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A human apolipoprotein AI (apo AI) minigene and two mutants were cloned into the vector pUHD10-1 for expression studies in COS cells under the control of the strong CMV (cytomegalovirus) enhancer and the own apo AI promoter. In the mutated apo AI minigene (mutant M1) the positions of the triplets of Gln(-2)-Gln-1 at the C-terminus of the prosequence were exchanged against Gln(-8)-Ala-7, the recognition site of the signal peptidase of the wild type human apo AI. The prosequence has been deleted in mutant M2 and the presequence linked directly to the N-terminus of the mature apo AI form. We report here on expression studies in COS cells, a cell line, which does not express apo AI. They were transfected by electroporation with pUHD10-1 constructs, which contain a) the wild type apo AI minigene and b) the two mutant apo AI minigenes with mutations described above. The following results were obtained: a) the wild type and mutant apo AI constructs were efficiently transcribed and translated in COS cells, b) the expression of the wild type preproapo AI minigene in COS cells led to the secretion of proapo AI (29 kDa), that of the mutant (M2) gene, devoid of the prosequence of mature apo AI (28.4 kDa), whereas the product of mutant gene M1 (31 kDa) with the recognition site of the signal peptides transposed to the C-terminus of the prosequence remained uncleaved within the COS cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Variant apolipoprotein AI as a major constituent of a human hereditary amyloid   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Amyloid fibrils were isolated from spleen and liver of a patient who died with Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy Type III (Iowa). The major protein constituent of the fibrils was found to be the amino terminal portion (residues 1-83) of apolipoprotein AI with an arginine for glycine substitution at position 26. This is the first report of an apolipoprotein as a major amyloid constituent in a form of autosomal dominant hereditary amyloidosis in humans.  相似文献   

We have sought to obtain conditions for cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage of apolipoprotein AI which would preserve, as far as possible, the biological activity of the resulting fragments. We found that the choice of solvent is an important consideration since modification of amino acids in different proteins varies with cleavage conditions. Initially, an analytical technique employing reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC which separates the four CNBr fragments in a single chromatographic step was established to monitor the products and extent of cleavage. In developing this technique, spectral data indicated damage to tyrosine and tryptophan residues during CNBr digestion. This problem was resolved by using 70% trifluoroacetic acid instead of 70% formic acid as the solvent, which had the added benefit of increasing the extent of cleavage of the Met86-Ser87 bond by 50%. We applied the information derived from the analytical RP-HPLC method to achieve the preparative isolation of CNBr fragments. This procedure included a gel permeation chromatography step using a citrate/urea buffer before RP-HPLC to isolate pure fragments in volatile buffers. Finally, we discuss aspects of structural integrity with an emphasis on modification of aromatic amino acids and deamidation of asparagine and glutamine residues.  相似文献   

We have identified a new species of apolipoprotein (apo) B in an individual with heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia. The new apo B (apo B-32) is the result of a single point mutation (1450 Gln----Stop) in the apo B gene that prevents full length translation. Apo B-32 is predicted to contain the 1449 amino-terminal amino acids of apo B-100 and is associated with a markedly decreased low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level. The density distribution of apo B-32 in the plasma lipoproteins makes it unique amongst other truncated apo B species. Normally, apo B-100 is found in both very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL particles. However, the majority of the apo B-32 protein was found in the high density lipoprotein (HDL) and lipoprotein-deplete (d greater than 1.21 g/ml) fractions, suggesting that it was mainly assembled into abnormally dense lipoprotein particles. A small amount of apo B-32 was also found in the LDL, making it the shortest known apo B variant capable of forming particles in this density range. Apo B-32 was undetected in VLDL. The apo B-32 mutation further defines the minimum length of the apo B protein that is required for the assembly of LDL.  相似文献   

Inheritance of the apolipoprotein (APO) E gene epsilon4 or epsilon2 allele alters the risk of developing Alzheimer disease (AD), while increased alpha-tocopherol (AT) intake appears to lower the risk of AD. As APOE is a major apolipoprotein in the CNS and AT in vivo is transported in lipoproteins, we tested the hypothesis that CNS lipoproteins, as modeled by relevant concentrations of high density lipoprotein (HDL), and AT would interact to suppress neurotoxicity in a cell culture model of amyloid beta (Abeta)- related toxicity. These cells conditionally express C99-derived peptides, proposed to be a key step in AD pathogenesis; this expression is closely associated with subsequent cell death. We found that physiologic concentrations of lipoproteins present in the CNS protected from C99-associated toxicity and provided evidence for two mechanisms of protection. The first was AT-independent, APOE isoform-dependent, and most potent for the APOE2 isoform. The second was a synergistic protection afforded by a combination of APOAI, or less so APOE, and AT. These data provide a novel explanation for the apparent AD-protective effect of inheriting an epsilon2 APOE allele, and suggest that optimizing AT enrichment of CNS lipoproteins or devising APOAI mimetics may augment AT efficacy in treating AD.  相似文献   

Liver regeneration in response to various forms of liver injury is a complex process, which ultimately results in restoration of the original liver mass and function. Because the underlying mechanisms that initiate this response are still incompletely defined, this study was aimed to identify novel factors. Liver genes that were up-regulated 6 h after 70% hepatectomy (PHx) in the rat were selected by cDNA subtractive hybridization. Besides known genes associated with cell proliferation, several novel genes were isolated. The novel gene that was most up-regulated was further studied. Its mRNA showed a liver-specific expression and encoded a protein comprising 367 amino acids. The mouse and human cDNA analogues were also isolated and appeared to be highly homologous. The human gene analogue was located at an apolipoprotein gene cluster on chromosome 11q23. The protein encoded by this gene had appreciable homology with apolipoproteins A-I and A-IV. Maximal expression of the gene in the rat liver and its gene product in rat plasma was observed 6 h after PHx. The protein was present in plasma fractions containing high density lipoprotein particles. Therefore, we have identified a novel apolipoprotein, designated apolipoprotein A-V, that is associated with an early phase of liver regeneration.  相似文献   

The lipid binding properties of apolipoprotein (apo) AIMilano, a molecular variant of human apolipoprotein AI, characterized by the Arg173----Cys substitution, was investigated by the use of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes. Both the variant AIMilano and normal AI are incorporated to the same extent in stable complexes isolated by gel filtration, showing similar dimensions and stoichiometries. A higher affinity of apo-AIMilano for dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine is suggested by the faster association rate of the variant apoprotein compared to normal AI; similarly, apo-AIMilano is more readily displaced by guanidine hydrochloride from the isolated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine-apoprotein complexes. When the secondary structure of apo-AIMilano was investigated by spectrofluoroscopy and circular dichroism, a higher fluorescence peak wavelength and a lower alpha-helical content were detected in the variant apoprotein compared to normal AI. The substitution Arg173----Cys in the AIMilano dramatically alters the amphipathic nature of the modified alpha-helical fragment of apoprotein AI. The association rate with lipids is accelerated by an increased exposure of hydrophobic residues. The reduced stability of the lipid-apoprotein particles is possibly mediated by a reduction in the number of helical segments involved in lipid association. The high flexibility of the AIMilano apolipoprotein in the interaction with lipids may explain its accelerated catabolism and the possibly improved uptake capacities for tissue lipids.  相似文献   

Studies on the polymorphism of human apolipoprotein A-I   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Upon preparative isoelectric focussing of human apo-HDL, four major forms of apolipoprotein A-I have been isolated. As identified by the following nomenclature and pI, they comprise: apolipoprotein A-I1, pI 5.62; apolipoprotein A-I2, pI 5.53; apolipoprotein A-I3, pI 5.45; apolipoprotein A-I4 pI 5.36. These forms of apolipoprotein A-I were shown to have identical migration on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, molecular weights of 26 000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and a common antigenicity with antisera against apolipoprotein A-I or A-I1. Each form had very similar amino acid compositions with the exception of form apolipoprotein A-I4 which contained one isoleucine residue per mol. All forms but apolipoprotein A-I4 were activators of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, the latter was inhibitory to the reaction. From these results, it was concluded that apolipoprotein A-I1, A-I2 and A-I3 are equivalent forms of apolipoprotein A-I whereas apolipoprotein A-I4 is different or heterogeneous. Upon refocussing, the polymorphs were shown to be stable at their pI and not affected by changes in concentration and by the presence of urea or ampholytes. Exposure of a form of apolipoprotein A-I to alkaline pH partially regenerated the original heterogeneity; however, apolipoprotein A-I4 regenerated from apolipoprotein A-I1 did not contain isoleucine, which further demonstrates form apolipoprotein A-I4 heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest that mutant immunoreactive forms of apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II) can be detected in the plasma of patients with the apoC-II deficiency syndrome. We studied the possible presence of apoC-II mutants in the plasma of two patients with apoC-II deficiency by immunological means. The patients were hypertriglyceridemic, and apoC-II was undetectable in plasma as determined by radial immunodiffusion, electroimmunoassay, and immunonephelometry. Furthermore, apoC-II was undetectable either by electrophoresis or by immunoblotting in the plasma of the probands, while apoC-II was present in the plasma of their parents, although at less than half-normal concentration. Immunochemical localization of apoC-II, however, showed that the apoprotein could be detected within the enterocytes obtained from the intestinal mucosa of the patients. From these data we conclude that the patients synthesize apoC-II, at least in the intestine.  相似文献   

To better understand the tissue-specific expression of the human apolipoprotein (apo)AI gene, we performed a detailed analysis of the pattern of methylation of the gene in various human adult and embryonic tissues and in tissues of transgenic mice harboring the human apo-AI gene. In addition, the gene was analyzed also in liver and intestine-derived human cell lines (HepG2 and Caco2, respectively). Using methyl-sensitive restriction enzymes (HpaII, HhaI, and SmaI) and the appropriate radioactive probes, we were able to determine separately the status of methylation of the 5'-end, the body of the gene, and 3'-end flanking sequences. The apo-AI gene in tissues that express the gene was undermethylated at the 5'-end. However, the 5'-end of the gene in sperm and in all adult tissues that do not express the gene was heavily methylated. The body of the gene which contains a CpG island and the 3'-end flanking sequences were, in general, hypomethylated except for specific sites that showed partial methylation. In contrast, while the gene showed tissue-specific expression already in a 12-week-old embryo, the 5'-end was invariably hypomethylated in all tissues of the embryo. A human apo-AI transgene has recently been shown to be active exclusively in the liver, while the endogenous gene is expressed in both liver and intestine (6). We show here that the 5'-end of the apo-AI transgene was methylated in all tissues of the mouse (including intestine) except liver. The results presented here demonstrate a clear correlation between hypomethylation of the 5'-end and activity of the apo-AI gene. However, the observed methylation pattern of the gene in embryonic tissues suggests that tissue-specific expression precedes formation of the tissue-specific methylation pattern.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein AI (ApoAI) is an important apolipoprotein in plasma and is known to have various physiological functions suitable for pharmaceutical applications. Human blood has been the only source of this protein for research and large-scale applications. To obtain large amounts of ApoAI a Pichia pastoris expression system was first used to obtain a high level of expression of secreted, recombinant protein. The human gene encoding ApoAI was inserted into the secretion vector pPIC9K and used to transform P. pastoris GS115. AP16, a high expression transformant with high G418 resistance, was obtained. After induction with methanol, the expression level of rhApoAI (recombinant human ApoAI) was 160 mg/L in a 14L fermentor. RhApoAI was purified by cold acetone precipitation followed by Q-Sepharose Fast Flow ion exchange column chromatography with 60% recovery. The N-terminal amino acid sequence and molecular weight (mass spec.) of rhApoAI are identical to native human ApoAI. Purified rhApoAI has specific binding activity with liver cells SMC7721 and binding can be inhibited by native human ApoAI.  相似文献   

A Roghani  V I Zannis 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7428-7435
We have used site-directed mutagenesis to independently alter the Gln residues at positions -1 and -2 of the human apoAI propeptide to Arg residues. The normal and mutated genes were placed under the control of the mouse metallothionein 1 promoter in a bovine papilloma virus (BPV) vector which also carries a copy of the human metallothionein 1A gene. Following transfection of mouse C127 cells [corrected] with the vectors, cell clones resistant to CdCl2 were selected and analyzed for production of apoAI mRNAs and protein. The RNA blotting analysis showed that the steady-state apoAI mRNA levels of cell clones expressing either the normal or the mutant apoAI gene are 3-5-fold higher than that of the liver or HepG2 cells. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of radiolabeled apoAI showed that the apoAI-expressing clones secreted mainly the proapoAI form. Furthermore, both mutant proapoAI's differed by one positive charge from the normal apoAI. Secretion of apoAI into the culture medium follows apparent first-order kinetics and gives similar rate constants for the normal and mutant apoAI forms. Separation of secreted apoAI by density gradient ultracentrifugation in the presence of human plasma or HDL shows identical distribution of plasma and nascent (normal and mutant) apoAI. The findings indicate that in the cell system used the modification of either of the two glutamines of the apoAI prosegment does not affect the intracellular transport and secretion of apoAI, and its ability to associate with HDL.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I)-mediated cholesterol efflux involves the binding of apoA-I to the plasma membrane via its C terminus and requires cellular ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABCA1) activity. ApoA-I also stimulates secretion of apolipoprotein E (apoE) from macrophage foam cells, although the mechanism of this process is not understood. In this study, we demonstrate that apoA-I stimulates secretion of apoE independently of both ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux and of lipid binding by its C terminus. Pulse-chase experiments using (35)S-labeled cellular apoE demonstrate that macrophage apoE exists in both relatively mobile (E(m)) and stable (E(s)) pools, that apoA-I diverts apoE from degradation to secretion, and that only a small proportion of apoA-I-mobilized apoE is derived from the cell surface. The structural requirements for induction of apoE secretion and cholesterol efflux are clearly dissociated, as C-terminal deletions in recombinant apoA-I reduce cholesterol efflux but increase apoE secretion, and deletion of central helices 5 and 6 decreases apoE secretion without perturbing cholesterol efflux. Moreover, a range of 11- and 22-mer alpha-helical peptides representing amphipathic alpha-helical segments of apoA-I stimulate apoE secretion whereas only the C-terminal alpha-helix (domains 220-241) stimulates cholesterol efflux. Other alpha-helix-containing apolipoproteins (apoA-II, apoA-IV, apoE2, apoE3, apoE4) also stimulate apoE secretion, implying a positive feedback autocrine loop for apoE secretion, although apoE4 is less effective. Finally, apoA-I stimulates apoE secretion normally from macrophages of two unrelated subjects with genetically confirmed Tangier Disease (mutations C733R and c.5220-5222delTCT; and mutations A1046D and c.4629-4630insA), despite severely inhibited cholesterol efflux. We conclude that apoA-I stimulates secretion of apoE independently of cholesterol efflux, and that this represents a novel, ABCA-1-independent, positive feedback pathway for stimulation of potentially anti-atherogenic apoE secretion by alpha-helix-containing molecules including apoA-I and apoE.  相似文献   

We report the clinical phenotype in three kindreds with familial heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL) carrying novel truncated apolipoprotein Bs (apoBs) of different sizes (apoB-8.15, apoB-33.4 and apoB-75.7). In D.A. kindred, we found three carriers of a C-deletion in exon 10 leading to the synthesis of apoB-8.15 not detectable in plasma. They showed steatorrhea and fatty liver. In N.L. kindred, the proband is heterozygous for a nonsense mutation in exon 26, leading to the formation of apoB-33.4. He had premature cerebrovascular disease and fatty liver; two apoB-33.4 carriers in this kindred showed only fatty liver. In B.E. kindred, the proband is heterozygous for a T-deletion in exon 26, which converts tyrosine at codon 3435 into a stop codon, resulting in apoB-75.7. The proband, a heavy alcohol drinker, had steatohepatitis, whereas his teetotaller daughter, an apoB-75.7 carrier, had no detectable fatty liver. This study suggests that: i) fatty liver invariably develops in FHBL carriers of short and medium-size truncated apoBs (< apoB-48), but its occurrence needs additional environmental factors in carriers of longer apoB forms; ii) intestinal lipid malabsorption develops only in carriers of short truncated apoBs, which are not secreted into the plasma; and iii) cerebrovascular disease due to premature atherosclerosis may occur even in FHBL subjects.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is important in the modulation of the catabolism of chylomicron and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) remnants. ApoE has three major genetically determined isoproteins in plasma, designated apoE-2, apoE-3 and apoE-4, with homozygosity for the allele coding for apoE-2 being associated with dysbetalipoproteinemia or type III hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP). We describe a new variant of apoE, apoE-1Harrisburg, which is, in contrast to apoE-2, dominantly associated with type III HLP. Five of twelve members of the affected kindred are heterozygous for the mutant form of apoE, and four of the five have type III HLP, while the fifth member has dysbetalipoproteinemia on diet therapy. Neuraminidase digestion, which removes charged sialic acid residues, did not alter the electrophoretic position of the apoE-1Harrisburg isoprotein, indicating that the altered charge of apoE-1Harrisburg was not due to sialic acid addition to the apolipoprotein. Cysteamine modification, which adds a positively charged group to cysteine, resulted in a shift of apoE-1Harrisburg from the E-1 to the E-2 isoform position, indicating that there is one cysteine in apoE-1Harrisburg as is the case for apoE-3. These results are consistent with apoE-1Harrisburg originating in the allele for apoE-3 with the mutation leading to a negative two-unit charge shift. The definitive identification of a kindred with an apoE variant, apoE-1Harrisburg, dominantly associated with dysbetalipoproteinemia and type III HLP provides a unique opportunity to gain important insights into the structure-function requirements of the E apolipoprotein as well as the mechanisms by which apoE modulates lipoprotein metabolism.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein AI (apo AI) is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Using radioimmunoassay, we measured plasma apo AI levels in 1,880 individuals in 283 pedigrees randomly selected from the population with respect to disease status and risk factors for coronary artery disease. Apo AI levels were first adjusted for date of assay (6.8% of apo AI variation) and then adjusted for variability in age and body mass index (an additional 6.6%, 20.4%, and 23.0% of apo AI variations for males, females not using exogenous hormones, and females using exogenous hormones, respectively). A mixture of two normal distributions fit the adjusted data better than did a single normal distribution. Genetic and environmental models that could explain the mixture of normal distributions were investigated using complex segregation analysis. Heterogeneous etiologies for individual differences in adjusted apo AI levels were suggested by the data in the 283 pedigrees. In a subset of 126 pedigrees, there is evidence for the major effect of a nontransmitted environmental factor that explains the mixture of distributions as well as polygenic loci that influence apo AI levels within each distribution. The environmental factor and polygenic loci account for 32% and 65% of the adjusted variation, respectively. In the other 157 pedigrees there is strong support for a single locus with a major effect that accounts for 27% of the adjusted variation. The effect of the polygenic loci is not different from zero in these 157 pedigrees. This is the first study to present evidence for the segregation of a single unmeasured locus with a major effect on levels of apo AI in a population-based sample of pedigrees.  相似文献   

Rat hepatoma McA-RH7777 cell lines transfected with full-length human apolipoprotein (apo) B constructs produce mostly human apoB48 and only small amounts of apoB100, as a result of mRNA editing at codon 2153 (C to U conversion at nucleotide 6666). To abolish the formation of apoB48 and increase the yield of apoB100 and other forms of apoB longer than apoB48, site-specific mutations were introduced at or near the site of apoB mRNA editing. Among four mutations examined, only that in which codon 2153 was converted from CAA (Gln) to CTA (Leu) effectively precluded the formation of apoB48. In this mutant, a stop codon would not be generated even if the C to U conversion occurred. The three other mutations were introduced to disrupt the proposed stem-loop structure encompassing the editing site. Changes made in the third positions of five codons on the 5' side of the edited base or of four codons 3' of the edited base failed to eliminate the production of a protein with the approximate size of apoB48. A construct in which codon 2153 was changed from CAA to GAT (Asp) also failed to eliminate the production of a protein the size of apoB48. Analysis of the region between nucleotides 6200 and 6900 of the cDNA did not detect any prevalent alternate editing sites. Immunoblot analysis using polyclonal antibodies raised against synthetic peptides of human apoB100 indicated that the carboxyl terminus of the apoB48-like proteins probably resides between amino acid residues 2068 and 2129 of apoB100. These results provide some insight into the mechanism of apoB mRNA editing and will facilitate further studies on apoB-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   

载脂蛋白AI(apolipoproteinAI,apoAI)是高密度脂蛋白HDL的主要组成成分 ,流行病学研究表明apoAI的含量决定血浆中HDL的高低 ,而HDL具有胆固醇逆向转运的功能 ,起到降低冠心病发生概率的作用。通过大肠杆菌表达系统来生产apoAI的蛋白原proapoAI,蛋白的表达形式为包涵体 ,通过疏水柱进行柱上复性。同时在proapoAI和apoAI之间设计一个酸水解位点 ,通过将蛋白原proapoAI进行酸水解来得到成熟蛋白apoAI。最终得到的成熟蛋白apoAI在结构分析和脂结合特性上都与天然的apoAI相似 ,从而为该蛋白的工业生产上提供了一个良好的基础。  相似文献   

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