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M. C. Cowan 《Plant and Soil》1979,51(2):279-282
Summary When nitrogen fixation in peas was partially replaced by nitrate assimilation as the source of nitrogen, an increase was found in the amount of soluble nitrogen that could be extracted from the fruits of the plants, and within this soluble fraction, increases were found in the levels of some of the acidic amino acids. Levels of protein amino acids in the peas were generally unaffected by the type of nitrogen source except for the level of aspartic acid which was about 20 per cent lower in peas supplied with nitrate. No differences were found in the proportions of the essential amino acids.  相似文献   

氮磷营养因子对赤潮异弯藻生长的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
研究了N、P营养浓度对赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)生长的影响.结果表明,该藻的生长速率与N、P营养因子浓度的关系符合Monod公式.在NO3--N浓度达到7.5 mg·L-1时,赤潮异弯藻开始生长;浓度为3.75~75 mg·L-1时,赤潮异弯藻的比生长速率与NO3--N浓度成正比关系.N营养充足时,赤潮异弯藻的最大生长速率μm-n=0.3475·d-1,Ks-n=18.91 mg·L-1.PO4--P浓度为0~1.0 mg·L-1时,赤潮异弯藻的比生长速率与P浓度成正比关系;P营养充足时,赤潮异弯藻的最大生长速率μm-p=0.3024·d-1,Ks-p=0.4086 mg·L-1.N/P达到25后藻细胞浓度达到最大,表明N/P为25时最适合赤潮异弯藻生长.赤潮异弯藻最适合在N 37.5~225.0 mg·L-1、P 5.0~50.0 mg·L-1、N/P=25条件下生长.  相似文献   

Transformation of peas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The lateral cotyledonary meristems present in germinating seed were inoculated with a non-oncogenic strain of A. tumefaciens carrying a gene conferring kanamycin resistance as a selectable marker and a -glucuronidase sequence as a reporter gene. Kanamycin resistant plants were derived from the meristems and shown to be transformed on the basis of Southern blots, polymerase chain reaction analysis and tests for -glucuronidase activity. The plants were fertile and tests of their progeny confirmed the transmission of integrated sequences through a sexual generation. This transformation method has the merit of an unlimited supply of material for inoculation and a relatively short time scale from inoculation to the production of rooted plants.Abbreviations BAP benzyl amino purine - GA3 gibberellic acid - GUS =glucuronidase - IBA indole butyric acid - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - PCR polymerase chain reaction - TO first generation transformants - T1 second generation transformants  相似文献   

Summary Eight near-isogenic lines of pea representing all the homozygous combinations of three genes af, st and tl, which modify leaf shape and size, were crossed in all possible ways excepting reciprocals. An analysis of the resulting 36 families has shown that homozygous mutant alleles at the tl locus acting with homozygous mutant alleles at the af and st loci increase both seed weight and plant haulm weight. The mutant alleles at the af and st loci seem, when homozygous, to have little effect by themselves upon seed weight but they do increase or decrease haulm weight, respectively. There is clear evidence of heterotic effects resulting from heterozygosity at each one of the three loci which modify seed weight, haulm weight and basal branching. The implications of such heterotic effects in pea breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

测定了松嫩平原草甸3种主要植物羊草(Leymus chinensis)、芦苇(Phragmites communis)和尖叶胡枝子(Lespedeza hedysaroides)叶片全氮、全磷浓度,并分析了它们与土壤全氮、全磷浓度的关系.结果表明:3种植物叶片全氮浓度种间差异显著(P<0.05),而全磷浓度种间差异不显...  相似文献   

Summary A half diallel analysis involving nine cultivars showed that additive as well as non-additive gene effects were important for the inheritance of seed yield per plant, 100-seed weights, protein content and potassium per cent. For remaining traits non-additive genetic components were important. Overdominance was observed for all traits except for 100-seed weight, which expressed partial dominance. Parents PMR-T10, EC21857, EC109182, T163 and EC109189 were good general combiners for seed yield, seed weight and quality traits. In general there was a good relationship between per se performance and the gca effects of the parents for all traits. Cross combinations such as LMR8 x EC109182,LMR8 x PMR-T10,LMR8 x EC21857,PMRT10 x EC21857 and P23 x EC21857 were found promising. The seed yield was positively correlated with other quality traits. Protein had a positive correlation with methionine and phosphorus. All the values of correlation co-efficients were non-significant except for yield with potassium, 100-seed weight and protein with methionine, indicating that yield and quality attributes can be improved simultaneously by simple selection procedures.  相似文献   

采用悉生微缩体系,研究了40d 培养期内不添加外源基质条件下食细菌线虫(Protorhabdtis sp.)和细菌(Pseudom onassp.)的相互作用及其对N、P转化的影响。在种植及不种植小麦的土壤中,发现接种线虫后细菌数量显著增加,非根标土壤细菌的增加量又比根际土明显。在种植小麦体系中,根际与非根际土壤线虫均比不种作物体系有增加趋势,其中根际土壤线虫种群的提高尤为显著。只加细菌处理中土壤N、P均无净矿化,相反培养前期出现轻微的生物固定。线虫的引入显著提高了土壤矿质N、微生物量N 和微生物量P的含量,但对土壤有效P影响很小。这表明线虫活动主要是促进了N的矿化,而P表现出较强的生物固定。文中还分析了线虫捕食对细菌的增殖作用以及线虫——细菌相互作用在N、P矿化和生物固定中的机理。  相似文献   

N、P营养盐对海洋卡盾藻(Chattonella marina)生长的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在实验室条件下,设置不同的N、P浓度,研究N、P双因子限制(N:5-500ug·L-1,P:0.74-74ug·L-1,N:P=15)及单因子限制(N:500ug·L-1,P:0.74-741ug·L-1和P:74ug·L-1,N:5-500ug·L-1)对海洋卡盾藻生长的影响.结果表明:在高N、P浓度(N:500ug·L-1,P:74ug·L-1)条件下海洋卡盾藻具有相对较高的比生长率(O.788/d),稳定期持续时间较长,最大细胞密度可达8850 cells/ml.N、P限制能明显抑制海洋卡盾藻的生长,而N限制对海洋卡盾藻生长影响更大,N限制组的比生长率和稳定期细胞密度均明显低于P限制组和N、P双因子限制组.结果说明海洋卡盾藻生长对N变化更为敏感,但随着海洋污染的加剧,海水中N含量持续上升,卡盾藻可迅速爆发性增长并引发赤潮,这也许是近年来我国沿海卡盾藻赤潮频繁发生的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

以高寒草甸金露梅灌丛为研究对象,通过添加不同量的氮磷复合肥NH4H2PO4(0、40、80、120g·m-2),测定了花苜蓿(Medicago ruthenica Linn.)、异叶米口袋(Gueldenstae dtiadiversifolia Maxim)、甘肃棘豆(Oxytropis kansuensis Bunge.)的地上生物量、叶片氮磷含量和土壤氮磷含量,探讨了添加氮磷之后豆科植物的叶片氮磷含量、N:P比值在处理间和种间的差异以及它们与土壤养分之间的关系。结果表明,添加氮磷使花苜蓿和异叶米口袋叶片中的磷含量和N:P比值发生显著变化,而对叶片氮含量的影响不显著。氮磷的添加对甘肃棘豆的氮磷含量无显著影响。就总的豆科植物而言,不论种内还是种间,平均可变性都是磷变化最大,氮变化最小,N:P比值居中。植物叶片的氮磷含量以及N:P比值与土壤速效氮磷没有显著相关性。比较不同处理下的数据可知,添加氮磷复合肥主要增加了豆科植物对磷素的养分吸收。三个物种对氮磷的吸收能力不同,叶片的氮磷含量比N:P比值更能反映植物对氮磷的吸收利用情况。一次性施用氮磷复合肥不能提高第二年的氮供应能力,但是会提高土壤的有效磷供应。为保护豆科牧草的产量,对于金露梅灌丛草地施用磷酸二氢铵的量不应超过80g·m-2。  相似文献   

为了筛选出冬油菜新品种"湘杂油763"在湖南油菜主产区推广的适宜氮磷钾配比及用量,于2008—2010年连续进行了2次该品种的氮磷钾配比及用量的大田小区试验,研究了不同氮磷钾配比及用量对其生物产量、籽粒产量、油分产量和经济效益的影响。结果表明:氮磷钾配比(N:P2O5:K2O)为1:0.50:0.50(处理B)和氮磷钾配比(N:P2O5:K2O)为1:0.43:0.57(处理G)的处理籽粒产量较高,分别达到2231和2065kg.hm-2,处理B显著高于除G外的其他处理;氮磷钾3种养分中,以氮肥对提高油菜籽粒产量的作用最大,其次为磷肥,作用最小者为钾肥;油分产量及植株生物产量变化规律与籽粒产量基本一致;按照处理B配比,籽粒产值为9816.97元.hm-2、施肥仅1641.23元.hm-2、施肥效益为6741.34元.hm-2,产投比达4.11;研究区域内N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.50:0.50,用量分别180(N)、90(P2O5)和90kg.hm-2(K2O)为较适宜施肥比例及用量。  相似文献   

Summary Plant of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) cv. TVu 1469 were grown in a plastic house set to simulate tropical temperatures. They were inoculated with one of two strains of Rhizobium and irrigated each day with nutrient solution either devoid of inorganic nitrogen (N) or containing 2.14 mM (30 ppm) N. Strain of Rhizobium significantly affected rates of dry matter and N accumulation as well as the total N content of mature plants. Variations in seed yield were due largely to Rhizobium effects on peduncle production and pod set on each peduncle, wheres inorganic N did not change these yield-determining components significantly. The agronomic and physiological implications of these data are discussed. One of a series of papers resulting from a collaborative project with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria; sponsored by the U.K. Overseas Development Administration.  相似文献   

全球氮沉降不仅改变土壤氮和磷的有效性, 同时也改变氮磷比例。氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用可能会影响植物种子性状。该研究在内蒙古草原基于沙培盆栽实验种植灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum), 设置3个氮磷供应量水平和3个氮磷比例的正交实验来探究氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用对灰绿藜种子性状的影响。结果发现氮磷供应量对种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率影响的相对贡献(15%-24%)大于氮磷比例(3%-7%), 而种子大小只受氮磷比例的影响。同时氮磷供应量和比例之间的交互作用显著影响种子氮浓度和磷浓度。同等氮磷比例情况下, 低量养分供应提高种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率。氮磷比例只有在养分匮乏的环境中才会对种子大小和萌发率产生显著影响。总之, 灰绿藜种子不同性状对氮或磷限制的敏感性不同, 同时种子性状也对养分限制表现出适应性和被动响应。  相似文献   

全球氮沉降不仅改变土壤氮和磷的有效性, 同时也改变氮磷比例。氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用可能会影响植物种子性状。该研究在内蒙古草原基于沙培盆栽实验种植灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum), 设置3个氮磷供应量水平和3个氮磷比例的正交实验来探究氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用对灰绿藜种子性状的影响。结果发现氮磷供应量对种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率影响的相对贡献(15%-24%)大于氮磷比例(3%-7%), 而种子大小只受氮磷比例的影响。同时氮磷供应量和比例之间的交互作用显著影响种子氮浓度和磷浓度。同等氮磷比例情况下, 低量养分供应提高种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率。氮磷比例只有在养分匮乏的环境中才会对种子大小和萌发率产生显著影响。总之, 灰绿藜种子不同性状对氮或磷限制的敏感性不同, 同时种子性状也对养分限制表现出适应性和被动响应。  相似文献   

氮、磷养分有效性对森林凋落物分解的影响研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对相关研究文献的综述结果表明,氮(N)和磷(P)是构成蛋白质和遗传物质的两种重要组成元素,限制森林生产力和其他生态系统过程,对凋落物分解产生深刻影响。大量的凋落物分解试验发现在土壤N有效性较低的温带和北方森林,凋落物分解速率常与底物初始N浓度、木质素/N比等有很好的相关关系,也受外源N输入的影响;而在土壤高度风化的热带亚热带森林生态系统中,P可能是比N更为重要的分解限制因子。然而控制试验表明,N、P添加对凋落物分解速率的影响并不一致,既有促进效应也有抑制效应。为了深入揭示N、P养分有效性对凋落物分解的调控机制,"底物的C、N化学计量学"假说、"微生物的N开采"假说以及养分平衡的理论都常被用于解释凋落物分解速率的变化。由于微生物分解者具有较为稳定的C、N、P等养分需求比例,在不同的养分供应的周围环境中会体现出不同的活性,某种最缺乏的养分可能就是分解的最重要限制因子。未来的凋落物分解研究,应延长实验时间、加强室内和野外不同条件下的N、P等养分添加控制试验,探讨驱动分解进程的微生物群落结构和酶活性的变化。  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted at the Agricultural and Veterinary Training and Research Station, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia, during the alfalfa growing season in 2014. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of phosphorus fertilization and honeybee pollination on alfalfa seed production. The experiment was divided into 9 treatments of open pollination, honeybee pollination, and non-pollination with three different levels (0, 300 or 600 kg P2O5/ha/year) of triple super phosphate. All vegetative growth attributes of Hassawi alfalfa were significantly higher in the non-insect pollination plots, while the yield and yield component traits were significantly higher with either open pollination or honeybee pollination in parallel with the increasing level of phosphorus fertilizer up to 600 kg P2O5/ha/year in light salt-affected loamy sand soils. There was no seed yield in Hassawi alfalfa without insect pollination. Therefore, placing honeybee colonies near the fields of Hassawi alfalfa and adding 600 kg P2O5/ha/year can increase seed production.  相似文献   

A bench-scale anaerobic–anoxic–oxic (A2O) bioreactor with steady denitrifying phosphorus removal performance was tested to determine the influence of influent C/N ratio (SCOD/TN) and C/P ratio (SCOD/TP) on biological nutrient removal for treating synthetic brewage wastewater; meanwhile, the spatial profiles of DO, pH and ORP sensors in such systems were investigated. The results showed that influent C/N ratio had significant effect on the TN, TP removal efficiencies and the ratio of anoxic to aerobic P uptake amount. The maximal TN and TP removal efficiencies could be achieved when influent C/N ratio was kept at about 7.1 and 5, respectively. Besides, the ratio of anoxic to aerobic P uptake amount was found to be linearly dependent on the influent C/N ratio with coefficient R 2 of 0.685 when total recirculation ratio was constant at 3.5. Influent C/P ratio had an important effect on the TP removal efficiency, while it hardly affected TN removal efficiency. In addition, the TP removal efficiency reached the maximum for influent C/P ratio of 42. On the other hand, it was also found that the typical profiles of DO, pH and ORP sensors could be observed, and they have similar trends at the different influent C/N ratio and C/P ratio. It was suggested that the operational state could be well known according to the changes of simple on-line sensors.  相似文献   

Inheritance of spontaneous male sterility in peas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A plant with a mutant phenotype was observed in a Longittee cultivar. The plant was late in maturity, had white-translucent anthers, and was male sterile. The inheritance of this mutant was studied in a cross involving the mutant and the mother parent and their F1, F2, F3 and BC1F1 generations. The results suggested that the sterile character was genetic and due to a recessive gene.  相似文献   

Variation in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of wetland plants   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The use of nutrient concentrations in plant biomass as easily measured indicators of nutrient availability and limitation has been the subject of a controversial debate. In particular, it has been questioned whether nutrient concentrations are mainly species' traits or mainly determined by nutrient availability, and whether plant species have similar or different relative nutrient requirements. This review examines how nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and the N:P ratio in wetland plants vary among species and sites, and how they are related to nutrient availability and limitation. We analyse data from field studies in European non-forested wetlands, from fertilisation experiments in these communities and from growth experiments with wetland plants. Overall, the P concentration was more variable than the N concentration, while variation in N:P ratios was intermediate. Field data showed that the N concentration varies more among species than among sites, whereas the N:P ratio varies more among sites than among species, and the P concentration varies similarly among both. Similar patterns of variation were found in fertilisation experiments and in growth experiments under controlled nutrient supply. Nutrient concentrations and N:P ratios in the vegetation were poorly correlated with various measures of nutrient availability in soil, but they clearly responded to fertilisation in the field and to nutrient supply in growth experiments. In these experiments, biomass N:P ratios ranged from 3 to 40 and primarily reflected the relative availabilities of N and P, although N:P ratios of plants grown at the same nutrient supply could vary three-fold among species. The effects of fertilisation with N or P on the biomass production of wetland vegetation were well related to the N:P ratios of the vegetation in unfertilised plots, but not to N or P concentrations, which supports the idea that N:P ratios, rather than N or P concentrations, indicate the type of nutrient limitation. However, other limiting or stressing factors may influence N:P ratios, and the responses of individual plant species to fertilisation cannot be predicted from their N:P ratios. Therefore, N:P ratios should only be used to assess which nutrient limits the biomass production at the vegetation level and only when factors other than N or P are unlikely to be limiting.  相似文献   

为探明茯苓的碳、氮、磷生态化学计量学特征,采集了云南省11个州、市42个居群的茯苓样本,分析了其菌核与表皮中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)的化学计量特征.结果 表明:茯苓菌核中C、N、P的含量分别为40.24%-43.58%、0.176%-0.532%和0.020%-0.077%;C∶N、C∶P和N∶P的范围分别为93....  相似文献   

In order to obtain high productivity for a cotton crop, one of the major requirements is to establish an adequate plant population. The use of good-quality seed may ultimately be the best approach to attain this goal problem. The objective of this research was to study the effect of N-fertilization (at rates of 95.2 and 142.8 kg of N ha−1), foliar application of K (at rates of 0, 0.38, 0.77, 1.15 kg of K2O ha−1, applied twice during square initiation and boll development stages) and the plant growth retardant (PGR), mepiquat chloride (applied twice, 75 days after planting at 0.0 [control] and 0.048 kg a.i. ha−1, and 90 days after planting at 0.0 [control] and 0.024 kg a.i. ha−1), on seed yield, viability, and seedling vigor of Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense cv. Giza 86). A field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt in two growing seasons. Growth, mineral uptake, seed yield per plant and per ha, seed weight, seed viability, seedling vigor and cool germination test performance were all found to increase significantly due to the addition of the high N-rate, the foliar application of three potassium concentrations, and the PGR mepiquat chloride. The N and K rates as well as application of mepiquat chloride had no significant effect on the germination rate index in both seasons. Under the conditions of this study, applying N at a rate of 142.8 kg ha−1 combined with spraying cotton plants with K2O at 1.15 kg ha−1 and with mepiquat chloride at 0.048 + 0.024 kg ha−1 were found to improve seed yield as well as seed viability and seedling vigor in the next season.  相似文献   

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