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Summary The frequency of variants in the Pb system was studied in 71 individuals from the Bozo tribe in the Bani-Niger area (Mali, West Africa), in 25 male students from different African countries, and in 110 Dutch students. The frequency of thePb 2allele was 0.20 in the Bozo and 0.00 in the Dutch population. A comparison is made with the results of a study among American blacks and with a Japanese study. The Pb2-2 phenotypes observed in this study favour the hypothesis that the Pb-2c protein is derived from a larger precursor in a manner analogous to the generation of the Pb-1b protein from Pb-1 proteine.Part of this work was performed in the Institute of Human Biology, State University at Utrecht, The Netherlands  相似文献   

A study has been carried out on a sample of 2,158 male subjects between 20 and 50 years old representative of the rural Malian population (West Africa), and the results are compared with historic data obtained since 1885. This comparison suggests that there has been no modification in stature during this century. The analysis of each ethnic group does not show any disparity. Our results are in agreement with the theory that certain factors lead to the secular increase of stature in developed countries. These etiologic factors are not found in our West African population.  相似文献   

Aim Widespread reports of disappearing tree species and senescing savanna parklands in the Sahel have generated a vigorous debate over whether climate change or severe human and livestock pressure is principally responsible. Many of the tree taxa in decline are closely associated with human settlement and farming, suggesting that the parkland ecosystem may not be a natural vegetation assemblage. The aim of this study is to assess the possibility that human activities promoted the spread of taxa with edible fruit into dry Sudano‐Sahelian areas during high‐rainfall periods in the climate cycle. Location West African savannas (Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin). Methods Cultivated savanna parklands and adjacent forests and transitional landscapes were inventoried at 27 sites in five countries. All trees with basal diameters > 10 cm were counted within 500‐m2 belt transects. Species composition and abundance were contrasted between three landscape classes to assess the degree of influence exerted by traditional human management. Twentieth century rainfall data were averaged for two sets of weather stations encompassing the north–south range of typical parkland tree species. Rainfall trends were used to evaluate the putative impact of climate change on edible and/or succulent fruit species at the northern limit of the parkland savanna zone. Results Species composition and spatial distribution data indicate that the parkland ecosystem is significantly shaped by human activities. Indigenous land management favours edible‐fruit‐yielding taxa from the wetter Sudanian and Guinean vegetation zones over Sahelian species. Rainfall isohyets at the northern range limits of parkland species shifted southwards in the late 20th century, crossing the critical 600‐mm mean annual rainfall threshold for Sudanian flora. Relict vegetation and historical records indicate that the Sudanian parkland system extended in the past to near 15° N latitude in middle West Africa, compared with 13.5° N today. Main conclusions The current loss of mesic trees in the Sudano‐Sahel zone appears to be driven by the sharp drop in rainfall since the 1960s, which has effectively stranded anthropogenically distributed species beyond their rainfall tolerance limits.  相似文献   

The seeds of Trichilia welwitschii C.DC. (Meliaceae) yielded three limonoids, dregeanin DM4 (1), reported here from a natural source for the first time, the known rohituka 3 (2) and trichilia lactone D5 (3). The bark yielded 28,29-dinorcycloart-24-ene-3,4,6-triol (4), sitosterol-3-O-β-d-glucoside, 4-hydroxy-N-methyl-l-proline, stigmasterol and sitosterol.  相似文献   

In Mali, adolescent girls face many physical stresses which, with a history of poor nutrition, can result in delayed growth and development. Despite the fact that adolescent girls encounter nutritional demands, most research in Mali has focused only on young children. This study examines anthropometric and reproductive data on 1,056 adolescent girls (aged 10-17 years) from the Segou Region of Mali. When compared to the reference population, the Malian girls exhibited poorer indicators of growth and development. Z-scores for height-for-age and weight-for-age were below 0 at all ages. Urban girls had better indicators of growth than rural girls. The body composition data show that the Malian girls have lower body fat than reference girls. Menarche was delayed by about 1.5 years compared to girls from the United States and Europe. Delayed growth and development may be due to many factors, including a history of undernutrition, poor socioeconomic status, and increased energy demands.  相似文献   

During germination in the light, the endosperm, containing ahigh proportion of reserve fat (composed largely of shorter-chain(C8 to C14 saturated fatty acids), is slowly invaded by theexpanding haustorium (cotyledon). Free fatty acids accumulatein the endosperm, preferential hydrolysis of longer-chain saturatedacids (C14 to C18 occurring under conditions of slow growth.Lipids are absorbed by the haustorium, the process being superficiallysimilar in certain respects to intestinal fat absorption. Whencomplicating factors are removed, absorption is found to beunselective during disappearance of 75 per cent, of the endospermlipids. Amounts of lipid in the haustorium are low compared with thehigh concentration in the surrounding endosperm and, beforephotosynthesis starts, losses through respiration account fora large part of the reserves which disappear. No free fattyacids are present in the haustorium. Breakdown of fatty acids is relatively unspecific, althoughthe acids characteristic of the haustorium (C16 C18, oleic andlinoleic acids) are metabolized some what less rapidly thanthe shorter-chain saturated acids (C8 to C14 characteristicof the endosperm fat. Both root and shoot have a low fat content. The fatty-acid compositionof the former changes little during growth, but in the shootlinolenic acid increases proportionately during leaf expansionin the light.  相似文献   

Traditional pastoralists survive in few places in the world. They can still be encountered in the African Sahel, where annual alternations of dry and wet seasons force them to continual mobility. Little is known about the genetic structure of these populations. We present here the population distribution of 312 hypervariable segment I mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 364 Y-short tandem repeat haplotypes in both farmer and pastoralist groups from the Lake Chad Basin and the West African Sahel. We show that the majority of pastoral populations (represented in the African Sahel by the Fulani nomads) fail to show significant departure from neutrality for mtDNA as evidenced by Fu's Fs statistics and exhibit lower levels of intrapopulation diversity measures for mtDNA when contrasted with farmers. These differences were not observed for the Y chromosome. Furthermore, analyses of molecular variance and population distributions of the mtDNA haplotypes show more heterogeneity in the sedentary groups than in the pastoralists. On the other hand, pastoralists retain a signature of a wide phylogenetic distance contributing to their male gene pool, whereas in at least some of the farmer populations, a founder effect and/or drift might have led to the presence of a single major lineage. Interestingly, these observations are in contrast with those recorded in Central Asia, where similar comparisons of farmer and pastoral groups have recently been carried out. We can conclude that in Africa, there have been no substantial mating exchanges between the Fulani pastoralists coming to the Lake Chad Basin from the West African Sahel and their farmer neighbors. At the same time, we suggest that the emergence of pastoralism might be an earlier and/or a demographically more important event than the introduction of sedentary agriculture, at least in this part of Africa.  相似文献   

The recently established large reservoirs Manantali on the river Bafing, tributary to the Senegal River and Sélingué, located on the river Sankarani, tributary to the Niger River, have followed similar changes in limnology and fish populations as those established in West Africa 20 to 30 years ago. Basic water parameters, such as oxygen content, pH, electrical conductivity and temperature show seasonal variations largely determined by the changes in wet and dry seasons. Both waterbodies are monomictic, with water mixing taking place in January, the coldest period of the year. Pre-impoundment forest clearence of the future reservoir bottom in the shallow Sélingué reservoir was carried out only in the proximity of the dam site. In the deeper reservoir Manantali the savanna forest was cleared from an area of about 25 percent, and the tree gallery was cleared along the river. The initial filling of Manantali reservoir was followed by a nearly complete drainage of the reservoir. After refilling some months later, the dissolved oxygen content stayed reasonably high and therefore there was no fish mortality. Also no hydrogen sulphide or a large-scale spread of noxious aquatic plants developed. At present the fish fauna is dominated by cichlids and pelagic species, i.e. at Sélingué by clupeids. and at Manantali by cyprinids (Leptocypris niloticus). In both reservoirs was the genus Citharinus considerably reduced. At Sélingué reservoir disappeared Protopterus annectens. The fish yield estimate is 27 kg/ha/year for Manantali, and 40 kg/ha/year for Sélingué. Both rerservoirs have recorded a slight increase in electrical conductivity. They both serve as a valuable water resource and fish supply for the Sahel region.  相似文献   

Summary The thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG) polymorphism was investigated in three African groups: two belonged to the Bwa villages of Mali, and the third was a Dogon group living in the same area. The Bwa groups were characterized by the occurrence of nodular goitres, whereas the Dogon population did not show similar pathological symptoms. Females were more affected by goitre than males in the affected villages. The TBG polymorphism enabled us to demonstrate the presence of an undescribed allele (TBG C1) in these populations. The frequency of the TBG S allele was also higher than previously published in other African groups. We observed a disequilibrium in the distribution of the C and S alleles in the population, with an excess of homozygous TBG S individuals. No clear relationship between the TBG polymorphism and the number of nodules can be drawn.  相似文献   

The circumtropical gobiid fish genus Bathygobius Bleeker, 1878 is discussed and defined in terms of external features, including the head lateral-line system, and osteology. Three West African species are recognized and redescribed: the amphiatlantic B. soporalor (Valenciennes, 1837) and two endemics, B. burtoni (O'Shaughnessy, 1875) and B. casamancus (Rochebrune, 1880). West African B. soporator differs significantly from western Atlantic material only in average values for predorsal scales and some body proportions, so that separation of eastern and western Atlantic populations as morphological species is not warranted. The affinities of the West African Bathygobius species are examined by means of phenetic (presence-only group-average clustering) and cladistic (Camin-Sokal, Dollo and Wagner) numerical processing of a binary database comprising 46 character states in 15 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) formed by species of Bathygobius. Results do not indicate close common ancestry between the West African endemic species and B. soporator , which has probably colonized West Africa from the New World. The implications of various cladistic schemes for the relationships of certain other American species are also noted.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first comprehensive study of the biology of a tropical bush-cricket. The eggs were laid without any external protective structures and lost water readily in unsaturated air; losses of more than 16% of the original fresh weight were usually fatal. Development and hatching took place only if the eggs were in contact with water. The water content increased by about 500% during development. The mean incubation period was 171 and 116 days at constant temperatures of 20oC and 28oC, respectively, but at temperatures fluctuating by±3°C about a mean of 28°C this period was reduced to a mean of 88 days. The eggs failed to develop if exposed to freezing temperatures for more than five days or kept at a constant temperature of 307deg;C or above. The duration of the nymphal period varied from 83 to 131 days at a temperature range of 22–30°C (mean 26° C). There were four or five nymphal instars in the male and five or six in the female. The linear growth of the hind femur conformed to Dyar's law. There was a conspicuous colour change during development, all the first-instar nymphs being leaf green and the adults predominantly brown. In nature the species lives exclusively on the forest floor and is markedly nocturnal in habits, hiding underneath litter during the day. The eggs are dormant during the dry season, hatching at the onset of the rains (March/April at Ibadan). The nymphs reach maturity from July onwards and the adults have mostly died off by the end of the rainy season (October). In the laboratory the species was found to have a temperature preference of 26–32°C, immobilization setting in at 18°C and 42°C, and a humidity preference of 60–80% R.H.; this corresponds with the prevailing conditions in its forest habitat. The nocturnal pattern of activity persisted for several days in continuous darkness, with no marked acceleration. Movement was inhibited for several days by artificial illumination. Reversed illumination reversed the rhythm of activity.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - An international research project (FWF I-1693) recently finished investigating archaeological sites in the hinterland of the lake pile dwelling sites of...  相似文献   

Genealogical data are an important source of evidence for delimiting species, yet few statistical methods are available for calculating the probabilities associated with different species delimitations. Bayesian species delimitation uses reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (rjMCMC) in conjunction with a user-specified guide tree to estimate the posterior distribution for species delimitation models containing different numbers of species. We apply Bayesian species delimitation to investigate the speciation history of forest geckos (Hemidactylus fasciatus) from tropical West Africa using five nuclear loci (and mtDNA) for 51 specimens representing 10 populations. We find that species diversity in H. fasciatus is currently underestimated, and describe three new species to reflect the most conservative estimate for the number of species in this complex. We examine the impact of the guide tree, and the prior distributions on ancestral population sizes (θ) and root age (τ0), on the posterior probabilities for species delimitation. Mis-specification of the guide tree or the prior distribution for θ can result in strong support for models containing more species. We describe a new statistic for summarizing the posterior distribution of species delimitation models, called speciation probabilities, which summarize the posterior support for each speciation event on the starting guide tree.  相似文献   

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