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1. CaCl2-extracted proteoglycan from bovine nasal cartilage was degraded by four tissue proteinases till no further decrease in hydroynamic size was obtained. The proteoglycan and its final degradation products were then fractionated by Sepharose 2B chromatography. 2. The average size of the degradation products was least for cathepsin B and lysosomal elastase, and greatest for cathepsin D and cathepsin G. The latter two proteinases also produced degradation products that showed the widest range of sizes. 3. The structure of the degradation products ranged from peptides containing a single glycosaminoglycan chain to those containing twelve or more chains. Of the four proteinases, only cathepsin B produced peptides that contained a single chondroitin sulphate chain. 4. The proteoglycan was very heterogeneous with respect to size and chemical composition. Its behaviour on electrophoresis suggested that at least two genetically distinct core proteins might exist. 5. Irrespective of their structural variations, all proteoglycan molecules were able to interact with hyaluronic acid. In contrast, none of the degradation products were capable of this type of interaction. 6. A pathway for the proteolytic degradation of proteoglycans is postulated in which the sites of initial cleavage may be common to the majority of proteinases, whereas the production of the final clusters is dependent on the specificity of the proteinase. Only those proteinases of broadest specificity can produce single-chain chondroitin sulphate-peptides.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans are key components of extracellular matrices, providing structural support as well as influencing cellular behaviour in physiological and pathological processes. The diversity of proteoglycan function reported in the literature is equally matched by diversity in proteoglycan structure. Members of the ADAMTS (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin motifs) family of enzymes degrade proteoglycans and thereby have the potential to alter tissue architecture and regulate cellular function. In this review, we focus on ADAMTS enzymes that degrade the lectican and small leucine-rich repeat families of proteoglycans. We discuss the known ADAMTS cleavage sites and the consequences of cleavage at these sites. We illustrate our discussion with examples from the literature in which ADAMTS proteolysis of proteoglycans makes profound changes to tissue function.  相似文献   

Neutrophil Proteinases have the capacity to degrade almostevery component of the extracellular matrix. In marked contrast to the wealth of available data about the structure and activity of these proteinases when they are free in solution, there has been relatively little information about the mechanisms by which neutrophils use and control their proteolytic enzymes in an extracellular milieu that is replete with proteinase inhibitors. However, recent data have provided insights into several mechanisms that permit these enzymes to evade inhibition: (1) compartmentalization; (2) localized inactivation of proteinase inhibitors; (3) tight binding of enzymes to substrates; and (4) binding of proteinases to the neutrophil's cell surface.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulphate synthesis on proteoglycans was decreased in rat chondrosarcoma cell cultures in the presence of cycloheximide (0.1-1.0 muM) or p-nitrophenyl beta-D-xyloside (50 microM). In the presence of cycloheximide the proteoglycan monomer was of larger size, the chondroitin sulphate chains were increased in length, but a similar number of chains was attached to each proteoglycan and the size of the core protein was unaltered. In the presence of p-nitrophenyl beta-D-xyloside (50 microM), chondroitin sulphate synthesis was increased (by 60-80%), but the incorporation into proteoglycans was decreased (by 70%). The chondroitin sulphate chains were of shorter length than in control cultured and the number of chains attached to each proteoglycan was decreased. In cultures with cycloheximide or actinomycin D the synthesis of chondroitin sulphate was less inhibited on beta-xyloside than on endogenous proteoglycan. When the rate of chondroitin sulphate synthesis was decreased by lowering the temperature of cultures, the chains synthesized at 22 and 4 degrees C were much longer than at 37 degrees C, but in the presence of p-nitrophenyl beta-D-xyloside the chains were of the same length at all three temperatures. A model of chain elongation is thus proposed in which the rate of chain synthesis is determined by the concentration of xylosyl acceptor and the length of the chains is determined by the ratio of elongation activity to xylosyl-acceptor concentration.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a structure for the heterodimer between apolipoprotein A-I(Milano) and apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-I(M)-apoA-II) in a synthetic high-density lipoprotein (HDL) containing L-alpha-palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylcholine. We applied bioinformatics/computational tools and procedures, such as molecular docking, molecular and essential dynamics, starting from published crystal structures for apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein A-II. Structural and energetic analyses onto the simulated system showed that the molecular dynamics produced a stabilized synthetic HDL. The essential dynamic analysis showed a deviation from the starting belt structure. Our structural results were validated by limited proteolysis experiments on HDL from apoA-I(M) carriers in comparison with control HDL. The high sensitivity of apoA-I(M)-apoA-II to proteases was in agreement with the high root mean-square fluctuation values and the reduction in secondary structure content from molecular dynamics data. Circular dichroism on synthetic HDL containing apoA-I(M)-apoA-II was consistent with the alpha-helix content computed on the proposed model.  相似文献   

The rotary-shadowing technique for molecular electron microscopy was used to study cartilage proteoglycan structure. The high resolution of the method allowed demonstration of two distinct globular domains as well as a more strand-like portion in the core protein of large aggregating proteoglycans. Studies of proteoglycan aggregates and fragments showed that the globular domains represent the part of the proteoglycans that binds to the hyaluronic acid, i.e. the hyaluronic acid-binding region juxtapositioned to the keratan sulphate-attachment region. The strand-like portion represents the chondroitin sulphate-attachment region. Low-Mr proteoglycans from cartilage could be seen as a globule connected to one or two side-chain filaments of chondroitin sulphate.  相似文献   

The inhibition of tissue acid proteinases by pepstatin.   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文

To produce ubiquitinated substrates for studies on ATP-dependent proteolysis, 125I-lysozyme was incubated in hemin-inhibited rabbit reticulocyte lysates. A portion of the labeled molecules became linked to ubiquitin in large covalent complexes. When these were partially purified and returned to uninhibited lysates containing ATP, the conjugated lysozyme molecules were degraded 10 times faster than free lysozyme. Purification of covalently modified lysozyme from hemin-inhibited lysates containing 125I-ubiquitin and 131I-lysozyme confirmed that both molecules were present in the complexes. The doubly labeled conjugates also permitted us to determine the fate of each molecule in uninhibited lysates. Besides degradation of lysozyme, there was a progressive release of intact lysozyme molecules from the complexes. This disassembly, which was the only fate of the complexes in the absence of ATP, proceeded through a series of smaller intermediates, several having molecular weights expected for ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates, and eventually free lysozyme was regenerated. The behavior of labeled ubiquitin was similar, though not identical, to that of lysozyme. Even in lysates containing ATP ubiquitin emerged from the complex undegraded. Furthermore, ubiquitin was present in a greater number of species than was lysozyme. The demonstration that ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates are rapidly degraded provides support for the hypothesis of Hershko, Rose, Ciechanover, and their colleagues that a key function of ubiquitin is to modify the proteolytic substrate. Further support for the hypothesis is presented in the following paper where we show that the conjugated lysozyme molecules are substrates for an ATP-dependent protease that does not degrade free lysozyme.  相似文献   

Cartilage proteoglycan aggregates are separated from collagen and other non-proteoglycan protein by preparative rate zonal sedimentation under associative conditions. Dissociative rate zonal sedimentation produces sedimented proteoglycan of lower protein content with a corresponding increase in the amount of less sedimentable protein-rich proteoglycan. An extensive number of sequential rate zonal sedimentations discloses that the proceess of disaggregation involves the separation of proteoglycans varying continuously in composition with no apparent discontinuities in distribution to indicate the presence of distinctively different macromolecules. The variations encompass proteoglycans of low protein content containing less than 2% keratan sulfate and proteoglycans with keratan sulfate as the predominant polysaccharide (present in concentrations greater than 2-fold that of the chondroitin sulfate) and more than a 10-fold increase in protein content.  相似文献   

1. Proteoglycans were extracted from bovine nasal cartilage with 2.0M-CaC2 or with 0.15M-KCl followed by 2.0M-CaC2.. Proteoglycan fractions were prepared from the extracts by density-gradient centrifugation in CsCl under 'associative' and 'dissociative' conditions. 2. The heterogeneity of the proteoglycan fractions was investigated by large-pore-gel electrophoresis. It was concluded that extracts made with 2.0M-CaCl2 or sequential 2.0M-CaCl2 contain two major species of proteoglycan 'subunit' of different hydrodynamic size, together with proteoglycan aggregates. Both 'subunits' have mobilities that are greater than those of proteoglycans obtained from pig articular cartilage McDevitt & Muir (1971) Anal. Biochem. 44, 612-622] and are therefore probably smaller in size than the latter. 3. Proteoglycan fractions isolated from cartilage extracted lith 0.15M-KCl separated into two main components on large-pore-gel electrophoresis with mobilities greater than those of proteoglycans extracted with 2.0M-CaCl2. Proteoglycans extracted at low ionic strength from bovine nasal cartilage are of similar hydrodynamic size to those extracted from pig articular cartilage under the same conditions [McDevitt & Muir (1971) Anal. Biochem. 44, 612-622]. 4. The role of endogenous proteolytic enzymes in producing proteoglycan heterogeneity, particularly in low-ionic-strength cartilage extracts is discussed. 5. Hyaluronic acid and 'link proteins' were present in the proteoglycan fraction separated from KCl extracts as well as in the fraction separated from CaCl2 extracts. Hyaluronic acid can only be identified in proteoglycan fractions by large-pore-gel electrophoresis after proteolysis and further purification of the fraction. 6. Collagen was extracted by both salt solutions and was tentatively identified as type II. Small amounts of collagen appear to be associated with the proteoglycan-aggregate fraction from the high-ionic-strength extract but not with the corresponding fraction from the KCl extract.  相似文献   

Non-aggregating dermatan sulphate proteoglycans can be extracted from both fetal and adult human articular cartilage. The dermatan sulphate proteoglycans appear to be smaller in the adult, this presumably being due to shorter glycosaminoglycan chains, and these chains contain a greater proportion of their uronic acid residues as iduronate. Both the adult and fetal dermatan sulphate proteoglycans contain a greater amount of 4-sulphation than 6-sulphation of the N-acetylgalactosamine residues, in contrast with the aggregating proteoglycans, which always show more 6-sulphation on their chondroitin sulphate chains. In the fetus the major dermatan sulphate proteoglycan to be synthesized is DS-PGI, though DS-PGII is synthesized in reasonable amounts. In the adult, however, DS-PGI synthesis is barely detectable relative to DS-PGII, which is still synthesized in substantial amounts. Purification of the dermatan sulphate proteoglycans from adult cartilage is hampered by the presence of degradation products derived from the large aggregating proteoglycans, which possess similar charge, size and density properties, but which can be distinguished by their ability to interact with hyaluronic acid.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for the use of minislab gels to electrophoretically separate proteoglycans (PGs), large macromolecules with molecular masses greater than 2.5 million Da. Our procedure is a modification of the method of C.A. McDevitt and H. Muir (Anal. Biochem. 44, 612-622, 1971) for agarose/polyacrylamide, composite tube gels. These 1% agarose/1.2% acrylamide minigels are run at 35 mA for 75 min; bands are visualized by toluidine blue staining. The subtle size differences between the large aggregating PGs isolated from rat chondrosarcoma, bovine nasal septal cartilage, and adult bovine articular cartilage (which consists of two subpopulations) can be distinguished by their migration on these large pore gels. Chondroitin sulfate chains, added to all wells as a marker of constant mobility, ran immediately behind the dye front. The distance of migration into the gel of PGs incubated overnight with cathepsin B, carboxypeptidase A, papain, plasmin, elastase, or cathepsin G varied with the size of the cleavage products. We propose the use of this procedure for a convenient assessment of cartilage PGs and a rapid, reproducible assay for proteoglycanase activity.  相似文献   

In the present work, the interaction of aggrecan, decorin and biglycan isolated from pig laryngeal cartilage and of the three squid cartilage proteoglycans with collagen type I and II was studied. The interaction was examined under conditions allowing the formation of collagen fibrils. It was found that biglycan interacted strongly with collagen type II and not with type I and the interaction seemed to proceed exclusively through its core proteins. Decorin interacted with collagen type I but not with type II. Aggrecan interacted very poorly with both collagen types. The two squid proteoglycans of large size, D1D1A and D1D2, interacted only with collagen type I through both glycosaminoglycans and core proteins. The third squid proteoglycan of small size, D1D1B, interacted poorly only with collagen type I. The results suggested that the interactions of cartilage proteoglycans with collagen were mainly due to the primary structure of both molecules, and would contribute to the maintenance of the integrity of the tissue. The biochemical significance of these interactions might be more critical in aged vertebrate cartilage, where loss of aggrecan and increase of the small proteoglycans was observed, a large proportion of which is found in the extracellular matrix free of glycosaminoglycan chains.  相似文献   

Antibodies to proteoglycan (PG) and glycoprotein of bovine nasal cartilage were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and with horseradish peroxidase. Hyaluronidase digestion of cartilage tissue-specimens increased the intensity of immune reactions; pronase digestion or extraction with 4 M guanidinium chloride abolished the staining. In the intercellular matrix fine filaments beaded with small granules were seen forming an irregular network. The interstices of the network are filled with collagen fibers linked together by the filaments and granules. In view of the linear conformation of core proteins of PGs and the globular conformation of glycoproteins (link proteins), it may be supposed that the granules and filaments represent these two protein components of PG-aggregates. In chondrocytes a homogeneous staining was recorded in the endoplasmic reticulum, in the juxtanuclear areas and in several smooth-walled vesicles and elongated areas situating subjacent to the cell membrane. In contrast to the extracellular immune reactions, this homogeneous intracellular staining was never enhanced by hyaluronidase digestion. This is interpreted in the sense that conformation changes of molecules secreted, and the aggregation of PGs, occur extracellularly.  相似文献   

Bovine nasal cartilage was extracted with 0.5 M LaCl3 and the extract then diluted with nine volumes of water. The resulting precipitated (PLaCl3) contained the proteoglycan subunits, together with minor protein components, but was essentially free from hyaluronic acid. The properties of PLaCl3 were investigated by chemical analysis, electrophoresis, viscometry and analytical ultracentrifugation, and the results compared with those for proteoglycan obtained by caesium chloride density gradient centrifugation of 2 M CaCl2 cartilage extracts. Proteoglycan subunits (A1D1) prepared from PLaCl3 showed identical properties to those obtained from other high ionic strength cartilage extracts.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans were extracted from the articular cartilage of foetal, calf and adult bovine metacarpal–phalangeal joints with 4m-guanidinium chloride. After extraction, the high-density proteoglycans (PG-I fractions) were prepared by sedimentation in two sequential CsCl-density-gradient procedures [Swann, Powell & Sotman (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 945–954]. The PG-I fractions from foetal, calf and adult tissues accounted for 75%, 52% and 46% respectively of the extracted components. The glucosamine, galactose, N-acetylneuraminic acid and protein contents increased with age. The overall amino acid compositions of PG-I fractions were similar. Fractionation of PG-I-fraction samples on a Bio-Gel A-50m column indicated that the molecular weight decreased with age. The PG-I fractions were specifically 3H-labelled by treatment with galactose oxidase followed by reduction with NaB3H4. The 3H radioactivity was incorporated into both galactose and galactosamine residues of different carbohydrate side chains. The elution profiles of alkaline borohydride-treated foetal, calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples on a Sepharose 6B column showed that the molecular weights of chondroitin sulphate chains were 13500, 12000 and 10500 in foetal, calf and adult tissues respectively. Fractionation of the alkaline borohydride-treated foetal, calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples and 3H-labelled calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples on a Bio-Gel P-10 column showed that there was an inverse relationship between the low-molecular-weight O-linked oligosaccharides and the higher-molecular-weight sialic acid-containing constituents at different ages. The oligosaccharide components of foetal, calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples represented 79%, 69% and 36% respectively of the total sialic acid content of the proteoglycans. Similarly in the 3H-labelled calf and adult samples 75% and 30% of the total radioactivity were present in the oligosaccharide components respectively. Digestion with chondroitinase AC-II and infrared analyses showed that the PG-I-fraction F and C samples contained primarily chondroitin 4-sulphate chains whereas PG-I-fraction sample A was 6-sulphated. These studies show that the major proteoglycans (PG-I fractions) in the articular cartilage of foetal, calf and adult animals differ in the content, types and structure of the chondroitin sulphate, keratan sulphate and oligosaccharide constituents. These changes in proteoglycan structure reflect the gross age-related changes in the chemical composition of the tissue.  相似文献   

Dermatan sulphate proteoglycans were purified from juvenile human articular cartilage, with a yield of about 2 mg/g wet wt. of cartilage. Both dermatan sulphate proteoglycan I (DS-PGI) and dermatan sulphate proteoglycan II (DS-PGII) were identified and the former was present in greater abundance. The two proteoglycans could not be resolved by agarose/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, but could be resolved by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, which indicated average Mr values of 200,000 and 98,000 for DS-PGI and DS-PGII respectively. After digestion with chondroitin ABC lyase the Mr values of the core proteins were 44,000 for DS-PGI and 43,000 and 47,000 for DS-PGII, with the smaller core protein being predominant in DS-PGII. Sequence analysis of the N-terminal 20 amino acid residues reveals the presence of a single site for the potential substitution of dermatan sulphate at residue 4 of DS-PGII and two such sites at residues 5 and 10 for DS-PGI.  相似文献   

The degradation of human lung elastin by neutrophil proteinases   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Human lung elastin has been isolated by both a degradative and nondegradative procedure and the products obtained found to have amino acid compositions comparable to published results. These elastin preparations, when utilized as substrates for various mammalian proteinases, were solubilized by porcine elastase at a rate six times faster than human leukocyte elastase. Leukocyte cathepsin G also solubilized lung elastin but only at 12% of the rate of the leukocyte elastase. In all cases the elastin prepared by nondegradative techniques proved to be the best substrate in these studies. The differences in the rate of digestion of elastin of the two elastolytic proteinases was readily attributed to the specificity differences of each enzyme as judged by carboxyterminal analysis of solubilized elastin peptides. The plasma proteinase inhibitors, alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor and alpha-2-macroglobulin abolished the elastolytic activity of both leukocyte enzymes, while alpha-1-antichymotrypsin specifically inactivated cathespsin G. Two synthetic inhibitors, Me-O-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-CH2Cl (for elastase and Z-Gly-Leu-Phe-CH2Cl (for cathepsin G) were equally effective in abolishing the elastolytic activity of the two neutrophil enzymes. However, inhibition of leukocyte elastase by alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor was significantly suppressed if the enzyme was preincubated with elastin prior to addition of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

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