absence of Ca2+ the R-stimulated system remains maximally poised to accept the ion for over 4 h after irradiation. The ability to respond to Ca2+ 4.1 h after R-irradiation is not reversed by FR-irradiation, indicating that Ca2+ transport has been uncoupled from phytochrome. Barium and Sr2+, but not Mg2+ can substitute for Ca2+. Artificially increasing the concentration of intracellular free Ca2+ with the ionophore A 23187 stimulates germination in the dark. The Ca2+-calmodulin antagonists, trifluoperizine and chlorpromazine, reversibly inhibit germination. Calcium is required in phytochrome-mediated fern spore germination; it may be acting as a second messenger.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FR far-red light - R fed light  相似文献   

Red-light-induced (via phytochrome) germination decreased with increasing numbers of turions per germination flask (overcrowding). Three hypotheses concerning the mechanism of this germination inhibition were tested, related to abscisic acid, ethylene, and oxygen deficiency: (i) Although abscisic acid is a powerful inhibitor of turion germination it had to be excluded as a cause, because abscisic acid was not secreted from turions into the nutrient solution, (ii) Ethylene (ethrel) strongly inhibited growth of newly formed sprouts, but germination response itself was not inhibited, (iii) Germination inhibition did not appear if short light pulses were substituted by continuous irradiation. It reappeared in the presence of the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-l, 1-dimethylurea, but it was not observed in aerated nutrient solutions, or when Petri dishes instead of Erlenmeyer flasks were used. Decreased oxygen concentrations in the nutrient solution were produced by turion respiration. Consequently, anaerobiosis within the nutrient solution caused by turion respiration was the reason for germination inhibition by overcrowding.  相似文献   

A library of complementary DNA (cDNA) clones has been prepared from poly(A)+RNA of spores of the sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis L. By differential hybridization with labeled probes made to poly(A)+ RNA of spores, gametophytes and leaves, two spore-specific clones (pOSS68 and pOSS194) were selected and characterized. Northern blot analysis showed that RNA sequences homologous to the two cDNA clones first appear in the post-meiotic spore and increase in abundance during spore maturity. Both RNA sequences decay during photoinduced germination of the spores and do not reappear in the gametophytes. In spores imbibed in the dark under conditions which do not favor germination, no significant decrease in pOSS194-mRNA abundance is noted. In contrast, the decrease in pOSS68 mRNA in dark-imbibed spores parallels that observed in photoinduced spores. The predicted amino-acid sequence of pOSS194 has a striking similarity to the early light-inducible proteins expressed during the greening of etiolated pea and barley seedlings, whereas that of pOSS68 shows some homology to proteins encoded by late-embryogenesis-abundant mRNAs of angiosperm embryos.Abbreviations bp base pairs - cDNA complementary DNA - ds double-stranded - ELIP early light-inducible proteins - LEA late embryogenesis abundant - nt nucleotide - ss single stranded This work was partially supported by a NASA grant (NAGW-901) and by an allocation from the Research Challenge Investigators' Fund of the Ohio State University to V.R. Thanks are due to Mr. Clayton L. Rugh for sequencing our clones and to Dr. Paul A. Fuerst for help in the computer search of sequence alignments.  相似文献   

Chen CY  Ikuma H 《Plant physiology》1979,63(4):704-708
The physiological nature of photoinduced germination of Onoclea sensibilis L. spores was investigated by temporarily applying a range of temperatures, particularly 40 C, before and after short light treatment. Controls were germinated at 25 C.  相似文献   

WILLMOT, A., 1989. The phenology of leaf life spans in woodland populations of the ferns Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott and D. dilatata (Hoffm.) A. Gray in Derbyshire. The results of a survey on the number of upright fronds per plant in a population of Dryopteris filix-mas and in a population of D. dilatata over a 14 month period are presented. These coupled with similar information on the number of developing fronds per plant demonstrate that large plants in the population of each species were summergreen, while small ones were wintergreen. This size-specific difference in leaf phenology does not seem to have been recorded before in Dryopteris filix-mas. It is suggested that this difference, in both species, may have been due to either the different environments in which the plants grew or to a risk-sensitive strategy in the small plants. It is considered that such a strategy might be concerned with the obtaining or retention of resources at a critical period in the life history of the species.  相似文献   

The metal ion content of spores of five Streptomyces species was studied. A general feature of this study was the finding of a very high calcium content (1.1 to 2.1% of the dry weight). Accumulation of calcium occurred preferentially during the sporulation process. Spore calcium was located in the integument fraction, and more than 95% of the calcium was removed from intact spores by ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetraacetic acid. Several divalent cations (Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+) which induced darkening of spores and loss of heat resistance also caused the release of calcium from spores. In addition, darkening of spores was blocked by metabolic inhibitors, whereas calcium excretion was not affected. Two different categories of events in the initiation of germination may be differentiated; first, calcium release from spores which is not energy dependent and is a consequence of triggering of germination by some divalent cations, and second, some other events including loss of heat resistance, loss of spore refractility, and a decrease in absorbance, with at least one energy-dependent step.  相似文献   

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