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We conducted a telephone survey of a random sample of office-based primary care physicians in Los Angeles County to determine their practice experiences with patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Telephone interviews included questions related to the physicians'' experiences evaluating patients for HIV infection during the past 6 months and the presence of HIV-infected patients in their practices. Those without HIV-infected patients were asked if this was because they had not encountered such patients, because those patients had died, or because the physicians had chosen to refer these patients elsewhere or the patients had gone elsewhere for care. Of physicians who participated in the survey, 78% had evaluated a patient for HIV infection in the past 6 months; 34% were currently providing primary care for infected patients; and 36% had elected to refer HIV-infected patients elsewhere, or their patients had elected to find other physicians. In all, 48% of physicians in the sample had elected not to care for, or said they would not provide care for, patients with HIV infection. Among Los Angeles County primary care physicians, 36% have refused to provide continuing care for HIV-infected patients and another 12% indicated their unwillingness to do so should such patients present themselves for care. As of 1991, the reservoir of primary care physicians in Los Angeles not yet involved with but willing to care for HIV-infected patients is relatively small (15%).  相似文献   

As many as 20% of patients seeing their primary physicians may suffer from alcohol abuse and dependence. Often the problem goes unrecognized. In this article I summarize what is known regarding the natural history, risk factors, and available screening techniques for alcoholism. Ultimately, a diagnosis of alcoholism is based on a patient''s history, and there are various approaches to obtaining a thorough alcohol history and overcoming patient denial regarding an alcohol problem. Primary physicians have an important role in educating patients about alcoholism.  相似文献   

Patients who disrupt medical care create problems for physicians. The risks are not entirely clinical. Although these patients may compromise sound clinical judgment, some are also litigious and express their dissatisfaction in legal or other forums. It then becomes necessary for treating physicians to be aware of the legal and ethical boundaries of their patient care responsibilities. Some disruptive patients are treated by setting limits, which is usually affirmed by health care agreements. A hospital review board may advise clinicians on these agreements and on the management of disruptive patients. If termination of the physician-patient relationship is considered, physicians must follow proper protocol. We examine these forensic considerations and place them in the context of malpractice. Communication, consultation, and documentation are the key elements in reducing liability.  相似文献   

In the past decade, the increased number of persons being treated for infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has placed an enormous burden on specialty clinics. This is especially true in Los Angeles, where care of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been termed a "crisis" situation. Especially in its early stages, HIV disease can be appropriately managed by primary care physicians who provide patients with medical and psychological counseling and refer them to specialists when major AIDS-related complications develop. Physicians completing their training as recently as 5 years ago, however, received little systematic preparation in the care of HIV-infected patients and thus may lack important skills such as the ability to recognize opportunistic infections early in their course. By means of a 1-week intensive preceptorship in a high-volume AIDS clinic, we are preparing community physicians to assume a more active role in providing care for this growing patient population. In the preceptorship, participants receive one-on-one training from specialists in infectious diseases, pulmonary diseases, and hematology and oncology, as well as from internists and family physicians. Evaluation of the clinical experience demonstrated a greater level of confidence on the part of program participants in treating HIV-infected patients and showed that participants screen and test high-risk patients in their practices and devote a substantial proportion of their practices to caring for HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

There are numerous costs resulting from being overweight or obese. A relevant question is how to effectively reduce rates of obesity. I examine the effect of advice from a physician or heath care provider to lose weight on individual weight outcomes using survey data. I account for selection bias using a control function approach and rely on data restrictions to control for simultaneity. I find robust results indicating that advice has a significant effect on weight loss. Several studies suggest physicians may not adequately advise their patients about weight loss. The results of this paper highlight an important opportunity for physicians to advise at-risk patients.  相似文献   

D Grant 《CMAJ》1997,156(7):1035-1037
More and more Canadians are choosing to die at home. Unfortunately, family members may not know how to respond when death does occur. Some call 911 seeking advice, and soon find police, ambulance and fire services arriving at their door. If calls are made before terminal patients die, they may even be rushed to hospital for emergency care. The wasted energy wastes money and creates additional stress. Dr. John Butt, Nova Scotia''s chief medical examiner, says physicians must help educate the public and emergency services about how to respond after an expected death occurs at home.  相似文献   

The ritual of taking an oath upon graduating from medical school is, with a few exceptions, a routine requirement for graduation. Albeit that many students believe that they have taken the Hippocratic Oath, this is virtually never the case. Very often students themselves write many of these oaths, and taking such an oath impresses the student as well as the public, who are potential patients. It sketches the ethically proper way for physicians to treat their patients. Such an oath is meaningful only when it is not coerced but in reality sketches the physicians' obligations toward patients, society, and each other. The question and problem of a coerced oath are discussed. It is concluded that students when first entering medical school know that such an oath will be a requirement for graduation, and because much of the time the persons taking the oath are writing it, I believe that coercion is not a factor. It is an unfortunate fact that throughout the nation students who are known to behave in ethically inappropriate ways are nevertheless allowed to graduate. Possible ways of addressing this troubling situation are discussed. Equally troublesome is the fact that we who administer the oath as well as the students who swear to it are aware that the system of medical care makes it extremely difficult and at times impossible to truly adhere to the full implications of this oath. According to the oath, physicians (in virtually all formulations) swear that social standing (and by implication economic factors) will not change the way in which patients are treated. This becomes impossible when uninsured patients are sent away at the front desk long before the physician can interact with them. Furthermore, the current fact that physicians often are confronted with not doing what they consider a necessary test (or prescribe what they think would be the best medication) raises the problem of either lying or suggesting to the patient that he/she do so--a fact that in the long run cannot help but damage the physician's veracity and the trust which patients put in their physicians. That virtually all codes of the American Medical Association (AMA) as well as the various specialties insist that physicians work toward universal access is stressed.  相似文献   

Background: Patients in different countries have different attitudes toward self-determination and medical information. Little is known how much respect Japanese patients feel should be given for their wishes about medical care and for medical information, and what choices they would make in the face of disagreement.
Methods: Ambulatory patients in six clinics of internal medicine at a university hospital were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire.
Results: A total of 307 patients participated in our survey. Of the respondents, 47% would accept recommendations made by physicians, even if such recommendations were against their wishes; 25% would try to persuade their physician to change their recommendations; and 14% would leave their physician to find a new one.
Seventy-six percent of the respondents thought that physicians should routinely ask patients if they would want to know about a diagnosis of cancer, while 5% disagreed; 59% responded that physicians should inform them of the actual diagnosis, even against the request of their family not to do so, while 24% would want their physician to abide by their family's request and 14% could not decide. One-third of the respondents who initially said they would want to know the truth would yield to the desires of the family in a case of disagreement.
Interpretations: In the face of disagreement regarding medical care and disclosure, Japanese patients tend to respond in a diverse and unpredictable manner. Medical professionals should thus be prudent and ask their patients explicitly what they want regarding medical care and information.  相似文献   

Some symptoms seen in adolescents with the disease of chemical dependence are similar to those seen in adults. Because of their age, lack of personality development, dependent family role, immaturity, and acting out of age-related behavioral tendencies, however, symptoms specific to this population occur. These may become exacerbated and telescope--intensify and shorten--the progression of the disease. A plan to solve the problem of adolescent chemical dependence must focus on education, demonstration, cooperation, prevention, intervention, habilitation, treatment, and recovery. The phenomenon of denial in a chemically dependent adolescent yields a more complex delusional system that dictates age-specific intervention approaches. Habilitation is necessary for successful adolescent treatment and recovery because what is needed is an initial process of learning, not relearning or rehabilitation. If specific adolescent issues are addressed through comprehensive, multimodality treatment approaches, then treatment and recovery outcomes for chemically dependent adolescents and their families are substantially improved. Primary care physicians must be alert to the possibility of drug use in their young patients and aware of treatment options.  相似文献   

Primary care physicians can play an important role in managing alcoholic patients. Identifying and treating alcoholism early, before it has interfered with patients'' relationships and work, may increase the likelihood of prolonged recovery. Simple office interventions can help motivate patients to abstain and seek treatment. People who abuse alcohol and are unwilling to abstain can benefit from a recommendation to reduce their intake of alcohol. For alcohol-dependent patients who decide to stop drinking, primary care physicians often can manage withdrawal on an outpatient basis. Selecting an appropriate treatment program for each alcoholic patient is important, and referral to a specialist to assist in matching patients to treatments is often necessary. Primary care physicians also can help prevent relapse. Although disulfiram is of limited value, primary care physicians can support recovery by identifying coexistent psychosocial problems, helping patients to restructure their lives, and ensuring continuity of care.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that most American physicians, at least until around the 1970s, stood in the way of developing a universal healthcare system, most are generally not happy with the current state of healthcare--or its lack thereof--today. The primary reasons for this general unhappiness are that insurance companies and managed care have successfully conspired to remove much of the physician's autonomy (via imposed time constraints, burdensome paperwork, the time-consuming chore of having to defend going against stringent treatment algorithms that are often inappropriate for some patients) and the satisfaction of knowing their patients. Few physicians in managed care organizations (MCOs) are able to practice without constant and blindly algorithmic interference concerning the diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions they order. As copayments have increased, they often find that patients, even though "covered," cannot afford the therapy they deem necessary. While physicians expect to earn sufficient to pay back their not insignificant educational debts, provide their children with help through college, and assure retirements sufficient for themselves and their spouses, these should not be considered unreasonable expectations. Most physicians today do favor universal healthcare -- to the point of having included such language in their various professional codes of ethics (which, perversely enough, bioethicists as a group have failed to do). Contrary to the claims of our colleagues, Altom and Churchill, physicians seem to be genuinely frustrated as to what else they can do to change the current inequitable system.  相似文献   

This qualitative interview study in The Netherlands and North Carolina (US) found that physician treatment decisions are influenced by contextual differences in physician training and healthcare delivery in the US and The Netherlands. Dutch physicians treating nursing home residents with dementia and pneumonia assumed active, primary responsibility for treatment decisions while US physicians were more passive and deferential to family preferences, even in cases where they considered the families' wishes inappropriate. Dutch physicians knew their patients well and made treatment decisions based on what they perceived was in the best interest of the patient while US physicians reported limited knowledge of their nursing home patients due to a lack of contact time. Efforts to improve care for patients with poor quality of life who lack decision-making capacity must consider the context of societal values, physician training, and the processes by which physicians negotiate patient and family preferences.  相似文献   

Language and cultural beliefs play an extremely important role in the interaction between patients from diverse cultural groups and physicians. Especially in emergency rooms, there are many dangers in missed communications. A patient from a foreign culture, especially one who does not speak English, often expresses symptoms in ways that are unfamiliar to many American physicians. Specific areas of cultural vulnerability can be identified for the major ethnic groups in the United States as they interact with the scientific medical system. A short review of folk medical beliefs and recommendations for improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment may assist emergency room staffs in offering care that is culturally acceptable to patients of diverse ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Marshall SE 《Bioethics》1990,4(4):292-310
Marshall examines arguments for and against physicians breaching their duty of confidentiality to persons diagnosed with HIV or AIDS by notifying third parties such as sexual partners or general practitioners who give care unrelated to HIV or AIDS. The arguments presuppose that the confidentiality right is not absolute, but may give way under certain circumstances. A physician's obligations to the larger community, for instance, may outweigh the obligation to keep a diagnosis of AIDS or HIV confidential. Marshall also argues that physicians who incur risks by treating patients with AIDS or HIV have a right to knowledge that will help them protect themselves. A patient with AIDS or HIV may be obliged to reveal this fact to physicians when seeking care for other health problems, or to allow the diagnosing physican to do so. These arguments may have implications for the debate over testing patients for AIDS or HIV without consent.  相似文献   

Health insurance in the United States is failing patients and physicians alike. In this country 37 million uninsured face economic barriers to care, and the health of many suffers as a result. The "corporatization" of medical care threatens professional values with an unprecedented administrative and commercial intrusion into the daily practice of medicine. Competitive strategies have also failed their most ostensible goal--cost control. In contrast, Canada offers a model of a national health insurance plan that provides universal and comprehensive coverage, succeeds at restraining health care inflation, and does little to abrogate the clinical autonomy of physicians in private practice. I propose that American physicians relent in their historical opposition to national health insurance and participate in the development of a universal, public insurance plan responsive to the needs of both patients and physicians.  相似文献   

P Krueger  C Patterson 《CMAJ》1997,157(8):1095-1100
OBJECTIVE: To determine family physicians'' perceptions of barriers and strategies in the effective detection and appropriate management of abused elderly people. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey; the protocol included an advance notification letter and 3 follow-up mailings. SETTING: Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, Ont. PARTICIPANTS: All active nonspecialist physicians who reported seeing elderly patients in their practices were eligible for inclusion. Fifty health service organization (HSO) physicians were randomly selected from among those listed with the HSO Mental Health Program, and 200 fee-for-service physicians were randomly selected from the Canadian Medical Directory. Of the 189 eligible physicians 122 returned completed questionnaires, a response rate of 65%. OUTCOME MEASURES: Physicians'' ratings of the importance of potential barriers in assisting older people experiencing abuse and of the usefulness of strategies for dealing with elder abuse. RESULTS: Physicians identified the following barriers as fairly or very important: denial of abuse, resistance to intervention, not knowing where to call for help, lack of protocols to assess and respond to abuse, lack of guidelines about confidentiality, fear of reprisal, and lack of knowledge of the prevalence and definition of elder abuse. Strategies deemed to be helpful included a single agency to call, a directory of services, a list of resource people, an educational package, guidelines for detection and management, reimbursement for time spent on legal matters, continuing education, revision of fee structure and a central library of resources on elder abuse. CONCLUSION: Although the physicians perceived numerous barriers to their detection and management of elder abuse, they identified many strategies that could be implemented at a local level. Preparation of an algorithm to help physicians is the next phase of this work.  相似文献   



Osteopathic philosophy is consistent with an emphasis on primary care and suggests that osteopathic physicians may have distinctive ways of interacting with their patients.


The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) was used to derive national estimates of utilization of osteopathic general and family medicine physicians during 2003 and 2004 and to examine the patient characteristics and physician-patient interactions of these osteopathic physicians. All analyses were performed using complex samples software to appropriately weigh outcomes according to the multistage probability sample design used in NAMCS and multivariate modeling was used to control for potential confounders.

Results and discussion

When weighted according to the multistage probability sample design used, the 6939 patient visits studied represented an estimated 341.4 million patient visits to general and family medicine specialists in the United States, including 64.9 million (19%) visits to osteopathic physicians and 276.5 million (81%) visits to allopathic physicians. Osteopathic physicians were a major source of care in the Northeast (odds ratio [OR], 2.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.42–6.08), providing more than one-third of general and family medicine patient visits in this geographic region. Pediatric and young adult patients (OR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.45–0.91), Hispanics (OR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.40–1.00), and non-Black racial minority groups (OR, 0.39; 95% CI, 0.18–0.82) were less likely to visit osteopathic physicians. There were no significant differences between osteopathic and allopathic physicians with regard to the time spent with patients, provision of five common preventive medicine counseling services, or a focus on preventive care during office visits.


Osteopathic physicians are a major source of general and family medicine care in the United States, particularly in the Northeast. However, pediatric and young adult patients, Hispanics, and non-Black racial minorities underutilize osteopathic physicians. There is little evidence to support a distinctive approach to physician-patient interactions among osteopathic physicians in general and family medicine, particularly with regard to time spent with patients and preventive medicine services.  相似文献   

Although generalist physicians appear to be more likely than specialists to provide care for poor adult patients, they may still perceive financial and nonfinancial barriers to caring for these patients. We studied generalist physicians'' attitudes toward caring for poor patients using focus groups and used the results to design a survey that tested the generalizability of the focus group findings. The focus groups included a total of 24 physicians in 4 California communities; the survey was administered to a random sample of 177 California general internists, family physicians, and general practitioners. The response rate was 70%. Of respondents, 77% accepted new patients with private insurance; 31% accepted new Medicaid patients, and 43% accepted new uninsured patients. Nonwhite physicians were more likely to care for uninsured and Medicaid patients than were white physicians. In addition to reimbursement, nonfinancial factors played an important role in physicians'' decisions not to care for Medicaid or uninsured patients. The perception of an increased risk of being sued was cited by 57% of physicians as important in the decision not to care for Medicaid patients and by 49% for uninsured patients. Patient characteristics such as psychosocial problems, being ungrateful for care, and noncompliance were also important. Poor reimbursement was cited by 88% of physicians as an important reason not to care for Medicaid patients and by 77% for uninsured patients. Policy changes such as universal health insurance coverage and increasing the supply of generalist physicians may not adequately improve access to care unless accompanied by changes that address generalist physicians'' financial and nonfinancial concerns about providing care for poor patients.  相似文献   

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