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Glycine-15 or Glycine-20 in the glycine-rich region of chicken adenylate kinase was replaced by Ala via site-directed mutagenesis. The two mutant enzymes showed lower enzymatic activities under the standard assay conditions. Kinetic analyses of the mutant enzymes revealed that they have markedly lower affinities for AMP and ATP, the Vmax values being comparable to that of the wild-type enzyme. These properties are similar to those of the (Pro-17----Leu, Gly or Val) enzymes (Reinstein, J., Brune, M., & Wittinghofer, A. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 4712-4720; Tagaya, M., Yagami, T., Noumi, T., Futai, M., Kishi, F., Nakazawa, A., & Fukui, T. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. in press), providing evidence that the glycine-rich region in adenylate kinase is important for the binding of both substrate nucleotides. The substrate specificity and the susceptibilities as to thermal denaturation and proteolysis were also affected by the mutations.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutants have been produced in order to investigate the role of proline 204 in the 'hinge' region of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK). This totally conserved proline has been shown to be the only cis-proline in the high resolution crystal structures of yeast, B. stearothermophilus, T. brucei and T. maritima PGK, and may therefore have a role in the independent folding of the two domains or in the 'hinge' bending of the molecule during catalysis. The residue was replaced by a histidine (Pro204His) and a phenylalanine (Pro204Phe), and the resulting proteins characterised by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), circular dichroism (CD), tryptophan fluorescence emission and kinetic analysis. Although the secondary and tertiary structure of the Pro204His protein is generally similar to that of the wild-type enzyme as assessed by CD, the enzyme is less stable to heat and guanidinium chloride denaturation than the wild-type. In the denaturation experiments two transitions were observed for both the wild-type and the Pro204His mutant, as have been previously reported for yeast PGK [Missiakas, D., Betton, J.M., Minard, P. & Yon, J.M. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 8683-8689]. The first transition is accompanied by an increase in fluorescence intensity leading to a hyperfluorescent state, followed by the second, corresponding to a decrease in fluorescence intensity. However, for the Pro204His mutant, the first transition proceeded at lower concentrations of guanidinium chloride and the second transition proceeded to the same extent as for the wild-type protein, suggesting that sequence-distant interactions are more rapidly disrupted in this mutant enzyme than in the wild-type enzyme, while sequence-local interactions are disrupted in a similar way. The Michaelis constants (K(m)) for both 3-phospho-D-glycerate and ATP are increased only by three or fourfold, which confirms that, as expected, the substrate binding sites are largely unaffected by the mutation. However, the turnover and efficiency of the Pro204His mutant is severely impaired, indicating that the mechanism of 'hinge' bending is hindered. The Pro204Phe enzyme was shown to be significantly less well folded than the wild-type and Pro204His enzymes, with considerable loss of both secondary and tertiary structure. It is proposed that the proline residue at 204 in the 'hinge' region of PGK plays a role in the stability and catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The glycine-rich loop of adenylate kinase forms a giant anion hole   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
D Dreusicke  G E Schulz 《FEBS letters》1986,208(2):301-304
The conformation of the glycine-rich loop of adenylate kinase is described in detail. It forms a giant anion hole for a sulfate ion, which presumably mimicks a nucleotide phosphoryl group. This loop had been called flexible, because at pH values of 6 or below it is displaced in the crystal. In the region of this loop the adenylate kinases are probably homologous to the p21 proteins. Is is known that a mutation in this loop at residue 12 of p21 causes cell transformation and therefore cancer. Other potentially homologous proteins are indicated.  相似文献   

Death associated protein kinase (DAPK) is a calmodulin (CaM)-regulated protein kinase that is a therapeutic target for central nervous system (CNS) disorders. We report here the results of studies that test the hypothesis of McNamara et al. (2009) that conformational selection in DAPK's glycine-rich region is key for catalytic activity. The hypothesis was tested by site-directed mutagenesis of glutamine-23 (Q23) in the middle of this loop. The glycine-rich loop exhibits localized differences in structure among DAPK conformations that correlate with different stages of the catalytic cycle. Changing the Q23 to a Valine (V23), found at the corresponding position in another CaM regulated protein kinase, results in a reduced catalytic efficiency. High resolution X-ray crystal structures of various conformations of the Q23V mutant DAPK and their superimposition with the corresponding conformations from wild type catalytic domain reveal localized changes in the glycine-rich region. The effect of the mutation on DAPK catalytic activity and the finding of only localized changes in the DAPK structure provide experimental evidence implicating conformational selection in this domain with activity. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 11th European Symposium on Calcium.  相似文献   

Several plant pathogenic bacteria belonging to the species Pseudomonas syringae produce the phytotoxin coronatine to enhance their virulence. Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 synthesizes coronatine at the virulence-promoting temperature of 18 degrees C, but not at 28 degrees C, its optimal growth temperature. In contrast, temperature has virtually no effect on coronatine synthesis in P. syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000. A modified two-component system controlling coronatine synthesis and consisting of the histidine protein kinase (HPK), CorS, the response regulator, CorR, and a third essential component, CorP, had been identified previously in both strains. CorS had been identified previously as a potential thermo-sensor. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the HPKs from the two organisms revealed distinct differences. Site-directed mutagenesis of CorS from PG4180 was used to identify amino acyl residues potentially important for temperature signal perception. Point mutations and combinations of these were introduced into corS of PG4180 to generate corS variants with increased similarities to the respective allele from strain DC3000. These mutations resulted in either loss of activity, increase of thermoresponsiveness, or had no effect on CorS activity. Although none of the introduced mutations resulted in a clear conversion of CorS activity from thermo-responsive to temperature-independent, amino acyl residues important for temperature-dependent CorS activity and coronatine biosynthesis were identified.  相似文献   

M T Mas  Z E Resplandor  A D Riggs 《Biochemistry》1987,26(17):5369-5377
In order to evaluate a possible contribution of glutamate-190, situated in the hinge region of yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), to the mechanism of the substrate- and sulfate-induced domain movement, we have constructed two point mutants, Gln-190 and Asp-190, using oligonucleotide-directed in vitro mutagenesis. The Michaelis constants of the mutants for ATP and 3-phosphoglycerate were not significantly altered, whereas the catalytic activities were decreased, both in the absence and in the presence of sulfate ions. In the absence of sulfate, the Gln-190 and Asp-190 mutants exhibited 26% and 36% of the activity of the native enzyme. In the presence of 30 mM Na2SO4, a concentration at which native PGK exhibits maximum activation, the relative activities of the Gln-190 and Asp-190 mutants were 6% and 9%, respectively. In contrast to the native enzyme, which undergoes activation at low sulfate concentrations and inhibition at high concentrations, both mutants showed a complete loss of the salt activation effect. These results suggest that Glu-190 is not directly involved in the binding of substrates but might be important for conformational flexibility. We have also demonstrated that, similarly to native PGK, both mutants are completely inactivated by the incorporation of 1 mol of glycine ethyl ester/mol of enzyme. Appreciable protection against inactivation is observed in the presence of both substrates, MgATP and 3-phosphoglycerate. Only limited protection is observed in the presence of the individual substrates, suggesting that the modification does not occur at the substrate binding sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the role of the hinge region in nisin and to obtain mutants that exhibit altered or new biological activities and functional properties, we changed certain amino acids in the hinge region by performing site-directed mutagenesis with the nisinZ structural gene (nisZ). The results showed that the nisinZ mutants had decreased antimicrobial activities against Micrococcus flavus NCIB8166 and Streptococcus thermophilus. Interestingly, compared with wild nisinZ, mutant N20K nisinZ and M21K nisinZ displayed antimicrobial activity against gram-negative Shigella, Pseudomonas and Salmonella; and they had a higher solubility than wild-type nisinZ. At pH 8, the solubilities of N20K nisinZ and M21K nisinZ were, respectively, three-fold higher and five-fold higher than that of nisinZ. Mutant N20Q nisinZ and M21G nisinZ were considerably more stable than nisinZ at higher temperatures and neutral or alkaline pH. These mutants provided information that the central hinge region in nisinZ plays an important role in providing the conformational flexibility required for the antimicrobial activity on the membrane. Our finding documented that it may well be worth considering the construction of the new nisin mutants with changed inhibitory activity against a wide range of gram-negative bacteria and the improvement of functional properties by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

There is evidence, some of it of questionable authenticity, which suggests that phosphoglycerate kinase takes up a more compact form following the binding of substrates. Using this evidence it has been assumed that a conformational rearrangement is required for phosphoryl transfer to occur and that this is brought about by moving the enzyme's two domains towards each other. In order to test this hypothesis we have modified, by site-directed mutagenesis, an arginine residue thought to be involved in stabilising the transition-state intermediate. Although some 1.3 nm away from the site of phosphoryl transfer, as seen in the crystallographically determined structure, the substitution of arginine 168 by lysine (R168K) more than halves the specific activity of the enzyme. Substituting the arginine with a methionine (R168M) reduces activity further, but not completely, thus proving that the charge associated with this residue is not essential for catalytic activity. Both mutations raise the Michaelis constants (Km) for ATP and glycerate 3-phosphate. The largest change is observed with the triose substrate and the methionine mutant, suggesting that the primary function of arginine 168 is to influence the environment of this substrate. The effect on activity of adding sulphate to R168K and R168M mutant enzyme has also been investigated. The sulphate activation effect at low substrate concentrations is reduced for the methionine substitution but almost abolished for the lysine substitution. The most reasonable explanation of all these findings is that, in the wild-type enzyme, the guanidinium group of arginine 168 forms a hydrogen bond with one of the triose substrate's C1 oxygens. This steric arrangement would not be possible in the 'open form' of this enzyme as observed in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1993,320(3):193-197
In the absence of a structure of the closed form of phosphoglycerate kinase we have modified by site directed mutagenesis several of the residues which, on the basis of the open form structure, are likely to be involved in substrate binding and catalysis. Here we report on the kinetic and anion activation properties of the yeast enzyme modified at positions 65, 121 and 168. In each case an arginine, thought to be involved in the binding of the sugar substrate's non-transferable phosphate group, has been replaced by lysine (same charge) and by methionine (no charge). Km values for 3-phosphoglycerate of all six mutant enzymes are only marginally higher than that of the wild-type enzyme. Removing the charge associated with two of the three arginine residues appears to influence (as judged by the measured Km's) the binding of ATP. Although binding affinity is not necessarily coupled to turnover the substitutions which have the greatest effect on the Km's do correlate with the reduction in enzymes maximum velocity. The one exception to this generalisation is the R65K mutant which, surprisingly, has a significantly higher kcat than the wild-type enzyme. In the open form structure of the pig muscle enzyme each of the three substituted arginines residues are seen to make two hydrogen bonds to the sugar substrate's non-transferable phosphate. From this it might be expected that anion activation would be similarly affected by the substitution of any one of these three residues. Although the interpretation of such effects are complicated by the fact that one of the mutants (R65M) unfolds at low salt concentrations, this appears not to be the case. Replacing Arg121 and Arg121 with methionine reduces the anion activation whereas a lysine in either of these two positions practically destroys the effect. With the substitutions at residue 65 the opposite is observed in that the lysine mutant shows anion activation whereas the methionine mutant does not.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the catalytic mechanism of 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and the regulation of its enzymatic activity by sulfate ions involve relatively large conformational changes. We have applied site-directed mutagenesis to assess the role of the interactions between glutamate-190 and histidine-388, located in the interdomain hinge region, in the substrate- and sulfate-induced conformational transitions. We have shown previously that substitutions of Glu-190 with either glutamine or aspartate resulted in a complete loss of sulfate activation and in decreased activities; corresponding to 26% and 36% of the activity of native PGK, respectively [Mas, M. T., Resplandor, Z. E., & Riggs, A. D. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 5369-5377]. In contrast, the Lys-388 and Ala-388 mutants retain the ability to undergo sulfate-induced activation and exhibit a larger decrease in activity (relative activities of 6% and 13%, respectively). The decrease of the enzymatic activities of these mutants and the relatively small changes of the Km values for the substrates imply that both residues participate in the catalytic mechanism by contributing to the conformational flexibility of the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous studies have implicated at least two regions in alpha-tubulin that are important for the regulation of microtubule assembly. These regions include a cluster of basic residues consisting of Arg 390, His 393, and Lys 394 and the highly acidic carboxyl terminus. Lys 394 is highly reactive to HCHO and NaCNBH3. The reductive methylation of Lys 394 by these reagents is thought to be responsible for the profound inhibitory effects of low concentrations of HCHO on microtubule assembly (cf. Szasz J., M. B. Yaffe, M. Elzinga, G. S. Blank, and H. Sternlicht. 1986. Biochemistry. 25:4572-4582). In this study we reexamined the basis for this inhibition. Lys 394 in a human keratinocyte alpha-tubulin (k alpha 1) was replaced by a glutamic acid residue using site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant K394E was synthesized in vitro using rabbit reticulocyte lysates, and its ability to coassemble with bovine brain microtubule protein (MTP) before and after reaction with HCHO and NaCNBH3 was compared with that of wild-type. No differences in the coassemblies of the unmethylated proteins were detected suggesting that Lys 394 is not essential for microtubule assembly. However, methylated K394E prepared at low HCHO concentrations (< 1 mM) incorporated into microtubules to a greater extent (approximately 30-40%) than methylated wild-type. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that methylation of Lys 394 interferes with microtubule assembly. However, the extent of protection afforded by the replacement of Lys 394 with Glu 394 was less than half as large as that predicted from the earlier studies. We tentatively conclude that another residue(s) besides Lys 394 contributes significantly to the assembly-inhibition observed with low concentrations of HCHO. Since this residue(s) is less reactive than Lys 394, it would have to inhibit assembly substoichiometrically when methylated. Potential candidates for this residue include bulk lysyl residue(s), a lysyl residue(s) with intermediate reactivity toward HCHO, and the NH2-termini. The NH2-termini are especially attractive candidates since they appear to have a structural role in microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

M D Tsai  H G Yan 《Biochemistry》1991,30(28):6806-6818

The active site of the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) has been probed using site-directed mutagenesis and inhibitor binding techniques. Replacement of a specific glycyl with an alanyl or a prolyl with a seryl residue in a highly conserved region confers glyphosate tolerance to several bacterial and plant EPSPS enzymes, suggesting a high degree of structural conservation between these enzymes. The glycine to alanine substitution corresponding to Escherichia coli EPSPS G96A increases the Ki(app) (glyphosate) of petunia EPSPS 5000-fold while increasing the Km(app)(phosphoenolpyruvate) about 40-fold. Substitution of this glycine with serine, however, abolishes EPSPS activity but results in the elicitation of a novel EPSP hydrolase activity whereby EPSP is converted to shikimate 3-phosphate and pyruvate. This highly conserved region is critical for the interaction of the phosphate moiety of phosphoenolpyruvate with EPSPS.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis in the Escherichia coli recA gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C Cazaux  F Larminat  M Defais 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):281-284
Escherichia coli RecA protein plays a fundamental role in genetic recombination and in regulation and expression of the SOS response. We have constructed 6 mutants in the recA gene by site-directed mutagenesis, 5 of which were located in the vicinity of the recA430 mutation responsible for a coprotease deficient phenotype and one which was at the Tyr 264 site. We have analysed the capacity of these mutants to accomplish recombination and to express SOS functions. Our results suggest that the region including amino acid 204 and at least 7 amino acids downstream interacts not only with LexA protein but also with ATP. In addition, the mutation at Tyr 264 shows that this amino acid is essential for RecA activities in vivo, probably because of its involvement in an ATP binding site, as previously shown in vitro.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis by inverse PCR was done on the HindIII gene. Target residues to be mutated were chosen according to (i) the fact that a mutant obtained by sodium nitrite treatment showed almost no HindIII activity, where Asp-123 was replaced with Asn, and (ii) the model proposed by Stahl et al. (Stahl, F., Wende, W., Jeltsch, A. and Pingoud, A. Biol. Chem. 379, 467-473 (1998)). Seven kinds of mutants were obtained by the PCR, and their enzymatic and biochemical properties were examined. Three mutants, P50S, D108L, and D123N, showed fairly low HindIII activity. On the other hand, the other four, P84Q, E86K, V106E, and K125N, retained the activity. In particular, E86K showed higher activity than the wild enzyme. This fact was confirmed when activities of the purified wild and E86K enzymes were assayed. These results coincided fairly well with data using E. coli strains that carry the respective mutant plasmids, on their resistance to phage T7 and on growth rate. We conclude that the PE motif at residues 50 and 51, and DXK motif at residues 108-110, are responsible for the enzymic reaction of HindIII.  相似文献   

Arginine kinases were isolated from the cephalopods Nautilus pompilius, Octopus vulgaris, and Sepioteuthis lessoniana, and the cDNA-derived amino acid sequences have been determined. Although the origin and evolution of cephalopods have long been obscure, this work provides the first molecular evidence for the phylogenetic position of Cephalopoda in molluscan evolution. A crystal structure for Limulus arginine kinase showed that four amino acid residues (Ser(63), Gly(64), Val(65), and Tyr(68)) are hydrogen-bonded with the substrate arginine. We introduced three independent mutations, Ser(63) --> Gly, Ser(63) --> Thr, and Tyr(68) --> Ser, in Nautilus arginine kinase. One of the mutants had a considerably reduced substrate affinity, accompanied by a decreased V(max). In other mutants, the activity was lost almost completely. It is known that substantial conformational changes take place upon substrate binding in arginine kinase. We hypothesize that the hydrogen bond between Asp(62) and Arg(193) stabilizes the closed, substrate-bound state. Site-directed mutagenesis studies strongly support this hypothesis. The mutant (Asp(62) --> Gly or Arg(193) --> Gly), which destabilizes the maintenance of the closed state and/or perhaps disrupts the unique topology of the catalytic pocket, showed only a very weak activity (0.6-1.5% to the wild-type).  相似文献   

The type I regulatory subunit (R-I) of rat brain cAMP-dependent protein kinase was expressed in E. coli and site-directed mutagenesis was used to substitute amino acids in the putative cAMP-binding sites. The wild-type recombinant R-I bound 2 mol of cAMP/mol subunit, while two mutant R-Is with a single amino acid substitution in one of the two intrachain cAMP-binding sites (clone N153:a glutamate for Gly-200, and clone C254:an aspartate for Gly-324) bound 1 mol of cAMP/mol subunit. When these two substitutions were made in one mutant, cAMP did not bind to this mutant, indicating that binding of cAMP to N153 or C254 was to their nonmutated sites. Competition experiments with site-selective analogs and dissociation of bound cAMP from mutant R-Is provided evidence for strong intrachain interactions between the two classes of cAMP-binding sites in R-I.  相似文献   

YdiB and its paralog AroE are members of the quinate/shikimate 5-dehdrogenase family. Enzymes from this family function in the shikimate pathway that is essential for survival of microorganisms and plants and represent potential drug targets. Recent YdiB and AroE crystal structures revealed the presence of a NAD(P)-binding and a catalytic domain. We carried out site-directed mutagenesis of 8 putative active site residues in YdiB from Escherichia coli and analyzed structural and kinetic properties of the mutant enzymes. Our data indicate critical roles for an invariant lysine and aspartate residue in substrate binding and allowed us to differentiate between two previously proposed models for the binding of the substrate in the active site. Comparison of several YdiB and AroE structures led us to conclude that, upon cofactor binding and domain closure, the 2 identified binding residues are repositioned to bind to the substrate. Although the lysine residue contributes to some extent to the stabilization of the transition state, we did not identify any residue as catalytically essential. This indicates that catalysis does not operate through a general acid-base mechanism, as thought originally. Our improved understanding of the medically and agriculturally important quinate/shikimate 5-dehydrogenase family at the molecular level may prove useful in the development of novel herbicides and antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

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