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 Post-absorptive resting metabolic rates (RMRs), body mass and ad libitum food intake were recorded on an annual cycle in captive arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) at Svalbard. During the light season in May and in the dark period in November, RMR during starvation and subsequent re-feeding were also measured. In contrast to earlier findings, the present study indicated a seasonal trend in post-absorptive RMR (in W · kg−1 and W · kg−0.75). The values in the light summer were 15% and 11% higher than the values in the dark winter, suggesting a physiological adaptation aiding energy conservation during winter in arctic foxes. Body mass and ad libitum food intake varied inversely through the year. A significant reduction in RMR (in W and W · kg−0.75) with starvation (metabolic depression) was recorded both in May and November, indicating an adaptation to starvation in arctic foxes. The lack of metabolic depression during a period of starvation that was concomitant with extremely cold ambient temperatures in November 1994 indicates that metabolic responses to starvation may be masked by thermoregulatory needs. At very low ambient temperatures, arctic foxes may require increased heat production which cannot be achieved via below-average rates of metabolism. Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

Arctic foxes from Svalbard (n=4) and farmed blue foxes (n=4) was used in a digestibility experiment with a high-carbohydrate feed to add more information to the nutritional physiology of the arctic fox, and to compare its digestive capacity with that of the farmed blue fox. The arctic fox has a diet containing mainly protein and fat from mammals and birds, while farmed blue foxes have been exposed to an omnivorous dietary regime for more than 80 generations. The experiment showed in general no difference in digestive capacity for protein and fat between the foxes (P>0.05), but for carbohydrates, including starch and glucose, the blue fox revealed higher digestibility values. The superior digestive capacity for carbohydrates in blue fox might be a result of a long-term selection of animals digesting dietary carbohydrates more efficiently, or that an early age exposition to dietary carbohydrates has given permanent improvement of the carbohydrate digestion in the gut.  相似文献   

A heterologous radioimmunoassay system developed for the rabbit and suitable for a wide range of mammalian species has been shown to measure prolactin in the plasma of the blue fox. Evaluation of prolactin levels throughout the year showed the concentrations displayed a circannual rhythm with the highest values occurring in May and June. Prolactin concentrations remained low (approximately 2.5 ng/ml plasma) from July until April with no consistent changes found around oestrus (March-April). In 8 pregnant females, the prolactin increase in late April and May coincided with the last part of gestation and lactation: concentrations (mean +/- s.e.m.) increased to 6.3 +/- 0.6 ng/ml at mid-gestation, 9.7 +/- 2.1 ng/ml at the end of gestation and 26.7 +/- 5.0 ng/ml during lactation. In 10 non-pregnant animals, the mean +/- s.e.m. values were 7.2 +/- 1.2 ng/ml in April, 8.8 +/- 2.2 ng/ml in May and 9.8 +/- 1.3 ng/ml in June. The prolactin profile in 4 ovariectomized females was similar to that observed in non-pregnant animals, but the plasma values tended to be lower during the reproductive season (April-June). In intact females, the only large LH peak (average 28 ng/ml) was observed around oestrus. During pro-oestrus, baseline LH levels were interrupted by elevations of 3.1-10.4 ng/ml. During the rest of the year, basal levels were less than 3 ng/ml. In ovariectomized females, LH concentrations increased within 2 days of ovariectomy and remained high (35-55 ng/ml) at all times of year.  相似文献   

Pelage is seasonally dimorphic in the Arctic fox. During the winter, fur lengths for this species are nearly double similar values taken during the summer season. Considerable site-specific differences in fur length are noted. In general, body sites which are exposed to the environment when an Arctic fox lies in a curled position show greater fur lengths in all seasons and greater seasonal variations than body sites that are more protected during rest. Well-furred sites may tend to conserve heat during periods of inactivity, and scantily furred sites may tend to dissipate heat during periods of exercise. The growth of winter fur may compensate for the severe cold of the arctic winter. Changes in fur lengths indicate a definite pattern in spite of individual variations. During the fall months, fur lengths seem to lag behind an increasing body-to-ambient temperature gradient. Both body-to-ambient temperature gradients and fur lengths peak during December through February. From March through June, gradual environmental warming is accompanied by a decrease in average fur lengths. Thus, there appears to be a remarkable parallel between the body-to-ambient temperature gradient and the fur lengths. The growth of fur in the Arctic fox parallels annual changes in ambient temperature and photoperiod.Presented at the Eighth International Congres of Biometerorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

Svalbard's arctic foxes experience large seasonal variations in light, temperature and food supply throughout the year, which may result in periods of starvation. The aim of this work is to investigate if there are seasonal variations in post-absorptive plasma thyroid hormones (free thyroxin (fT(4)), free triiodothyronine (fT(3)) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT(3))) and metabolites (free fatty-acids (FFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-OHB)) with season and their response to starvation and re-feeding. The concentrations of post-absorptive free triiodothyronine were significantly higher in November than May, while those of thyroxin, reverse triiodothyronine, free fatty-acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate remained unchanged. Possible explanations for the seasonal variations in free triiodothyronine are discussed. There were no significant changes from post-absorptive concentrations of thyroxin and reverse triiodothyronine in starved and re-fed foxes. However, free triiodothyronine concentrations decreased during starvation and increased again with re-feeding both in May and November. Starvation induced high levels of free fatty acids in both May and November, indicating increased lipolysis. There was a significant increase in beta-hydroxybutyrate in November only, indicating that arctic foxes are capable of protein conservation during starvation.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in testicular weight in the blue fox were associated with considerable variations in plasma concentrations of LH, prolactin, androstenedione and testosterone and in FSH-binding capacity of the testis. An increase in LH secretion and a 5-fold increase in FSH-binding capacity were observed during December and January, as testis weight increased rapidly. LH levels fell during March when testicular weight was maximal. Plasma androgen concentrations reached their peak values in the second half of March (androstenedione: 0.9 +/- 0.1 ng/ml: testosterone: 3.6 +/- 0.6 ng/ml). A small temporary increase in LH was seen in May and June after the breeding season as testicular weight declined rapidly before levels returned to the basal state (0.5-7 ng/ml) that lasted until December. There were clear seasonal variations in the androgenic response of the testis to LH challenge. Plasma prolactin concentrations (2-3 ng/ml) were basal from August until the end of March when levels rose steadily to reach peak values (up to 13 ng/ml) in May and June just before maximum daylength and temperature. The circannual variations in plasma prolactin after castration were indistinguishable from those in intact animals, but LH concentrations were higher than normal for at least 1 year after castration.  相似文献   

Data on the spatial structure of an Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus beringensis) colony were obtained in July-August 1995, using walk counts and observations near living dens around the Northern rookery of the northern fur seals located on Bering Island (Commander Islands). The home ranges of 31 Arctic fox families (61 adults and 145 pups inhabiting 66 dens) were found over 27 km of the coastline. Sixty individuals (3 adults and 57 pups) were marked by color ear-tags. Among adult foxes, 24 (39.3%) were recognized as females and 12 (19.7%) as males; the sex of 25 (41.0%) foxes was not recognized. Among 57 marked cubs, 26 (45.6%) were females and 31 (54.4%) were males. The best studied families (13) had 3–11 pups (6.7 ± 0.7, on average). The survival of cubs at an age younger than 2.0–2.5 months was 82.5%; 30.8% of the families consisted of more than two adults. The distribution of the Arctic fox dens and home ranges along the coastline has been studied; specific features of the location of dens have been described. In the studied area, Arctic foxes have been foraging on birds (67.6% of dens with food remains), northern fur seals (40.5), other marine mammals (13.5), Pacific salmon (29.7), and reindeer (2.7%), as well as on amphipods and voles. Rich constant food sources (rookeries, marine bird colonies, and spawning places of the blueback salmon) were found in 7 home ranges of the Arctic fox; 6 home ranges included temporary food sources (spawning streams of the humpback salmon); and 18 home ranges were poor in food resources. Arctic foxes whose home ranges lie within 6–7 km around a “food patch” used the concentrated food resources together. Food resources are supposed to become important only after the raised pups turn to self-feeding. Differences in the use of space, foraging and breeding of the two Arctic fox subspecies (A. l. beringensis and A. l. semenovi), and arrangement of colonies around the northern fur seal rookeries are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 15 blue fox vixens aged 1–6 years were mated, 12 once on the first day of estrus and three a second time 48 hr after the first mating, and were killed 4 hr to 8 days following mating. Ova were collected from the oviducts, evaluated by stereomicroscopy, and studied by transmission (TEM; N = 49, 12 vixens) or scanning (SEM, N = 11, three vixens) electron microscopy. At 0–3 days after ovulation, the ova had not cleaved and were at different stages of meiotic maturation. In about one-half of these ova, representing all stages of meiotic maturation, a decondensing sperm head without nuclear envelope or a small pronucleus with partial nuclear envelope was observed. No clear relationship was found between maternal meiotic stage and the stage of paternal pronucleus formation. Sperm tails were never identified in the ooplasm. Cortical granules were released after sperm penetration at early stages of meiotic maturation. Thus the block against polyspermic penetration was activated during maturation of the oocyte. The first two-cell stage appeared 4 days after ovulation (3 days after mating), the first four-cell stage the following day (day 5), and the first eight-cell stage 6 days after ovulation (5 days after mating). In a single vixen mated late (7 days postovulation) two- to four-cell stages appeared the following day (day 8). This indicates that the time required for the first cleavage division decreases with increasing interval from ovulation to mating. The development of a functional nucleolus with fibrillar centers and fibrillar and granular components at the eight-cell stage indicates activation of embryonic RNA synthesis in fox embryos at the six- to eight-cell stage, suggesting that the embryonic genome is activated at this stage. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adiponectin (Acrp30) and peptide YY (PYY) are weight-regulatory hormones participating in the control of energy homeostasis. This study investigated the effects of long-term wintertime fasting on plasma Acrp30 and PYY levels in the carnivorous blue fox, a farm-bred variant of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus). Plasma Acrp30 and PYY concentrations were determined with radioimmunoassays during a 22-day period of fasting, which led to a 20.3% reduction in body mass of the animals (n=32). Sixteen fed blue foxes served as the control group. Acrp30 and PYY were present in blue fox plasma at similar or lower levels as reported previously for other mammals. Fasting had no acute effects on Acrp30 or PYY concentrations of the blue foxes. However, the Acrp30 levels of the fasted blue foxes were 24%-48% higher than in the fed animals between days 8-22 of fasting. Fasted blue foxes also had 6.2-fold higher plasma PYY concentrations after 15 days of fasting. Acrp30 and PYY seem to play roles in the body weight-regulation of the blue fox during long-term fasting, but their specific functions and physiological significance remain to be determined.  相似文献   

This study investigated the physiological adaptations to fasting using the farmed blue fox (Alopex lagopus) as a model for the endangered wild arctic fox. Sixteen blue foxes were fed throughout the winter and 32 blue foxes were fasted for 22 d in Nov-Dec 2002. Half of the fasted blue foxes were food-deprived again for 22 d in Jan-Feb 2003. The farmed blue fox lost weight at a slower rate (0.97-1.02% body mass d(-1)) than observed previously in the arctic fox, possibly due to its higher initial body fat content. The animals experienced occasional fasting-induced hypoglycaemia, but their locomotor activity was not affected. The plasma triacylglycerol and glycerol concentrations were elevated during phase II of fasting indicating stimulated lipolysis, probably induced by the high growth hormone concentrations. The total cholesterol, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, urea, uric acid and total protein levels and the urea:creatinine ratio decreased during fasting. Although the plasma levels of some essential amino acids increased, the blue foxes did not enter phase III of starvation characterized by stimulated proteolysis during either of the 22-d fasting procedures. Instead of excessive protein catabolism, it is liver dysfunction, indicated by the increased plasma bilirubin levels and alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities, that may limit the duration of fasting in the species.  相似文献   

Milk intake of fox cubs (2-16 days of age; body weight, 96-649 g) in ten blue fox litters and ten silver fox litters were measured by the water isotope dilution (WID) technique following a single intraperitoneal injection of tritiated water (3HHO). Litter size varied from four to 14 in blue foxes and from three to eight in silver foxes. Silver fox cubs had higher birth weights than blue foxes. Inter-species body weights and growth rates were apparently dependent on litter size and the dam's constitution. In both species growth rate increased with age and body weight (7-35 g per day). In the cubs, the biological half-life of body water turnover (BWT) rose from 1.5 days at 2-3 days of age to 2.5 days at 13-16 days of age, although a considerable scatter was seen. The mean daily milk intake of the cubs varied with body weight, from 31 to 193 g per day, whereas daily milk intake per unit of body mass remained stable at 30-35 g per 100 g body weight. The ratio of milk intake to body weight gain varied considerably among cubs, averaging 4.5 g/g during the 3-week experimental period. In suckling fox cubs, the calculated daily intake of metabolically energy (ME) corresponded fairly with the estimated energy requirements for growth and maintenance of the young. Finally, the applicability and the accuracy of the WID technique was evaluated in ten 3-week-old fox cubs, by tube-feeding with a milk replacer for 48 h, which documented that the daily rates of milk intake and water turnover can be accurately measured in suckling fox cubs by the WID technique following a single injection of 3HHO.  相似文献   

1. Glucose utilization was assessed in fed and fasted arctic fox, maintained on a diet similar in composition to food available in the wild. 2. Fasted (24 hr) glucose concentration was not significantly different from the fed level (134 mg/dl). 3. Fasting was associated with a significant reduction in glucose space, pool size, total entry rate, and irreversible loss which suggests a decline in gluconeogenesis. 4. Glucose recycling was not significantly different between the fed and fasted states. 5. We suggest that, in the arctic fox, the mechanism for defending blood glucose levels during fasting is based on restricting blood glucose to tissues with a high glucose dependency.  相似文献   

The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is a winter-active inhabitant of the high arctic with extreme fluctuations in photoperiod and food availability. The blue fox is a semi-domesticated variant of the wild arctic fox reared for the fur industry. In this study, 48 blue foxes were followed for a year in order to determine the effects of exogenous melatonin and wintertime food deprivation on their reproductive and thyroid axes. Half of the animals were treated with continuous-release melatonin capsules in July 2002, and in November-January, the animals were divided into three groups and either fed continuously or fasted for one or two 22-day periods. Food deprivation decreased the plasma triiodothyronine and thyroxine concentrations probably in order to preserve energy due to a decreased metabolic rate. The same was observed in the plasma testosterone levels of the males but not in the plasma estradiol concentrations of the females. Exogenous melatonin advanced the autumn moult and seasonal changes in the voluntary food intake. It also advanced the onset of the testosterone peak in the males. The plasma estradiol levels of the females were unaffected, but the progesterone levels peaked more steeply in the sham-operated females. Melatonin exerted a strong influence not only on the reproductive axis of the males but also on the seasonal food intake. The species seemed quite resistant to periodic involuntary food deprivation.  相似文献   

New chromosomal assignments of canine-derived cosmid clones containing microsatellites to the Chinese raccoon dog and arctic fox genomes are presented in the study. The localizations are in agreement with data obtained from comparative chromosome painting experiments between the dog and arctic fox genomes. However, paracentric inversions have been detected by comparing the loci order in canid karyotypes. The number of physically mapped loci increased to thirty-five both in the Chinese raccoon dog and in the arctic fox. Furthermore, the present status of the cytogenetic map of the Chinese raccoon dog and arctic fox is presented in this study.  相似文献   

Natural populations of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus, Canidae, Carnivora) differ drastically in their reproductive strategy. Coastal foxes, which depend on stable food resources, produce litters of moderate size. Inland foxes feed on small rodents, whose populations are characterized by cycling fluctuation. In the years with low food supply, inland fox populations have a very low rate of reproduction. In the years with high food supply, they undergo a population explosion. To gain insight into the genetic basis of the reproductive strategy of this species, we performed complex segregation analysis of the litter size in the extended pedigree of the farmed arctic foxes involving 20,665 interrelated animals. Complex segregation analysis was performed using a mixed model assuming that the trait was under control of a major gene and a large number of additive genetic and random factors. To check the significance of any major gene effect, we used Elston-Stewart transmission probability test. Our analysis demonstrated that the inheritance of this trait can be described within the frameworks of a major gene model with recessive control of low litter size. This model was also supported by the pattern of its familial segregation and by comparison of the distributions observed in the population and that expected under our model. We suggest that a system of balanced polymorphism for litter size in the farmed population might have been established in natural populations of arctic foxes as a result of adaptation to the drastic fluctuations in prey availability.  相似文献   

Dominance relationships were studied in captive Arctic blue fox (Alopex lagopus) groups comprising adults (four males, five females) and juveniles (four males, five females). The results showed that Arctic blue foxes easily formed a social organization with an observable hierarchy, in which adults typically dominated over juveniles. Within the same age group, males usually dominated over females. Dominance correlated most significantly with body weight in autumn, but later that correlation decreased. Urine marking activity was very low during autumn and early winter, but increased significantly prior to and during the breeding season when aggressive encounters were also most pronounced. In addition to several adults, the social status of some juveniles was high at breeding time. Altogether 7 out of 11 females (63.6%) whelped, but the survival rate of litters was low and kits of only two adult females survived (18.2%). It can be concluded that hierarchical development and reproduction in Arctic blue fox groups are markedly influenced by dominance relationships.  相似文献   

Three hundred forty five adult arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) from all counties in Iceland were examined for excess cerumen and ear canker mites (Otodectes cynotis). Only 13 foxes (4%) from a single county in northwestern Iceland were infested, where the prevalence of otodectiasis was 38%. Whether or not this parasite is new to the arctic fox in Iceland is unknown. If it is recently introduced, possible sources of infestation are farmed silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes), domestic dogs, domestic or feral cats, and arctic foxes from Greenland. It appears that the rate of transmission between adult foxes is low; a more common route of transmission is probably from the mother to her offspring or between vixens breeding in the same dens in subsequent years by contamination of the dens. No correlation was found between the prevalence of mites in foxes and Samson character.  相似文献   

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