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In Sinorhizobium meliloti, the MurSm protein, a homologue of the ferric uptake regulator (Fur), mediates manganese-dependent regulation of the MntABCD manganese uptake system. In this study, we analyzed MurSm binding to the promoter region of the S. meliloti mntA gene. We demonstrated that MurSm protein binds with high affinity to the promoter region of mntA gene in a manganese-responsive manner. Moreover, the results presented here indicate that two monomers, or one dimer, of MurSm binds the DNA. The binding region was identified by DNase I footprinting analysis and covers a region of about 30 bp long that contains a palindromic sequence. The MurSm binding site, present in the mntA promoter region, is similar to a Fur box; however, manganese-activated MurSm binds a canonical Fur box with very low affinity. Furthermore, the data obtained indicate that MurSm responds to physiological concentrations of manganese.  相似文献   

In Sinorhizobium meliloti, the Mur(Sm) protein, a homologue of the ferric uptake regulator (Fur), mediates manganese-dependent regulation of the MntABCD manganese uptake system. In this study, we analyzed Mur(Sm) binding to the promoter region of the S. meliloti mntA gene. We demonstrated that Mur(Sm) protein binds with high affinity to the promoter region of mntA gene in a manganese-responsive manner. Moreover, the results presented here indicate that two monomers, or one dimer, of Mur(Sm) binds the DNA. The binding region was identified by DNase I footprinting analysis and covers a region of about 30 bp long that contains a palindromic sequence. The Mur(Sm) binding site, present in the mntA promoter region, is similar to a Fur box; however, manganese-activated Mur(Sm) binds a canonical Fur box with very low affinity. Furthermore, the data obtained indicate that Mur(Sm) responds to physiological concentrations of manganese.  相似文献   

During the initial stages of symbiosis with the host plant Medicago sativa, Sinorhizobium meliloti must overcome an oxidative burst produced by the plant in order for proper symbiotic development to continue. While identifying mutants defective in symbiosis and oxidative stress defense, we isolated a mutant with a transposon insertion mutation of sitA, which encodes the periplasmic binding protein of the putative iron/manganese ABC transporter SitABCD. Disruption of sitA causes elevated sensitivity to the reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide and superoxide. Disruption of sitA leads to elevated catalase activity and a severe decrease in superoxide dismutase B (SodB) activity and protein level. The decrease in SodB level strongly correlates with the superoxide sensitivity of the sitA mutant. We demonstrate that all free-living phenotypes of the sitA mutant can be rescued by the addition of exogenous manganese but not iron, a result that strongly implies that SitABCD plays an important role in manganese uptake in S. meliloti.  相似文献   

Exopolysaccharide production by Sinorhizobium meliloti is required for invasion of root nodules on alfalfa and successful establishment of a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between the two partners. S. meliloti wild-type strain Rm1021 requires production of either succinoglycan, a polymer of repeating octasaccharide subunits, or EPS II, an exopolysaccharide of repeating dimer subunits. The reason for the production of two functional exopolysaccharides is not clear. Earlier reports suggested that low-phosphate conditions stimulate the production of EPS II in Rm1021. We found that phosphate concentrations determine which exopolysaccharide is produced by S. meliloti. The low-phosphate conditions normally found in the soil (1 to 10 microM) stimulate EPS II production, while the high-phosphate conditions inside the nodule (20 to 100 mM) block EPS II synthesis and induce the production of succinoglycan. Interestingly, the EPS II produced by S. meliloti in low-phosphate conditions does not allow the invasion of alfalfa nodules. We propose that this invasion phenotype is due to the lack of the active molecular weight fraction of EPS II required for nodule invasion. An analysis of the function of PhoB in this differential exopolysaccharide production is presented.  相似文献   

对苜蓿中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobiummeliloti) 0 4 2BMnoeAB基因的表达调控进行研究。结果发现,葫芦巴碱不能使noeAB的表达水平提高,证明它们的转录不受nodD2的调控。当nodD3和syrM同时存在时,noeAB的表达水平没有明显的变化,表明它们也不受nodD3 syrM系统的调控。在FY基本培养基上,毛地黄黄酮的诱导使noeAB基因的表达水平提高16倍,而在不添加该诱导物的TY培养基上,noeAB基因的表达水平也能够提高30倍以上,说明noeAB是受nodD1控制的,但除受毛地黄黄酮诱导外,noeAB还可能受到其他因子的调节  相似文献   

The innate resistance of plants and animals to microbial infection is mediated in part by small cationic peptides with antimicrobial activity. We assessed the susceptibility of the alfalfa symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti to the model antimicrobial peptide protamine. Twenty-one Tn5-induced mutants showing increased sensitivity to protamine were isolated, and nine were further characterized in detail. These nine mutants carried distinct transposon insertions that affected a total of seven different genes. Three of these genes are involved in exopolysaccharide and beta-(1,2)-glucan biosynthesis (exoT, exoU and ndvB), three other genes are implicated in nitrogen metabolism, such as a putative dyhidropyrimidinase, hutU and ureF, and the last gene exhibited similarity to the ATP binding cassette family of membrane transporters. Symbiotic defects ranging from severe to moderate were displayed by some of the protamine-hypersensitive mutants suggesting that S. meliloti possess active mechanisms to counteract hypothetical cationic peptides that may be produced by its host plant.  相似文献   

Using whole genome arrays, we systematically investigated nitrogen regulation in the plant symbiotic bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti. The use of glutamate instead of ammonium as a nitrogen source induced nitrogen catabolic genes independently of the carbon source, including two glutamine synthetase genes, various aminoacid transporters and the glnKamtB operon. These responses depended on both the ntrC and glnB nitrogen regulators. Glutamate repressible genes included glutamate synthase and a H+-translocating pyrophosphate synthase. The smc01041-ntrBC operon was negatively autoregulated in a glnB-dependent fashion, indicating an involvement of phosphorylated NtrC. In addition to the nitrogen response, glutamate remodelled expression of carbon metabolism by inhibiting expression of the Entner-Doudoroff and pentose phosphate pathways, and by stimulating gluconeogenetic genes independently of ntrC.  相似文献   

External biotin greatly stimulates bacterial growth and alfalfa root colonization by Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021. Several genes involved in responses to plant-derived biotin have been identified in this bacterium, but no genes required for biotin transport are known, and not all loci required for biotin synthesis have been assigned. Searches of the S. meliloti genome database in combination with complementation tests of Escherichia coli biotin auxotrophs indicate that biotin synthesis probably is limited in S. meliloti 1021 by the poor functioning or complete absence of several key genes. Although several open reading frames with significant similarities to genes required for synthesis of biotin in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were found, only bioB, bioF, and bioH were demonstrably functional in complementation tests with known E. coli mutants. No sequence or complementation evidence was found for bioA, bioC, bioD, or bioZ. In contrast to other microorganisms, the S. meliloti bioB and bioF genes are not localized in a biotin synthesis operon, but bioB is cotranscribed with two genes coding for ABC transporter-like proteins, designated here bioM and bioN. Mutations in bioM and bioN eliminated growth on alfalfa roots and reduced bacterial capacity to maintain normal intracellular levels of biotin. Taken together, these data suggest that S. meliloti normally grows on exogenous biotin using bioM and bioN to conserve biotin assimilated from external sources.  相似文献   

While screening for Sinorhizobium meliloti Pho regulatory mutants, a transposon mutant was isolated that constitutively expressed higher levels of acid and alkaline phosphatase enzymes. This mutant was also found to form pseudonodules on alfalfa that were delayed in appearance relative to those formed by the wild-type strain, it contained few bacteroids, and it did not fix nitrogen. Sequence analysis of the transposon insertion site revealed the affected gene to have high homology to Lon proteases from a number of organisms. In minimal succinate medium, the mutant strain was found to grow more slowly, reach lower maximal optical density, and produce more extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) than the wild-type strain. The mutant fluoresced brightly on minimal succinate agar containing calcofluor (which binds to EPSI, a constitutively expressed succinoglycan), and gas chromotographic analysis of purified total EPS showed that the glucose-to-galactose ratio in the lon mutant total EPS was 5.0 +/- 0.2 (mean +/- standard error), whereas the glucose-to-galactose ratio in the wild-type strain was 7.1 +/- 0.5. These data suggested that in addition to EPSI, the lon mutant also constitutively synthesized EPSII, a galactoglucan which is the second major EPS known to be produced by S. meliloti, but typically is expressed only under conditions of phosphate limitation. (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance analysis showed no major differences between EPS purified from the mutant and wild-type strains. Normal growth, EPS production, and the symbiotic phenotype were restored in the mutant strain when the wild-type lon gene was present in trans. The results of this study suggest that the S. meliloti Lon protease is important for controlling turnover of a constitutively expressed protein(s) that, when unregulated, disrupts normal nodule formation and normal growth.  相似文献   

Lu HY  Luo L  Yang MH  Cheng HP 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(15):4029-4040
Sinorhizobium meliloti ExoR regulates the production of succinoglycan and flagella through the ExoS/ChvI two-component regulatory system. ExoR has been proposed to inhibit the ExoS sensor through direct interaction in the periplasm. To understand how ExoR suppression of ExoS is relieved, which is required for the expression of ExoS/ChvI-regulated symbiosis genes, we characterized wild-type ExoR and ExoR95 mutant proteins. In addition to the previously identified precursor and mature forms of ExoR (designated ExoR(p) and ExoR(m), respectively), we detected a 20-kDa form of ExoR (designated ExoR(c20)) derived from the wild-type ExoR protein, but not from the ExoR95 mutant protein. ExoR(c20) was isolated directly from S. meliloti periplasm to identify its N-terminal amino acids and the site of the proteolysis, which is highly conserved among ExoR homologs. ExoR(c20) retains the C terminus of the wild-type ExoR. When expressed directly, ExoR(c20) did not complement the exoR95 mutation, suggesting that ExoR(c20) does not function directly in the ExoR-ExoS/ChvI regulatory pathway and that ExoR(m) is the functional form of ExoR. A single-amino-acid change (ExoRL81A) at the site of ExoR periplasmic proteolysis resulted in the reduction of the amount of ExoR(m) and the loss of the regulatory function of the ExoR protein. These findings suggest that ExoR(m) is a target of periplasmic proteolysis and that the amount of ExoR(m) could be reduced through effective proteolysis to relieve its suppression of ExoS.  相似文献   

In prokaryotes, DNA supercoiling regulates the expression of many genes; for example, the expression of Klebsiella pneumoniae nifLA operon depends on DNA negative supercoiling in anaerobically grown ceils, which indicates that DNA supercoiling might play a role in gene regulation of the anaerobic response. Since the expression of the nifH promoter in Sinorhizobium meliloti is not repressed by oxygen, it is proposed that the status of DNA supercoiling may not affect the expression of the nifH promoter. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing nifH promoter activity in wild-type and gyr- Escherichia coli in the presence and absence of DNA gyrase inhibitors. Our results show that gene expression driven by the S.meliloti nifH promoter requires the presence of active DNA gyrase. Because DNA gyrase increases the number of negative superhelical turns in DNA in the presence of ATP, our data indicate that negative supercoiling is also important for nifH promoter activity. Our study also shows that the DNA supercoiling-dependent S. meliloti nifH promoter activity is related to the trans-acting factors NtrC and NifA that activate it. DNA supercoiling appeared to have a stronger effect on NtrC-activated nifH promoter activity than on NifA-activated promoter activity. Collectively, these results from the S. meliloti nifH promoter model system seem to indicate that, in addition to regulating gene expression during anaerobic signaling, DNA supercoiling may also provide a favorable topology for trans-acting factor binding and promoter activation regardless of oxygen status.  相似文献   

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