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Bacteria expressing type III secretion systems (T3SS) have been responsible for the deaths of millions worldwide, acting as key virulence elements in diseases ranging from plague to typhoid fever. The T3SS is composed of a basal body, which traverses both bacterial membranes, and an external needle through which effector proteins are secreted. We report multiple crystal structures of two proteins that sit at the tip of the needle and are essential for virulence: IpaD from Shigella flexneri and BipD from Burkholderia pseudomallei. The structures reveal that the N-terminal domains of the molecules are intramolecular chaperones that prevent premature oligomerization, as well as sharing structural homology with proteins involved in eukaryotic actin rearrangement. Crystal packing has allowed us to construct a model for the tip complex that is supported by mutations designed using the structure.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (T3S) systems are used by numerous Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria to inject virulence proteins into animal and plant host cells. The core of the T3S apparatus, known as the needle complex, is composed of a basal body transversing both bacterial membranes and a needle protruding above the bacterial surface. In Shigella flexneri, IpaD is required to inhibit the activity of the T3S apparatus prior to contact of bacteria with host and has been proposed to assist translocation of bacterial proteins into host cells. We investigated the localization of IpaD by electron microscopy analysis of cross-linked bacteria and mildly purified needle complexes. This analysis revealed the presence of a distinct density at the needle tip. A combination of single particle analysis, immuno-labeling and biochemical analysis, demonstrated that IpaD forms part of the structure at the needle tip. Anti-IpaD antibodies were shown to block entry of bacteria into epithelial cells.  相似文献   

为开发新型重组减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌口服活疫苗载体,本研究以pYA3493质粒为基础,用鼠伤寒沙门菌sopE_(Nt100)基因及其启动子替代原有的P_(trc)启动子,构建沙门菌三型分泌表达载体pYA-sopE_(Nt100);再将质粒pYA-sopE_(Nt100)电转入沙门菌ΔcrpΔasd SL1344,构建减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌ΔcrpΔasd SL1344(p YA-sop E_(Nt100))三型分泌表达系统,研究其生物学特性,进一步将报告基因egfp克隆入sop E基因下游,构建重组菌株ΔcrpΔasd SL1344(p YA-sop E_(Nt100)-egfp),感染Vero细胞,用Western blotting分析该系统递呈外源抗原的能力。PCR、酶切及测序结果表明,减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌ΔcrpΔasd SL1344(p YA-sop E_(Nt100))三型分泌表达系统构建成功;生物学特性鉴定结果表明,其血清型与亲本株Δcrp SL1344及野生株SL1344保持一致;其生化特性与亲本株基本相近,但与野毒株相比发生明显变化;生长速度也更为缓慢;重组菌株ΔcrpΔasd SL1344(p YA-sop E_(Nt100))的LD50较野生株SL1344降低了7.0×104倍;Western blotting结果发现,重组菌培养上清中能检测到Sop E_(Nt100)-egfp融合蛋白(37 k Da);重组菌株感染Vero细胞后,可以同时检测到Sop E_(Nt100)-egfp融合蛋白(37 k Da)和EGFP蛋白(27 k Da)。以上结果证实,本研究成功构建了新型减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌ΔcrpΔasd(p YA-sop E_(Nt100))三型分泌表达系统,其能够有效递呈外源抗原,该重组菌株有潜力作为安全、稳定、高效表达外源基因的口服重组活疫苗载体。  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are protein injection devices essential for the interaction of many Gram‐negative bacteria with eukaryotic cells. While Shigella assembles its T3SS when the environmental conditions are appropriate for invasion, secretion is only activated after physical contact with a host cell. First, the translocators are secreted to form a pore in the host cell membrane, followed by effectors which manipulate the host cell. Secretion activation is tightly controlled by conserved T3SS components: the needle tip proteins IpaD and IpaB, the needle itself and the intracellular gatekeeper protein MxiC. To further characterize the role of IpaD during activation, we combined random mutagenesis with a genetic screen to identify ipaD mutant strains unable to respond to host cell contact. Class II mutants have an overall defect in secretion induction. They map to IpaD's C‐terminal helix and likely affect activation signal generation or transmission. The Class I mutant secretes translocators prematurely and is specifically defective in IpaD secretion upon activation. A phenotypically equivalent mutant was found in mxiC. We show that IpaD and MxiC act in the same intracellular pathway. In summary, we demonstrate that IpaD has a dual role and acts at two distinct locations during secretion activation.  相似文献   

Type III secretion apparatus (T3SA) are complex nanomachines that insert a translocation pore into the host cell membrane through which effector proteins are injected into the cytosol. In Shigella, the pore is inserted by a needle tip complex that also controls secretion. IpaD is the key protein that rules the composition of the tip complex before and upon cell contact or Congo red (CR) induction. However, how IpaD is involved in secretion control and translocon insertion remains not fully understood. Here, we report the phenotypic analysis of 20 10‐amino acids deletion variants all along the coiled‐coil and the central domains of IpaD (residues 131–332). Our results highlight three classes of T3S phenotype; (i) wild‐type secretion, (ii) constitutive secretion of all classes of effectors, and (iii) constitutive secretion of translocators and early effectors, but not of late effectors. Our data also suggest that the composition of the tip complex defines both the T3SA inducibility state and late effectors secretion. Finally, we shed light on a new aspect regarding the contact of the needle tip with cell membrane by uncoupling the Shigella abilities to escape macrophage vacuole, and to insert the translocation pore or to invade non‐phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

The type III secretion needle complex (NC) of Salmonella typhimurium is a complex secretory system that functions to translocate virulence proteins into eukaryotic cells. Evolutionarily it is related to bacterial flagella. Assembly of the NC occurs through ordered secretion, polymerization, and assembly, and requires the coordinated expression and association of over 20 different proteins. Recent progress in the understanding of the assembly and architecture of the NC is reviewed.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri is a Gram-negative enteric pathogen that is the predominant cause of bacillary dysentery. Shigella uses a type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins that alter normal target cell functions to promote pathogen invasion. The type III secretion apparatus (T3SA) consists of a basal body, an extracellular needle, and a tip complex that is responsible for delivering effectors into the host cell cytoplasm. IpaD [Ipa (invasion plasmid antigen)] is the first protein to localize to the T3SA needle tip, where it prevents premature effector secretion and serves as an environmental sensor for triggering recruitment of the translocator protein IpaB to the needle tip. Thus, IpaD would be expected to form a stable structure whose overall architecture supports its functions. It is not immediately obvious from the published IpaD crystal structure (Protein Data Bank ID 2j0o) how a multimer of IpaD would be incorporated at the tip of the first static T3SA intermediate, nor what its functional role would be in building a mature T3SA. Here, we produce three-dimensional reconstructions from transmission electron microscopy images of IpaD localized at the Shigella T3SA needle tip for comparison to needle tips from a Shigella ipaD-null mutant. The results demonstrate that IpaD resides as a homopentamer at the needle tip of the T3SA. Furthermore, comparison to tips assembled from the distal domain IpaD(Δ192-267) mutation shows that IpaD adopts an elongated conformation that facilitates its ability to control type III secretion and stepwise assembly of the T3SA needle tip complex.  相似文献   

Salmonella and Shigella bacteria are food- and waterborne pathogens that are responsible for enteric infections in humans and are still the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the emerging countries. The existence of multiple Salmonella and Shigella serotypes as well as the emergence of strains resistant to antibiotics requires the development of broadly protective therapies. Recently, the needle tip proteins of the type III secretion system of these bacteria were successfully utilized (SipD for Salmonella and IpaD for Shigella) as vaccine immunogens to provide good prophylactic cross-protection in murine models of infections. From these experiments, we have isolated a cross-protective monoclonal antibody directed against a conserved region of both proteins. Its conformational epitope determined by Deep Mutational Scanning is conserved among needle tip proteins of all pathogenic Shigella species and Salmonella serovars, and are well recognized by this antibody. Our study provides the first in vivo experimental evidence of the importance of this common region in the mechanism of virulence of Salmonella and Shigella and opens the way to the development of cross-protective therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI-2) is required for bacterial replication inside macrophages. SseB has been considered a putative target of the secretion system on the basis of its similarity with EspA, a protein secreted by the type III secretion system of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). EspA forms a filamentous structure on the bacterial cell surface and is involved in translocation of proteins into the eukaryotic cytosol. In this paper, we show that SseB is a secreted protein that associates with the surface of the bacterial cell and might, therefore, also be required for delivery of SPI-2 effector proteins to the eukaryotic cell cytosol. SseB begins to accumulate inside the bacterial cell when the culture enters early stationary phase. However, SseB is only secreted if the bacteria are grown at low pH or if the pH is shifted after growth from 7.0 to below pH 5.0. The secretion occurs within minutes of acidification and is totally dependent on a functional SPI-2 type III secretion system. As the pH of the Salmonella-containing vacuole inside host cells has been shown to acidify to between pH 4.0 and 5.0, and as SPI-2 gene expression occurs inside host cells, low pH might be a physiological stimulus for SPI-2-mediated secretion in vivo.  相似文献   



Type III secretion systems (TTSS) are employed by numerous pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria to inject a cocktail of different “effector proteins” into host cells. These effectors subvert host cell signaling to establish symbiosis or disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have studied the injection of SipA and SptP, two effector proteins of the invasion-associated Salmonella type III secretion system (TTSS-1). SipA and SptP trigger different host cell responses. SipA contributes to triggering actin rearrangements and invasion while SptP reverses the actin rearrangements after the invasion has been completed. Nevertheless, SipA and SptP were both pre-formed and stored in the bacterial cytosol before host cell encounter. By time lapse microscopy, we observed that SipA was injected earlier than SptP. Computer modeling revealed that two assumptions were sufficient to explain this injection hierarchy: a large number of SipA and SptP molecules compete for transport via a limiting number of TTSS; and the TTSS recognize SipA more efficiently than SptP.


This novel mechanism of hierarchical effector protein injection may serve to avoid functional interference between SipA and SptP. An injection hierarchy of this type may be of general importance, allowing bacteria to precisely time the host cell manipulation by type III effectors.  相似文献   

We have carried out a functional analysis of invl and invJ, two Saimonella typhimurium genes required for this organism to gain access So cultured mammalian cells. These genes are located immediately downstream of invC, a previously identified gene also required for bacterial invasion. Non-polar mutations in either of these genes rendered S. typhimurium severely defective for entry into cultured epithelial cells, although these mutations did not affect the ability of these organisms to attach to those cells. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the invl and invJ genes encode proteins with molecular weights of 18077 and 36415, respectively. Polypeptides of similar sizes were observed when these genes were expressed in a bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase-based expression system. Comparison of the predicted sequences of Invl and InvJ with translated sequences in the existing databases indicated that these proteins are Identical to the previously identified S. typhimurium SpaM and SpaN proteins. Further analysis of these sequences revealed regions of homology between Invl and the N-terminus of lpaB of Shigella spp. and between InvJ and EaeB of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Localization studies by immunoblot analysis indicated that InvJ is secreted to the culture supernatant, a surprising finding since this protein also lacks a typical signal sequence. Mutations in invG and inyC, two members of the Salmonella inv locus, effectively prevented the transport of InvJ to the culture supernatant. Thus, InvJ is the first identified target of the protein secretion apparatus encoded in the inv locus and therefore a candidate to have effector functions related to bacterial entry.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are essential virulence devices for many gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic for plants, animals, and humans. They serve to translocate virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic host cells. T3SSs are composed of a large cytoplasmic bulb and a transmembrane region into which a needle is embedded, protruding above the bacterial surface. The emerging antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens urges the development of novel strategies to fight bacterial infections. Therapeutics that rather than kill bacteria only attenuate their virulence may reduce the frequency or progress of resistance emergence. Recently, a group of salicylidene acylhydrazides were identified as inhibitors of T3SSs in Yersinia, Chlamydia, and Salmonella species. Here we show that these are also effective on the T3SS of Shigella flexneri, where they block all related forms of protein secretion so far known, as well as the epithelial cell invasion and induction of macrophage apoptosis usually demonstrated by this bacterium. Furthermore, we show the first evidence for the detrimental effect of these compounds on T3SS needle assembly, as demonstrated by increased numbers of T3S apparatuses without needles or with shorter needles. Therefore, the compounds generate a phenocopy of T3SS export apparatus mutants but with incomplete penetrance. We discuss why this would be sufficient to almost completely block the later secretion of effector proteins and how this begins to narrow the search for the molecular target of these compounds.  相似文献   

Process of protein transport by the type III secretion system.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The type III secretion system (TTSS) of gram-negative bacteria is responsible for delivering bacterial proteins, termed effectors, from the bacterial cytosol directly into the interior of host cells. The TTSS is expressed predominantly by pathogenic bacteria and is usually used to introduce deleterious effectors into host cells. While biochemical activities of effectors vary widely, the TTSS apparatus used to deliver these effectors is conserved and shows functional complementarity for secretion and translocation. This review focuses on proteins that constitute the TTSS apparatus and on mechanisms that guide effectors to the TTSS apparatus for transport. The TTSS apparatus includes predicted integral inner membrane proteins that are conserved widely across TTSSs and in the basal body of the bacterial flagellum. It also includes proteins that are specific to the TTSS and contribute to ring-like structures in the inner membrane and includes secretin family members that form ring-like structures in the outer membrane. Most prominently situated on these coaxial, membrane-embedded rings is a needle-like or pilus-like structure that is implicated as a conduit for effector translocation into host cells. A short region of mRNA sequence or protein sequence in effectors acts as a signal sequence, directing proteins for transport through the TTSS. Additionally, a number of effectors require the action of specific TTSS chaperones for efficient and physiologically meaningful translocation into host cells. Numerous models explaining how effectors are transported into host cells have been proposed, but understanding of this process is incomplete and this topic remains an active area of inquiry.  相似文献   

Replication of Salmonella typhimurium in host cells depends in part on the action of the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 (SPI-2) type III secretion system (TTSS), which translocates bacterial effector proteins across the membrane of the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV). We have shown previously that one activity of the SPI-2 TTSS is the assembly of a coat of F-actin in the vicinity of bacterial microcolonies. To identify proteins involved in SPI-2 dependent actin polymerization, we tested strains carrying mutations in each of several genes whose products are proposed to be secreted through the SPI-2 TTSS, for their ability to assemble F-actin around intracellular bacteria. We found that strains carrying mutations in either sseB, sseC, sseD or spiC were deficient in actin assembly. The phenotypes of the sseB-, sseC- and sseD- mutants can be attributed to their requirement for translocation of SPI-2 effectors. SpiC was investigated further in view of its proposed role as an effector. Transient expression of a myc::SpiC fusion protein in Hela cells did not induce any significant alterations to the host cell cytoskeleton, and failed to restore actin polymerization around intracellular spiC- mutant bacteria. However, the same protein did complement the mutant phenotype when expressed from a plasmid within bacteria. Furthermore, spiC was found to be required for SPI-2 mediated secretion of SseB, SseC and SseD in vitro. An antibody against SpiC detected the protein on immunoblots from total cell lysates of S. typhimurium expressing SpiC from a plasmid, but it was not detected in secreted fractions after exposure of cells to conditions that result in secretion of other SPI-2 effector proteins. Investigation of the trafficking of SCVs containing a spiC- mutant in macrophages revealed only a low level of association with the lysosomal marker cathepsin D, similar to that of wild-type bacteria. Together, these results show that SpiC is involved in the process of SPI-2 secretion and indicate that phenotypes associated with a spiC- mutant are caused by the inability of this strain to translocate effector proteins, thus calling for further investigation into the function(s) of this protein.  相似文献   

Shigella possess 220 kb plasmid, and the major virulence determinants, called effectors, and the type III secretion system (TTSS) are exclusively encoded by the plasmid. The genome sequences of S. flexneri strains indicate that several ipaH family genes are located on both the plasmid and the chromosome, but whether their chromosomal IpaH cognates can be secreted from Shigella remains unknown. Here we report that S. flexneri strain, YSH6000 encodes seven ipaH cognate genes on the chromosome and that the IpaH proteins are secreted via the TTSS. The secretion kinetics of IpaH proteins by bacteria, however, showed delay compared with those of IpaB, IpaC and IpaD. Expression of the each mRNA of ipaH in Shigella was increased after bacterial entry into epithelial cells, and the IpaH proteins were secreted by intracellular bacteria. Although individual chromosomal ipaH deletion mutants showed no appreciable changes in the pathogenesis in a mouse pulmonary infection model, the DeltaipaH-null mutant, whose chromosome lacks all ipaH genes, was attenuated to mice lethality. Indeed, the histological examination for mouse lungs infected with the DeltaipaH-null showed a greater inflammatory response than induced by wild-type Shigella, suggesting that the chromosomal IpaH proteins act synergistically as effectors to modulate the host inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium encodes a type III secretion system (TTSS) within Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI-1). This TTSS injects effector proteins into host cells to trigger invasion and inflammatory responses. Effector proteins are recognized by the TTSS via signals encoded in their N termini. Specific chaperones can be involved in this process. The chaperones InvB, SicA, and SicP are encoded in SPI-1 and are required for transport of SPI-1-encoded effectors. Several key effector proteins, like SopE and SopE2, are located outside of SPI-1 but are secreted in an SPI-1-dependent manner. It has not been clear how these effector proteins are recognized by the SPI-1 TTSS. Using pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation assays, we found that SopE is copurified with InvB, the known chaperone for the SPI-1-encoded effector protein Sip/SspA. We also found that InvB is required for secretion and translocation of SopE and SopE2 and for stabilization of SopE2 in the bacterial cytosol. Our data demonstrate that effector proteins encoded within and outside of SPI-1 use the same chaperone for secretion via the SPI-1 TTSS.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica employs two type III secretion systems (T3SS) for interactions with host cells during pathogenesis. The T3SS encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2) is required for the intracellular replication of Salmonella and the survival inside phagocytes. During growth in vitro, acidic pH is a signal that promotes secretion of proteins by this T3SS. We analyzed protein levels and subcellular localization of various T3SS subunits under in vitro conditions at acidic or neutral pH, inducing or ablating secretion, respectively. Growth at acidic pH resulted in higher levels of SsaC, a protein forming the outer membrane secretin, without increasing expression of the operon containing ssaC. Acidic pH also induced oligomerization of SsaC subunits, a prerequisite for a functional secretin pore. It has previously been described that environmental stimuli resembling the intraphagosomal habitat of Salmonella control the expression of SPI2 genes. Here we propose that such stimuli also modulate the assembly of a functional T3SS that is capable of translocation of effector proteins into the host cell.  相似文献   

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