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Riboswitches are cis-acting genetic regulatory elements found commonly in bacterial mRNAs that consist of a metabolite-responsive aptamer domain coupled to a regulatory switch. Purine riboswitches respond to intracellular concentrations of either adenine or guanine/hypoxanthine to control gene expression. The aptamer domain of the purine riboswitch contains a pyrimidine residue (Y74) that forms a Watson-Crick base-pairing interaction with the bound purine nucleobase ligand that discriminates between adenine and guanine. We sought to understand the structural basis of this specificity and the mechanism of ligand recognition by the purine riboswitch. Here, we present the 2,6-diaminopurine-bound structure of a C74U mutant of the xpt-pbuX guanine riboswitch, along with a detailed thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of nucleobase recognition by both the native and mutant riboswitches. These studies demonstrate clearly that the pyrimidine at position 74 is the sole determinant of purine riboswitch specificity. In addition, the mutant riboswitch binds adenine and adenine derivatives well compared with the guanine-responsive riboswitch. Under our experimental conditions, 2,6-diaminopurine binds the RNA with DeltaH=-40.3 kcal mol(-1), DeltaS=-97.6 cal mol(-1)K(-1), and DeltaG=-10.73 kcal mol(-1). A kinetic determination of the slow rate (0.15 x 10(5)M(-1)s(-1) and 2.1 x 10(5)mM(-1)s(-1) for 2-aminopurine binding the adenine-responsive mutant riboswitch and 7-deazaguanine-binding guanine riboswitch, respectively) of association under varying experimental conditions allowed us to propose a mechanism for ligand recognition by the purine riboswitch. A conformationally dynamic unliganded state for the binding pocket is stabilized first by the Watson-Crick base pairing between the ligand and Y74, and by the subsequent ordering of the J2/3 loop, enclosing the ligand within the three-way junction.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are a novel class of genetic control elements that function through the direct interaction of small metabolite molecules with structured RNA elements. The ligand is bound with high specificity and affinity to its RNA target and induces conformational changes of the RNA''s secondary and tertiary structure upon binding. To elucidate the molecular basis of the remarkable ligand selectivity and affinity of one of these riboswitches, extensive all-atom molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent (≈1 μs total simulation length) of the aptamer domain of the guanine sensing riboswitch are performed. The conformational dynamics is studied when the system is bound to its cognate ligand guanine as well as bound to the non-cognate ligand adenine and in its free form. The simulations indicate that residue U51 in the aptamer domain functions as a general docking platform for purine bases, whereas the interactions between C74 and the ligand are crucial for ligand selectivity. These findings either suggest a two-step ligand recognition process, including a general purine binding step and a subsequent selection of the cognate ligand, or hint at different initial interactions of cognate and noncognate ligands with residues of the ligand binding pocket. To explore possible pathways of complex dissociation, various nonequilibrium simulations are performed which account for the first steps of ligand unbinding. The results delineate the minimal set of conformational changes needed for ligand release, suggest two possible pathways for the dissociation reaction, and underline the importance of long-range tertiary contacts for locking the ligand in the complex.  相似文献   

Divalent cations are important in the folding and stabilization of complex RNA structures. The adenine-sensing riboswitch controls the expression of mRNAs for proteins involved in purine metabolism by directly sensing intracellular adenine levels. Adenine binds with high affinity and specificity to the ligand binding or aptamer domain of the adenine-sensing riboswitch. The X-ray structure of this domain in complex with adenine revealed an intricate RNA-fold consisting of a three-helix junction stabilized by long-range base-pairing interactions and identified five binding sites for hexahydrated Mg2+-ions. Furthermore, a role for Mg2+-ions in the ligand-induced folding of this RNA was suggested. Here, we describe the interaction of divalent cations with the RNA–adenine complex in solution as studied by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. Paramagnetic line broadening, chemical shift mapping and intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) indicate the presence of at least three binding sites for divalent cations. Two of them are similar to those in the X-ray structure. The third site, which is important for the folding of this RNA, has not been observed previously. The ligand-free state of the RNA is conformationally heterogeneous and contains base-pairing patterns detrimental to ligand binding in the absence of Mg2+, but becomes partially pre-organized for ligand binding in the presence of Mg2+. Compared to the highly similar guanine-sensing riboswitch, the folding pathway for the adenine-sensing riboswitch aptamer domain is more complex and the influence of Mg2+ is more pronounced.  相似文献   

A previous bioinformatics-based search for riboswitches yielded several candidate motifs in eubacteria. One of these motifs commonly resides in the 5' untranslated regions of genes involved in the biosynthesis of queuosine (Q), a hypermodified nucleoside occupying the anticodon wobble position of certain transfer RNAs. Here we show that this structured RNA is part of a riboswitch selective for 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ(1)), an intermediate in queuosine biosynthesis. Compared with other natural metabolite-binding RNAs, the preQ(1) aptamer appears to have a simple structure, consisting of a single stem-loop and a short tail sequence that together are formed from as few as 34 nucleotides. Despite its small size, this aptamer is highly selective for its cognate ligand in vitro and has an affinity for preQ(1) in the low nanomolar range. Relatively compact RNA structures can therefore serve effectively as metabolite receptors to regulate gene expression.  相似文献   

The adenine riboswitch aptamer, the A box, positively regulates gene expression upon adenine binding. To provide insight into structure-function relationships, important for the adenine riboswitch aptamer, we have created alignments for six aptamer sequences that reveal the core requirements. In addition, 2-aminopurine (2AP) binding studies have been used to test the consensus sequence derived from the alignment. Overall, the consensus secondary structure is consistent with 2AP binding studies. However, a position in the core, previously identified as variable, shows restriction in nucleotide sequence. Furthermore, this restriction is found to be related with the ligand specificity of the riboswitch. The implications of this relationship for the riboswitch gene regulation mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

Riboswitch RNAs fold into complex tertiary structures upon binding to their cognate ligand. Ligand recognition is accomplished by key residues in the binding pocket. In addition, it often crucially depends on the stability of peripheral structural elements. The ligand-bound complex of the guanine-sensing riboswitch from Bacillus subtilis, for example, is stabilized by extensive interactions between apical loop regions of the aptamer domain. Previously, we have shown that destabilization of this tertiary loop-loop interaction abrogates ligand binding of the G37A/C61U-mutant aptamer domain (Gsw(loop)) in the absence of Mg(2+). However, if Mg(2+) is available, ligand-binding capability is restored by a population shift of the ground-state RNA ensemble toward RNA conformations with pre-formed loop-loop interactions. Here, we characterize the striking influence of long-range tertiary structure on RNA folding kinetics and on ligand-bound complex structure, both by X-ray crystallography and time-resolved NMR. The X-ray structure of the ligand-bound complex reveals that the global architecture is almost identical to the wild-type aptamer domain. The population of ligand-binding competent conformations in the ground-state ensemble of Gsw(loop) is tunable through variation of the Mg(2+) concentration. We quantitatively describe the influence of distinct Mg(2+) concentrations on ligand-induced folding trajectories both by equilibrium and time-resolved NMR spectroscopy at single-residue resolution.  相似文献   

Long-range tertiary interactions determine the three-dimensional structure of a number of metabolite-binding riboswitch RNA elements and were found to be important for their regulatory function. For the guanine-sensing riboswitch of the Bacillus subtilis xpt-pbuX operon, our previous NMR-spectroscopic studies indicated pre-formation of long-range tertiary contacts in the ligand-free state of its aptamer domain. Loss of the structural pre-organization in a mutant of this RNA (G37A/C61U) resulted in the requirement of Mg2+ for ligand binding. Here, we investigate structural and stability aspects of the wild-type aptamer domain (Gsw) and the G37A/C61U-mutant (Gswloop) of the guanine-sensing riboswitch and their Mg2+-induced folding characteristics to dissect the role of long-range tertiary interactions, the link between pre-formation of structural elements and ligand-binding properties and the functional stability. Destabilization of the long-range interactions as a result of the introduced mutations for Gswloop or the increase in temperature for both Gsw and Gswloop involves pronounced alterations of the conformational ensemble characteristics of the ligand-free state of the riboswitch. The increased flexibility of the conformational ensemble can, however, be compensated by Mg2+. We propose that reduction of conformational dynamics in remote regions of the riboswitch aptamer domain is the minimal pre-requisite to pre-organize the core region for specific ligand binding.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are noncoding RNA elements embedded in 5′-untranslated region of many bacterial mRNAs regulating gene expression in response to essential metabolites. They are unique from other RNA targets because they have evolved to form specific structural receptors for the purpose of binding small molecular metabolites suggesting that structure-based rational drug design approach may be used in designing metabolite mimics targeting riboswitches. We have developed a fluorescence binding assay for SAM-II riboswitch aptamer and identified an S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) analogue that selectively binds to SAM-II riboswitch aptamer with comparable binding affinity to its native metabolite using structure-based design approach.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are highly structured cis-acting elements located in the 5'-untranslated region of messenger RNAs that directly bind small molecule metabolites to regulate gene expression. Structural and biochemical studies have revealed riboswitches experience significant ligand-dependent conformational changes that are coupled to regulation. To monitor the coupling of ligand binding and RNA folding within the aptamer domain of the purine riboswitch, we have chemically probed the RNA with N-methylisatoic anhydride (NMIA) over a broad temperature range. Analysis of the temperature-dependent reactivity of the RNA in the presence and absence of hypoxanthine reveals that a limited set of nucleotides within the binding pocket change their conformation in response to ligand binding. Our data demonstrate that a distal loop-loop interaction serves to restrict the conformational freedom of a significant portion of the three-way junction, thereby promoting ligand binding under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of the free state of riboswitch aptamers is important for illuminating common themes in gene regulation by riboswitches. Prior evidence indicated the flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-binding riboswitch aptamer adopted a ‘bound-like’ structure in absence of FMN, suggesting only local conformational changes upon ligand binding. In the scope of pinpointing the general nature of such changes at the nucleotide level, we performed SHAPE mapping experiments using the aptamer domain of two phylogenetic variants, both in absence and in presence of FMN. We also solved the crystal structures of one of these domains both free (3.3 Å resolution) and bound to FMN (2.95 Å resolution). Our comparative study reveals that structural rearrangements occurring upon binding are restricted to a few of the joining regions that form the binding pocket in both RNAs. This type of binding event with minimal structural perturbations is reminiscent of binding events by conformational selection encountered in other riboswitches and various RNAs.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are structured mRNA elements that modulate gene expression. They undergo conformational changes triggered by highly specific interactions with sensed metabolites. Among the structural rearrangements engaged by riboswitches, the forming and melting of the aptamer terminal helix, the so-called P1 stem, is essential for genetic control. The structural mechanisms by which this conformational change is modulated upon ligand binding mostly remain to be elucidated. Here, we used pulling molecular dynamics simulations to study the thermodynamics of the P1 stem in the add adenine riboswitch. The P1 ligand-dependent stabilization was quantified in terms of free energy and compared with thermodynamic data. This comparison suggests a model for the aptamer folding in which direct P1-ligand interactions play a minor role on the conformational switch when compared with those related to the ligand-induced aptamer preorganization.  相似文献   

Bowen ME  Engelman DM  Brunger AT 《Biochemistry》2002,41(52):15861-15866
Synaptobrevin 2 is thought to facilitate fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane through formation of a soluble NSF attachment protein receptor complex (SNARE) with syntaxin 1a and a synaptosomal associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25). Previous reports have described a homodimer of synaptobrevin that is dependent on the transmembrane domain. However, these reports disagree about the magnitude of dimerization, which makes it difficult to assess the biological relevance of this interaction. We used SDS-PAGE and the TOXCAT genetic assay to reexamine the homodimerization of the synaptobrevin transmembrane domain in detergents and the Escherichia coli inner membrane, respectively. To gauge the magnitude of synaptobrevin homodimerization, we used the well-characterized glycophorin A homodimer as a positive standard. In contrast to previous studies, we found synaptobrevin homodimerization in E. coli is very weak when compared to glycophorin A. Recombinant synaptobrevin forms a small amount of dimer and higher order oligomers in detergents that are highly dependent on solublization conditions. We estimate a dissociation constant of 10 mM for synaptobrevin dimerization in detergent. Thus, the dimerization of synaptobrevin in membranes is very weak, questioning any possible functional role for this association in vivo.  相似文献   

Structure-switching signaling aptamers are nucleic acids that change shape upon binding to a specific ligand. Previously, we applied a new in vitro selection strategy to isolate structure-switching RNA aptamers responsive to the aminoglycoside antibiotic tobramycin. Here, we report the results of mutational analysis, secondary structure modeling, and ligand-specificity studies that suggest a mechanism for tobramycin-triggered structure switching.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are structured mRNA elements that regulate gene expression upon binding specific cellular metabolites. It is thought that the highly conserved metabolite-binding domains of riboswitches undergo conformational change upon binding their cognate ligands. To investigate the generality of such a mechanism, we employed small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We probed the nature of the global metabolite-induced response of the metabolite-binding domains of four different riboswitches that bind, respectively, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), flavin mononucleotide (FMN), lysine, and S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). We find that each RNA is unique in its global structural response to metabolite. Whereas some RNAs exhibit distinct free and bound conformations, others are globally insensitive to the presence of metabolite. Thus, a global conformational change of the metabolite-binding domain is not a requirement for riboswitch function. It is possible that the range of behaviors observed by SAXS, rather than being a biophysical idiosyncrasy, reflects adaptation of riboswitches to the regulatory requirements of their individual genomic context.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of the ligand-binding domain of the prolactin receptor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The recent isolation and sequencing of the rat liver prolactin (PRL) receptor cDNA (clone F3) revealed that the receptor is a small molecular weight protein (nonglycosylated form, Mr 33,000; glycosylated form, Mr 42,000) comprised of 291 amino acids. A second form of the PRL receptor exists (591 amino acids) that contains a much longer cytoplasmic domain. In the present study, site-directed point mutations of the 5 conserved cysteine (Cys) residues and of the three potential N-linked glycosylation sites in the extracellular domain of the rat PRL receptor were constructed to assess their involvement in hormone binding. In addition, a truncation mutant (T delta 237) lacking 55 of 57 intracellular amino acids was constructed to determine the influence of the cytoplasmic domain on ligand-receptor interactions. Binding studies of transiently transfected COS-7 cells demonstrated that serine substitution of the first 4 Cys residues (Cys12, Cys22, Cys51, and Cys62) completely eliminated binding of 125I-ovine PRL and 125I-U5 and -U6, two monoclonal antibodies that bind the receptor molecule outside the PRL-binding domain. RNA blot analysis of the transfected cells showed that both the wild-type and mutant clones had similar levels of expression of receptor mRNA. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that lack of PRL binding in these mutants was not due to incomplete processing of the protein, since the fully glycosylated Mr 42,000 form of the receptor was seen. Mutation of Cys184 had no effect on affinity or dimerization capacity of the receptor, suggesting the 5th cysteine is not directly involved in the binding domain. Carbohydrate groups of some receptors have been shown to be involved in ligand-receptor interactions as well as intracellular trafficking. This does not appear to be the case for the PRL receptor, since there was no corresponding decrease in affinity for PRL or cell surface receptor expression, following mutation of each of the 3 asparagine residues to aspartate. Interestingly, T delta 237 showed a 4-5-fold increase in affinity for PRL as well as a marked increase in the number of receptor sites. Whole cell binding assays also demonstrated that loss of the cytoplasmic domain lead to inefficient recycling of the receptor. These studies suggest that the first 4 conserved Cys residues are crucial for ligand binding.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of a ras catalytic domain.   总被引:48,自引:23,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
We used linker insertion-deletion mutagenesis to study the catalytic domain of the Harvey murine sarcoma virus v-rasH transforming protein, which is closely related to the cellular rasH protein. The mutants displayed a wide range of in vitro biological activity, from those that induced focal transformation of NIH 3T3 cells with approximately the same efficiency as the wild-type v-rasH gene to those that failed to induce any detectable morphologic changes. Correlation of transforming activity with the location of the mutations enabled us to identify three nonoverlapping segments within the catalytic domain that were dispensable for transformation and six other segments that were required for transformation. Segments that were necessary for guanosine nucleotide (GDP) binding corresponded to three of the segments that were essential for transformation; two of the three segments share strong sequence homology with other purine nucleotide-binding proteins. Loss of GDP binding was associated with apparent instability of the protein. Lesions in two of the three other required regions significantly reduced GDP binding, while small lesions in the last required region did not impair GDP binding or membrane localization. We speculate that this latter region interacts with the putative cellular target of ras. The results suggest that transforming ras proteins require membrane localization, guanosine nucleotide binding, and an additional undefined function that may represent interaction with their target.  相似文献   

O-Linked N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (OGT) catalyzes the transfer of O-linked GlcNAc to serine/threonine residues of a variety of target proteins, many of which have been implicated in such diseases as diabetes and neurodegeneration. The addition of O-GlcNAc to proteins occurs in response to fluctuations in cellular concentrations of UDP-GlcNAc, which result from nutrients entering the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in sugar nucleotide recognition and transfer to protein are poorly understood. We employed site-directed mutagenesis to target potentially important amino acid residues within the two conserved catalytic domains of OGT (CD I and CD II), followed by an in vitro glycosylation assay to evaluate N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity after bacterial expression. Although many of the amino acid substitutions caused inactivation of the enzyme, we identified three amino acid residues (two in CD I and one in CD II) that produced viable enzymes when mutated. Structure-based homology modeling revealed that these permissive mutants may be either in or near the sugar nucleotide-binding site. Our findings suggest a model in which the two conserved regions of the catalytic domain, CD I and CD II, contribute to the formation of a UDP-GlcNAc-binding pocket that catalyzes the transfer of O-GlcNAc to substrate proteins. Identification of viable OGT mutants may facilitate examination of its role in nutrient sensing and signal transduction cascades.  相似文献   

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