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排序法在植物群落与环境关系研究中的应用述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然环境对植物的影响主要表现在气候、水文、土壤及地形方面。大尺度上,气候类型明显影响植物的带状分布与物种空间格局;中小尺度上,土壤、水文、地形以及三者的交互作用影响植物生长必需的环境与资源条件,并对植物群落物种多样性起决定性作用。多元数量分析是研究植物群落生态关系的重要方法,在揭示植物群落与环境关系方面起到关键作用。排序法作为数量分析的重要手段,经常在植物生态学研究中扮演重要角色,尤其是在植物群落分布以及群落结构方面的应用已形成一种趋势。主要从植物群落分布以及群落结构的角度综述了当今排序法的应用,分析了面临的主要问题,并提出了未来可能发展方向,以期为今后排序方法的选择应用提供参考。  相似文献   

采用协惯量分析(PCA-CA COIA)和典范对应分析(CCA)两种排序方法, 对北京小龙门林场的黄檗 (Phellodendron amurense)群落进行了分析, 并用Spearman秩相关系数检验了对应排序轴的相关性。两种排序方法得出的结果基本一致, 两者的第一排序轴都反映了海拔高度和坡向对群落分布的影响, 而各自第二、第三排序轴所代表的环境意义有所差异, 并出现了交叉, 但是两者的前3个排序轴均反映了海拔、坡位、土壤厚度和凋落物层厚度的变化趋势, 说明在环境因子个数较少或共线性效应不明显的情况下, 协惯量分析也能达到CCA的分析效果, 并且在排序轴特征值解释量上高于典范对应分析。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between environmental factors and community patterns. In 60 plots in the Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau, 17 variables were used as indicators of spatial position, soil and topography characteristics. Plant community types were analyzed by TWINSPAN (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis). Significant environmental factors were selected by forward selection and Monte Carlo tests. The relationship between communities and environmental factors was identified by DCCA (Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Partial CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) partitioned observed compositional variation into components explained by environment, locality and covariation between them. The results showed that: (1) the plant communities can be divided into 13 types including 4 different successional stages. (2) Salt and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen are the significant factors related to plant community distribution at early stage. Elevation and humus thickness are the significant factors in the transitional stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, thickness of forest floor, humus thickness and pH are the significant factors for the sub-climax stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, pH and available phosphorus are the significant factors for the climax stage. (3) The ecological characters and the distribution patterns of plant communities in different successional stages are consistent with environmental gradients. (4) As succession proceeds, the impact of environmental conditions on plant communities increases, while the total influence of spatial location, and the interaction between the spatial location and environmental factors decrease.  相似文献   

Li G Q  Wang X A  Guo H  Zhu Z H 《农业工程》2008,28(6):2463-2471
This paper explores the relationships between environmental factors and community patterns. In 60 plots in the Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau, 17 variables were used as indicators of spatial position, soil and topography characteristics. Plant community types were analyzed by TWINSPAN (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis). Significant environmental factors were selected by forward selection and Monte Carlo tests. The relationship between communities and environmental factors was identified by DCCA (Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Partial CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) partitioned observed compositional variation into components explained by environment, locality and covariation between them. The results showed that: (1) the plant communities can be divided into 13 types including 4 different successional stages. (2) Salt and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen are the significant factors related to plant community distribution at early stage. Elevation and humus thickness are the significant factors in the transitional stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, thickness of forest floor, humus thickness and pH are the significant factors for the sub-climax stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, pH and available phosphorus are the significant factors for the climax stage. (3) The ecological characters and the distribution patterns of plant communities in different successional stages are consistent with environmental gradients. (4) As succession proceeds, the impact of environmental conditions on plant communities increases, while the total influence of spatial location, and the interaction between the spatial location and environmental factors decrease.  相似文献   

动物与其生存环境变量之间的关系一直是生态学家们广泛关注的问题.啮齿动物作为荒漠生态系统中重要的功能群,其数量大小和生态功能对生态系统的平衡和稳定具有重要意义.生境中的植被为啮齿动物提供赖以生存的食物资源和栖息地,了解啮齿动物群落与植被特征之间的关系对于理解动物群落变动规律具有重要意义.不同植被条件下啮齿动物群落的结构不同,Hernández等(2005)研究发现北美Chihuahuan荒漠的灌木生境中啮齿动物密度高于草地生境.  相似文献   

以6种不同方式对林相图中同一样带取样,采用CA、DCA和CCA 3种排序方法,研究了取样方式对排序轴的解释效果、物种与环境因子、环境因子之间、环境因子与坐标轴之间关系的影响.结果表明,样方大小和形状的变化在不同程度上改变了排序结果.大样方和长方形样方都增强了排序轴的解释效果,并对双序图中稀有种、独特种的位置有较大的影响;环境因子中土壤因子对样方的大小和形状都很敏感,坡度、经纬度只对样方大小敏感,坡位、海拔、温度和降水则对样方形状敏感;随着样方面积的增加,海拔、温度和降水的作用降低,而坡向的作用增加.  相似文献   

Wang  Guohong  Zhou  Guangsheng  Yang  Limin  Li  Zhenqing 《Plant Ecology》2003,165(2):169-181
We studied the distribution pattern, species diversity and life-formspectra of plant communities along an altitudinal gradient in the mid-sectionofthe northern slopes of Qilianshan Mountains by means of multivariate analyses.Two data sets (167 species × 75 plots, 10 environmental variables ×75 plots), originated from the fieldworks in 1998–1999, were subjected toTWINSPAN and DCCA, resulting in 8 major plant communities: 1)Asterothamnus centraliasiaticus–Halogetonarachnoideus desert grassland on azonal substrates from 1450 to 1600m and 2) zonal Reaumuria soogorica desertgrassland on gravels from 1470 to 1900 m; 3) Stipaprzewalskii–Stipa purpurea montane grassland from 2200 to 2900m; 4) Polygonum viviparum alpine grasslandfrom 2900 to 3700 m; 5) Caraganastenophylla–Ajaniafruticulosa dry-warm shrubland from 2350 to 2800 m; 6)Sabina przewalskii mid-wet warm forest from 2700 to 3300m; 7) Picea crassifolia cold coniferousforestfrom 2450 to 3200 m; 8) Caragana jubatawet-cold alpine shrubland from 3100 to 3700 m. Species diversityand species richness of both grasslands and forests peaked at the intermediateportion of the elevational gradient. Evenness might be strongly influenced byeither biotic or abiotic factors at a local scale, while seems quiteindependentof an elevational gradient at landscape scales. Beta-diversity decreased from1500 to 3700 m, indicating that species turnover declined withincreased elevation. Both richness of life-form and total species richness in agiven altitudinal belt (gamma-diversity) peaked at intermediate elevations,while relative species richness of different life-form varied differently alongthe altitudinal gradient.  相似文献   

环境因子对大亚湾人工鱼礁上附着生物分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张伟  李纯厚  贾晓平  陈丕茂  方良 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4053-4060
通过对深圳大亚湾人工鱼礁区7个月(2008-04~2008-10)挂板实验,同时监测相应的环境因子指标.以附着生物丰度数据进行了除趋势对应分析(DCA),并根据附着生物丰度数据和7个环境因子进行了典范对应分析(CCA).共鉴定出附着生物54种,物种鉴定结果表明实验试板上的常见种有华美盘管虫 (Hydroides elegans)、三角藤壶( Balanus trigonus)、细肋肌蛤(Musculus mirandus)等.DCA种类排序图可明显地看出每种附着生物都有自己的分布中心和分布区域;CCA分析结果表明深度、透明度、溶解氧是影响附着生物群落变化的最主要环境因子,其次是盐度和温度.CCA排序图较好地反映了人工鱼礁上附着生物分布与各环境因子的相互关系.  相似文献   

Abstract. To determine the relationship between vegetation and environmental parameters in a desert‐savanna ecotone, vegetation in the Naukluft Mountains of Namibia (southern Africa) was described and analysed in terms of environmental parameters determining the observed patterns. 12 plant communities, largely characterized by low shrubs, were described on the basis of a classification. Through ordination altitude, clay, potassium content of the substrate and, to a lesser extent, habitats were identified as underlying environmental factors determining the composition of these plant communities. The edaphic parameters showed some correlation with subsurface geology, but microclimatic conditions, water availability and level of disturbance appeared to override the effect of nutrient composition provided by different substrate. Communities of conservation importance, such as plant communities composed of Karoo shrubs, are prevalent on the mountain plateau, presenting an isolated outpost of Nama Karoo vegetation. The transitional status between desert and savanna, remnant patches of Nama Karoo and the high habitat diversity mark the importance of this high altitude area for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The response to prescribed burning of plant communities ranging from dry to wet habitats was monitored using permanent plots sampled from 1989 to 1993. Temporal controls for fire effects were provided by matched sets of plots protected from fire by newly constructed fire breaks. Changes in species composition were studied by ordination of strata of trees (> 5 cm DBH), small trees (2–5 cm DBH), large saplings (1–2 cm DBH), and small saplings and seedlings (50–140 cm tall). Results show that changes occurred largely in the small tree stratum, in which xeric species increased in importance. Although there were changes in sapling and seedling strata, no clear direction of change was recognized. Fire had little effect on the tree stratum. Of the seven community types under study, three types, sandhill, upland pine, and upperslope pine-oak, were most strongly affected, as indicated by post-fire change in positions of samples representing these communities in ordination space and reduction in understory species abundance. Samples representing the other four mesic and wet communities showed little or no change in their positions. These short-term results indicate that changes in vegetation resulting from fire were small and were mostly restricted to the dry types in which possible compositional change is expected to occur. This differential effect of fire suggests that the influence of fire is secondary to that of topographical and soil gradients in determining vegetation pattern under current fire regimes. Fire seems to reinforce an overall vegetation gradient controlled by soil in southeastern Texas.  相似文献   

郭水良  吴倩倩  于晶  曹同 《植物研究》2017,37(2):164-173
蓑藓属(Macromitrium)是苔藓植物分类、生态学研究及生物多样性保护的重要类群。以“Index Muscorum”中的14个藓类植物地理分布单位为分析区域,基于标本信息和相关文献,在分类修订的基础上,统计了世界蓑藓属274种植物在14个地理单位的分布数据,基于这些数据,应用聚类分析和除趋势对应分析法,分别得到了14个地理单位的聚类图和三维空间图,直观展示了世界蓑藓属植物的地理分布格局。发现蓑藓属植物区系在东亚(As2)、大洋洲(Oc)、南亚和东南亚(As3,As4)、非洲(Afr2,Afr3,Afr4)、中美洲-南美洲(Am2,Am3,Am4,Am5)、澳洲(Austr1,Austr2)存在区域分化。热带亚洲和热带美洲是世界蓑藓属植物的多样化中心。除长柄蓑藓(M.microstomum(Hook.&Grev.)Schwägr.)在14个地理单位均有分布外,大部分种类分布限于少数或仅一个地理单位。蓑藓属植物在东亚、热带亚洲、热带美洲和澳洲不仅种类存在明显分化,而且形态性状也有区域特点。根据蓑藓属植物的现代分布式样,探讨了其系统演化和生物地理学意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined woody species composition and its relation to environmental variables in native forest growing on four limestone islands in the southern Cook Islands: Atiu, Mangaia, Ma'uke, and Miti'aro. Relative dominance (percent basal area) of woody species in 74 sites was sampled using the point-centered quarter method, and the data were analyzed using clustering and ordination techniques. These tropical forests have a relatively low diversity of native woody species (32 native and 10 introduced species occurred in our sites). Four forest types were recognized: Pandanus/Guettarda littoral forest (with several subtypes), Hernandia nymphaeifolia littoral forest, Barringtonia littoral forest, and makatea forest (dominated by Elaeocarpus tonganus and Hernandia moeren-houtiana). These types were related, using canonical correspondence analysis, to geographical attributes (wind-wardness, elevation, and proximity to the coast or roads) that served as surrogates for environmental variables (maritime influence, soil variation, and degree of human disturbance). The eigenvalues for this direct ordination were much lower than for indirect ordination (0.32 vs. 0.71 for the first axis), indicating that the measured geographical attributes could explain only a modest portion of the compositional variation.  相似文献   

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