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Specific binding of human β-endorphin to rabbit cerebellar and brain membranes was measured using [3H2-Tyr27]-βh-endorphin as the primary ligand. In both tissues binding was time dependent and saturable, with apparent equilibrium dissociation constants of 0.275 nM and 0.449 nM in the cerebellum and brain, respectively. The binding capacity of cerebellum is greater than that of brain. Kinetic studies showed that the association rate constants were 2.7 × 107 M?1min?1 for cerebellum and 2.4 × 107 M?1min?1 for brain. Dissociation of tritiated βh-endorphin from both cerebellum and brain is not consistent with a first order decay from a single site. In the cerebellum, these is a time-dependent increase in slowly dissociating complex. The potency of several opioid peptides and opiates to inhibit the binding of tritiated βh-endorphin was determined. Ligands with preference for μ, δ, and κ opiate receptor (morphine, Metenkephalin and ethylketocyclazocine) all have similar affinities toward βh-endorphin sites in both brain and cerebellar membranes.  相似文献   

Raborn J  Wang W  Luo BH 《Biochemistry》2011,50(12):2084-2091
The ability of αIIbβ3 to bind ligands and undergo outside-in signaling is regulated by three divalent cation binding sites in the β I domain. Specifically, the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) and the synergistic metal binding site (SyMBS) are thought to be required for ligand binding due to their synergy between Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). The adjacent to MIDAS (ADMIDAS) is an important ligand binding regulatory site that also acts as a critical link between the β I and hybrid domains for signaling. Mutations in this site have provided conflicting results for ligand binding and adhesion in different integrins. We have mutated the β3 SyMBS and ADMIDAS. The SyMBS mutant abolished ligand binding and outside-in signaling, but when an activating glycosylation mutation in the αIIb Calf 2 domain was introduced, the ligand binding affinity and signaling were restored. Thus, the SyMBS is important but not absolutely required for integrin bidirectional signaling. The ADMIDAS mutants showed reduced ligand binding affinity and abolished outside-in signaling, and the activating glycosylation mutation could fully restore integrin signaling of the ADMIDAS mutant. We propose that the ADMIDAS ion stabilizes the low-affinity state when the integrin headpiece is in the closed conformation, whereas it stabilizes the high-affinity state when the headpiece is in the open conformation with the swung-out hybrid domain.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify the initial binding sites to the bacterial membranes of the antimicrobial peptide αs2-casein f(183-207) and also to acquire further insight into membrane permeabilization of this peptide. Furthermore, cell morphology was studied by transmission electron microscopy. In all the experiments, bovine LFcin was employed as a comparison. Results showed that initial binding sites of αs2-casein f(183-207) peptide were lipoteichoic acid in Gram-positive bacteria and lipopolysaccharide in Gram-negative. The peptide was able to permeabilize the outer and inner membranes. Moreover, the αs2-casein peptide f(183-207) generated pores in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and in the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria. In the Gram-negative bacteria, f(183-207) originated cytoplasm condensation, and in the Gram-positive bacteria the cytoplasmic content leaked into the extracellular medium. Furthermore, the experiments of inner and outer membrane permeabilization performed with LFcin-B showed that this peptide also has the ability to permeabilize both the inner and outer membranes.  相似文献   

Binding of a transition metal ion to specific sites in concanavalin A induces the formation of specific Ca(2+) ion-binding sites. Sites for binding alpha-methyl d-glucopyranoside exist only when a transition metal ion and Ca(2+) ion are bound.  相似文献   

A unique property of basolateral membrane Cl channels from the mTAL is that the Cl concentration facing the intracellular aspects of these channels is a determinant of channel open time probability (P 0 ). The K 1/2 for maximal activation of P 0 by Cl facing intracellular domains of these channels is 10 mm Cl. The present experiments evaluated the nature of these Cl-interactive sites. First, we found that the impermeant anion isethionate, when exposed to intracellular Cl channel faces, could augment P 0 with a K 1/2 in the range of 10 mm isethionate without affecting conductance (g Cl, pS). Second, pretreatment of the solutions facing the intracellular aspects of the channels with either 1 mm phenylglyoxal (PGO), an arginine-specific reagent, or the lysine/terminal amine reagent trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS, 1 mm), prevented the activation of P 0 usually seen when the Cl concentration of solutions facing intracellular channel domains was raised from 2 to 50 mm. However, when the Cl channel activity was increased by first raising the Cl concentration bathing intracellular channel faces from 2 to 50 mm, subsequent addition of either PGO or TNBS to solutions bathing intracellular Cl channel faces had no effect on P 0 . We conclude that the intracellular aspects of these Cl channels contain Cl-interactive loci (termed [Cl] i ) which are accessible to impermeant anions in intracellular fluids and which contain arginineand lysine-rich domains which can be inactivated, at low ambient Cl or isethionate concentrations, by interactions with PGO or TNBS.We acknoeledge the able technical assistance of Anna Grace Stewart. Clementine M. Whitman provided her customary excellent secretarial assistance. This work was supported by Veteterans Administration Merit Review Grants to T. E.Andreoli and to W. B. Reeves. C. J. Winters is a Veterans Administration Associate Investigator.  相似文献   

The α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) has significant roles in nervous system function and disease. It is also a molecular target of general anesthetics. Anesthetics inhibit the α4β2 nAChR at clinically relevant concentrations, but their binding sites in α4β2 remain unclear. The recently determined NMR structures of the α4β2 nAChR transmembrane (TM) domains provide valuable frameworks for identifying the binding sites. In this study, we performed solution NMR experiments on the α4β2 TM domains in the absence and presence of halothane and ketamine. Both anesthetics were found in an intra-subunit cavity near the extracellular end of the β2 transmembrane helices, homologous to a common anesthetic binding site observed in X-ray structures of anesthetic-bound GLIC (Nury et al., [32]). Halothane, but not ketamine, was also found in cavities adjacent to the common anesthetic site at the interface of α4 and β2. In addition, both anesthetics bound to cavities near the ion selectivity filter at the intracellular end of the TM domains. Anesthetic binding induced profound changes in protein conformational exchanges. A number of residues, close to or remote from the binding sites, showed resonance signal splitting from single to double peaks, signifying that anesthetics decreased conformation exchange rates. It was also evident that anesthetics shifted population of two conformations. Altogether, the study comprehensively resolved anesthetic binding sites in the α4β2 nAChR. Furthermore, the study provided compelling experimental evidence of anesthetic-induced changes in protein dynamics, especially near regions of the hydrophobic gate and ion selectivity filter that directly regulate channel functions.  相似文献   

α7 nicotinic receptors are highly permeable to Ca2+ as well as monovalent cations. We extended the characterization of the Ca2+ permeation of non-desensitizing chick α7 receptors (S240T/L247T α7 nAChRs) expressed in Xenopus oocytes by (1) measuring the concentration dependence of conductance under conditions in which Ca2+ or Ba2+ were the only permeant cations in the extracellular solution, and (2) measuring the concentration dependence of Ca2+ block of K+ currents through the receptors. The first set of experiments yielded an apparent affinity of 0.96 mM Ca2+ activity (2.4 mM concentration) for Ca2+ permeation and an apparent affinity of 0.65 mM Ba2+ activity (1.7 mM concentration) for Ba2+ permeation. The apparent affinity of Ca2+ inhibition of K+ currents was 0.49 mM activity (1.5 mM concentration). The similarity of these apparent affinities in the millimolar range suggests that the pore of α7 receptors has one or more low-affinity Ca2+ binding sites and no high-affinity sites.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the timing of migratory fish spawning in the last dam-free stretch of the upper Paraná River and in Itaipu Reservoir. Eggs were more common in the Amambai and Ivaï Rivers, while larvae predominated in the Paraná River and in Itaipu Reservoir. Both eggs and larvae were more abundant at night. The highest abundance of eggs was in October and that of larvae in November. Migratory species predominated in the Amambai and Paraná Rivers, and non-migratory species in the Ivaï River and Itaipu Reservoir. The predominance of eggs in the upper and middle portions, and larvae in the lower, infer that there are spawning sites in the former and nurseries in the latter. The high nocturnal abundance of eggs is associated with spawning at sunset and that of larvae with feeding, avoidance of predators and nocturnal disorientation. The presence of tributaries such as the Amambai and Ivaí Rivers in the last dam-free stretch of the Paraná River is extremely important to the maintenance of regional fish diversity and fish stocks in both the Paraná River and Itaipu Reservoir.  相似文献   

Interactions between the fluorophors diphenylhexatriene or gramicidin A′ and lipids are examined using a spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine as a fluorescence quenching probe. It is found that in phospholipid vesicles of mixed lipid composition at temperatures where phospholipids are completely in the liquid crystal phase, several different species of phosphatidylcholines are randomly distributed around the fluorophors. In vesicles of mixed lipid composition which can undergo thermally induced phase separations, the fluorescence quenching observed at lower temperatures reflects a non-random distribution of lipids around each fluorophor. This observation is explained in terms of the partition of fluorophor between a spin-labeled lipid-rich liquid crystal phase, and a spin-labeled lipiddepleted gel phase. Gramicidin A′ strongly favors partition into the liquid crystal phase, whereas diphenylhexatriene partitions about equally between the two lipid phases. A method is described utilizing fluorescence quenching for the calculation of the partition coefficient for a fluorophor. The partition coefficients so calculated are shown to be in good agreement with previously reported values derived from other methods. It is also shown that Ca2+-induced lipid phase separations can be monitored by fluorescence quenching.  相似文献   

Although much is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in transporting soluble proteins to the central vacuole, the mechanisms governing the trafficking of membrane proteins remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the mechanism involved in targeting the membrane protein, AtβFructosidase 4 (AtβFruct4), to the central vacuole in protoplasts. AtβFruct4 as a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein was transported as a membrane protein during transit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through the Golgi apparatus and the prevacuolar compartment (PVC). The N-terminal cytosolic domain of AtβFruct4 was sufficient for transport from the ER to the central vacuole and contained sequence motifs required for trafficking. The sequence motifs, LL and PI, were found to be critical for ER exit, while the EEE and LCPYTRL sequence motifs played roles in trafficking primarily from the trans Golgi network (TGN) to the PVC and from the PVC to the central vacuole, respectively. In addition, actin filaments and AtRabF2a, a Rab GTPase, played critical roles in vacuolar trafficking at the TGN and PVC, respectively. On the basis of these results, we propose that the vacuolar trafficking of AtβFruct4 depends on multiple sequence motifs located at the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain that function as exit and/or sorting signals in different stages during the trafficking process.  相似文献   

Short-term receptor regulation by agonists is a well-known phenomenon for a number of receptors, including β-adrenergic receptors, and has been associated with receptor changes revealed by radioligand binding. In the present study, we investigated the rapid changes in α1-adrenergic receptors induced by agonists. α1-receptors were studied on DDT1 MF-2 smooth muscle cells (DDT1-MF-2 cells) by specific [3H]prazosin binding. In competition binding on membranes and on intact cells at 4°C or at 37°C in 1-min assays, agonists competed for a single class of sites with relatively high affinity. By contrast, in equilibrium binding at 37°C on intact cells agonists competed with two receptor forms (high- and low-affinity). We quantified the receptors in the high-affinity form by measuring the [3H]prazosin binding inhibited by 20 μM norepinephrine (this concentration selectively saturated the high-affinity sites). The low-affinity sites were measured by subtracting the binding of [3H]prazosin to the high-affinity sites from the total specific binding. High-affinity receptors were 85% of the total sites in binding experiments at 4°C, but only 30% at 37°C. On DDT1-MF-2 cells preequilibrated with [3H]prazosin at 4°C, and then shifted to 37°C for a few minutes, norepinephrine selectively reduced the high-affinity sites by 30%. We suggest that at 4°C it is the native form of α1-receptors that is measured, with most of the sites in the high-affinity form, while during incubation at 37°C the norepinephrine present in the binding assay converts most of the receptors to an apparent low-affinity form, so that they are no longer recognized by 20 μM norepinephrine. The nature of this low-affinity form was further investigated. On DDT1-MF-2 cells preincubated with the agonist and then extensively washed at 4°C (to maintain the receptor changes induced by the agonist) the number of receptors recognized by [3H]prazosin at 4°C was reduced by 38%. After fragmentation of the cells, the number of receptors measured at 4°C was the same in control and norepinephrine-treated cells, suggesting that the disruption of cellular integrity might expose the receptors which are probably sequestered after agonist treatment. In conclusion, the appearance of the low affinity for agonists at 37°C may be due to the agonist-induced sequestration of α1-adrenergic receptors, resulting in a limited accessibility to hydrophilic ligands.  相似文献   

17β-Estradiol (E2) is a potent estrogen, which modulates many important cellular functions by binding to specific estrogen receptors located in the cell nucleus and also on the plasma membrane. We have studied the membrane interaction of E2 using a combination of solid-state NMR methods. 2H NMR results indicate that E2 does not cause a condensation effect of the surrounding phospholipids, which is contrary to the effects of cholesterol, and only very modest E2 induced alterations of the membrane structure were detected. 1H magic-angle spinning NMR showed well resolved signals from E2 as well as of POPC in the membrane-lipid layer. Two-dimensional NOESY spectra revealed intense cross-peaks between E2 and the membrane lipids indicating that E2 is stably inserted into the membrane. The determination of intermolecular cross-relaxation rates revealed that E2 is broadly distributed in the membrane with a maximum of the E2 distribution function in the upper chain region of the membrane. We conclude that E2 is highly dynamic in lipid membranes and may undergo rotations as it exhibits two polar hydroxyl groups on either side of the molecule.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of 3′-O(1-naphthoyl)adenosine di- and triphosphates (termed N-ADP and N-ATP, respectively) were investigated in detail. Of special importance for the use of these analogues as environmental probes is their high quantum yield (0.58 in water) and the polarity dependence of shape and wavelength position of the emission spectrum. Upon binding of N-ADP and N-ATP to mitochondrial F1-ATPase, the fluorescence intensity is markedly decreased, due to polarity changes and ‘ground-state’ quenching. Using this signal for equilibrium binding studies, three (at least a priori) equivalent nucleotide-binding sites were detected on the enzyme. The perspective intrinsic dissociation constants are as follows: N-ADP/Mg2+ 120 nM; N-ATP/Mg2+ 160 nM; N-ADP/EDTA 560 nM; N-ATP/EDTA 3500 nM. For bound ligand the environment was found to be rather unpolar; the rotational mobility of the fluorophore is restricted, its accessibility for iodide anions (as a quencher) is hindered. These facts show a location of the binding sites quite deeply embedded in the protein. The conformation of the binding domains is strongly dependent on the absence or presence of Mg2+, as can be seen from the relative efficiencies of the singlet-singlet energy transfer from tyrosine residues in the protein to bound naphthoyl moieties. Investigation of the binding kinetics revealed this process as biphasic (in presence of Mg2+). After the first fast step (kon > 1 · 106 M−1 · s−1), in which the analogue is bound to the enzyme, a slow local conformational rearrangement occurs.  相似文献   

Effect of ε subunit on the nucleotide binding to the catalytic sites of F1-ATPase from the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (TF1) has been tested by using α3β3γ and α3β3γε complexes of TF1 containing βTyr341 to Trp substitution. The nucleotide binding was assessed with fluorescence quenching of the introduced Trp. The presence of the ε subunit weakened ADP binding to each catalytic site, especially to the highest affinity site. This effect was also observed when GDP or IDP was used. The ratio of the affinity of the lowest to the highest nucleotide binding sites had changed two orders of magnitude by the ε subunit. The differences may relate to the energy required for the binding change in the ATP synthesis reaction and contribute to the efficient ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

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